ps2 games

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02-06-2006 15:40:18

I have some old ps2 games i don't play to much anymore. If you can go green on giftcards.freepay pm me, ill be happy to give you 2 of these for a green....maybe even 3 if i get desperate haha.
pm me.

Armored Core 3
Mortal Combat deadly alliance
Lord of the rings the two towers
Lorf of the rings The return of the king
Test drive off road wide open
All star baseball 2003
Tony Hawk pro skater 3
Gran turismo 3 A-spec
Time Splitters 2
Commandos 2 men of courage
Midnight club street racing
Yu Gi Oh the duelist of the roses


03-06-2006 20:20:34

world destruction league sold. Others still up for trade, ill gladly trade like 2 or 3 for a green.


03-06-2006 21:38:17

Army Men Green Rogue
007 nightfire
Conflict desert storm

these three gone. Keep em coming and ill keep the games coming.