ConsumerSavingCenter - Free 42" LCD or Plasma HDTV!
04-02-2006 10:31:12
I've found a site giving away a 42" Plasma or LCD HDTV (Panasonic or Phillips, respectively) +Edited by theysayjump+ and now requires you two complete 10 offers and refer 2 (two) people whom also complete 10 offers. The awesome thing is they have tons of great offers, even on the last page! Want the link? I'm sure you do! PM one of these people (starting at the top) and ask if they still need a referral and if so to give you their link
afro wolff ~ Needs a Ref[=http//]afro wolff ~ Needs a Ref
[b3a4726a048]PLEASE[/b3a4726a048] indicate to them whether you are serious about completing the required 8 offers or if you just want to sign up to take a look! You will only be placed on the list if you are serious and complete the offers.
[b3a4726a048]PLEASE[/b3a4726a048] post here or PM me if you have your referral already so I can take you off the list!
Mr. ChEkO StIcK
04-02-2006 10:35:54
how many offers is it for a labtop? I might do it just depends on if it is legit and someone eles has done it
04-02-2006 10:56:03
Not sure about the laptops, I haven't signed up to that one. This is looking to be fricken amazing though for a 42" LCD HDTV!
Mr. ChEkO StIcK
04-02-2006 11:10:36
Ya let me know what you find. I only see the laptop does for prizes is there a site were i can see there prizes at?
04-02-2006 11:24:36
Search for it.
04-02-2006 11:31:51
[quote27f2589399="Wolfeman"]Search for it.[/quote27f2589399]
[quote27f2589399="kevxross"]I've searched on here and on and found nothing. [/quote27f2589399]
I didn't find anything. Did you?
I just plotted out my gameplan for when/if I decide to go for it. I've done 100s of offers already, and I can still complete my requirements for less than 20 bucks 8)
Mr. ChEkO StIcK
04-02-2006 11:32:53
what is the link to the site for i can see all the offers?
04-02-2006 12:06:16
The style of the site looks like it's one of i-DealDirects scam sites..
04-02-2006 12:13:42
[quoteeee0f7c7f5="EasyAs456"]The style of the site looks like it's one of i-DealDirects scam sites..[/quoteeee0f7c7f5]
You're right. I looked into some i-DealDirect sites and they do seem very similar. Thanks for the info. Why are they a scam?
04-02-2006 12:16:52
Might have something to do with them not sending out what they promise and running away with the refferals that you gave them shrug
04-02-2006 12:27:29
Hey, smart ass replies are always helpful!
I just read a thread on "i-DealDirect" sites on and people complained that it was a pain in the ass, but that they got their gifts. I'm willing to jump through a few hoops for a $20 42" LCD HDTV. Any better proof that it's a scam?
Edit Ok this is definately the same company as and there's a thread on where several people got their tractors or $1800 checks! I'm goin for it!
04-02-2006 13:03:58
Does the referall have to do all 8 offers for them to count? Do they have to do all 8 offers + referral themselves to count?
04-02-2006 13:11:17
link to the plasma?
04-02-2006 15:24:57
Id be interested, itd be easy to do since its only 1 ref (everyone who wants to sign up use someones link and everyone is happy)
Mr. ChEkO StIcK
04-02-2006 16:13:52
Whats the link for i can see the gifts? An lets us know if it is legit..
04-02-2006 17:37:40
I don't think I can post the link here because the only one I know to get to the HDTV site is my ref link. If mods say OK though, I'll post it..
I just noticed too that the Panasonic is Plasma, not LCD. So whatever your preference, they've got a 42" HDTV flavor 8)
04-02-2006 17:40:28
04-02-2006 17:43:10
PM me your link and maybe I'll be your ref. We need to have a ref chain )
04-02-2006 17:49:22
i think im going under kev.. i just dont know if i trust this site. i remmebr talkin bout it with gigange, cant remember if its good or bad tho
04-02-2006 17:50:46
I'll go under you Airkat, Gigante can be under me )
04-02-2006 17:58:59
sweet. Signing up now
04-02-2006 18:26:57
04-02-2006 19:52:50
well let me know how it looks. If all looks good I will consider going under Gigante if he is interestred.
04-02-2006 20:04:00
[quotedd9a7b3012="Wolfeman"]I'll go under you Airkat, Gigante can be under me )[/quotedd9a7b3012]Ill go under gigante, or wolfeman if gigantes not interested, who under me?
04-02-2006 20:08:31
this looks just like the site I am working on now - - Free Rolex if you do 8 offers plus get a referral to do 8. I went green on all 8 today, exactly 1 week after I did the offers. We will see how it goes.
04-02-2006 20:11:17
Wait. Ok my intention wasn't to start a penis (haha, anyone remember that?). But if we're gonna do this, we gotta ensure interest first. In other words, if someone signed up to check out the offers, but isn't necessarily gonna go through with it, they could screw everything up and waste a few refs. So it started with me, and then Airkat joined. So if Airkat's genuinely interested and is gonna follow through, [i37719c1825]then[/i37719c1825] Wolfeman should sign up under him, and so on and so on. Just don't want a weak link in the chain ;) Otherwise Wolf's sign up is for naught, and I, the one who found it, get nothing.
So. Airkat. You in? D
[quote37719c1825="fitzuf"]this looks just like the site I am working on now - - Free Rolex if you do 8 offers plus get a referral to do 8. I went green on all 8 today, exactly 1 week after I did the offers. We will see how it goes.[/quote37719c1825]
Good to hear! Everyone that did the said that they credited pretty quickly too, which is great. (1 week isn't blazing fast, but pretty damn good by DIY standards).
04-02-2006 20:30:51
Im pretty sure im in, so i guess id be after Wolfeman. Also, could you pm me the offers? (just to make sure i can do it)
04-02-2006 20:38:48
I'm in if the offers are doable and we can start a chain gang )
04-02-2006 21:01:20
Also in if offers doable.
04-02-2006 21:02:27
[quote464fe65a79="igneous"]Also in if offers doable.[/quote464fe65a79]sweet
04-02-2006 21:05:29
im in, but wheneve ri go to check my account status and get my ref link it says email doesnt exist. yet I got a confirmation email...
04-02-2006 21:07:06
this defeats the purpose of diy..... roll
04-02-2006 21:07:19
Well Airkat I'll go for you. Can we start a list?
04-02-2006 21:08:59
DIYk = Do It Yourself kinda...
04-02-2006 21:16:32
Eh Junior lighten up. Yeah, I wonder if it would be cool to post links. Prolly not as it's like a conga... I'll PM you my link wolfe
04-02-2006 21:20:32
OK, link me.
Not a conga but people helping eachother out. Nothing to do with FIPG, SO DON'T GO CRYING TO MODS ) Who wants my link?
04-02-2006 21:26:01
[quoteb80c37b814="Wolfeman"]OK, link me.
Not a conga but people helping eachother out. Nothing to do with FIPG, SO DON'T GO CRYING TO MODS ) Who wants my link?[/quoteb80c37b814]Me, assuming the offers arent crap, just pm me and ill tell you if im gonna do it or not
04-02-2006 21:27:49
linked.. NEXT!
offers are easy btw. They're getting their money cuz most people wont do 8 offers let alne refer someone.
04-02-2006 21:35:38
How long til I can login and get my link? I'm going to do all 8 offers very quickly...
04-02-2006 21:46:03
Gotta check them spam filters. PM'd my link...
04-02-2006 22:03:37
I'll be someones referral, send me a PM, I WANT TO DO THIS SITE
04-02-2006 22:13:26
[quotedf63c310b9="guelah75"]I'll be someones referral, send me a PM, I WANT TO DO THIS SITE[/quotedf63c310b9]pming soon as i get my link
04-02-2006 22:33:44
I did cosmetique and its not showing (
04-02-2006 22:45:21
Waiting for a PM...
04-02-2006 22:51:39
Blah --
-- perhaps I should just stop and count my losses now.
lieditli BTW, I thought it was one of those sites where your offers dont show up unless they're in progress, but alas tis not true. I clicked on a few offers and closed the window and they show up. But not the cosmetique which ive been billed for...
And their site is confusing which page I clicked offers on...
04-02-2006 23:49:54
I'll be someones referral, send me a PM, I WANT TO DO THIS SITE
04-02-2006 23:51:22
Ugh, I-deal. I didn't know that. Let's do some research before we all jump into it...
