06-07-2006 18:33:27
yep i really want one..
i have a wireless 360 controller sealed
EA game pack[PC]
james bond 007 nightfire
need 4 speed hot pursuit 2
sim city 3000 unlimited
lord of the rings return of the king
comand and conquer red alert 2.
recoil plug and play controller
06-07-2006 20:49:07
Well you can get one from thisdsliteisfree.com.
If your not signed up...let me know...I'll shoot you my link.
But hell its 23 refs for white and 30 for other colors.
I played on in a game store...forgot its name. But they are quite neet...well mario is anyways.
07-07-2006 08:40:36
i already signed up there...i might complete it then