I'm willing to go and grab some Prepaid Gift Cards for you, but in return you must pay first with either a choice of $4+10% or $10 flat rate(For under $100, if over $100 PM me and we will work something out due to large amount) to cover ALL Fees possible, such as Purchasing Fee(There is a fee when buying these cards), PayPal Fees, Gas etc...=] Or [b1b40633953]instead of paying all fees[/b1b40633953], you also have a choice of getting me a green at OrderCash4free!! =] THANKS!
11-02-2007 23:32:13
might be hard for users to feel comfortable with paying you FIRST since you've not established yourself as a trader around here yet...
Yeah but how do you expect me to come buy a large amt on a card.
12-02-2007 08:34:18
Yeah I'm going to end this before it gets going. This is either going to lead to people getting ripped off or using the cards to scam offers...