16-12-2006 10:01:32
Obopay is a paypal like service, and there giving 5 or 25 dollar free mastercards just for signing up, if your an ampd mobile customer you get the 25, if your not you get the 5, but some people have been getting 25 when there not even claming to be a ampd mobile, even the 5 dollars is worth it. They do require your social, I did it and got my card and everything worked out well but im sure some people may not want to. The sites you also get 5 if you refer someone so if your gonna sign up for it id appreciate going up as my ref, id give karma in return.
17-12-2006 01:42:28
PM link, I'll check it out.
09-01-2007 19:13:03
yeah PM the link to me too
10-01-2007 11:25:46
Same here, if it is open to Canadians that is.
10-01-2007 13:12:07
pm me!! lol (or you could post the link and save on some work)
10-01-2007 17:42:12