FS: Freebie Script from MyEasyScripts.com
I have been given permission to link this to A4F's site, where I am allowed to sell it. I am not allowed to sale this here, that is why.
Please only contact me on A4F or through AIM AimanQ.
liDO NOT pm me about it on these forums, or else a ban can result in it. You have been warned
Thank You
13-01-2007 21:26:04
I gave him permission to post this.
[quote5b872f5682="theysayjump"]I gave him permission to post this.[/quote5b872f5682]
Arghh, why am I not getting email notifications anymore! Did dmorris disable it or something?
14-01-2007 09:26:11
[quote3dbf2c6e7e="kala"][quote3dbf2c6e7e="theysayjump"]I gave him permission to post this.[/quote3dbf2c6e7e]
Arghh, why am I not getting email notifications anymore! Did dmorris disable it or something?[/quote3dbf2c6e7e]
14-01-2007 09:41:17
25-01-2007 16:49:42
stop bumping, it's obvious no one want's to buy it
25-01-2007 16:57:06
[quotee49bd5fbf6="irannaked"]stop bumping, it's obvious no one want's to buy it[/quotee49bd5fbf6]
You totally thread crapped and it's not tolerated here.
What a lozer. Is there a rule that I can't bump every 24 hrs too now?
For your information, I have had MANY people contact me, just waiting for more offers before I make my decision.
27-01-2007 06:57:25
[quote05f79699c7="kala"]What a lozer. Is there a rule that I can't bump every 24 hrs too now?
For your information, I have had MANY people contact me, just waiting for more offers before I make my decision.[/quote05f79699c7]
nah, there isn't a rule but there isn't a point to bump when your thread is in the same spot since the last 24 hours
27-01-2007 07:17:21
His bumping is fine. However, threadcrapping in his thread is not.
[quote085adc6f3f="findme"][quote085adc6f3f="kala"]What a lozer. Is there a rule that I can't bump every 24 hrs too now?
For your information, I have had MANY people contact me, just waiting for more offers before I make my decision.[/quote085adc6f3f]
nah, there isn't a rule but there isn't a point to bump when your thread is in the same spot since the last 24 hours[/quote085adc6f3f]
Well, I don't always check where my post is in the Sale section, I just post 'bump' after the 24 hours.
http/" alt=""/img260.imageshack.us/img="260/7366/newspaper2uu9.jpg[" alt=""/imgdb617dc0be]
http/" alt=""/img260.imageshack.us/img="260/7366/newspaper2uu9.jpg[" alt=""/img292da43adf][/quote292da43adf]
http/" alt=""/img260.imageshack.us/img="260/7366/newspaper2uu9.jpg[" alt=""/imgcbc0b576cb][/quotecbc0b576cb][/quotecbc0b576cb]
http/" alt=""/img260.imageshack.us/img="260/7366/newspaper2uu9.jpg[" alt=""/img8259291604][/quote8259291604][/quote8259291604][/quote8259291604]
02-02-2007 08:50:05
let me know when you sell this script..
[quote679edd8f25="irannaked"]let me know when you sell this script..[/quote679edd8f25]
05-02-2007 12:09:02
cuz i wanna see who buy's it.
09-02-2007 00:07:00
so basically what you are doing is reselling a script for some profit?
Profit, how? I got it for $575 and I'm selling it at $475
14-02-2007 20:08:23
umm maybe if you lower the price you might get more buyers
15-02-2007 09:37:55
Mm, price is a little high. I'm semi-interested, but only at a better price.