This is a search engine like Blingo where you can win prizes and cash. this is easier to win since you earn points for searching and those points go towards the monthly $500 sweepstakes.
06-11-2006 16:47:14
[quotee97b772085="TFOAF"]ref link alert.[/quotee97b772085]
In case you done understand what TFOAF means he means that this site does not allow the public posting of refferal links such as the one you have posted
07-11-2006 19:50:48
Sure eh?
Sounds like someone needs to be taken back to the barn for a good ole fashion beat down.
12-11-2006 09:16:09
And your ref link is still up and you just bumped it. Reported.
12-11-2006 11:21:55
Not only edited, but locked for the OP being a little TOO slow on the uptake (being told 3 times you can't have your ref link posted on this site). roll
12-11-2006 11:34:20
Not quite locked yet!
EDIT Yah... got a post in before the mod locked it... sweet.
12-11-2006 14:42:24
TSJ must be off his meds. Being the swell guy I am, I've got his back. ;)