Wanna own a Freebie Site?
16-01-2006 14:05:43
As many of you know I am the owner of NexiCash. I have decided to put NexiCash up for possible depending on how much I will be offered. What you get is what you see at www.nexicash.com plus the domain name and all of our members, we have 84 members and 37 activated. You can easily add and remove prizes and offers. The reason I am selling NexiCash is becuase no matter how hard I tried I didnt receive your trust. Only a few people completed offers and were all payed. Currently the highest offer I recieved was $300. If you are interested in purchasing NexiCash please give me an offer and I will decide if its worth selling. Thanks
16-01-2006 14:08:56
Moved to For Sale / Hot Deals...
16-01-2006 14:27:31
16-01-2006 15:07:42
lol I already have an offer for $300 so $20 wont do it. I can accept other forms of payment instead of cash such as gift cards or even greens but cash is worth the most.
16-01-2006 15:14:09
Hmm. I may want to buy ur users. The site u can keep )
16-01-2006 16:00:43
This is the first time I check out your website and it looks amazing! I will definetely be completeing some of those offers to get myself a copy of San Andreas for the PS2
16-01-2006 16:02:19
[quotede6c4e5e8f="NexiCash"]lol I already have an offer for $300 so $20 wont do it. I can accept other forums of payment instead of cash such as gift cards or even greens but cash is worth the most.[/quotede6c4e5e8f]
darn, i thought I might have gotten it too x
http//www.nexicash.com/aim.jpg[" alt=""/img7b656cff0d]
Honestly, do any of you read stuff on your monitor sideways?
16-01-2006 17:10:12
How much are you selling the profits for? That's really all I'm interested in buying.
16-01-2006 17:46:14
[quote8dd5edfefe="ilanbg"]How much are you selling the profits for? That's really all I'm interested in buying.[/quote8dd5edfefe]
What do you mean by that?
16-01-2006 19:04:46
I will buy all the profit that your site generates, but I don't want the customer service or crediting or anything.
16-01-2006 20:06:55
he wanmts to own it but not manage it
16-01-2006 20:17:38
I think he was joking.
Like just send me the profits but you keep the site, lol.
16-01-2006 20:22:32
fgr gets it.
I love you fgr.
Also, request TR for our trade; your friend greened for me while you were away.
16-01-2006 20:47:43
Wait, so you are going to pay him like $15 for $20?
16-01-2006 21:09:32
I actually have to ask this, but what exactly are people paying for?
Certainly not reputation, so what? It would cost less than $300 to set up a new site, so I don't understand what it would get me.
If you can explain though, I might be interested.
17-01-2006 16:03:17
well, whoever buys it better find a new advertisement home. Apparently it didn't work out too well for him when he advertised here?
17-01-2006 19:15:12
Do we get the AIM SN with the deal or does that cost extra?
17-01-2006 19:20:56
[quoted5943775cd="Fugger"]Do we get the AIM SN with the deal or does that cost extra?[/quoted5943775cd]
Yep it comes with the aim sn lol
17-01-2006 19:53:34
Oh sweet now it's worth $0.03
17-01-2006 20:09:03
Oh sweet now it's worth $0.03[/quote
....$20.03 then? lol
17-01-2006 20:11:05
ouch lol.
18-01-2006 03:52:53
Seriously, I want to know what people are buying.
18-01-2006 07:28:55
Wouldnt whoever takes over have to deal with payouts? Are all members current on payouts? If so, just close the site.
18-01-2006 07:44:47
[quote4e2961f4ad="Airkat"]Wouldnt whoever takes over have to deal with payouts? Are all members current on payouts? If so, just close the site.[/quote4e2961f4ad]
That'd be soo funny if the reason he was selling was so he didn't have to deal with payouts. Trying to get that last bit of money before the site is gone eh. JK
I'll offer $20.04. I'm highest bidder on this thread?
18-01-2006 08:07:46
if he had a lot of users who did offers he wouldnt sell the site, the reason he is selling it is because he cant find users to do the site.
18-01-2006 11:31:06
Everything has been payed out. When you buy it you dont have to pay anyone. If you wanna know why its worth the price its because someone is willing to pay that much. You get the site which is established all you need to do is just get people to trust you. Plus this site gets traffic its not like starting a fresh site that gets now traffic, we get steady traffic everyday.
18-01-2006 11:44:23
What kat means is that they might have done the offers and he's trying to sell before he pays them.
[i4fea69201b]What the fuck would I be buying from you?[/i4fea69201b]
18-01-2006 11:50:49
[quoted4452243c2="NexiCash"]Everything has been payed out. When you buy it you dont have to pay anyone. If you wanna know why its worth the price its because someone is willing to pay that much. You get the site which is established all you need to do is just get people to trust you. Plus this site gets traffic its not like starting a fresh site that gets now traffic, we get steady traffic everyday.[/quoted4452243c2]
Well don't wanna bash but how is a 2 month old site established?
Someone could buy the script for $100 pay $100 for awesome hosting and domain name.
Then they wouldnt have the hassle of "established" site transfer.
Good luck though. I would take the $300 and run.
if the site gets traffic why would u not want to continue
18-01-2006 12:46:24
[quote71bd136d22="Kidd"]if the site gets traffic why would u not want to continue[/quote71bd136d22]
it gets traffic, it's just that nobody wants to do the site.
18-01-2006 13:27:41
Considering my question has been avoided over three times, I'd say Nexicash was looking for some quick money to run with.
Hell, he's only posted twice in this thread.
18-01-2006 13:44:31
[quote6cc7c620b0="ilanbg"]Considering my question has been avoided over three times, I'd say Nexicash was looking for some quick money to run with.
Hell, he's only posted twice in this thread.[/quote6cc7c620b0]
Can you let me know specifically what question I ignored?
18-01-2006 14:11:47
What from your site is worth buying? What convenience or benefit does it offer over starting a site from scratch?
18-01-2006 16:02:39
Hey just curious I know you said everybody has been paid, but what is your guarantee?
So if someone buys it then gets hit with 10 support tickets for missing offers?
Just curious.
20-01-2006 00:38:54
I will give $40.00 for it
20-01-2006 20:00:23
My site is worth buying because it does have members, its in the search engines, it does have a steady stream of visitors and it has some advertisments around the web. No one will get hit with support tickets for missing offers because all the offers that have been completed have been paid off already.
20-01-2006 20:02:22
Are you accepting Half.com GC's as a method of payment?
20-01-2006 20:08:17
[quoteaff2ce0159="theysayjump"]Are you accepting Half.com GC's as a method of payment?[/quoteaff2ce0159]
It matters what your offering if its good I can work it out but It would be better with a mix like part cash and the rest a gift card, but its a possibility, make an offer and I will decide.
20-01-2006 20:10:55
Bump b4 I get temp-banned. PM me for more details NexiCash.
20-01-2006 20:28:17
why shit on someone's deal?
20-01-2006 20:28:42
Because one person is going to be screwed over. Edited b4 I get temp-banned.