05-02-2006 00:06:57
+karma to Crynos for the link
05-02-2006 00:17:13
im in if it'll pan out, who wants me as their ref?
05-02-2006 00:53:01
the last pages of the link below doesnt look too promising....
05-02-2006 05:28:10
Crynos I believe I put in before you did,but I can go under you if the offers are good and I can do them, I have done alot. Who is under me?
05-02-2006 05:33:07
that post sounds very familiar, TrialClix is the same way when it comes to crediting offers. I had 5 offers that never credited with trialclix and only got manual credit for 1 of them after a year I gave up since I already received my gift. Not sure why some companies can so easily verify an offer and others can't? Do you think YFdirect and Nuitech give you credit even at their loss? Does not make sense.
05-02-2006 06:55:41
I'm still goin for it (too late for me to turn back now). I'm still optimistic because after reading those 2 threads, most people DID receive their gifts. Granted, a few people had some hassle to deal with, but I'm ready to fight for my free HDTV lol
I'm just gonna be very careful about everything and keep strict records of everything. Airkat, you know you wanna push forward ;) ;)
05-02-2006 07:05:49
[quoted45490050c="kyks17"]im in if it'll pan out, who wants me as their ref?[/quoted45490050c]
I want you as my ref if it pans out and the offers are easy)
05-02-2006 08:23:50
yea its worth it for a HDTV!
someone give me a link!! )
05-02-2006 09:38:05
just signed up under kevxross
who wants to sign up under me?
05-02-2006 09:52:20
I will
05-02-2006 10:13:13
Just signed up under swbball28, Need someone to complete under me.
05-02-2006 10:14:36
Wait, what are the requirements? Offer count, referral count, and types of offers?
05-02-2006 10:16:30
8 offers, which are all pretty easy to complete, and one referral.
05-02-2006 10:22:50
Can you define "all pretty easy to complete"? Is it like IRC where it's 2 pages of 2 easy offers each, then 4 OOD? Or is it like YFDirect where you can do whatever and find 8 easy offers?
05-02-2006 10:34:48
[quote6145b59369="tylerc"]Can you define "all pretty easy to complete"? Is it like IRC where it's 2 pages of 2 easy offers each, then 4 OOD? Or is it like YFDirect where you can do whatever and find 8 easy offers?[/quote6145b59369]
It has 3 pages, but all the pages have the same offers. The offers are ~$5 trial offers that you would see on Freepay or TRAINN D
05-02-2006 10:47:31
Yup, the normal ones, from trimlife, to real, cosmetique, etc...Very easy site to complete.
05-02-2006 10:52:18
What exactly is the timeframe for this site?
05-02-2006 11:20:44
Just so everyone knows, accounts expire in 60 days from signup
05-02-2006 11:47:59
yeah that's the only thing that keeps me from jumping into this... if i'm sure i have a ref that'll complete than i'll be glad to do this site
05-02-2006 11:54:41
[quote1ad20e7696="Crynos"]Just so everyone knows, accounts expire in 60 days from signup[/quote1ad20e7696]
Yep, forgot about that. My plan give my offers a week and see how it's lookin. If most go "green" but a couple are lagging, I'll probably just go ahead and complete a couple more just to cover my ass. It's worth it IMO.
You can submit for manual approval after 30 days, but I've heard their customer service isn't the greatest ?
05-02-2006 13:06:55
igneous I will do it under you if there is someone who will do it under me and I can do the offers. I need to get into the site and make sure there are 8 I can do. Igneous I would know right away and could let you know withing hours if I am a goahead, which I a for sure if the offers are there and someone is ready to be under me.
05-02-2006 13:16:54
[quotea02eae04b8="TeeRatt"][quotea02eae04b8="kyks17"]im in if it'll pan out, who wants me as their ref?[/quotea02eae04b8]
I want you as my ref if it pans out and the offers are easy)[/quotea02eae04b8]
u didnt post in the thread saying u were signed up under someone logic says i should go before u.
who has actually signed up and needs me as a ref?
05-02-2006 14:25:38
I signed up under guelah75, I need a ref that can definately copmlete this.
He showed me the offers, and you can complete 7/8 offers for absolutely nothing! You heard me, 7 free offers in the mix. Then tons more of the good cheap, S+H only ones. Yeah, anyone holding out because of the offers shouldn't.
I think it would be worth posting a link on here, so people can sign up a fake account just to check out the offers and whatnot. Mods?
05-02-2006 14:34:36
kyks, want to get in under me or did someone already ask you?
05-02-2006 14:50:35
Is everyone seeing their refs? Guelah signed up under me and i dont see him (he confirmed email also). Seems kindve shady...
05-02-2006 14:51:20
[quote80ab5303a1="Crynos"]Is everyone seeing their refs? Guelah signed up under me and i dont see him (he confirmed email also). Seems kindve shady...[/quote80ab5303a1]
I see mine...
05-02-2006 14:54:35
i see mine also
05-02-2006 14:55:50
I wanna join under someone )
05-02-2006 14:59:29
Wtf, they changed the link... No, i didnt miscopy it the first time, i always double check multiple times with ctrl + f (im OCD about that). BS
05-02-2006 15:10:48
I dunno Crynos... weird.
Another tip Don't go crazy signing up to every DIY site you come across! I don't lithinkli it'd be a problem if you just sign up and don't complete it, but this network is very strict about only completing ONE of their sites every 6 months and they'll put your account(s) on hold if you do more than one. Just be careful about what you sign up for. Again, I don't think it'd be a problem unless you actually complete more than one site, but the less risks you take, the better off you are!
05-02-2006 15:22:43
I signed up about 30 min ago, how long has it taken for others to get their confirmation emails? I want to complete registration so I can send my referral link to someone.
Easyas456 I am still looking for someone, I asked ksky17 but no response yet. Thanks
05-02-2006 15:24:46
I completed my 8, it cost me about 12 bucks total! )
05-02-2006 15:36:51
skooter are you still looking for someone to sign up under you?
05-02-2006 16:55:02
yes I am, but I am waiting on my email to get my referral link. So I am interested if you are if you are willing to wait alittle bit and then if I don't get it you can try someone else. I am sure if I send an email request asking for the email I won't hear anything until tomorrow at the soonest if that. Thanks
05-02-2006 17:38:47
i would be willing, but i have only done one diy site in the past and simply don't want to waste time on a company that could be a scam. so anybody with experience, are they atleast legit? i would do my own signup all legit of course, and get somebody from on here to be my referral so i shouldn't hit any snags.
05-02-2006 17:58:13
u check ur spam folder?
05-02-2006 18:04:41
yes, many times
05-02-2006 18:07:40
[quoteaf3d983c90="damac"]i would be willing, but i have only done one diy site in the past and simply don't want to waste time on a company that could be a scam. so anybody with experience, are they atleast legit? i would do my own signup all legit of course, and get somebody from on here to be my referral so i shouldn't hit any snags.[/quoteaf3d983c90]they run other sites that people have reported being legit, so Im not too worried about that.
05-02-2006 18:34:03
I'll take someones link.
Also, please don't post any links if they are ref links.
05-02-2006 19:34:56
I'll be someones referral, send me a PM with the ref link, I NEED A PLASMA!!
05-02-2006 19:43:49
Are you all talking about this?
05-02-2006 19:55:07
[quotec628bd43ab="nitriv"]Are you all talking about this?
Yeah, that site looks like the same company, but that's not the site we're talking about...
^^^Nobody sign up for that site, or any site that looks like it's from this same company if you're already doing this HDTV one. It could screw you up, so just don't risk it.
05-02-2006 19:56:45
[quotee5c28109d2="nitriv"]Are you all talking about this?
no, its http//, but you need the referral link to get to the plasma site
05-02-2006 19:59:34
Who is next in line here? I'll give it a shot and complete the offers this week.
05-02-2006 20:06:37
Anyone have an offer go BEYOND pending?
05-02-2006 20:35:15
not yet, I dont think they credit as fast as nuitech. Hopefully some will for me tomorrow though..
05-02-2006 20:47:55
Where do you get your ref link from? As soon as I get it or find it, I'll need someone to sign up under me.
05-02-2006 20:56:11
me ill do it
05-02-2006 21:07:27
[quote2b93fc1abf="Crynos"]Is everyone seeing their refs? Guelah signed up under me and i dont see him (he confirmed email also). Seems kindve shady...[/quote2b93fc1abf]
I reverified my email again, hope it helps
My referral (xigxag) hasn't showed up yet either, not sure if he has verified yet or not
likeeping fingers crossed for this site to be legitli
05-02-2006 21:12:06
My referral is already showing and all offers pending.
