Machiavelli X
28-08-2006 21:21:29
This is a airsoft gun. If you dont know what it is do a google search. Airsoft is lots of fun. I am selling my gun right now on ebay if any one is intersted than please bid ) Also if someone can watch the auction for me so I can feel special thanks!
28-08-2006 21:23:46
It looks like you spray painted the orange tip?
I watched the item for you.
29-08-2006 09:46:42
Will it shoot my eyes out? I think you should put disclaimer saying you are not responsible for popping out eyes.
29-08-2006 13:01:28
how fast do they shoot compared to a p-ball gun, i considered a handgun once...
29-08-2006 17:39:29
[quotec10f9b9ffc="VrExe"]Will it shoot my eyes out? I think you should put disclaimer saying you are not responsible for popping out eyes.[/quotec10f9b9ffc]
http//[" alt=""/imgc10f9b9ffc]
Machiavelli X
29-08-2006 19:32:02
It shoots 400 fps. And no I did not painted it black, that is a full metal black flash hider. Thanks for wacthing it guys. Also if you shot someone in the eye with this, it would probally pierce his eyeball.