24-05-2007 22:19:19
I am selling Dragonball action figures, Dragonball cards and Pokemon cards. They're in good conditions even though they're not in their original boxes. There are some scratches here and there but I do not see anything major. You can probably paint them over to make them look new. I'm not really a fan of these cartoons so I don't really know what they are. My cousins wanted to get rid of them but I thought I could sell them to those who know the values of these toys. lol I don't know how much I'm supposed to sell them for either. PM me if you want pictures...I don't know how to put it on here.
27-05-2007 04:38:12
You could just copy and paste links... as for where to upload pics, you could go to www.imageshack.us
Just upload pics, save the link, and paste link in your post. Done!