19-05-2007 15:27:13

http/" alt=""/img.photobucket.com/albums/v336/Jams44/img="_0693.jpg[" alt=""/imgd778089582]
2 - BR50 Motorola v3 Batteries
2- External Speaker + Holder
2 - Cameras
1 - Set of Black Rubber Plungers
2 - LCD Screens (each come with both front and back)
2 - Broken Motherboards (can be fixed?)
1 - Set of a lot of nuts and buttons (Silver - some great condition)
1 - Set of screws (assortment w/ mouthpiece aluminum strip)
5 - Keyboards(1 Gold (top flaps broken) + 4 Silver (GREAT condition))
2 - Frames (1 black + 1 silver)
1 - Black Housing (Cingular branded)
1 - Gold Housing Set (includes great condition buttons and kinda torn up nuts)
1 - Assortment of Silver housing parts (Faceplates, mouthpieces, battery doors)
1 - Brand New Charger
I'm looking for $75 shipped, you could sell each part individually for more than this so this is a great deal!
19-05-2007 16:44:11
You know...you could just buy one used then do a warranty exchange with your service provider and get a new /refurb.
19-05-2007 16:55:58
Do you have a verizon wireless Razor battery?
Edit nevermind just bought one off ebay
20-05-2007 13:05:28
the parts are well worth over $100 - im getting offers for RAZRs and SLVRs and even more iPods from other forums, just a heads up to what the price range is.
29-05-2007 20:10:11
Price changed - $75 for all parts!