the strobe light unit itself is blue uv reactive plastic (very durable).. and is in great condition.. never used.
bidding starts at $5
31-12-2005 20:51:53
[quote0abc26a018="h3x"]the strobe light unit itself is blue uv reactive plastic (very durable).. and is in great condition.. never used.
bidding starts at $5[/quote0abc26a018]
What the fuck dude you selling everything you own on this board, lol. Why not put them all on one post, lol.
31-12-2005 22:41:57
Yeah, dont make 50 threads and clutter the forum...

http//[" alt=""/img4a476fc137]
01-01-2006 01:09:24

http//[" alt=""/imgd6eac44c57][/quoted6eac44c57]