so was this laptop site renewed?
26-07-2007 06:41:28
i think it ends today but i have no clue as to how to figure out if it was renewed, can someone show me?
26-07-2007 07:11:26
i think it ends today but i have no clue as to how to figure out if it was renewed, can someone show me?[/quote1447fbc94c]
I'll probably do that if it renews
26-07-2007 07:12:08
you say plasma, i see laptop
26-07-2007 07:12:54
[quotef10e0f3a58="RolltheStampede"]you say plasma, i see laptop[/quotef10e0f3a58]
I also see laptop
26-07-2007 07:20:56
Technically speaking, the domain doesn't have much to do with the prize/site, there are typically several prizes hosted off the same domain (the config=XXXX parameter determines what site you see). There is usually a default site for each domain that you get without a config parameter.
Use any WHOIS search to find the domain info, including expiration. I like DomainTools.
They have not renewed yet, but that is not uncommon for I-Deal. They usually let domains expire for awhile before renewing, if they ever renew at all. There is a grace period that will let them keep the domain if they renew it during that period.
There are enough other I-Deal plasma sites out there right now that I wouldn't bother with this domain, unless you have a DBA restriction to work around or something.
26-07-2007 07:51:15
but the title asks was this plasma site renewed, not was this site renew which would make me assume the link he was giving was for a plasma not a vaio
26-07-2007 09:20:35
ugh sorry i see vaio laptops now, i guess maybe it'll be renewed tomorrow or it'll expire tonight
26-07-2007 09:23:11
Database last updated on 26-Jul-2007 101637 EDT.
does that mean it was extended or they just updated something?
26-07-2007 09:42:28
I don't know. I mailed mine away, and it said they had to have the form by the 24th to redeem (I finished the 22nd). I kind of took that to mean it wasn't going to be renewed.
Happily, it all seems to have worked out for me.
26-07-2007 12:03:14
The domain expiring or not should have no bearing on your forms being processed. If you've already been approved and got the forms, you don't need the site anymore. You'll be blind to your status updates, of course, but it won't effect whether you get the prize or not.
26-07-2007 12:05:16
[quote2d7be37401="edgespeeder04"]Database last updated on 26-Jul-2007 101637 EDT.
does that mean it was extended or they just updated something?[/quote2d7be37401]
No, it just means somebody updated something in the DNS record. Could have been the registrar, could have been I-Deal. The expiration date is still today, and if the domain is renewed it will change to a year or two from now. I've never seen I-Deal yet renew a domain before it expires, so I'd be surprised if they renew this one for awhile yet, if at all.
26-07-2007 13:21:37
oh ok thanks you -) i guess they'll have a new ideal site running from that dba soon then
26-07-2007 13:35:01
[quote005d9f00a4="edgespeeder04"]oh ok thanks you -) i guess they'll have a new ideal site running from that dba soon then[/quote005d9f00a4]
Probably, they release new sites all the time. But DBA's aren't limited to a single domain. I-Deal DBA's run numerous domains at once, so it's not like they wait for one to expire before offering something new.
26-07-2007 13:49:08
true i just wish i could come across links more often when they pop out rather when they are finishing, i barely made it to do deckoutyourdeck, i was one of the last few i think.
26-07-2007 13:54:26
They're not that hard to find, really. Since you've done at least one, you should have a full spam box by now. Combing through spam is one of the best ways to find them. Also via their banner ads at many sites like MySpace, YouTube, and other pop-culture type sites that attract a lot of young people.
26-07-2007 13:59:27
oh yea ive seen them on myspace and youtube but didnt think those were legit lol......makes sense, ive found online the tractor on in my inbox but so did others...thanks. I'll keep my eyes open.
is this one new? http//
not that many offers to do but probably the last page is hard
26-07-2007 14:04:21
ugh another neutich site lol
27-07-2007 18:38:47
weird the 27th today and the site is still running, why is that?
