Hawaiian Gold Bud
05-05-2006 16:16:27
100% legal ingredients....feel free to google it. I am selling my 1 ounce for $38 including free shipping anywhere in the US. cheap buy usually the total price is about $52.
05-05-2006 16:26:59
Not sure if someone will want to buy some Hawaiian Gold Bud from you ith a name like that. wink
I bought this for my brother about a year ago when he came to visit from Scotland. He smokes Hash over there, alot of it and he wasn't going o be able to get anything when he was here.
He said it was OK , especially since he would've otherwise had nothing.
05-05-2006 17:07:36
So like does it get you high? Or trip?
05-05-2006 17:14:35
its a good high, no crazy trips...one of the best alternatives. if u want it i will give it to u for $33
05-05-2006 17:26:26
Also if you pay today through paypal you will be gaureented it on Monday
05-05-2006 18:02:42
It it like shwag? And how is it legal?
05-05-2006 18:08:32
its legal because its all herbal and doesnt have THC, which is marijuanna that makes it illegal.
05-05-2006 23:44:26
Legal buds are always wack when compared to illegal bud...
05-05-2006 23:47:44
dont knock on something you've havent tried
06-05-2006 04:53:04
I'm pretty well educated on entheogens and psychotropic plants...
These buds will do nothing but give you a buzz from lack of oxygen from inhaling shit into your lungs.
Fact is, if you want something legal that has a pot-like buzz, it is POSSIBLE but not with this crap. This stuff is a joke like the crap in High Times.
There are real herbs that will work WONDERS...and totally legal. I actually have some Wild Dagga flowers which are these felty orange flowers that give a mild pot-like buzz.
These legal buds are usually lettuce opium, catnip, passion flower...cheap herbs that have a history of use but don't really do much.
sorry for the thread crap but I thought i'd let you all in on the truth. The legal buds are not bad though for mixing with good stuff, in place of mixing with tobacco European style.
If anyone is interested in Wild Dagga, contact me. 18+ only. It's completely legal I just don't wanna get in trouble.
I'll trade for greens actually
06-05-2006 06:37:26
yea Absolut I painted it with a digi graphics tablet...thanks for the comments
junkie06 could you please list the herbs and/or extracts contained in these buds? J/C
I used to be a total entheogen geek. I've tried like every even mildly psychoactive plant.
06-05-2006 07:36:38
I know there are more potheads on here then there appears. Or at least there used to be I don't get on as much.
06-05-2006 08:09:58
Don't mean to thread-crap either, but IAWN
Sweet avatar, did you make that Nytrate?
06-05-2006 08:45:45
Everyone has there own opinion, if you havent tried it then dont knock on it. This is actually one of the most recommend legal buds out there...it the next best thing. Please if you dont have something nice to say go make your own thread with what you are selling.
06-05-2006 16:58:14
also including a free sample of wild digga too...mix the two together and be set.
07-05-2006 12:41:21
I checked this stuff out on smokeshop.com and they hgave the bud and dagga for $50
I might take the the ounce from ya. Always wanted to try the herbal smokes.
How is it though in all seriousness. Im a casual smoker maybe once every 3-4 weeks. So for someone like myself, how are the effects?
07-05-2006 17:05:01
i mean if you look at the reviews there all positives...i myself used it and enjoyed it...i believe its a great alternative....hey i passed my drug test for this job.
08-05-2006 11:42:41
bumpity bump
12-05-2006 20:39:30
still available
My friend tried some shit from International Oddities (the ads in the High Times magazines).. He said it just gives you a light hangover-like headache..
I would suggest everyone to stay [b7df65e2c5a]green[/b7df65e2c5a] and smoke the real deal... If you don't want to pay $80 a 1/4oz.. Just grow your own.
I'm not knocking your thread.. Just stating what my friend told me.. It was probably different stuff to begin with.
13-05-2006 01:33:30
hahaha h3x3d
13-05-2006 06:20:39
I have smoked this stuff before and it sucks. It is nothing but a headache. You got pictures?
13-05-2006 07:22:31
again, I don't want to thread crap. But if it works, LIST the alkaloids/herbs that it contains.
As I said, I know alot about psychotropic substances and various entheogens.
basically, if the site does not list what is in it, it is junk. You can go to many many botanical supply companies online and order pure extracts or dried plant matter of any legal entheogen...which is always more effective.
Total crap. Go with the wild dagga people. But beware!!!! The places that have "legal buds" and give wild dagga usually give you wild dagga LEAVES. Those are worthless. You want JUST the orange felty flower tops. Most have like 3 flower tops and the rest leaves...again total garbage.
I'll hook up the flowers to anyone 18+.
13-05-2006 09:23:01
Nytrate, pm me....how much your askin for some flowers.
How long do the effects last and whats the dosage?
14-05-2006 12:59:21
side effects? I am not all that interested in buying some, but where could I learn more about legal mind-bending stuff?
14-05-2006 17:38:43