05-02-2006 21:26:48
[quotee3360fe9e0="theysayjump"]Where do you get your ref link from? As soon as I get it or find it, I'll need someone to sign up under me.[/quotee3360fe9e0]
Click check status at the bottom of the page.. then scroll down
05-02-2006 21:36:12
[quote8ca190c284="Airkat"][quote8ca190c284="theysayjump"]Where do you get your ref link from? As soon as I get it or find it, I'll need someone to sign up under me.[/quote8ca190c284]
Click check status at the bottom of the page.. then scroll down[/quote8ca190c284]
Cool, thanks man.
05-02-2006 21:44:33
[quote6f4be1555f="skooter22c"]I signed up about 30 min ago, how long has it taken for others to get their confirmation emails? I want to complete registration so I can send my referral link to someone.
Easyas456 I am still looking for someone, I asked ksky17 but no response yet. Thanks[/quote6f4be1555f]
Ill signup under anyone.. looking to do this.
05-02-2006 22:10:11
Anyone have any updates on this site?
Such as the exact crediting process (is it a 3 stage system like YF direct? pending-in progress-approved) I'm assuming the referral must complete an offer as well..obviously
Anyone receive quick credit on their offers or completed credit on all 8 yet? (I know its only been about two days...)
Also, was anyone able to hash out the specifics on easy customer service, shipping methods (online approval like referral based sites or is it that you have to turn in certificates?)
Just looking to get a good solid overview of the site going for a future sticky much like yall have up for NuiTech and YFDirect.
I'd like to sign up as well if someone wants to PM me. (Just debating on whether or not it is worth finishing up another YFDirect site first)
06-02-2006 07:37:56
What are the requirements for the laptops they offer? Is it the same type of deal you do 8 offers and refer someone as well?
06-02-2006 07:47:57
i want to sign up, but i need to check out the site 1st. if someone wants to swap sites pm me
06-02-2006 07:53:48
here is the link, NOT my ref link btw.
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06-02-2006 08:04:52
Basically the same offers are on all pages.
06-02-2006 08:05:33
really not tough at all. i guess they assume noone would get a ref to do it too
06-02-2006 08:06:54
I'll be someones referral, send me a PM with the ref link, I NEED A PLASMA!!
06-02-2006 08:08:04
[quotefe1214b338="Getzum4u2"]I'll be someones referral, send me a PM with the ref link, I NEED A PLASMA!![/quotefe1214b338]
ill send you a pm
06-02-2006 08:45:48
I can sign up under someone for this as well. Send me a PM
06-02-2006 08:59:22
Looks interesting! I can definitely do 8 offers from that list. If someone would PM me a ref link, I would appreciate it.
06-02-2006 09:33:48
I still need someones ref link for this site.
06-02-2006 11:09:35
[quote11356f378c="richchud"]Looks interesting! I can definitely do 8 offers from that list. If someone would PM me a ref link, I would appreciate it.[/quote11356f378c]
I sent you a pm with my link, and i signed up and completed my offers under chewy
06-02-2006 11:11:55
I might give this a shot - pm me if you need it.
06-02-2006 11:12:53
[quote91527612d3="brett7258"][quote91527612d3="richchud"]Looks interesting! I can definitely do 8 offers from that list. If someone would PM me a ref link, I would appreciate it.[/quote91527612d3]
I sent you a pm with my link, and i signed up and completed my offers under chewy[/quote91527612d3]
you did complete already? sweet, now i need to decide which offers to do
06-02-2006 11:47:40
Have anyone seen the the status of their offer change from pending? I wonder how fast this site takes to credit.
06-02-2006 11:51:19
ok there are tons of offers im interested in and able to do, so thats cool.
i need somebody to pm me with a link.
so are we all just helping each other out here and passing links along? nobody is making a trade out of the initial signup?
06-02-2006 12:16:11
Nope all my offers are still pending, and I was the first of us to complete them. Trust me, you'll hear about it when people start getting credit ;)
I just hope they don't see all of us complete the requirements within the same week and decide to change the terms or something! They're gonna shit their pants when they see how many Plasma HDTVs they're gonna have to ship out...
06-02-2006 12:21:58
yep, which is why I considered putting my link on my site. This way they'll get some other signups and it wont look so orchestrated with each of us having one complete referral.
06-02-2006 12:31:21
Just signed up under chewy.
06-02-2006 12:35:15
[quote772b0fdfe1="Airkat"]yep, which is why I considered putting my link on my site. This way they'll get some other signups and it wont look so orchestrated with each of us having one complete referral.[/quote772b0fdfe1]
I think that would be a good idea Airkat. These DIY sites send out a lot of shit so maybe you could thank them by putting your link up on your site. D
06-02-2006 12:44:01
Before anybody sign up under anybody, we need to make sure we are not doubling up referrals!!! I noticed a 1-2 cases already where 2 or more people signed up under one person just from reading this thread!
I have not signed up under anybody yet (still doing research on this company) but most likely will do it under Brett. I will PM him to make sure no one else signed up under him before I go ahead and sign up. I will also be looking for someone to sign up under me when I do sign up (probably tonight) so will be looking for someone soon.
06-02-2006 12:55:12
[quote8e873a4b28="richchud"](still doing research on this company)[/quote8e873a4b28]
Have you found anything? If so let us know! It's hard to dig up anything on sites like this. I just looked up the whois and it's a little scary, especially when compared with (who I thought was the same company) ?
06-02-2006 13:12:33
A little off topic...but DIY's are becoming the new "free ipods". You know what I mean.
And I love it. Not only are we getting more bang for our buck, essentially...we can spend at the cost of one freepay REFFERRAL to get our own freebie.
Im so glad you guys opened up a DIY forum here D
06-02-2006 13:49:56
^^ i agree, although I still haven't gotten a chance to do one because I'm waiting to get a visa gift card. still wondering though does it matter where visa gift cards are bought? can you put an address to a card and what not, whenever an offer asks for the address how does it know that the card is linked to that address. or does it just look for the name and number and expiration date?
06-02-2006 14:32:25
I signed up under thepalmers03, I need a referral that is going to complete the site. PM is you have not signed up please.
06-02-2006 14:34:33
[quote466086fa97="kevxross"][quote466086fa97="richchud"](still doing research on this company)[/quote466086fa97]
Have you found anything? If so let us know! It's hard to dig up anything on sites like this. I just looked up the whois and it's a little scary, especially when compared with (who I thought was the same company) ?[/quote466086fa97]
Nothing about the company itself. I do like their terms of service though that says that they can replace the item with a like item and it can be of lesser value! I understand that prices go down so it could be of equal features with a lower price but that's not how I interpreted what was said in the TOS.
Don't know if they are the same or not with but the link posted earlier in the thread from was scary. I don't know if I want to have to go to lawyers to get my stuff.
06-02-2006 14:48:29
I signed up under Chewy. If you are 100% sure you will be completing this site along with all the offers, please pm me so that I could pass on my ref. link, thanks!
06-02-2006 16:51:52
So how does the referral system actually work at this site?
DO you just need a referral to sign up under your link and complete ONE offer...or a referral on your site to complete ALL their offers. If it is the latter, that is pretty rough. Imagine doing all your offers and waiting 30+ days for approval (YFDirect-style)...knowing you have to wait for someone underneath you to do so as well. Just seems a bit messy.
06-02-2006 16:57:36
a bit messy indeed and im sure this company makes a killing cuz of it. It's #2 BTW
06-02-2006 16:59:19
[quoted824efbb21="Airkat"]a bit messy indeed and [bd824efbb21]im sure this company makes a killing cuz of it[/bd824efbb21]. It's #2 BTW[/quoted824efbb21]
To be perfectly honest, I hope so.
06-02-2006 17:09:57
They either make a killing to able to afford to ship out 42" Plasmas for only 8 inespensive offers, or they're a scam.
Especially with the turnaround which relatively fast isn't it?