27-07-2007 20:57:08
[quote27b045d764="edgespeeder04"]weird the 27th today and the site is still running, why is that?[/quote27b045d764]
Probably because the domain hasn't been parked yet? Why are you so adamant about this site? There are dozens of other sites out there with no expiration, I'm not sure why you're so concerned about this one being renewed. I'd forget about it for awhile if I were you, then maybe check on it in a few weeks.
[b27b045d764]EDIT[/b27b045d764] Actually, the reason it's still running is because the domain has been renewed. With all the previous instructions on how to check for yourself, you should have figured this out.
[quote27b045d764="WHOIS"] ICANN Registrar NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
Created 2006-07-26
Expires 2008-07-26[/quote27b045d764]
So there it is, knock yourself out! )
27-07-2007 21:08:07
oh yea i caught that but further below it said 2007 so i didnt know which day to go by, but hey thats great news!
27-07-2007 21:50:06
they probably read this post. I wonder what has Ideal on such a good mood? 8)
28-07-2007 06:54:43
I don't know what has them in such a good mood - but I hope they don't run out. o
28-07-2007 06:56:11
yea i kno between renewing sites and offering the fastest credit ive seen, all my offers creditted for the lawntractor site OVERNIGHT! lol thats insane but so cool!
28-07-2007 09:52:48
I want to do this site but I forgot when I signed up, oh well....
30-07-2007 07:25:42
What you guys think that vaio si worth
30-07-2007 07:44:43
[quote4f6273d925="madmanx33"]What you guys think that vaio si worth[/quote4f6273d925]
$1000 or so.
30-07-2007 14:37:26
it sells for around $1500 on pcconnection
31-07-2007 12:08:17
What model have they been sending out on this site? I haven't seen anyone post here who got one recently.
31-07-2007 12:25:47
[quote302d2f289d="kingsmoit"]What model have they been sending out on this site? I haven't seen anyone post here who got one recently.[/quote302d2f289d]
No one has done this site to my knowledge.
31-07-2007 13:22:39
lol... then I may be the first. I'll post some info when it shows up.
02-08-2007 11:53:40
yea and now its gone? i thought it was ruined? thank god i didnt do offers yet
02-08-2007 11:57:14 expired on 07/26/2007 and is pending renewal or deletion.
02-08-2007 12:06:41
GoDaddy automatically renews domains even if the person doesn't pay for hosting. They allow a certain grace period after which, if they don't renew, it expires. This has happened before on previous i-deal sites.
I was going to say something, but I figured dmorris knew what he was talking about.
02-08-2007 12:08:57
oh ok i just thought since someone told me before it had been renewed that they actually did, but i guess not yet...oh plasma site out for 10 offers and 1 referral. Im trying to set up a good conga line on referral swapper for it since offers are crediting overnight now -)
02-08-2007 12:11:41
[quote11070b92d6="edgespeeder04"]oh ok i just thought since someone told me before it had been renewed that they actually did, but i guess not yet...oh plasma site out for 10 offers and 1 referral. Im trying to set up a good conga line on referral swapper for it since offers are crediting overnight now -)[/quote11070b92d6]
Offers just credited overnight for that tractor site. It's not like that on all the i-deal sites.
02-08-2007 12:14:01
[quote06478759c7="bruman"][quote06478759c7="edgespeeder04"]oh ok i just thought since someone told me before it had been renewed that they actually did, but i guess not yet...oh plasma site out for 10 offers and 1 referral. Im trying to set up a good conga line on referral swapper for it since offers are crediting overnight now -)[/quote06478759c7]
Offers just credited overnight for that tractor site. It's not like that on all the i-deal sites.[/quote06478759c7]
Yep, but that tractor site is soooooo tempting.
02-08-2007 12:19:44
Is that tractor site the same one that's been around for a few years?
I doubt I could find enough offers I haven't done yet to merit another i-deal site, but maybe in a few months.
