24-08-2006 13:24:10
Wow, just did this, so far racked up $179. Don't add more than 99 dollars to your cart or your order won't go through. Rip off these bigots!
Here's how to do it
1. Go to and you will see their home page.
2. Once you're at the home page, look for the "Resources" link in the blue bar on the left-hand side, right above the "Search" box, and click it.
3. Under the "Resource Category" menu on the left-hand side, you'll notice categories such as "Homosexuality." Go ahead and click that for shits and giggles.
4. It's time to start shopping! Scroll down a little bit and feel the homophobia flow. How about a nice copy of A Parent's Guide to Preventing Homosexuality? Go ahead and click the "Add to Cart" button.
5. Now comes a tough decision Do you have the book sent to yourself so you can sell it on eBay for cash (my personal favorite) or do you keep it on your mantel as a high-larious conversation piece to point at and laugh when your friends and family come over? Or do you send it to a jerk? I always opt for sending it to myself. Yes, you may end up on the Focus on the Family mailing list (though I've been doing this for some time and have never received anything beyond what I ordered), but reading Focus on the Family's junk mail is a good way to keep tabs on their activities and it will cost them even more money in postage.
Please note Focus on the Family won't send you more than $100 worth of materials for free in any given shopping trip, so be sure to keep it reasonable and return often.
6. Select "Add New Shipping Address" and click "Proceed to Checkout." Or, hell, continue to shop and pick up a box set of The Chronicles of Narnia on CD.
7. The next screen will ask you to sign up for an account and give your information. Don't worry, they don't ask for your credit-card number. Enter whatever name and address you like, because you won't be paying. You might want to make up a phone number, too.
8. Once you've filled out all the required fields (you can also create a fake e-mail account if you're super paranoid), click "Proceed to Checkout" one more time. You'll now find yourself at the "Here Is Your Cart" field. Annoying thing alert You may have to reenter your info again after this field to actually set up your account. But just keep going until you get to the "How Much Would You Like to Donate?" page.
9. So, how much would you like to donate? Zero dollars, obviously. Don't be fooled by the field in the lower-right-hand corner that shows you the suggested donation amounts. Simply select "Enter other total amount" and enter 0.00 as the amount you would like to pay. (Don't put in a dollar sign or it will ask you for credit-card information!) Proceed to checkout.
10. You'll now be led to a screen that will try to make you feel guilty about the amount you haven't donated. But don't feel bad! Just proceed to checkout again.
11. Jesus! Here you are on the twelfth step and you still don't have your self-hatred materials! And you thought preventing homosexuality was supposed to be easy! Click "Checkout Now" and you're done.
24-08-2006 14:21:33
I would do it but I don't want to get on any mailing lists for these freaks and partners.
24-08-2006 14:43:11
So far people haven't been receiving any spam, but nobody can predict the future i guess. You can use fake, Name, Email, and Phone if you prefer, but obviously the address must be accurate.
24-08-2006 15:50:11
[quote4c72a048c1="AlreadyHome"]So far people haven't been receiving any spam, but nobody can predict the future i guess. You can use fake, Name, Email, and Phone if you prefer, but obviously the address must be accurate.[/quote4c72a048c1]
That's illegal -_-
24-08-2006 16:11:32
Man, I think most people will feel bad about doing this because isn't selling any of these stuff in the first place. They all are technically free. If you look at any of the product page, the price actually represents "suggested donation".
Althought this is very tempting...
24-08-2006 18:28:54
They are selling anti gay and lesbian propaganda, I don't feel a damn thing.
unknown uchiha
24-08-2006 19:03:28
I find that this is a waste of time.
24-08-2006 21:21:51
I should order a bunch of anti gay/lesbian stuff and have it shipped to an old friend's house. lol
24-08-2006 21:26:51
But I won't because it's too troublesome.
25-08-2006 16:25:40
Did you actually get this stuff? I donated $20 for the Narnia set, wonder if they'll decide to keep my money and not send my stuff or not ?