01-08-2006 22:28:13
I really need to get rid of my 80 hour tivo. It is new, factory sealed. I will trade it for a $100 epassporte gift card. That is a really great deal. This retails at like $350+. I will accept a $100 epassporte gift card. PM me or reply here. My AIM is unlabeledbooze. Here are the specs on the tivo
02-08-2006 04:40:29
I will accept $75 in an epassporte gift certificate. (with the $5 sending fee, I will only receive $70)
02-08-2006 14:34:08
okay I will now sell it to anyone for a $70 epassporte gift certificate.
02-08-2006 14:44:21
do you have to pay that monthly shit?
02-08-2006 14:58:47
you can hack it to upload your own listings, or you can do manual recordings. So no, you dont if you dont want to.
02-08-2006 18:28:06
I will offer it to anyone for a $75 epassporte gift card. I need to get rid of it quick!
FreeEnterprize Joe
02-08-2006 20:31:29
doesn't sound like all that great of a deal...
02-08-2006 20:56:10
That is the refurbished sorta older model. Also, "(4) Please note, after your 1 year service commitment, your TiVo Package will continue on a month-to-month basis at the then-applicable monthly rate for 1 year TiVo Packages, currently $19.95 a month."
02-08-2006 21:20:06
[quote165e202915="unlabeledbooze"]That is the refurbished sorta older model. Also, "(4) Please note, after your 1 year service commitment, your TiVo Package will continue on a month-to-month basis at the then-applicable monthly rate for 1 year TiVo Packages, currently $19.95 a month."[/quote165e202915]
all you have to do is [spoiler165e202915]clinlieli[/spoiler165e202915] after one year to aviod the monthly charge
02-08-2006 21:23:28
Thats only for a limited time, while supplies last. They might even send you a 40 hour one if they run out because they can do that. Its for new customers, and 1 per household. So I guess you can get mine if you want to add it to your current subscription or something. And its still refurbished, and an older model than the one i'm selling. And you can also get mine if you just want to do manual recordings, or your going to hack it and upload your own listings.
02-08-2006 22:40:33
seeing how u have a 0 tr, would u be sending it before you got paid? If so, i'm interested
03-08-2006 00:23:31
Yeah, its not a rule, but for you I would. Since you have 60 something TR. Contact me on AIM, i'm on right now.