WTB 360 Games
01-02-2007 15:27:39
Yah im looking for new games..kinda cheap if possible..so please post if you have any for sale.
09-02-2007 14:27:01
11-02-2007 15:15:29
I got battlefield 2 if you want it.
11-02-2007 15:54:24
gears of war for $45 or will list on ebay for $47 ( extra to cover fees ) and then u can get the $15 rebate from paypal....
11-02-2007 15:55:24
For Sale ---
- BattleField 2
- Call of Duty 3
- Oblivion
11-02-2007 15:56:20
[quote749a71954a="pspparty"]gears of war for $45 or will list on ebay for $47 ( extra to cover fees ) and then u can get the $15 rebate from paypal....[/quote749a71954a]
already have it =( but i may take other people's offers up on their game =)
11-02-2007 18:29:16
Ive got Hitman Blood money.
11-02-2007 20:26:22
I have Phantasy star universe for $25
Perfect Dark Zero for $20
Kameo $15
11-02-2007 20:34:48
Top Spin tennis
Tiger Woods 06
NCAA football
Dead Rising
12-02-2007 05:55:13
how much for top spin?
12-02-2007 08:26:57
top spin 20 shipped?
12-02-2007 08:33:37
[quotef4b73ed8e2="J4320"]For Sale ---
- BattleField 2
- Call of Duty 3
- Oblivion[/quotef4b73ed8e2]
What's the Moderator Special on Oblivion? ;)
12-02-2007 12:16:24
how much for burnout and oblvion?
BD2006BD 2
12-02-2007 12:50:39
how much for dead rising? Hows the condition of it?
12-02-2007 16:14:14
[quotecee0804c6f="CollidgeGraduit"][quotecee0804c6f="J4320"]For Sale ---
- BattleField 2
- Call of Duty 3
- Oblivion[/quotecee0804c6f]
What's the Moderator Special on Oblivion? ;)[/quotecee0804c6f]
Actually I'm starting to get second thoughts about selling it. P
I think I'll just sell -
BattleField 2
Call of Duty 3
Halo 2
I wish I didn't get rid of my Halo CE. I'd rather have that than Halo 2. (
12-02-2007 16:51:08
Dead rising is in excellent condition 20 shipped
Burnout excellent condition 10 shipped
PM me to set up the deal
12-02-2007 16:58:06
If anyone has viva pinata, and how much... i want it...
12-02-2007 18:21:58
Someone make an official 360 game trading thread that we can sticky.
13-02-2007 12:53:53
[quote7fcfc0dfa8="guelah75"]Dead rising is in excellent condition 20 shipped
Burnout excellent condition 10 shipped
PM me to set up the deal[/quote7fcfc0dfa8]
is it burnout revenge?
13-02-2007 13:26:54
Ive got viva pinata basically brand new if you make me a tempting enough offer.
13-02-2007 13:28:54
[quoteb00891629b="JOSHBOX"]Ive got viva pinata basically brand new if you make me a tempting enough offer.[/quoteb00891629b]
i was thinking about getting that...but im not sure if its worth it or not..why are you seeling it so quick?
13-02-2007 13:36:18
[quote6d6344e2f4="dupebag"][quote6d6344e2f4="JOSHBOX"]Ive got viva pinata basically brand new if you make me a tempting enough offer.[/quote6d6344e2f4]
i was thinking about getting that...but im not sure if its worth it or not..why are you seeling it so quick?[/quote6d6344e2f4]
...because he enjoys it so much...
13-02-2007 13:39:21
[quote49936c5d3b="J4320"][quote49936c5d3b="dupebag"][quote49936c5d3b="JOSHBOX"]Ive got viva pinata basically brand new if you make me a tempting enough offer.[/quote49936c5d3b]
i was thinking about getting that...but im not sure if its worth it or not..why are you seeling it so quick?[/quote49936c5d3b]
...because he enjoys it so much...[/quote49936c5d3b]
then ill let him keep it...
13-02-2007 23:02:16
burnout revenge - yes
Top Spin tennis
all money from the sale of these games will goto the forum
so lets get these last two games sold !
13-02-2007 23:11:02
I would take top spin for a friend for $15 shipped.
14-02-2007 15:46:10
i have call of duty 2, pretty good condition, no scratches or anything. I still have the case and manual...$28 shipped?
14-02-2007 16:18:02
Nearly new (opened but perfect and complete) Lost Planet Extreme Condition $45 shipped.
14-02-2007 16:19:47
[quote44e7164dc4="Killer722"]Nearly new (opened but perfect and complete) Lost Planet Extreme Condition $45 shipped.[/quote44e7164dc4]
How good is that game? I have heard mixed reviews.
14-02-2007 16:30:40
Personally I enjoyed the single player game a lot, despite the lacking story. The online is really solid, but I'm really not ready get into another online game because Gears is all I play. Honestly, I'd give it an 8.5/10.
14-02-2007 16:37:11
[quoteacf9ad0e4d="Killer722"]Personally I enjoyed the single player game a lot, despite the lacking story. The online is really solid, but I'm really not ready get into another online game because Gears is all I play. Honestly, I'd give it an 8.5/10.[/quoteacf9ad0e4d]
Yah i play gears but i need to get better at it..im also in search of the next big online game
14-02-2007 16:52:20
Lots of people from all over the world play Lost Planet, and as far as "next biggest" to Gears, Rainbow Six is your best bet.
14-02-2007 16:53:29
[quoteb76327d566="Killer722"]Lots of people from all over the world play Lost Planet, and as far as "next biggest" to Gears, Rainbow Six is your best bet.[/quoteb76327d566]
I already have it.Im trying to beat the campaign but im stukk on this one part
14-02-2007 16:55:59
[quoted286478201="dupebag"][quoted286478201="Killer722"]Lots of people from all over the world play Lost Planet, and as far as "next biggest" to Gears, Rainbow Six is your best bet.[/quoted286478201]
I already have it.Im trying to beat the campaign but im stukk on this one part[/quoted286478201]
Which part?
14-02-2007 16:58:10
Uhmm you have to hack that van in the middle of the street..its the very last part of the Vegas streets chapter..and these terrorists come out of nowhere and i keep dying from this explosion..i dont know if it a grenade or what.. all i know is..its pissing me off
14-02-2007 16:59:46
i enjoy cod3 for online play
14-02-2007 17:02:02
[quote023da37a2a="dupebag"]Uhmm you have to hack that van in the middle of the street..its the very last part of the Vegas streets chapter..and these terrorists come out of nowhere and i keep dying from this explosion..i dont know if it a grenade or what.. all i know is..its pissing me off[/quote023da37a2a]
This guide is pretty sweet and should help you.
14-02-2007 18:10:37
fifa 2006 $35 shipped excellent condition
Final Fantasy $30 shipped excellent condition
16-02-2007 16:12:39
[quote16756bdbed="guelah75"]burnout revenge - yes
Top Spin tennis
all money from the sale of these games will goto the forum
so lets get these last two games sold ![/quote16756bdbed]
17-02-2007 16:19:11
[quote94ecc97733="gmario"]I have Phantasy star universe for $25
Perfect Dark Zero for $20
Kameo $15[/quote94ecc97733]
Perfect Dark Zero sold to
24-02-2007 19:34:41
Im bumping this..i just got crackdown and am getting tiger woods pga 07 from yourfree360games.com but i am still looking