17-02-2007 10:19:59
Check it out
17-02-2007 11:35:31
I got a gateway, and I think it was a steal for the specs...and I haven't had an issue w/ it since I got it in September. I bought mine from BB b/c of the gift certificates I had from freepay. I paid $1000 for it.
Intel Core 2 Duo 1.66 w/ 2GB Ram, DL Burner, 160 GB HDD, 15.4" Screen......I think that's all the important info about it...
The 2gb ram was the selling point for me. I bought it just too soon to get the Vista upgrade, but I'm really in no hurry to leave XP behind. I had many more problems with a previous Sony laptop I had, and would not hesitate to buy another Gateway machine. This thing has been awesome for me.