Quiznos & Mountain Dew & Pepsi Coupons =D

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=56697


14-03-2007 07:09:16

I just recently posted this on A4F but thought some of y'all might appreciate it too. Free chips and soda yay!

My original post[=http//www.anything4free.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=87832]My original post - and while you're over there, everyone's welcome to enjoy in my organized list of free samples on A4F, its a collection of everything other people have posted.

Humongogiganticmonstrous List[=http//www.anything4free.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=83653]Humongogiganticmonstrous List lol (hasn't been updated for almost a month but still has a lot of good stuff inside)


Since I was registered for the Pepsi Promo email (after registering for the KFC contest lol), I got this the other day. Here are the pictures of the email,

Quiznos Coupon
http/" alt=""/img207.imageshack.us/img="207/4953/quiznoscouponfp7.jpg[" alt=""/img5c3fc0bbc4]

then when you click on the links from the email page, it brings you here

[img="5c3fc0bbc4]http//www.quiznos.com/promotions/pepsi/images/prgb.jpg[" alt=""/img5c3fc0bbc4]

[img="5c3fc0bbc4]http//www.quiznos.com/promotions/pepsi/images/coupon.jpg[" alt=""/img5c3fc0bbc4]

Mountain Dew Blue Shock Slurpee Coupon Page
[img="5c3fc0bbc4]http/" alt=""/img207.imageshack.us/img="207/5853/blueshockcouponqy7.jpg[" alt=""/img5c3fc0bbc4]



Pepsi Jazz Coupon
[img="5c3fc0bbc4]http/" alt=""/img254.imageshack.us/img="254/6846/pepsijazzcouponsr3.jpg[" alt=""/img5c3fc0bbc4]


Pepsi Racing Hood
[img="5c3fc0bbc4]http/" alt=""/img231.imageshack.us/img="231/3629/pepsiracinghoodsweepmg2.jpg[" alt=""/img5c3fc0bbc4]


So I don't know if those other links work because my internet connection is so slow and messed up over here, but you guys can try to click on them. I'm also not sure if the email links and printed coupons will have my name or email printed on them so... if someone wants to check, let me know lol.

Anyways, at least the quiznos coupon picture will work! enjoy!

That toasty sub makes my mouth water...


14-03-2007 09:31:05

I'm addicted to Quizno's, and love Slurpies.

It's entirely possible that we are related. ;)


14-03-2007 10:07:11

Thanks a lot! I think I will try that Slurpee )