new ideal site for hdtv: 10+1
30-04-2007 12:33:02
There is a new ideal website out for a new tv. It is 2-2-6 and 1 ref. The site is If you would please be my referral I would appreciate it. Pm me for a ref link. We could also start a conga but I have never ran one.
I still need a ref. Pm me and we'll start a conga
30-04-2007 13:44:51
how much are the TV's worth?
8 offers + 1 ref doesnt seem that bad...but idk
30-04-2007 13:46:26
[quote727382dcde="ghounds07"]how much are the TV's worth?
8 offers + 1 ref doesnt seem that bad...but idk[/quote727382dcde]
It's 10+1
30-04-2007 17:47:10
yah im bad at addition (
doesnt seem that hot anymore
30-04-2007 18:09:53
i went over to and this looks like the tv that's on the front page
i tried searching the model number with google and it couldn't match. according to the samsung website, it's new. but here are a couple of close matches
they are close, but a different model number.
30-04-2007 18:14:25
i-deal has never sent out 50inchers.. it's always 42.
30-04-2007 19:21:07
^ how much are they usually worth?
30-04-2007 19:29:14
how do you find out the model number?
30-04-2007 19:58:42
they didn't specify a size, for all we know it's 26"
30-04-2007 20:05:28
I-deal has given anywhere from $1,000-$2,045 for plasma sites.
Lately, i-deal plasma sites, when redeeming, mention an $800 check as a redemption option (as well as the TVs).
30-04-2007 23:21:10
Signed up under tml09 if anyone is interested in signing up under me. My friend has that samsung plasma its about 1500 value and very nice resolution.
30-04-2007 23:38:10
I may be able to do this for madmanx. Conga?
01-05-2007 06:30:34
[quote236fce13ce="madmanx33"]Signed up under tml09 if anyone is interested in signing up under me. My friend has that samsung plasma its about 1500 value and very nice resolution.[/quote236fce13ce]
how do people know what model / TV it is?
I dont see the specifications anywhere...but I haven't signed up yet so maybe that makes a difference?
01-05-2007 11:41:02
Well, there are no plasma tvs for under 32", and the lowest price I see for philips, pannny or samsung on this page is around $1000
01-05-2007 12:34:43
Well im assuming its a 42 inch and my friend got the cheapest one samsung made
so thats what I based it on
03-05-2007 19:03:07
Based on what ideal has sent out in the past. Id say its a 42 inch.
08-05-2007 19:08:29
Anybody got an update on this one?
12-05-2007 20:59:03
Still waiting for offers to credit
12-05-2007 21:19:58
interested in getting in on this, but have never done a site with referrals, anyone want me to be their referral and want to be my referral?
16-05-2007 09:37:00
Has anyone gotten any of these offers to credit? I havent and its been 12 days.
16-05-2007 09:39:56
bgarmon...probably on a 20 day cycle
17-05-2007 07:03:31
Hey im doing one similar to this one all offers approved ref's will go threw tomorrow will tell you guys how the bonus offer works!
17-05-2007 12:18:22
what was the crediting time frames on yours?
17-05-2007 12:23:02
[quote5393bbfd48="bgarmon"]what was the crediting time frames on yours?[/quote5393bbfd48]
20 days and last credited n 24 hours
17-05-2007 13:27:49
awesome. thank you
21-05-2007 11:37:43
8 of my offers have credited and it has been around 21 days. Im still waiting for my ref to finish.
edit still need a ref. My ref cant do the site anymore
21-05-2007 11:40:53
[quote16460a6666="tml09"]8 of my offers have credited and it has been around 21 days. Im still waiting for my ref to finish.
If anyone wants to sign up under him, here is his name
never mind got fixed
21-05-2007 11:42:06
[quote5da692ff05="michae229"][quote5da692ff05="tml09"]8 of my offers have credited and it has been around 21 days. Im still waiting for my ref to finish.
If anyone wants to sign up under him, here is his name
anyone finish this site and know their ref finish but cant get them to show complete on their side?[/quote5da692ff05]
By the looks of it, no one has completed this site yet....
It has been said that it has take 7 days to go approved in the past sometimes.
