15-08-2007 18:31:43
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[ba21c295697]li[/colora21c295697]We accept verified paypal only. And your paypal location must be the same your information on G4F account.[/ba21c295697]
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Thank you and Enjoy
G4F Supporter
Carol .J
17-08-2007 19:45:08
ow i've been received your money, good

http//i10.tinypic.com/4pbnpsi.jpg[" alt=""/img3a37fd70f9]
17-08-2007 21:00:48
IP check? Both have odd grammar and seems odd he joined the same time he posted. Not saying it's a scam but it looks odd. Grammar is definatley odd, they both forgot a few things that are alike.
18-08-2007 01:56:45
site good

http//i9.tinypic.com/6ak57ph.jpg[" alt=""/img4d6d8212ef]
18-08-2007 02:01:23
LOL this is wayy to funny.
look at the cursor on both pics!!!
both used tinypic!!! both are new members!! come on!! wtf!!! LMAO!
sandra habina
18-08-2007 03:08:29
NICE American names but English is not good. Just looks fishy.
18-08-2007 11:48:48
Can you say "obvious?" roll
BTW their IP's are different, but all are from Cali and obviously all created accounts to shill for the OP. pa1098 posted from a webhost IP that hosts mostly pr0n sites according to the site list for that server, so he's most likely proxying his way in.