06-02-2006 17:22:18
Agreed. I guess we'll see )
06-02-2006 18:10:52
alright i missed 2 pages of this thread from 1 day of being at skool/work, so whoever wants me as their ref, please just PM me your link. i get PM notifications in my email and check that all day long, so i'll be able to keep up better.
liwaits for PM from anyoneli
06-02-2006 18:26:32
[quote2dd249173f="Airkat"]a bit messy indeed and im sure this company makes a killing cuz of it. It's #2 BTW[/quote2dd249173f]
Well in that case its not quite a 'DIY site' anymore. Its a
I suppose that doesn't deserve a new board right? )
My skepticism is keeping me sitting out of this one. I'll keep a lookout on all your
..And I do also hope the company makes money. I just didn't realize the other DIY sites' marketing strategies weren't profitible enough (in order to make this new, interesting, system).
06-02-2006 18:29:20
Well we'll see. I'm actually pausing on offers until ATLEAST 1 goes in progress.. sheesh
06-02-2006 18:49:44
Yeah I've done 4 on page 3 and 1 on Page 1 but I'm gonna wait to see if they change from Pending also. As soon as they do I'm gonna be all over the beast.
06-02-2006 18:58:23
I think this one is a loser, but just my opinion.
06-02-2006 18:59:00
I'm beginning to agree but we'll see
06-02-2006 19:00:25
theysay jump, with the whole refferal piece they throw in it is actually 16 offers per tv not 8, so they are getting theirs and making us work for it. If it wasn't for this forum not sure I could have found a referral.
All mine are still pending after one day also and I am showing my referral.
06-02-2006 19:25:52
[quote27d07ebb14="skooter22c"]theysay jump, with the whole refferal piece they throw in it is actually 16 offers per tv not 8, so they are getting theirs and making us work for it. If it wasn't for this forum not sure I could have found a referral.
All mine are still pending after one day also and I am showing my referral.[/quote27d07ebb14]
True, I didn't think about the ref part. Maybe it is legit then.
How long does it take for your refs to show up?
06-02-2006 19:42:44
Like I said, this site is very similar to the free rolex site I am working on ( - same offers, terms, requirements, etc.
I have noticed that they credit a week to the day after you do the offer - unless that's a Sunday, in which case it appears that Monday is the day. That's just with me though, so who knows.
06-02-2006 19:44:09
[quote1a9830893d="fitzuf"]Like I said, this site is very similar to the free rolex site I am working on ( - same offers, terms, requirements, etc.
I have noticed that they credit a week to the day after you do the offer - unless that's a Sunday, in which case it appears that Monday is the day. That's just with me though, so who knows.[/quote1a9830893d]
Nice. Have you completed the requirements and gotten a voucher yet?
06-02-2006 19:57:19
I've done my 8 - did 9 actually to be safe. I have 9 greens. Just need ref to have 8.
06-02-2006 20:04:09
well, glad someone has done them..
06-02-2006 20:08:49
I also did 9 because one is not showing up as even being clicked on and I got a confirmation email from the offer. So if fitzuf is right about the time line there is going to be like 10 people all going green including referral in like 2 weeks.....lets hope there is enough in stock!
06-02-2006 20:41:45
or not.. so we can get a check!
06-02-2006 21:06:19
[quote7514678ed2="Airkat"]or not.. so we can get a check![/quote7514678ed2]
this is the same company as the freelawntractor site right? I know people on got cheks for that site at one point, so its possible?
06-02-2006 21:37:56
I can sign up under someone if they give me the ref link
07-02-2006 06:38:26
did anyone receive a confirmation email from them?
07-02-2006 10:53:53
Yep, in my spam folder...
07-02-2006 11:37:19
alrighty i've signed up, thanks for the PMs guys )
anyone wants my ref link, feel free to shoot me a PM
07-02-2006 11:40:59
I have no idea if it's the same company, but go to and read the terms. Almost identical. Also, the layout is very similar. All of the offers appear to be the same as well. Maybe it's just two scam sites run by two different losers - who knows. However, I do know that I went "complete" (no in progress step) on all 9 offers exactly one week after I did them - except for one that I did on Sunday, which went green the following Monday (8 days). Additionally, one offer that I completed failed to show up as pending - it appears you just don't get credit at all if it doesn't appear from the beginning. Maybe that's how they are getting some extra $ on the back-end. Who knows, but I hope this works out for all of us D
The one thing I found alarming about the site you all are talking about is that the whois entry for it seems shady - XXX-XXXX phone number and limited contact info. I know on the rolex site that it is at least registered to an LLC - the same LLC (Red Turtle Investments) that replied to my email inquiries. Who knows - I suppose with the exception of 3-4 DIY companies, you never know whether it's a scam or not until you try.
07-02-2006 12:31:18
Yeah the whois really bothers me too \ If I had checked that before taking the plunge, I probably wouldn't have done it.
Don't do both this site and the rolex site though, because if it is the same company, it's against their terms.
07-02-2006 20:49:04
If anyone wants to sign up, my link is below
Also, just FYI I read the TOS and it looks like the account you set up is good for 60 days. If you don't complete your offers and your ref doesn't complete them in 60 days all you get is a $50 gift card
07-02-2006 22:00:28
Can some one send me a link.
07-02-2006 22:38:04
Ok I still need someone to use my link. If you're interested, then PM me please. I've done all of my offers, just need a ref now.
07-02-2006 22:46:27
Have they all credited TSJ?
07-02-2006 23:30:42
[quote1153042224="Wolfeman"]Have they all credited TSJ?[/quote1153042224]
Nope, not a single one of them have. cry
08-02-2006 04:18:44
it supposidly takes 7 days from what i have read
08-02-2006 09:12:40
I still need someone for my ref so if you want to do it PM me.
08-02-2006 17:44:11
Yeah, I too just completed all eight offers today, and already had a referral complete his eight too. Lets hope this works!
08-02-2006 21:02:25
[quote270552304e="tycoon"]Yeah, I too just completed all eight offers today, and already had a referral complete his eight too. Lets hope this works![/quote270552304e]
If anyone needs a referral link. PM me )
08-02-2006 21:21:31
Who is everyone signing up under? I still need a referral to do the site.
09-02-2006 17:20:01
Im ready to do this site -- PM me if you want me to sign up under you ...
09-02-2006 18:18:58
Anyone know the time limit this site is? From once you and your referall has completed all their offers and you have the green light?
09-02-2006 20:15:48
Whose next in line? I want to sign up! PM with your referral link.
10-02-2006 07:06:16
I still need someone under me. PM me if you want the link.
10-02-2006 07:18:28
I also need someone.... PM me if interested.
10-02-2006 10:20:23
Is this site down for anyone else? It doesn't even load for me. (
10-02-2006 10:46:19
Site works for me. And by the way, we've got a similiar thread over at A4F. Lets hope it legit!!!
10-02-2006 13:11:54
Yeah, I'm really looking foward to this. Me and my referall have completed all eight. I'll be pissed if it doesn't work.
11-02-2006 07:15:29
Kick ass! Exactly 1 week after I did my offers like fitzuf said, 6/8 are [b331d86cd20]approved[/b331d86cd20][/color331d86cd20]! I'm happy because I have some approved offers, but unhappy because I don't have enough approved offers ?
Now I'm faced with the decision of whether I play the waiting game or if I do 2 new offers. I think I'll give it til Monday, then do 2 more, then probably have to wait another week for those 2 ?
11-02-2006 07:47:45
Awesome, I can't wait to see what happens with mine. I really hope 8/8 go with mine and my referrals, but I'm not expecting it
11-02-2006 08:44:11
[quoteb29136aaf9="emoney"]Site works for me. And by the way, we've got a similiar thread over at A4F. Lets hope it legit!!![/quoteb29136aaf9]
emoney buddy, good to see you over here......
any chance of unbanning me over on A4F haha just kidding
-regarding this site, I just signed up and will do offers monday (i was told doing offers on weekends probably wasn't a good idea) anyway i do hope it works!
11-02-2006 08:45:10
[quote6f1301b2e8="brett7258"]I still need someone under me. PM me if you want the link.[/quote6f1301b2e8]
I signed up under you 8)
11-02-2006 09:20:23
Thanks. Lets hope we get these. I am hoping to get it about the same time as my MGS one.
11-02-2006 21:48:34
Oh WTF! I just checked my status and it says my email address doesn't exist in their database. I'm pretty pissed at the moment. Anyone else get this message?
11-02-2006 21:54:51
Well this confirms that they must be the same company - I am no longer found in freeluxurywatch either. Must be some system downtime or something - I hope ?
