Invest $$, Get Paid 150%. $100 into $150, $500 into $750 etc

Live forum:


04-03-2006 09:56:53

Here's how it works. You send me money via paypal (min. $100), and you get paid back 150%. I have it all figured out. I'm buying 20,000 condoms for $1,180. I'm looking for a total investment of $1,000 from a maximum of 10 people. I'm ordering the condoms on Monday, they will ship Tuesday, get here Friday, and I'll start selling them on eBay. Once the first few batches sell on eBay, you'll get paid. I sell in batches of 500. You have until Monday to invest. If you want to invest $200, you'd get a payout of $300. You invest $300, You'd get a payout of $450. If you wish to invest anything less then $100, it will be accepted if all slots are not full. You will not get a lock in at a top position. If you are the first to offer an investment of anything less then $100, and a total of 5 people invest $100, you will be placed 6th in line. I bought 2,000 condoms, listed 1,000 on ebay and already got my money back I spent on 2,000 + $30. You can invest however much you want up to $1,000 if there are all empty slots. If you invest $1,000, you'll get a payback of $1,500.

[bf51ae0914e]Two batches I've sold on eBay[/bf51ae0914e]
arrowAuctoin 1[=http//]Auctoin 1
arrowAuction 2[=http//]Auction 2

They'll sell.

If you invest anything greater then $100, it will take a longer time for you to get paid back. I will pay. I can not list these condoms all at the same time. Two auctions will never be listed at the same time, and it will be 24 hours for another to be listed after one ends. If you are the first to invest, you will be paid after the sale of 1,500 condoms. If you are the second to invest, you will get paid after the sale of 3,000 condoms, and so on. You will be paid no later then 50 days after investing, even if you invest last. Payouts are based on a $100 investment. [/sizef51ae0914e]

Please PM me if you have any questions or post a reply. I'd be happy to help.
You have until Monday, March 6th, 230 EST to PM me or post your investment.[/colorf51ae0914e][/bf51ae0914e][/sizef51ae0914e]


Investments of <$100
1. ghondi ($50)


04-03-2006 10:05:07

Willing to do it in smaller ammounts? Such as $50, get $75 back?


04-03-2006 10:26:04

No, not allowed. There's to be no investment scheme BS posted here.