22-08-2006 15:19:01
Bundle Includes[list610a3bf4e4]
[li610a3bf4e4]Used Nintendo DS Lite Polar White US Verison (9.99/10)
[li610a3bf4e4]NDS-Lite Box and Manuals
[li610a3bf4e4]EZ-Flash Cartiage (Plays NDS+GBA+Homebrew Games!!!)
[li610a3bf4e4]EZ-flash Replaceable Cases (Black and Sky Blue)
[li610a3bf4e4]MircoSD 1GB
[li610a3bf4e4]SD Card Readers
[/listu610a3bf4e4]BIN $250 Shipped (Added 4% w/ paypal)
Starting Offer $220!

http//i2.tinypic.com/245xzyq.jpg[" alt=""/img610a3bf4e4]
[img="610a3bf4e4]http//i4.tinypic.com/245y1cy.jpg[" alt=""/img610a3bf4e4]
[img="610a3bf4e4]http//i2.tinypic.com/24c6w5i.jpg[" alt=""/img610a3bf4e4]
[img="610a3bf4e4]http//i1.tinypic.com/24c6vsw.jpg[" alt=""/img610a3bf4e4]
[img="610a3bf4e4]http//i3.tinypic.com/24c6woy.jpg[" alt=""/img610a3bf4e4]
P.S. w0rldfamous is my ebay account SN!
23-08-2006 18:33:55
hey will u just sell the
# EZ-Flash Cartiage (Plays NDS+GBA+Homebrew Games!!!)
# EZ-Pass3
# SD Card Readers ?
24-08-2006 17:31:15
Ill by the ezflash and pass from you.
24-08-2006 18:10:24
yea..is it the real one? i heard that the fake ones r going around
30-08-2006 01:17:00
[quote693d916542="punjabi_munda"]yea..is it the real one? i heard that the fake ones r going around[/quote693d916542]
this is 100% authentic, the fake ones that you are taking about are the supercards. thanks for the concern.