Target and Circuit City Gift Cards -- 10% off

Live forum:


17-01-2006 16:59:10

I have three gift cards (two Circuit City and one Target) for sale. First-come, first-serve. PayPal only. I'll email the card numbers and access codes as soon as I receive payment. PM if you're interested.

[u7b9168e025][b7b9168e025]Circuit City[/b7b9168e025][/u7b9168e025]
$30 --> You pay $27
$26.42 --> You pay $23.78
$56.42 (both) --> You pay $50

$50 --> You pay $45


19-01-2006 14:12:59

I got a target one because I work there.. -D


19-01-2006 14:17:15

hm not that much of a bargin, but still a profit non the less lol


19-01-2006 15:23:40

[quotef825cf4295="xztiger"]hm not that much of a bargin, but still a profit non the less lol[/quotef825cf4295]

So you'll take them all?


19-01-2006 15:28:53

no sorry i cant right now, i need to save the rest of my money for food for this week