11-02-2006 21:56:12
I get the same DAMN message, I know I confirmed my email, hope this isn't a s c a m
11-02-2006 23:33:06
Looks like it's back up now (at least the rolex site is)
11-02-2006 23:35:15
[quote8c6912de9d="fitzuf"]Looks like it's back up now (at least the rolex site is)[/quote8c6912de9d]
back up for consumer savings also!
12-02-2006 06:29:58
Awesome, we're back in action. I'm just waiting for something like that to happen with this unknown site, and then... that happens. Scared the shit out of me lol
12-02-2006 06:32:51
7 of my 8 offers turned approved
12-02-2006 06:33:19
[quote2823572e11="kevxross"]Awesome, we're back in action. I'm just waiting for something like that to happen with this unknown site, and then... that happens. Scared the shit out of me lol[/quote2823572e11]
Me too!
12-02-2006 08:10:53
Damnit, only 5/8 for me so far. Hopefully those other 3 are just slow to credit, but I have a feeling my patience will not last long and Ill end up doing 3 more to finish up. Especially if my referral does before I do.
12-02-2006 10:12:01
only 2 for me
12-02-2006 10:12:23
1 of mine went approved exactly one week after I signed up but I also signed up last Sun so I am hoping for the Monday deal. Hope all goes as planned.
12-02-2006 10:43:03
I was waiting to see if people were starting to get offers completed before I go and sign up. Therefore, is there anybody still in need of a referral? Also, if anybody can sign up under me that would be great. Please PM me in either case.
12-02-2006 22:13:33
I signed up a week ago and some of my offers have been approved. If someone wants to do this site I need a referral. I can give you a gmail invite if you do it.
13-02-2006 05:19:07
thepalmers03 - pm your link and i will sign up and complete the offers later today
I will also be needing a referral if anyone is interested.
13-02-2006 05:32:06
I also need a referral still- PM me if interested.
13-02-2006 06:01:37
I got 4 of my 8 approved this morning. D (
I wonder how long it'll take for the others to green.
13-02-2006 06:14:53
I am 2/8 approved
13-02-2006 06:40:37
Well, logged in this morning and noticed that one of my refs has gone approved (exactly one week after doing offers)!!! Now it says a redemption email will be sent within 24 hours. Mind you, this is, but I figured I'd keep you guys updated since they are the same company with the same requirements.
Bring on the Rolex!
13-02-2006 07:24:51
I will start this site tonight -- 1st to PM me gets my ref ...
UPDATE !! Stop the PMs -- already got the link -- thx all ...
13-02-2006 09:17:39
What is the verdict, are those that didnt get all 8 approved going to do more offers? I am 5 of 8 approved, not sure if I should wait a little or just do 3 more?
13-02-2006 10:50:32
I know this is a tad off-topic, but this is a site from the same network, and made me laugh. I wasn't about to start a new thread for it.
lol lol
13-02-2006 10:54:54
hahaah classic
13-02-2006 12:38:01
[quotef2686d0b19="brett7258"]What is the verdict, are those that didnt get all 8 approved going to do more offers? I am 5 of 8 approved, not sure if I should wait a little or just do 3 more?[/quotef2686d0b19]Im having the same dilemma
I am not sure how well this company does manual credits, so Im not sure if I want to wait.
14-02-2006 00:51:09
I just got 2 more offers approved. I'm 6/8 now.
The two I have yet to get credit for were done the day before the offers I just got credit for, so I'm thinking I won't get credit for the ones that haven't greened yet. (
14-02-2006 01:02:58
whos next in line?
I will be ready to do all 8 offers by the end of the week once i transfer some money from my paypal
pm to let me know who I am signing up for
14-02-2006 04:07:33
6 went approved on day 7!
im waiting on Energy Vitale and Dental Plus. anyone else?
i was approved on
Bargain Homes
Health Benefits
Green Tea 300
14-02-2006 05:02:08
I'd like to do the site - so I'll likely be fitzuf's ref. Should I start another thread in DIY to get my referral, or post in this thread that I need one?
14-02-2006 05:50:00
I'd say start a new thread related to that site
14-02-2006 07:28:53
ok I an signing up under wolfeman so I will need someone to go under me
14-02-2006 07:34:37
I too am looking for someone to sign up under me.
14-02-2006 08:13:03
[quote469907e105="doylnea"]I'd like to do the site - so I'll likely be fitzuf's ref. Should I start another thread in DIY to get my referral, or post in this thread that I need one?[/quote469907e105]
You can't do this plasma site and the watch site can you? I'd love a nice watch, but dont want to risk it.
14-02-2006 08:28:39
[quote2b81b36d84="Airkat"]I'd say start a new thread related to that site[/quote2b81b36d84]
Will do.
Anyone have a sense of how long the turnaround is for these guys' sites? i.e. NUItech style speed or YFdirect style?
14-02-2006 09:04:07
Having the worst luck with this site..s till only 2 show approved, and theres one offer that never even showed that I clicked it!
Here's what I sent them
Offers that I click do not show up. I have one offer completed that never shows up, and when I go back into my account to complete more offers they don't show up. I almost finished an offer until I thought to go check to make sure it was tracking properly.
14-02-2006 09:37:50
Anyone else having trouble checking their status today?
14-02-2006 11:32:58
First off is this place legit???????????
If so who needs refs. Ill do this site
14-02-2006 11:34:09
[quote90cd09514c="ffactoryxx"]Fisrt of is this place legit???????????[/quote90cd09514c]

http//[" alt=""/img90cd09514c]
14-02-2006 11:43:54
No disrespect intended but factory probably wins for having the most stupid posts in DIY D
14-02-2006 11:46:56
[quote16e13fb56a="Airkat"]No disrespect intended but factory probably wins for having the most stupid posts in DIY D[/quote16e13fb56a]
Thankyou-Thankyou all

http//[" alt=""/img16e13fb56a]
14-02-2006 11:49:59
[quote946b9a6e3d="Airkat"]No disrespect intended but factory probably wins for having the most stupid posts in DIY D[/quote946b9a6e3d]
...but only because I've been IMing Gigante with my questions oops
14-02-2006 11:51:51
[quotee4651c5d1f="doylnea"][quotee4651c5d1f="Airkat"]No disrespect intended but factory probably wins for having the most stupid posts in DIY D[/quotee4651c5d1f]
...but only because I've been IMing Gigante with my questions oops[/quotee4651c5d1f]
hahaha, and second place goes to... D
14-02-2006 11:53:53
i still need a ref if any of u seeking to be refs havent signed up yet )
14-02-2006 11:59:54
Earlier today, I printed out and mailed in my certificate and W-9 for the Rolex. I guess we will know if it is legit shortly ("allow up to 6-8 weeks").
im interested in doing it. Anyone get their gift yet? I will also need a ref as well so pm me if you want me to sign up under you and pm me if you want to sign up under me.
14-02-2006 12:02:51
[quote99eca6aa2a="Airkat"]Having the worst luck with this site..s till only 2 show approved, and theres one offer that never even showed that I clicked it!
Yea, I had some missing ones as well. I don't think they ever show up.
14-02-2006 12:08:24
What BS. This is why I like to stick to Nuitech and YFD. Does anyone remember that site that you pretty much lost your status if you emptied cookies?
lishakes headli
14-02-2006 12:32:57
I'm still looking for someone to sign up under me.
15-02-2006 05:48:39
Hell yes! Did 2 more offers yesterday and they're green already - didn't have to wait a week like the first batch of offers. I'm complete, just waiting for my referral to be D
15-02-2006 06:34:36
[quotef10421b4c6="kevxross"]Hell yes! Did 2 more offers yesterday and they're green already - didn't have to wait a week like the first batch of offers. I'm complete, just waiting for my referral to be D[/quotef10421b4c6]
15-02-2006 07:31:46
[quote06c8029aa1="kevxross"]Hell yes! Did 2 more offers yesterday and they're green already - didn't have to wait a week like the first batch of offers. I'm complete, just waiting for my referral to be D[/quote06c8029aa1]
Awesome, which 2 offers?
15-02-2006 07:52:48
Signed up. If anyone wants to sign up using my ref PM me.
15-02-2006 07:57:50
they have yet to answer my email.
15-02-2006 10:35:56
Man, this site is starting to worry me. More then half of my offers have yet to SHOW UP at all -/
15-02-2006 12:37:23
Don't they have a phone number that you can call?
