25-03-2006 13:39:08
I am wondering if the ship to address and name has to be the same as the one i signed up with?
25-03-2006 16:30:19
phew, thats good to know that I can change the name and ship to address of the gift from the one i signed up with. =)
thanks for the assurance.
25-03-2006 22:43:46
I know the address is no big deal, but are you sure about the name?
26-03-2006 08:26:16
I'm not sure about this -- if you could just change the name and address like that, it would be pretty damn easy to cirumvent their one gift per person per site rule.
I'm just hypothsizing here, though.
26-03-2006 09:11:41
[quote255d2b891e="Chipote"]I know the address is no big deal, but are you sure about the name?[/quote255d2b891e]
you can change everything but the email address (since that is the way you sign in the site). when you print off the voucher, it will have the promotion number and some infor for them, your email address, and the rest is blank. just fill in what name, address, and phone # you want your prize for, and it's done!
26-03-2006 10:31:12
You CANNOT change the name on the account, my cousin gave me one of his accounts thankfully he lives about 25 minutes away from me and when I finished the gifts and sent it in it came in his name and not mine but came to my address, eventhough I put my name on the voucher. So just watch out.
26-03-2006 11:34:36
[quote386541b5d5="EasyAs456"]You CANNOT change the name on the account, my cousin gave me one of his accounts thankfully he lives about 25 minutes away from me and when I finished the gifts and sent it in it came in his name and not mine but came to my address, eventhough I put my name on the voucher. So just watch out.[/quote386541b5d5]
Yea, I wouldn't try to change too much info, if you change teh address it could be because you moved, but they have the right to not send the gift if you change anything else... they also check tax info w/ last name, because i've heard people who sent in a SS# that they thought was theirs and it was declined until they sent a correct SS# for their name shrug just watch out, or you may get nothing at all...
26-03-2006 13:42:22
the gift isnt over $500 so i wont need to send an SSN
05-04-2006 13:18:47
Official REPLY from Nuitech regarding this issue
Thank you for submitting your request. Changes regarding your address,
or any of your residence information can be made at the time of your
gift confirmation. Once qualified, you will be emailed a Gift
Redemption Voucher that will list all the information we have regarding
where to send your gift. Once you receive that, you will be asked to
confirm your identity for security purposes, and may make any necessary
changes at that time.
Please do not reply to this email as the account this is sent from is
not monitored for incoming mail and you will not receive a reply.
Please use the contact form provided at our website.
Thank you,
It gets confusing at the end cause it seems like a contradiction to me.
05-04-2006 20:45:27
is it saying they send you an email making you confirm stuff before they ship? because they do not do that, at least when I have got stuff from them, idk I am confused. I think that you can change everything pretty much but that is just me. There is ABSOLUTELY no reason I can think of that you would have to change the name unless you were stealing the account, correct me if I am wrong though
06-04-2006 08:35:58
im changing the address not the name.
06-04-2006 09:07:34
^still be carefull, because they are watching more and more for fradulant accounts and such. nuitech is pretty trustworthy, so i don't mind giving my real info, even when i sign up.