20-07-2006 17:34:42
Close PLEASE! Got one on Slickdeals!
20-07-2006 18:02:42
A new laptop for less than $500, and no Celerons? Good luck. )
20-07-2006 18:12:19
[quote42924b1e44="Tholek"]A new laptop for less than $500, and no Celerons? Good luck. )[/quote42924b1e44]
that means he's fine with the AMD Semprons wink
20-07-2006 21:54:57
you probably saw this already, but just in case..
20-07-2006 22:09:55
20-07-2006 22:46:59
just keep an eye on slickdeals for one month.
you can get a killer dell laptop dual core pentium, 1 gb ram, 100 gb harddrive, wireless etc. for $550-$700 these days
and they have decent under $500 laptops too.
so i'd say keep an eye on the slickdeals homepage a couple times a day, because the best deals go fast.
21-07-2006 03:32:23
Thanks for all the posts. I have been watching SlickDeals for over a month, I must be missing all the good deals though ( . Also, edited out the semprons, not a big sempron fan either lol. Anyone selling anything used? I might get a used one.