15-02-2006 12:46:25
[quote6020685b02="theysayjump"]Don't they have a phone number that you can call?[/quote6020685b02]
yeah, but it goes to voicemail
15-02-2006 17:40:34
Has anyone gotten ANY kind of response out of these guys? Either phone or email?
15-02-2006 18:16:15
I got an e-mail answer from Molly within 3 days
15-02-2006 18:21:35
[quoted5147aebba="galperi1"]I got an e-mail answer from Molly within 3 days[/quoted5147aebba]
Was it a real email or an auto-response? I've gotten auto-responses from Molly, but nothing meaningful.
15-02-2006 19:51:00
[quoteab43e4fc74="kevxross"][quoteab43e4fc74="galperi1"]I got an e-mail answer from Molly within 3 days[/quoteab43e4fc74]
Was it a real email or an auto-response? I've gotten auto-responses from Molly, but nothing meaningful.[/quoteab43e4fc74]
What two offers did you do that you got credit for in under a week??
16-02-2006 08:22:01
I did yourmusic last night and got credit this morning, so I can confirm that the initial 1 week wait for credit is only for the first offers completed.
16-02-2006 20:12:56
If anyone needs a sign up link, PM me please.
16-02-2006 22:41:09
has anyone had offers from the initial batch you did go green on different days? Or are the offers approved on Day 7 the only ones getting credited?
17-02-2006 00:05:34
[quote1ac6b4215f="galperi1"]has anyone had offers from the initial batch you did go green on different days? Or are the offers approved on Day 7 the only ones getting credited?[/quote1ac6b4215f]
Initially, after 7 days, I had 4 offers approved, then 1 day later I had 2 more be approved.
I did 6 offers on February 6th, and 2 on February 7th. Two offers from Feb 6th have still to be approved.
17-02-2006 04:50:59
all my offers are approved!!! so you should be done kevxross.
im waiting on my referral to finish his P
17-02-2006 06:02:55
Same here. All of my offers went approved and I am waiting on my referral.
17-02-2006 06:17:37
Anyone still doing the "wait and see" approach before signing up? I still need someone to sign up under me.
17-02-2006 07:33:06
Just printed out my voucher and sent it out Priority Mail this morning! It's going to PA and I'm in MD, so it should definately be there tomorrow. Only reason I sent Priority was for the delivery confirmation. I'm stoked, I really hope this goes through and works out for everybody!
17-02-2006 07:35:24
wow, thats awesome, im 7/8 and so is my referral!
17-02-2006 07:40:18
OK I'm getting jealous. I can't even proceed with these people. Tried ot find a # and all I got was
Direct to Consumer Interactive, Inc.
Todd Vogelsong
950 Walnut Bottom Rd.
Tel. +1.1111111111
17-02-2006 07:45:23
^^Yep, that's scary. I can't find a phone number for them either. emoney posted these, dunno where he got em
That address is correct though. Or at least that's where they said to send the voucher, so it better be correct lol
17-02-2006 08:18:48
[quote9544e91e11="kevxross"]^^Yep, that's scary. I can't find a phone number for them either. emoney posted these, dunno where he got em
That address is correct though. Or at least that's where they said to send the voucher, so it better be correct lol[/quote9544e91e11]
Those are both i-deal Direct Phone numbers.
17-02-2006 08:25:03
Cool. If someone calls or has called those numbers regarding THIS site (ConsumerSavingCenter) I'd [i70c4e61b7d]love[/i70c4e61b7d] to know if it is in [b70c4e61b7d]fact[/b70c4e61b7d] an i-dealDirect site. So far all we really have are the stunning similarities in site design, but there are also a couple things that kinda go against it being the same company (whois info, addresses). It's still just speculation that this is an i-Deal site at this point, we actually don't know the mother company of this site at all. It could be some kid in a basement somewhere..
17-02-2006 10:48:16
I think I-Deal operates under multiple names (subsidiaries), with multiple addresses. For instance, I believe I-Deal itself is located in Chicago, yet my voucher for the Rolex went to Las Vegas. However, if you look at this whois, it says the Rolex site is hosted by I-Deal
Who knows.
17-02-2006 11:18:38
I dunno, but I finally got int ouch with the infamous molly and resolved some issues. One of the offers look like they'll never credit, but here's hoping to the new ones I did )
17-02-2006 11:28:00
[quotef7e3691f1c="igneous"]wow, thats awesome, im 7/8 and so is my referral![/quotef7e3691f1c]
Do you see your referrals status, or just that they have completed all 8 of their offers? I presume you've been in touch with your referral to get your info about 7 / 8?
17-02-2006 12:28:44
[quotecd8c0cd171="doylnea"][quotecd8c0cd171="igneous"]wow, thats awesome, im 7/8 and so is my referral![/quotecd8c0cd171]
Do you see your referrals status, or just that they have completed all 8 of their offers? I presume you've been in touch with your referral to get your info about 7 / 8?[/quotecd8c0cd171]
Don't worry my man, I will keep you informed! I'm never more than a PM away.
17-02-2006 12:42:45
[quote6ac233c08d="icojones"][quote6ac233c08d="doylnea"][quote6ac233c08d="igneous"]wow, thats awesome, im 7/8 and so is my referral![/quote6ac233c08d]
Do you see your referrals status, or just that they have completed all 8 of their offers? I presume you've been in touch with your referral to get your info about 7 / 8?[/quote6ac233c08d]
Don't worry my man, I will keep you informed! I'm never more than a PM away.[/quote6ac233c08d]
Ha! I was just curious for my own edification, and not at all in regard to you. Thanks for being so attentive though. ;)
17-02-2006 12:54:28
I'm not sure if this has been posted yet or not, but I was going through my diy e-mail account's SPAM and found this
It's the same as the Plasma, same number of offers and referral required but the Laptops are pretty fucking sweet I think.
I'm assuming that it's only one account per household, but if anyone wants the link to sign up, let me know. Doesn't hurt to look.
2. Accounts.
(a) Users are allowed to create a unique account with each referral-based site, as all of these sites are not linked together. Users are not allowed to have multiple accounts within a single referral-based site. All multiple accounts found to be fraudulent or which violate these Terms and Conditions will be placed on hold.
(b) Only one account is allowed per shipping address. We do this to ensure quality leads for our advertisers. Since we are 100% advertiser supported, we cannot afford to support multiple accounts at the same shipping address. If there is more than one user at a shipping address, we suggest that they share an account. All accounts which are found to contain shared shipping addresses will be placed on hold.[/quote342887e607]
17-02-2006 12:58:45
I'm having trouble finding a referral and I want to hurry up and finish this up, so if anyone's still hasn't signed up, I'm offering $15 PayPal. Just PM me.
17-02-2006 13:03:13
[quote729a264b8a="theysayjump"]I'm not sure if this has been posted yet or not, but I was going through my diy e-mail account's SPAM and found this
It's the same as the Plasma, same number of offers and referral required but the Laptops are pretty fucking sweet I think.
I'm assuming that it's only one account per household, but if anyone wants the link to sign up, let me know. Doesn't hurt to look.
hey TSJ... same stuff you can see @ http// )
17-02-2006 13:06:52
Fuck you Airkat, fuck you.
Take your fucking DIY knowledge somewhere else, it's not appreciated here OK?
ps Thanks for the help earlier on.[/size056936e1ba]
17-02-2006 13:31:18
muahaha killing you inside isn't it )
liMace Windu takes lightsaber to TSJ's head.
17-02-2006 13:35:33
I am about to start this, but have been worried by some of the comments I have been seeing lately.
Would you reccomend I jump on this now kat, or stay away?
17-02-2006 13:46:45
I recommend you make one more trade so that your TR isn't a sex position.
As far as the site -- they seem legit even if a bit ghetto. Their system isn't as smooth as yfd, mr or nuitech but it works. Go for it before you have no referrals left.
17-02-2006 13:54:14
thats what I was wanting to hear
wofleman too i'm sure
17-02-2006 14:15:55
Honestly, we have no clue how legit it is. I sent my voucher off today and I'm still not getting my hopes up too too high. Though I just came back from Circuit City and after lookin at their 42" Plasma and LCD HDTVs I'm gettin really excited.

http//[" alt=""/img0d0f49d7ac]
17-02-2006 16:16:26
i signed up for the lcd version in case i manage to cause burn-in on my plasma from EFG heh
17-02-2006 16:22:24
Signed up under chewy, to sign up under me give me a PM (only if you are serious), thanks!!
