24-05-2007 18:09:31
25-05-2007 00:44:35
How much would this be retail nowadays? I'm interested. 8)
25-05-2007 13:54:23
[quoteb144005ae2="Flamarial"]How much would this be retail nowadays? I'm interested. 8)[/quoteb144005ae2]
Hey. Going prices for these items currently are...
RP100 - $69.99
YJM308 Pedal - $29.99
BF-2 - $49.95
I paid more for these items but that was when they were brand new...
anyways if your interested give me a PM with your price! Also, if you can get me a green to PS34Free.com, have any one of these for free! get back to me!
25-05-2007 16:05:28
What condition is the RP100 in? How old is it?
25-05-2007 20:21:00
[quotea521f3ce2f="jordan90"]What condition is the RP100 in? How old is it?[/quotea521f3ce2f]
hey. it is in good condition, and works great!
26-05-2007 13:35:26
Do you have a price range for the whole set? 8)
27-05-2007 14:41:11
$85 for the whole set, shipped.
27-06-2007 06:20:47
better think of trading with this user.
he still owes my $45
If you like your cash keep it in your pocket.
28-06-2007 14:36:01
[quote59d3570058="Hamburger"]better think of trading with this user.
he still owes my $45
If you like your cash keep it in your pocket.[/quote59d3570058]
you need to contact a mod. He should be banned by now.
28-06-2007 15:26:26
and thank you to both of you for messing up my thread. i didnt scam anybody, i keep getting the same BS, im building up my TR here and i am sick and tired of people thinking im a scammer. now i have to make a new post about my stuff that im trying to sell. thanks for wasting my time.
28-06-2007 18:26:45
ill give you $50 + shipping for the lot. Shipping upfront and the rest will be sent to a mod at which point once it arrives ill notify them and they can transfer the cash to you.
29-06-2007 09:52:38
[quote5157c69905="Rangerbob86"]and thank you to both of you for messing up my thread. i didnt scam anybody, i keep getting the same BS, im building up my TR here and i am sick and tired of people thinking im a scammer. now i have to make a new post about my stuff that im trying to sell. thanks for wasting my time.[/quote5157c69905]
Give me my money back then I wont call you scammer anymore.
Best wishes
29-06-2007 10:48:41
[quote205c4d611b="Rangerbob86"]and thank you to both of you for messing up my thread. i didnt scam anybody, i keep getting the same BS, im building up my TR here and i am sick and tired of people thinking im a scammer. now i have to make a new post about my stuff that im trying to sell. thanks for wasting my time.[/quote205c4d611b]
No problem. I'll be there in the new thread you create. wink
I dare you to contact a mod.
29-06-2007 14:00:24
i dont even know who you are. i never scammed you, much less ever contacted you. are you just that bad of a person that you go out of your way to ruin other people? or do you just have nothing better to do?
29-06-2007 14:43:42
Seriously, if you owe people money -- pay them back, otherwise - do not post here.
30-06-2007 16:30:09
Back in 2006 or whenever you agreed to our trade on a4f I sent you the money immediately since my TR was lower, you never went green - I contacted you over AIM Email and PM in three forums and I havent even got a reply till this crap now.
Remember me now ? Same name on a4f and several other names on your forum.