25-08-2006 15:42:19
hello, i am going to be selling a USR5411 Wireless MAXg PC Card (regular price $60) , game boy advance, and 3 nextel i860 clips and one i870 clips all of this will be [bb1c635f001]sold for your asking price[/bb1c635f001]. thanks!!! its all new by the way!!!
25-08-2006 16:16:08
what are the nextel i860 clips? Did u just mean cell phones?
25-08-2006 17:32:48
the clips are used to hold your the i870 & i860 on your belt or whatever you may want to clip it on.
25-08-2006 17:47:06
is the gba the brighter one? color?
25-08-2006 18:35:30
the gamyboy advace is the color screened version, i will sell it for your asking price.
25-08-2006 18:58:34
here is the link to the never used new pc card that came as a bundle with my router i bought from sams club - http//