TYPO in CircuitCity ad. Speakers normal $699 for $299
25-02-2007 11:45:26
shows the typo... ^
shows the actual price...^
so sorry for double threading but thought you all would love to know this.
I'm going to print out that ad from the internet, and try to get one in the store today... if anyone has any luck let me know... Saw that posted in Fatwallet.com forums, thought of spreading the word
Once again sorry for double threading.... hope no ones too pissed, and can enjoy the info
EDIT if anyone finds anything wrong about this info please let me know... i'm investigating as we speak
25-02-2007 14:24:25
NO LUCK for me... if anyone can pull this off... let me know.... they published some kind of disclaimer that very morning about the price... there no negotiating for me
25-02-2007 16:50:42
about a 1% chance of getting this to work, but i've seen people do more with less. good luck
25-02-2007 17:01:36
thanks... yea my uncle is the best with this kinda stuff... me being 17 yrs old doesnt have much of an impact on the world... prob better chance of me dancing naked singing blues to get more recognition
27-02-2007 17:17:53
Price Match it to best buy... I wanna know if this would work.
27-02-2007 17:29:22
Rarely ever do stores honor typos. It's probably in the TOS if you read it.
27-02-2007 18:14:32
[quote758d8757c8="redman12"]Price Match it to best buy... I wanna know if this would work.[/quote758d8757c8]
thats wussup... im gunna try that
EDIT... just dug out the ad from the recycle bin.... i doubt it would work tho.... i mean... itsa BIG jump in price im sure they would call for that much money hahaha
27-02-2007 19:10:37
Let me know if it works...I'm gonna try it too I think.
27-02-2007 19:19:10
im going tomorrow first thing after class... post all ur results... this worked for multiple people on fat wallet forums... im shocked i never thought of it +kma redman
27-02-2007 19:28:27
Do you think bestbuy will take a printed copy of the add since I'm not going to be able to get my hands on the print ad?
27-02-2007 19:43:59
Hmm... id definately try it... try to print every possible thing from the site to make it look as legit as possible... also bring a link to the site in case they want to check the price themselves on their computer
27-02-2007 20:17:13
yeah...I printed the page from the add by itself, and then I printed a screenshot of the page being open to CC's website and you can clearly see the link in the address bar. I'll be hitting up BB tomorrow afternoon to give it a shot. I wish their store locater was working though so I could see if they even had any in stock.
28-02-2007 03:53:04
well i heard someone in fatwallet forums who went to BB and they didnt have any so they contacted the warehouse and he is going to get it. they are going to order for him. and listen to this. they didnt just match the price... they beat it giving it to him for 269.99
EDIT wait do u ask for a price match, or if they can do better?
i dont think im going to ask if they can do better because it looks fishy as it is... the 299 denon system, is sitting right next to a correctly marked denon piece(1 piece of the system which is 299 already). im probably just going to say... i've had some bad experiences with CC, and i didnt even both going there kuz i trust BB more
28-02-2007 08:41:11
I've heard several people getting in on this one. congrats if it works
28-02-2007 11:30:47
im going right now... if it doesnt work there im going to try elsewhere.... but i dont know where to do other than best buy.... where else can i find stuff like this...
28-02-2007 14:47:19
Just got back from bestbuy... failed at BB, and Sears. Best buy is in same mall as circuit city, and have already had people coming in... nobody wins.. sears dont even carry denon
01-03-2007 16:49:00
i just tried to PM at BB, but i got shafted. The CS people didn't know, but when i got the guy at home theater to help me load it up, he was like nice try.
01-03-2007 16:59:44
lmao... same as me... but... w.e its not illegal... we r just testing their intelligence
01-03-2007 22:57:00
Tried it a few days ago with no luck. Best Buy was going to PM it, but they were sold out. Most of California was sold out actually. CC denied me.
02-03-2007 04:10:16
[quote78b3afca8b="OrderGiftsFree"]Tried it a few days ago with no luck. Best Buy was going to PM it, but they were sold out. Most of California was sold out actually. CC denied me.[/quote78b3afca8b]
one of the people on fatwallet forums said that even tho bestbuy was out, he was even able to ORDER a new unit for 269.99