Apple Ipod VIDEO Black *Broken LCD* Fixable

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22-09-2006 14:50:54

This is a Video Ipod. Black. 30 GB. It was diagnosed by Apple; it has a broken LCD screen. It is replaceable. Ipod is in decent condition considering a car ran it over. ipod still works just nothing is visible on the screen. im looking for around 75$ OBO.

its easy to fix just buy a new lcd from ebay. i have no desire to fix it because i am getting a brand new video ipod from a free site.


22-09-2006 15:48:19

Is the case deformed?


22-09-2006 18:50:32

the front peice is not deformed the back has some dings in it.


22-09-2006 19:37:10

pics please


22-09-2006 19:45:38

i will put up pics tommorw i gotta borrrow my sisters camera. mine is broken i havent used it in like 2 months i go to use it all happy i found it to find out its broken


22-09-2006 20:14:46

wow everythings broken what happened


22-09-2006 20:35:17

I also have a broken ipod i'm gonna look into selling it as well.
Mine's the opposite.. I think there might be a problem with the hard drive or something. Nothing's damaged.. scratched up due to use.. but nothing serious. What happens on mine is it only works when it's plugged into a power source. As soon as I unplug it, it freezes and the screen slowly fades out.


22-09-2006 20:35:46

[quotef422104f0d="freaky1718"]wow everythings broken what happened[/quotef422104f0d]

He said a car ran over it


22-09-2006 20:53:50

omg i am so slow thats what happens when you dont read the first post


22-09-2006 21:10:54

heya, maybe interested, PM me when pics are up


23-09-2006 04:51:34

http/" alt=""/"128/139" alt=""/imgp5575vq6.jpg[/imgd203209444]
powered on

[img="d203209444]http/" alt=""/"211/6629" alt=""/imgp5574qf5.jpg[/imgd203209444]
shows little dings on back, sorry about the shadow i couldnt figure out a good angle to get dings without getting a shadow.

[img="d203209444]http/" alt=""/"54/9214" alt=""/imgp5569ao5.jpg[/imgd203209444]

ipod is in fairly good condition considering it did get run over from a car. the ipod still plays music perfectly fine just nothing is visible on the screen.


23-09-2006 08:09:42

lol its like a 30/60 gig jump drive now...
liFree bumpli


24-09-2006 08:56:12

ill give u 10$ shipped.


24-09-2006 09:38:05

[quote0a1425386a="amir89630"]ill give u 10$ shipped.[/quote0a1425386a]

Nice offer. roll


25-09-2006 09:56:29

10$ is tempting but im gonna have to say no


25-09-2006 10:00:13

I will give you $30 PLUS shipping costs to the UK.


25-09-2006 14:56:46

I'm selling mine on ebay



25-09-2006 14:59:46

[quote307c76fcd1="bruman"]I'm selling mine on ebay


Have you tried restoring while using the newest iTunes?


25-09-2006 15:07:25

[quote85eb91ed5a="J4320"][quote85eb91ed5a="bruman"]I'm selling mine on ebay


Have you tried restoring while using the newest iTunes?[/quote85eb91ed5a]

I've tried restoring it lots of times.. but not with the newest itunes.. I don't think that would work anyways. Even if, i'm tired of trying to get it to work and just want to get rid of it.


25-09-2006 15:43:26

Ouch dude, you shouldnt of opended it up on ebay. i am about to bid $5 on it, and hope that you ship to the UK. User name is $uper.seller. 1000+ 100%


25-09-2006 15:44:33

nvm the auction ended with no bids?? wtf


25-09-2006 15:44:39

Nevermind, I just found out my iPod is still under warranty. I just filed a request at

I opened the iPod up a few times to try to figure out the problem.. hopefully they won't know and it won't void my warranty s.


25-09-2006 16:03:31

im looking for more than 30$ for this sry, oh and if it matters there is like 5000 rap songs on it still which are included for free. i will ship it with the orignal box, and usb cable and earbuds with 2 sets of replacement black thingies


25-09-2006 16:56:16

I'm not sure if anyone here will pay for a broken iPod for what you are expecting to get. You might want to try ebay. I think people buy broken stuff there because alot of tech people browse ebay for deals that they can fix.


26-09-2006 11:06:26

it was worth a shot im going to put it on ebay tommorow or tonight if i get a chance


26-09-2006 16:47:10

what is the lowest you would ship it to zip 67042?


27-09-2006 07:57:40

70$ shipped


01-10-2006 03:08:22

I'm so glad I used the warranty instead of selling it on ebay. They sent me a replacement unit, should be getting it on monday )