22-04-2007 09:00:07
[quote0d1ca84e02="aaaaadult"]so many! i like![/quote0d1ca84e02]
Price lowered to Buy It Now for $90 with $20 shipping. I don't want much profit, I just wanna sell for ~ store price.
22-04-2007 12:08:58
shipping price is ridiculous...some one can just go to the store and purchase it and save much more.
22-04-2007 13:30:30
[quote54dbe0a291="junkie06"]shipping price is ridiculous...some one can just go to the store and purchase it and save much more.[/quote54dbe0a291]
I calculated shipping at ~$15 using the calculator and I'm looking to make at least some profit because of the rarity, but I've lowered it to $16.
22-04-2007 15:39:39
First one sold for $106 shipped, now selling a second one. )