23-02-2006 22:07:46
[bccb581bdb0]Free Lift Off[/bccb581bdb0]
[bccb581bdb0]Free Balws[/bccb581bdb0]
[bccb581bdb0]San Diego Only cry [/bccb581bdb0]
[bccb581bdb0]Free ACT[/bccb581bdb0]
Now these sites want you to become a reseller for there products (lmao) so be carefull of what email address..etc you give theme. +karm is always nice enjoy
23-02-2006 23:43:51
Bawls wants to charge me 10 dollars for shipping....and I LIVE in SD.
Haha. Whata joke! I can pick some up at 7-11 for 3 bucks.
Thanks for the links though )
How does Bawls taste? I've always wanted to try it but its not in any of the stores near me.
24-02-2006 00:01:23
It's not BAD...but it's one of those drinks that rely on the fancy appearence and its name to sell.
While Monster drinks have all the same ingridients basically, and is much cheaper.
A better taste too.
24-02-2006 03:57:28
Bawls always tasted like Sprite to me =\
24-02-2006 07:23:00
[quoteb62a18b491="tylerc"]Bawls always tasted like Sprite to me =\[/quoteb62a18b491]
I agree. I like it more than Sprite though. The bottles and when it is really cold make it taste pretty good. I don't get really hyper or anything after I drink it though.
24-02-2006 09:09:59
Huh sorry about the balws thing when i did it (back when it was open to everybody) they used to have free shipping.
As far as the taste goes it has a nice sprite kind of taste to it. Its pretty low on caffine for an energy drink though 78mg of caffine.
24-02-2006 17:55:21
You get really addicted to it. After you drink it, you feel like licking and sucking all the juice left over.
"Have you sucked on your 'Bawls' yet?"