And, yeah, the site isn't renewed - I can still check it since I added it to my hosts file (Thanks to whoever it was who recommended that).
02-08-2007 12:21:32
[quote01d23d6c7e="bruman"]GoDaddy automatically renews domains even if the person doesn't pay for hosting. They allow a certain grace period after which, if they don't renew, it expires. This has happened before on previous i-deal sites.
I was going to say something, but I figured dmorris knew what he was talking about.[/quote01d23d6c7e]
I haven't seen that before with other I-Deal sites. When they say the domain is expiring, it drops on that day and shows expired in the WHOIS, and the site goes dead. And I've had domains for years, but then again I've never let my domains expire, so I'm not positive how different registrars handle expirations.
And the grace periods I have seen did not auto-renew the domain (unless you actually pay for auto-renewal, which fully renews the domain), they simply held the domain in limbo in the expired state, giving you time to renew without losing it. But I'm not aware of a grace period that automatically resets the expiry date. Not saying for certain it doesn't look that way, perhaps I just never noticed it.
Sorry for the bad info, I was going strictly off the WHOIS and my past experience with expired I-Deal domains.
[quote01d23d6c7e="kingsmoit"]And, yeah, the site isn't renewed - I can still check it since I added it to my hosts file (Thanks to whoever it was who recommended that).[/quote01d23d6c7e]
That would have been me too. P So does that mean I'm redeemed? ;)
02-08-2007 12:23:50
[quote14769e15a7="kingsmoit"]Is that tractor site the same one that's been around for a few years?
I doubt I could find enough offers I haven't done yet to merit another i-deal site, but maybe in a few months.
And, yeah, the site isn't renewed - I can still check it since I added it to my hosts file (Thanks to whoever it was who recommended that).[/quote14769e15a7]
Yes this tractor site has been around for a long time.
02-08-2007 12:31:51
You can check your status here
02-08-2007 12:37:43
[quotea74c940b75="bruman"]You can check your status here
Heh, or anywhere
02-08-2007 13:32:40
[quote7bdaba0cd4="bruman"]You can check your status here
Ah, really? I'll have to remember that. Just remember the site number then. )
02-08-2007 14:01:36
[quote9a2ade2710="kingsmoit"]Is that tractor site the same one that's been around for a few years?
I doubt I could find enough offers I haven't done yet to merit another i-deal site, but maybe in a few months.
And, yeah, the site isn't renewed - I can still check it since I added it to my hosts file (Thanks to whoever it was who recommended that).[/quote9a2ade2710]
how do u do that?
02-08-2007 14:03:39
[quote2da2af35a4="dmorris68"][quote2da2af35a4="bruman"]GoDaddy automatically renews domains even if the person doesn't pay for hosting. They allow a certain grace period after which, if they don't renew, it expires. This has happened before on previous i-deal sites.
I was going to say something, but I figured dmorris knew what he was talking about.[/quote2da2af35a4]
I haven't seen that before with other I-Deal sites. When they say the domain is expiring, it drops on that day and shows expired in the WHOIS, and the site goes dead. And I've had domains for years, but then again I've never let my domains expire, so I'm not positive how different registrars handle expirations.
And the grace periods I have seen did not auto-renew the domain (unless you actually pay for auto-renewal, which fully renews the domain), they simply held the domain in limbo in the expired state, giving you time to renew without losing it. But I'm not aware of a grace period that automatically resets the expiry date. Not saying for certain it doesn't look that way, perhaps I just never noticed it.
Sorry for the bad info, I was going strictly off the WHOIS and my past experience with expired I-Deal domains.
[quote2da2af35a4="kingsmoit"]And, yeah, the site isn't renewed - I can still check it since I added it to my hosts file (Thanks to whoever it was who recommended that).[/quote2da2af35a4]
That would have been me too. P So does that mean I'm redeemed? ;)[/quote2da2af35a4]
no worries, we all make mistakes, even if doesnt come back, im going to get into creating a conga for the plasma site i found, and maybe do that site later on next year, if it comes back.
