26-03-2007 05:50:18
Has anyone ordered prescription glasses online before? I was worried about doing so but considering the regular optical places have mark-ups in the neighborhood of 1000% (completely true) I thought I'd give it a whirl.
I ordered 3 pairs of prescription sunglasses, each anywhere from $20-$35 after shipping.
Very curious to see what I get. I ordered from 3 separate vendors so hopefully at least one of them will turn out great.
I used lbweyewear.com, zennioptical.com, globaleyeglasses.com
the globaleyeglasses has sport/wrap-arounds with prescription which makes me suspicious. I know that cutting curved/wrap around prescription lenses are expensive and require a certain kind of bevel to avoid a fishbowl effect. For some reason I doubt that this place is going to go to those lengths for that price.
Regardless, I spent much less than I would have for even a single pair at a place like Lens Crafters so even if 2 of them are garbage I come out ahead.
I read reviews online and it seems the quality is hit or miss, but the general online consensus is that they are still better than walmart optical (which is complete shit and would have run me at least $100).
27-03-2007 17:17:03
Let me know how they turn out. I spent about $345 for my glasses a couple of weeks ago-- and that was with 50% off the lenses! /
Big War Bird
27-03-2007 18:09:10
Rx glasses cost me about 300 to 400 a pop too.