Anyone want to buy Pokemon Cards?
04-03-2006 18:58:08
I have a bunch of Pokemon Cards i want to sell.
They are in mint condition with no scratch or fingerprints. Will post pics when Freepay sends me the camera.
04-03-2006 18:58:56
[quote8d3014c892="VrExe"]I have a bunch of Pokemon Cards i want to sell.
They are in mint condition with no scratch or fingerprints. Will post pics when Freepay sends me the camera.[/quote8d3014c892]
Hmmm lacking a lil bit of info.
04-03-2006 19:14:28
pokernerd cards?
How about trades? I have a 1st edition Charizard
04-03-2006 19:46:09
[quotec92d129c6e="Bill"]How about trades? I have a 1st edition Charizard[/quotec92d129c6e]
lol lol
04-03-2006 19:52:05
wow, so old school, i remember playing with those in like 6th grade
04-03-2006 20:13:54
[quoteea1d76e0b8="VrExe"]I have a bunch of Pokemon Cards i want to sell.
They are in mint condition with no scratch or fingerprints. Will post pics when Freepay sends me the camera.[/quoteea1d76e0b8]
How many is a bunch? I might be interested (people still buy these on eBay). How many holos are there?
04-03-2006 22:01:49
i also have a charzard, i beleive it is 1st edition. Ahh the good ol' days, brings back memorys
unknown uchiha
04-03-2006 22:01:58
I will give the high price of $1 paypal shipped for the entire collection!
04-03-2006 22:16:28
I've got a shitload of these, ill check some ebay listings now and see what they are going for.
04-03-2006 22:18:55
I've got some pogs somewhere. What's the exchange rate between a pog and pokemon card? D
04-03-2006 22:53:33
[quotedce7bb3cc0="Tholek"]I've got some pogs somewhere. What's the exchange rate between a pog and pokemon card? D[/quotedce7bb3cc0]
YESSS I love pogs.
[quote9b1bc02fcc="Tholek"]I've got some pogs somewhere. What's the exchange rate between a pog and pokemon card? D[/quote9b1bc02fcc]
I'll trade you some beanie babies for some pogs 8)
05-03-2006 00:00:50
Who wants a Furby? LOL
I've got pogs and beanie babies too.
05-03-2006 00:11:22
[quote84ca34418d="bigchan2k"]Who wants a Furby? LOL
I've got pogs and beanie babies too.[/quote84ca34418d]
Ill trade you a furby for a giga pet.
05-03-2006 00:51:56
Pfft. Matchbox is the real deal. ;)
05-03-2006 05:23:08
Sorry about the lack of details P
I have 24 Holos.
I said a bunch of Pokemon cards because they are mixed packs. Some are from the original pack, some are from fossils pack, and some are from the team rockets pack.
There are about 24 stars, a whole lot of diamonds, and hell lot of circles.
In total, there are about 100 unique cards, 300 cards in all.
05-03-2006 05:58:30
[quote025ec99a31="Tholek"]I've got some pogs somewhere. What's the exchange rate between a pog and pokemon card? D[/quote025ec99a31]
I can do better... I had a POG MAKER!
05-03-2006 13:10:25
[quote4c888de989="justinag06"]pokernerd cards?[/quote4c888de989]
rofl wtf? haha
i got a ton of them, no idea where they are. I remember I was so happy when I opened the Charzard, a good 5 years ago....i miss back when (
I'll give you 5 cents a card.
05-03-2006 15:55:57
hehe i had like 5000 pokemon cards, a ton of beanie babies, even more pogs and slammers. and i even have a Tamagatchi somewhere i havent seen any of that stuff in probabaly 5-10 yrs except the pogs i played with those the other day cause i found them and pogs are sweet. i collected the skulls and jokers
unknown uchiha
05-03-2006 20:13:37
Oh my god Pogs, I had THOUSANDS. And Tamogatchis and DigiDinoPets >< I miss those things.
Now it's all about iPods and PSPs, what ever happened to the AFFORDABLE trends?
05-03-2006 20:17:34
I don't think we'll ever be trading iPods though. ;)
06-03-2006 11:43:03
I've got pogs, beanie babies, and pokemon cards!
I still have like $300 worth of beanie babies, damn!
06-03-2006 11:44:56
[quote6cb6ccc5e4="CollidgeGraduit"][quote6cb6ccc5e4="Tholek"]I've got some pogs somewhere. What's the exchange rate between a pog and pokemon card? D[/quote6cb6ccc5e4]
I can do better... I had a POG MAKER![/quote6cb6ccc5e4]
SO DID I!!!!!
/me remembers a wonderful childhood.
06-03-2006 12:16:10
anyone play Yu-gi-oh cards?
06-03-2006 13:16:55
Dude, I used to be in the Pokemon club.
I have a lot of the original promos, and a bunch of cards up to about Neo. p
unknown uchiha
06-03-2006 13:47:56
I used to play Yugioh! XD
God I miss the "old days"
New day trends are just too expensive to keep up with =/
06-03-2006 14:00:25
you gu ohs liyou guysli are young.
06-03-2006 19:36:38
My guess is that pokemon cards, pogs, and all of those things we loved so much back in the day, that they will be worth a lot in about 20 years. That seems like what all of the toys did from the 40's-70's. Comics books were 5 cents and now they are worth like $10,000 for some of the rare ones. Damn I wish grandpa would have saved that #1 superman.
06-03-2006 22:12:31
I'd try selling them on the nintendo forums in the pokemon section but ull have to be quick or theyll ban u