Need for Speed Most Wanted(360) $25 @ Best Buy

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01-01-2006 20:25:43

ok this is what was said over at SD

In this week's Best Buy ad, it has NFSMost Wanted for $34.99. Underneath this, it says that the "price applies to all available platforms". I pointed this out to a cashier, and that the 360 wasn't excluded. If you're lucky (or persuasive enough), you can get them to adjust the price. That's when you whip out the $10 off $29.99 games coupon for another $10 off. I got the game for $34.99 - $10 coupon = $24.99!
YMMV on this, as the game doesn't scan for $34 for the 360, and we all know how the cashiers can be about that, especially at BB.

link for $10 off $30 video game coupon

http//"" alt=""/img506/5532/coupons1sm9xv9jp.gif

now many spoke of doing this going to another best buy and exchanging it for a 360 title of your choice

im not sure if the deal still applies I will go try tomorrow and let all know


01-01-2006 21:16:32

wow.. nice deal.. almost as good as those free memory sticks they had a while ago...


02-01-2006 09:54:06

if this works for ya ill prob go do it, got like 10 bucks left on a gift card so will pick it up for like 15 wait a week or two then exchange it for sometin else.


02-01-2006 10:47:29

yeah im just gonna go from one bb to another

im going now so ill let all know soon