24-03-2006 21:48:06
Any offers? $350 is what I was thinking. A list of giftcards you can get can be found at
You can mix and match from those stores. Ebay username is timmerk. If interested, please email me at timmerk at comcast dot net. Please no PMs.
24-03-2006 23:44:58
I dont think Freepay send out 400$ Giftcards/
Where is it from ?
25-03-2006 00:53:01
the 360 site
they have given them to users who requested it
25-03-2006 00:57:54
[quoteec363ca488="justinag06"]the 360 site
they have given them to users who requested it[/quoteec363ca488]
Freepay doesnt accept members to do it.
Only TI,OC and Giftfiesta allow member change their gifts to Paypal or Check.
I smell some scam here
25-03-2006 07:29:13
[quote4af2a39d31="cyt0638"][quote4af2a39d31="justinag06"]the 360 site
they have given them to users who requested it[/quote4af2a39d31]
Freepay doesnt accept members to do it.
Only TI,OC and Giftfiesta allow member change their gifts to Paypal or Check.
I smell some scam here[/quote4af2a39d31]
Accually FreePay will give you a giftcard if you request it.
25-03-2006 07:48:15
I want a gift card instead of a psp.
Thanks in advance.
25-03-2006 08:14:52
its true. I got a giftcard as well. Check the freepay forums before you yell scam.
25-03-2006 10:09:56
[quote132897702a="supapen"]I want a gift card instead of a psp.
Thanks in advance.[/quote132897702a]
They are only giving gift cards for the Xbox360 folks.
25-03-2006 11:12:24
I'll give you $325 for it.
25-03-2006 20:12:05
if i bought a giftcard with the supercertificate can I get the card # right away or does it have to get mailed to my house? How long does it take?
[quote7f0e2e8e3f="cyt0638"][quote7f0e2e8e3f="justinag06"]the 360 site
they have given them to users who requested it[/quote7f0e2e8e3f]
Freepay doesnt accept members to do it.
Only TI,OC and Giftfiesta allow member change their gifts to Paypal or Check.
I smell some scam here[/quote7f0e2e8e3f]
29-03-2006 22:59:48
[quote977a8c35e5="thepalmers03"]I'll pay $330, shipped[/quote977a8c35e5]
What are you retarded? It goes through e-mail there is no shipping.
If it goes through e-mail, then it is an intangible good and therefore outlawed.