21-05-2007 11:47:35
[quotef6d5ccf179="O4F-Manofice"][quotef6d5ccf179="michae229"][quotef6d5ccf179="tml09"]8 of my offers have credited and it has been around 21 days. Im still waiting for my ref to finish.
If anyone wants to sign up under him, here is his name
never mind got fixed[/quotef6d5ccf179]
By the looks of it, no one has completed this site yet....
It has been said that it has take 7 days to go approved in the past sometimes.[/quotef6d5ccf179]
yea i finished one similar but the ref is not going threw.
21-05-2007 11:49:11
where did you get a referral for the site you're doing? Just wondering
21-05-2007 11:50:00
[quote9051b9f401="O4F-Manofice"]where did you get a referral for the site you're doing? Just wondering[/quote9051b9f401]
not here wink
21-05-2007 11:50:59
[quotee7ee7e60e4="michae229"][quotee7ee7e60e4="O4F-Manofice"]where did you get a referral for the site you're doing? Just wondering[/quotee7ee7e60e4]
not here wink[/quotee7ee7e60e4]
referralswapper I assume?
21-05-2007 12:04:30
back on topic. does anyone want to be madmanx33 's ref?
22-05-2007 06:05:05
I'm going to sadly not recommend this site my friend just finished one like it and it said an $800.00 fucking check instead of the sony.
22-05-2007 06:07:29
[quote18d6853783="michae229"]I'm going to sadly not recommend this site my friend just finished one like it and it said an $800.00 fucking check instead of the sony.[/quote18d6853783]
So choose a different tv. I doubt they will send TV's would be sweet if they did but probably won't
22-05-2007 06:28:56
[quote917e80af59="O4F-Manofice"][quote917e80af59="michae229"]I'm going to sadly not recommend this site my friend just finished one like it and it said an $800.00 fucking check instead of the sony.[/quote917e80af59]
So choose a different tv. I doubt they will send TV's would be sweet if they did but probably won't[/quote917e80af59]
\this is turning ugly like the laptop site what if they send the amount on the drop down menu?
22-05-2007 06:33:49
[quote0592eacdb5="michae229"][quote0592eacdb5="O4F-Manofice"][quote0592eacdb5="michae229"]I'm going to sadly not recommend this site my friend just finished one like it and it said an $800.00 fucking check instead of the sony.[/quote0592eacdb5]
So choose a different tv. I doubt they will send TV's would be sweet if they did but probably won't[/quote0592eacdb5]
\this is turning ugly like the laptop site what if they send the amount on the drop down menu?[/quote0592eacdb5]
Not a single one of those tv's are worth 800 bucks...they won't send 800 bucks...kinda interesting...the bonus offer is 800 bucks..
22-05-2007 06:42:34
[quote68ad0033b2="O4F-Manofice"][quote68ad0033b2="michae229"][quote68ad0033b2="O4F-Manofice"][quote68ad0033b2="michae229"]I'm going to sadly not recommend this site my friend just finished one like it and it said an $800.00 fucking check instead of the sony.[/quote68ad0033b2]
So choose a different tv. I doubt they will send TV's would be sweet if they did but probably won't[/quote68ad0033b2]
\this is turning ugly like the laptop site what if they send the amount on the drop down menu?[/quote68ad0033b2]
Not a single one of those tv's are worth 800 bucks...they won't send 800 bucks...kinda interesting...the bonus offer is 800 bucks..[/quote68ad0033b2]
for real imma add a note to my letter requesting it
22-05-2007 07:00:17
[quoteb720d641c7="michae229"][quoteb720d641c7="O4F-Manofice"][quoteb720d641c7="michae229"][quoteb720d641c7="O4F-Manofice"][quoteb720d641c7="michae229"]I'm going to sadly not recommend this site my friend just finished one like it and it said an $800.00 fucking check instead of the sony.[/quoteb720d641c7]
So choose a different tv. I doubt they will send TV's would be sweet if they did but probably won't[/quoteb720d641c7]
\this is turning ugly like the laptop site what if they send the amount on the drop down menu?[/quoteb720d641c7]
Not a single one of those tv's are worth 800 bucks...they won't send 800 bucks...kinda interesting...the bonus offer is 800 bucks..[/quoteb720d641c7]
for real imma add a note to my letter requesting it[/quoteb720d641c7]
If you did the bonus offer and it credited...they will know.