17-02-2006 16:24:54
Why do people keep signing up under people that already have referrals?!?!??!?! There have been numerous people here still looking for referrals (me included). ?
17-02-2006 22:24:41
I was just approved for all 8 of my offers, and my ref was credited with 7/8! D
18-02-2006 07:02:52
Gold and silver groups complete ) Now waiting on the 4 I did for platinum (NONE have credited as of yet)
18-02-2006 07:25:20
[quote42d5727de9="kevxross"]Honestly, we have no clue how legit it is. I sent my voucher off today and I'm still not getting my hopes up too too high. Though I just came back from Circuit City and after lookin at their 42" Plasma and LCD HDTVs I'm gettin really excited.

http//[" alt=""/img42d5727de9][/quote42d5727de9]
Im 8/8 and so is my referral, how long did it take for you to get your certs?
18-02-2006 07:28:22
Ok, now my ref is approved for all 8 but she is still pending under me, and I'm approved for all 8 but my referrer says I'm still pending. Anyone who has actually had a referral approved know if it takes a day or something to go through?...
18-02-2006 07:36:45
[quote276f65fc9e="emoney"]Ok, now my ref is approved for all 8 but she is still pending under me, and I'm approved for all 8 but my referrer says I'm still pending. Anyone who has actually had a referral approved know if it takes a day or something to go through?...[/quote276f65fc9e]Im in the same boat..
18-02-2006 11:17:38
I just turned green for my referrer. Maybe it takes about 12 hrs for your ref to be approved after they are approved for all 8...
18-02-2006 11:37:14
I had 6/8 yesterday, decided to do another 2 offers to get the full 8. I needed the extra 2 on Page 3 but without even thinking about it, I automatically signed up for YourMusic on Page 1 and didn't realise until after I had finished signing up. (
I also did Nutrophony on Page 3 and both have greened overnight, but I wrote them an e-mail asking if they'd switch the YourMusic from Page 1 to Page 3.
You think I should bite the bullet and do yet another offer on Page 3 or just wait it out to see if I get a reply about it on Monday?
18-02-2006 11:54:43
Bite it! So far their customer service seems to be little to none...
18-02-2006 15:38:05
agree. plus for what you're doing, it will be worth it (plasma for one more offer)
18-02-2006 16:50:03
[quote68d904c1f6="Airkat"]agree. plus for what you're doing, it will be worth it (plasma for one more offer)[/quote68d904c1f6]
Provided it's legit that is.
18-02-2006 16:55:29
Well its better to hurry up and finish a site that isnt legit then wait around and not finish a site that is.
As a poker player I always look at odds I am getting
do 1 more offer that costs <$50 to get a $2000 TV
as long as theres a 1 in 40 chance its legit its worth it
18-02-2006 17:16:57
[quoteef58498937="justinag06"]Well its better to hurry up and finish a site that isnt legit then wait around and not finish a site that is.
As a poker player I always look at odds I am getting
do 1 more offer that costs <$50 to get a $2000 TV
as long as theres a 1 in 40 chance its legit its worth it[/quoteef58498937]
Wow, I thought I was the only who thought like that. The way I see it, if you can make 2-3K from an investment of less than 50$, you HAVE to call, err I mean try. You're pot committed.
Update I am now green for my referrer, but my referral is still pending even though she greened on all 8 this morning. Hopefully tomorrow...
18-02-2006 19:07:03
Yeah, I'm green light. My referral is 6/8. I hope he gets done soon. The only thing I'm worried about him for, is that for the first page he did
Silver Offers Page
Offer Name Signup Date Status
TrimLife Feb 6 2006 820PM Approved!
TrimLife Feb 6 2006 814PM Approved!
two trimlifes, and it won't let him go back. I hope it doesnt screw me over, heh.
18-02-2006 19:58:20
Well there are two different trimlifes on that site
18-02-2006 20:36:55
I did the only other offer available to me on Page 3 and it's not showing up on my "Click History".
If I can't get my other offer transferred from Page 1 to Page 3 then I'm fucked and I'm holding you all responsible. (
18-02-2006 21:29:04
[quote7fb3947971="theysayjump"]I did the only other offer available to me on Page 3 and it's not showing up on my "Click History".
If I can't get my other offer transferred from Page 1 to Page 3 then I'm fucked and I'm holding you all responsible. ([/quote7fb3947971]
( shock ? cry
19-02-2006 06:56:19
[quote6f47c50683="theysayjump"]I did the only other offer available to me on Page 3 and it's not showing up on my "Click History".
If I can't get my other offer transferred from Page 1 to Page 3 then I'm fucked and I'm holding you all responsible. ([/quote6f47c50683]
What do you need to transfer?
19-02-2006 07:54:00
<deleted by author>
19-02-2006 08:53:33
I'm approved ) I clicked the link at the bottom of my status page, just waiting for my verification email.
19-02-2006 08:53:59
My referral was credited this morning ) Now I'm waiting on that email.
19-02-2006 13:36:49
<post deleted by author>
19-02-2006 14:06:38
[quote265da95455="tycoon"][quote265da95455="theysayjump"]I did the only other offer available to me on Page 3 and it's not showing up on my "Click History".
If I can't get my other offer transferred from Page 1 to Page 3 then I'm fucked and I'm holding you all responsible. ([/quote265da95455]
What do you need to transfer?[/quote265da95455]
[quote265da95455="theysayjump"]I had 6/8 yesterday, decided to do another 2 offers to get the full 8. I needed the extra 2 on Page 3 but without even thinking about it, I automatically signed up for YourMusic on Page 1 and didn't realise until after I had finished signing up. (
I also did Nutrophony on Page 3 and both have greened overnight, but I wrote them an e-mail asking if they'd switch the YourMusic from Page 1 to Page 3.
You think I should bite the bullet and do yet another offer on Page 3 or just wait it out to see if I get a reply about it on Monday?[/quote265da95455]
19-02-2006 15:46:28
I urgently need a referral, I signed up under chewy... If you plan on completing all 8 offers and are 100% serious, PM me. Thanks!!
19-02-2006 15:51:14
I don't want to read through this thread but.....
Is this legit or not? Do they take forever like Bigwin?
19-02-2006 15:53:33
[quote31f3e60561="J4320"]I don't want to read through this thread but.....
Is this legit or not? Do they take forever like Bigwin?[/quote31f3e60561]
I'll let you know...
19-02-2006 16:00:50
[quote02182111cd="kevxross"][quote02182111cd="J4320"]I don't want to read through this thread but.....
Is this legit or not? Do they take forever like Bigwin?[/quote02182111cd]
I'll let you know...[/quote02182111cd]
So you're done with it? Congrats on that. D
Does it say in the terms how long it'll take to get your gift?
19-02-2006 16:03:36
I will be a referral for $100. I am kind of interested in the site, but not enough find a referral. However for that cheap price I will be someone's referral!
Price is negotiable!
19-02-2006 16:07:15
$100 bucks?!?!
That's not cool. Meh I'll be someone's ref for free probably once I find out if this is legit.
Also, noone would want to pay $100 when they can just make a trade for a reasonable amount.
19-02-2006 16:12:15
[quote2b53d1d965="J4320"]$100 bucks?!?!
That's not cool. Meh I'll be someone's ref for free probably once I find out if this is legit.
Also, noone would want to pay $100 when they can just make a trade for a reasonable amount.[/quote2b53d1d965]
Well I didn't really read what the offers are but take this into account
A referral arround here goes for no less than $20. This requires 8 offers, so $20 x 8 = $160. So yeah check your facts. The $100 will cover the offer costs and a little more for my trouble. I have stated that I will not finish the site afterwards, so really I am just trying to help someone. If I was really interested I would do it for free, but I was just trying to give someone a chance to finish it. So please think before you speak.
19-02-2006 16:15:22
[quoteaf42bf65d4="HumanMan"][quoteaf42bf65d4="J4320"]$100 bucks?!?!
That's not cool. Meh I'll be someone's ref for free probably once I find out if this is legit.
Also, noone would want to pay $100 when they can just make a trade for a reasonable amount.[/quoteaf42bf65d4]
Well I didn't really read what the offers are but take this into account
A referral arround here goes for no less than $20. This requires 8 offers, so $20 x 8 = $160. So yeah check your facts. The $100 will cover the offer costs and a little more for my trouble. I have stated that I will not finish the site afterwards, so really I am just trying to help someone. If I was really interested I would do it for free, but I was just trying to give someone a chance to finish it. So please think before you speak.[/quoteaf42bf65d4]
Lol settle down. I was thinking before I spoke, but I'm not gonna read this entire thread so I assumed that a ref was suppose to sign up and do one offer.
