Nikon S1 for $189 new!

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17-04-2006 19:08:35

I just got this camera for $189 from Best Buy, it was posted on fatwallet you can pricematch to Circuit City and get another $8 off, but to me its not worth the hassle (gas is expensive).

Anyways i asked my friend to check what he could get it for (employees price, import+5%) and he said $180, so this is basically as low as its going.

A nice bring anywhere camera, unlike my dSLR lol

unknown uchiha

17-04-2006 22:26:56

OOH nice find, I need a new digital camera and kinda lost patience for the Sony Ericsson K800i CyberShot phone to come out...


18-04-2006 02:30:08

140 shipped.