02-08-2007 14:29:05
[quote37b890631d="bruman"][quote37b890631d="edgespeeder04"]oh ok i just thought since someone told me before it had been renewed that they actually did, but i guess not yet...oh plasma site out for 10 offers and 1 referral. Im trying to set up a good conga line on referral swapper for it since offers are crediting overnight now -)[/quote37b890631d]
Offers just credited overnight for that tractor site. It's not like that on all the i-deal sites.[/quote37b890631d]
what tractor site? What are the requirements?
02-08-2007 14:43:52
[quotef7481e4159="jasonatsmtc"][quotef7481e4159="bruman"][quotef7481e4159="edgespeeder04"]oh ok i just thought since someone told me before it had been renewed that they actually did, but i guess not yet...oh plasma site out for 10 offers and 1 referral. Im trying to set up a good conga line on referral swapper for it since offers are crediting overnight now -)[/quotef7481e4159]
Offers just credited overnight for that tractor site. It's not like that on all the i-deal sites.[/quotef7481e4159]
what tractor site? What are the requirements?[/quotef7481e4159]
I'm tempted to do it for the Cub Cadet
02-08-2007 16:34:25
[quoteec797d0ab9="manOFice"][quoteec797d0ab9="jasonatsmtc"][quoteec797d0ab9="bruman"][quoteec797d0ab9="edgespeeder04"]oh ok i just thought since someone told me before it had been renewed that they actually did, but i guess not yet...oh plasma site out for 10 offers and 1 referral. Im trying to set up a good conga line on referral swapper for it since offers are crediting overnight now -)[/quoteec797d0ab9]
Offers just credited overnight for that tractor site. It's not like that on all the i-deal sites.[/quoteec797d0ab9]
what tractor site? What are the requirements?[/quoteec797d0ab9]
I'm tempted to do it for the Cub Cadet[/quoteec797d0ab9]
yea supposely the john or green tractor is worth like $2800 or the cheapest that some guy on rs found
03-08-2007 09:51:18
Is anyone else getting tons of emails about doing this site even though its expired? The requirments went up but it still links you to the site.
03-08-2007 09:53:34
When I click the link in the op's post I get to this....
03-08-2007 09:59:38
The op?
03-08-2007 10:22:30
[quote52ac1c69a1="bruman"]The op?[/quote52ac1c69a1]
Original Poster
03-08-2007 10:34:00
techy gadget comes up for me
03-08-2007 10:36:38
[quoteb72f930183="RolltheStampede"]techy gadget comes up for me[/quoteb72f930183]
I thought you don't do i-deal sites?
03-08-2007 10:49:51
No, that's just MarketLabs sites, since they are such a scam. roll
03-08-2007 11:56:50
[quoteb1e89292c3="bruman"][quoteb1e89292c3="RolltheStampede"]techy gadget comes up for me[/quoteb1e89292c3]
I thought you don't do i-deal sites?[/quoteb1e89292c3]
dude dont talk to me, why do you respond everytime i post in ideal.
03-08-2007 12:25:55
bruman and Roll, go to your neutral corners and give it a rest. I think it has been well established by now that Roll has strong opinions about I-Deal, which he is entitled to. As do those of us that are happy with them. Let's all agree to disagree and move on, we don't need this petty bickering in response to every discussion of I-Deal. If it continues to devolve into flames, then the parties involved will be temp-banned until it gets under control.
If you've got something new to say, pro or con, then by all means share it, but let's not continuously beat each other up over old opinions. k?
03-08-2007 17:26:43
well besides all this, how is that guy able to see the site?
editted weird is back up, does it mean it has been re-established? can someone confirm this? before i give it a go
03-08-2007 21:54:46
well I'll let everyone know how it goes.
I sent in my paperwork and it was processed on august 2nd so I hopefully should have the laptop at the end of the month.