22-05-2007 12:15:03
they're not gonna send 800 dollars. You cant even buy the cheapest plasma out there for that much. They will send at least $1400
23-05-2007 00:06:29
This referral - do they have to fully complete the site for this to work for you?
23-05-2007 00:45:55
[quote971704491b="cubbieco"]This referral - do they have to fully complete the site for this to work for you?[/quote971704491b]
No, the referral just has to do his 10 offers.
28-05-2007 18:54:36
Anybody wanna be my ref? A new plasma tv sounds nice -)
29-05-2007 11:33:26
30-05-2007 18:47:51
I should have my referral go to green tonight or tomorrow but my question is that I was looking and on the website through the contact us link you can get one of the three tvs or 800 bucks. Most of these tvs are at least 1300+. What should I do already have a couple plasmas? Only $800 bucks????
30-05-2007 18:52:38
Don't choose the 800 bucks, you crazy?
30-05-2007 18:54:40
why would they even offer that is my point. I have never dealt with ideal before do they normally ship the plasma that you choose?
30-05-2007 18:56:49
[quote07411be04e="bgarmon"]why would they even offer that is my point. I have never dealt with ideal before do they normally ship the plasma that you choose?[/quote07411be04e]
Well I do believe there is an 800 dollar bonus offer??
Also, Ideal has been known to ship TV's and Checks.
30-05-2007 19:02:00
okay I will just choose the tv I would prefer and see what happens. I understand once the referral goes green they send an email but when I go to contact us page there is a link to download a w9 and print the certs. How should I proceed?
30-05-2007 19:16:08
[quoteb121c08014="bgarmon"]okay I will just choose the tv I would prefer and see what happens. I understand once the referral goes green they send an email but when I go to contact us page there is a link to download a w9 and print the certs. How should I proceed?[/quoteb121c08014]
You can't print out certs unless your referral is approved, just wait for the referral to get approved and then wait for the email
30-05-2007 19:45:34
oh....okay thanks
31-05-2007 16:32:32
i was wondering if anyone would know. If I did inner concepts using 1 email address and did another site under red turtle investments using another email address. Is that allow? thanks alot
02-06-2007 14:58:26
02-06-2007 17:00:18
[quote175de5c66d="luumon"]i was wondering if anyone would know. If I did inner concepts using 1 email address and did another site under red turtle investments using another email address. Is that allow? thanks alot[/quote175de5c66d]
That's perfectly fine
02-06-2007 21:14:15
thanks!!! sorry, another question. my brother wants to do an ideal site, the market we both live at the same address, using the same computer. can he sign up with his email address? thanks!!!
02-06-2007 23:51:05
[quoteeaf350835c="luumon"]thanks!!! sorry, another question. my brother wants to do an ideal site, the market we both live at the same address, using the same computer. can he sign up with his email address? thanks!!![/quoteeaf350835c]
Hell to the No...
03-06-2007 00:10:21
No two accounts at the same address period for any freebie site in the universe. Tell him to move out.
03-06-2007 01:03:02
[quoted330c4ed2b="luumon"]thanks!!! sorry, another question. my brother wants to do an ideal site, the market we both live at the same address, using the same computer. can he sign up with his email address? thanks!!![/quoted330c4ed2b]
Should be ok as long as it's a different DBA.
20-06-2007 11:19:55
Now I have a question for you guys, my certificates were entered and confirmed on the 12th About how long of a wait is it until I see my prize, I picked the tv over the check, but am hoping they send me a check for the real value of a plasma not the $800 bucks they were offering.
20-06-2007 11:53:53
[quotecbc40be592="bgarmon"]Now I have a question for you guys, my certificates were entered and confirmed on the 12th About how long of a wait is it until I see my prize, I picked the tv over the check, but am hoping they send me a check for the real value of a plasma not the $800 bucks they were offering.[/quotecbc40be592]
6-8 weeks.
04-09-2007 13:09:53
Any news on this? Are they for sure 42 inch?