24-02-2006 16:46:57
Ok, I tried for hours to revive this thing and I have a feelin im very close but I just dont want to put any more time into it. For sale is a non working xbox, parts include
Working Phillips DVD drive (sells for 50+ alone on ebay)
Working Xenium (ice i think) mod chip with solderless kit and 2.0 bios (easily worth another 30+)
Working stock HDD (all the labeling has been removed)
Working 1.0 Motherboard
Working Controller S (missing jewel on top)
Working Xbox live communicator adapter and headset
Working 8Mb memory card
All you need is an ac power cable and av cables and the knowlege to get this back up and running. All of the components seem to be working fine, just not together like they should be. I would love to just roll back to a stock xbox but unfortunately you cant do that once you have modified data on the HDD -( Looking for 60 shipped but I will take offers(dont low ball this).
edit forgot to mention it is missing the 6 main screws to the case that bolt the top half to the bottom half of the shell but once its on a desk you wont really miss that
24-02-2006 17:02:16
would you send it through mail? USPS?
25-02-2006 00:26:18
yes, I will ship however you like, provided you pay for the shipping. I am also adding a controller S, a memory card, and an xbox live headset to the package. The only thing you would be missing then is the AV and power cables.
25-02-2006 00:51:26
I would also like to mention that this auction is completely as is. The system dosent boot so there obviously is a fault somewhere down the line but it only stopped working recently so I am sure most of the components are still fully functional. The phillips drive alone sells for 50$ on ebay. You could pick this package up from me and easily part off on ebay for more.
26-02-2006 10:26:34
cmon someone must want this.
26-02-2006 17:07:58
put it up on ebay, you a lot more likely to get someone there, here you are too limited on potential buyers.
27-02-2006 11:35:37
the modchip probally is shorting it out...maybe a loose d0 point preventing it to boot, does it not turn on or does it frag?
27-02-2006 14:08:41
I checked the d0. It was getting flashing red, After I reset the d0 im getting flashing orange.
27-02-2006 14:29:47
After some more rewiring I was able to boot the xodius bios interface. Now I cant get to that screen again, anyone have any idea how to get there?
27-02-2006 18:07:04
getting error 7. looks like the HDD is dead, gonna replace it with another stock xbox drive. Once I do that who wants a working modded xbox?
27-02-2006 21:08:54
Alright I give up on this thing. Cant get it to work. See the new top post for details on purchasing.
02-03-2006 19:21:19
I hate to bump this again but I need to get it sold. If you have an offer please lay it on the table and it will be considered. (cant sell it on ebay cuz of the mod chip)
10-03-2006 12:49:14
$60 shipped. I need to get rid of this.