11-06-2007 13:42:24
Include the brand and model and anything else buyers need to know that stuff and possibly pics if you can.
11-06-2007 14:59:45
Damn! If I had a job or didnt' have rent to pay myself. Or if I wasn't going to school again soon I'd take that from you.
But right now it looks as though I'm in a similar situation as you.
Good luck!
11-06-2007 15:56:34
[quote194371e6a5="Bentley"]Include the brand and model and anything else buyers need to know that stuff and possibly pics if you can.[/quote194371e6a5]
It's a Samsung, (besides reading the description), I was able to tell by the TV's power button. P
11-06-2007 16:00:22
yes.... its the 2nd best LCD tv out right now... highly rated on all sites.....
Believe me... i dont want to sell it
I got it 20 days ago
11-06-2007 17:04:47
as you all know... i got a HDTV about a month ago from my freebie site. you can find it online for $2999..... i am in need of money for rent and i just got fired from my job! LOL... i know, good timing. I am leaving down south for college in about a month and a half.... and i need to sell it.
I feel ya man, extreme circumstances call for extreme measures.
11-06-2007 18:44:11
Problem... ebay no one goes for Tv's//// so i have to do it personal
I aint gonna pawn this Bia
11-06-2007 18:48:16
[quote5cfb6da2c9="GamersPitOnline"]Problem... ebay no one goes for Tv's//// so i have to do it personal
I aint gonna pawn this Bia
try criegs list i know they have scammer but you get more exposure and no fees.
11-06-2007 22:24:16
[quotea19a8cfbcb="GamersPitOnline"]Problem... ebay no one goes for Tv's//// so i have to do it personal
I aint gonna pawn this Bia
that IS a nice ass TV but your best bet is craigslist. People are cheap on eBay and you should feel guilty for trying to sell it on a freebie site. Good Luck with that Ill ask around to see if anyone is looking for a TV.
11-06-2007 23:08:44
thanx a lot
i posted on craigs list in Jacksonville
DO a lot fo people look.... jacksonville isnt that big
12-06-2007 05:00:25
jacksonville? where is this school thats south of you that youre headed to?
12-06-2007 07:34:34
Florida Gulf Coast in Fort Myers
15-06-2007 11:21:57
I got a call 2day from someone in SC.... offered 1800
I told him 2000 and he said he would call me back.. this was off craig's list
im getting closer