And if what you say is the case, why the hell would you do all of those offers and [iaf42bf65d4]not[/iaf42bf65d4] complete it. It wouldn't be that hard to get a ref at a good price.
Anyway, so your referral has to do all of the offers?
Okay so I read up on this thread and I see that you do have to get a friend to do all of the offers. Still, I think we should just do a chain.
19-02-2006 16:20:35
Yeah the idea is your referral has to do all 8 offers. I might finish it if someone pays me, but it won't come free to me either. I thought $100 was resonable considering I saw someone offering that for the luxery watch site. So if this site works it maybe worth more for me to finish the site, but as for right now I wouldn't find a little extra cash and helping someone else out.
19-02-2006 16:26:22
Well I'll go for free if someone wants to go for free under me too.
We could start a little chain list of who's going for who.
By the way, does it say how long they take to get you your gift?
19-02-2006 16:26:57
J4320, I think that is kind of how this thread is working.
19-02-2006 16:29:00
[quoteaf1b9b5517="Brutus"]J4320, I think that is kind of how this thread is working.[/quoteaf1b9b5517]
Yeah I know, but we should have a list that shows who's going for who. It'll be easier.
19-02-2006 16:32:28
[quoteb55fff5e77="J4320"][quoteb55fff5e77="Brutus"]J4320, I think that is kind of how this thread is working.[/quoteb55fff5e77]
Yeah I know, but we should have a list that shows who's going for who. It'll be easier.[/quoteb55fff5e77]
Good point. Don't mind me, I'm bored on Sunday. D
19-02-2006 16:34:25
If anyone hasn't signed up yet and wants the link to complete pm me.
19-02-2006 16:36:01
Well I guess when someone gets to the last person on this free people list someone will resort to me. $100 for my referral! Go ahead think aboot it!
19-02-2006 16:44:43
Sigh, I've been asking for someone to sign up for me at least once in each of the last couple of pages. No one seems to be reading the entire thread as some people are signing up under people WHO ALREADY HAVE REFERRALS!!! Sorry for the shouting.
BTW, I'm still looking for someone to sign up under me. PM me if you are willing to do so. Please? Pretty please? Bueller? Bueller?
19-02-2006 17:04:29
I think it' sad for people to expect money for being a ref for this especially when nobody knows if it's legit or not.
Everyone in this thread signed up for free under everyone else and people are still willing to sign up for free.
I can't see anyone paying $100 for someone to sign up for an unknown site but if you're not prepared to do it for free and help someone out then that's fine but I think people would be more than willing to do it for free if they were serious about completing it.
19-02-2006 17:08:11
[quote47c5808c87="J4320"]Well I'll go for free if someone wants to go for free under me too.
We could start a little chain list of who's going for who.
By the way, does it say how long they take to get you your gift?[/quote47c5808c87]
It says 6-8 weeks after you send in your certificates, which you get after you and your ref get credit for all 8 offers. I was credited yesterday for all 8, which was day 6, and my ref was credited this morning on day 7.
And we think its an i-deal site. And if it is, then yes it is legit, but it may take a little nagging to get your gift.
[quote47c5808c87="theysayjump"]I think it' sad for people to expect money for being a ref for this especially when nobody knows if it's legit or not.
Everyone in this thread signed up for free under everyone else and people are still willing to sign up for free.
I can't see anyone paying $100 for someone to sign up for an unknown site but if you're not prepared to do it for free and help someone out then that's fine but I think people would be more than willing to do it for free if they were serious about completing it.[/quote47c5808c87]
Especially when the list of offers has a huge amount of free/$1 trials and you can do all 8 offers for a little as twenty bucks.
19-02-2006 17:10:43
no one should pay anyone
what we should do is get a list of people in order of when they signed up and try to stick to that to be fair.
also in one week when kevross gets his plasma everyone will be coming in here clammoring to do this.
I'd rather have a conga line here than a $100 per ref fee. I didnt even think of asking anyone for my money, yet when I joined I was pm'd by 5 different people so I could have easily played coy and asked for money
19-02-2006 17:20:50
I just went through the thread and pulled out everyones post who said they either needed a ref or needed to sign up. If you want to sign up for this site, please start at the top of this list and PM the person at the top about signing up, also post here saying who you PM'ed.
Brutus ~ Needs a Ref.
The list may or may not be accurate so if you see your name here but don't need to sign up or need a ref, then please post here. DON"T POST ANY REF LINKS HERE.
Lets keep it free bitches.
19-02-2006 17:32:32
Also, only join if you're serious about doing offers and try to get them done within a week.
19-02-2006 18:35:19
Direct to Consumer Interactive, Inc.
Todd Vogelsong
950 Walnut Bottom Rd.
Tel. +1.1111111111
If this address is correct , it kind of looks like it is a UPS store ( http// ) and if my memory serves me correct I remember people on anything4free looking for Ideal Direct in chicago and came to this address ( http// ) another ups store... so what does that mean? It could be Ideal ( http// ) and if so I got my checks from them. Hopefully this is legit.
19-02-2006 18:43:49
anyone who started 2 weeks ago like me still waiting on offers. I have completed 9 and only 2 are approved. I don't want to wait 4 more weeks but I also don't want to do 15 offers. Anyone else in the same boat? Oh and my referral says he is done with all 8 and he is still pending?????
19-02-2006 19:25:46
Direct to Consumer Interactive, Inc.
Todd Vogelsong
950 Walnut Bottom Rd.
Tel. +1.1111111111
If this address is correct , it kind of looks like it is a UPS store ( http// ) and if my memory serves me correct I remember people on anything4free looking for Ideal Direct in chicago and came to this address ( http// ) another ups store... so what does that mean? It could be Ideal ( http// ) and if so I got my checks from them. Hopefully this is legit.[/quote2d112642a5]
I think I-deal sets up random entities with addresses all over the country. For example, the Rolex site is I-Deal (See where it's hosted here
http//[]http//, yet my certs went to "Red Turtle Investments" in Vegas. After researching the matter further, it appears that they were sent to a mail-forwarding service. I wouldn't be surprised if that's what the UPS store is doing as well. This theory would also explain why it usually takes awhile for your account to show processing (i.e., receiving your certs). For some reason, I-Deal goes through great measures so that people can not track them down. Shady, but people seem to get their gifts in the end (if you actually get credit for your offers).
19-02-2006 19:37:15
I have completed 8 offers for the person that I was a referal to.
Just wanted to let people know that I am serious.
19-02-2006 19:37:35
Direct to Consumer Interactive, Inc.
Todd Vogelsong
950 Walnut Bottom Rd.
Tel. +1.1111111111
If this address is correct , it kind of looks like it is a UPS store ( http// ) and if my memory serves me correct I remember people on anything4free looking for Ideal Direct in chicago and came to this address ( http// ) another ups store... so what does that mean? It could be Ideal ( http// ) and if so I got my checks from them. Hopefully this is legit.[/quote4e89ac51a2]
I think I-deal sets up random entities with addresses all over the country. For example, the Rolex site is I-Deal (See where it's hosted here
http//[]http//, yet my certs went to "Red Turtle Investments" in Vegas. After researching the matter further, it appears that they were sent to a mail-forwarding service. I wouldn't be surprised if that's what the UPS store is doing as well. This theory would also explain why it usually takes awhile for your account to show processing (i.e., receiving your certs). For some reason, I-Deal goes through great measures so that people can not track them down. Shady, but people seem to get their gifts in the end (if you actually get credit for your offers).[/quote4e89ac51a2]
Did you get a rolex watch?
19-02-2006 19:38:18
[quotee89fe17763="Brutus"]I have completed 8 offers for the person that I was a referal to.
Just wanted to let people know that I am serious.[/quotee89fe17763]
Who did you sign up under?
19-02-2006 19:39:14
Did you get a rolex watch?[/quote9bc4ca07ad]
No, I mailed in my certificate last Monday.
19-02-2006 19:46:05
Did you get a rolex watch?[/quotead74ed3f5f]
No, I mailed in my certificate last Monday.[/quotead74ed3f5f]
And your status still doesn't say they received it?
19-02-2006 20:01:15
No - although from what people say, I-deal sometimes takes over 2 weeks to change your status.
19-02-2006 20:06:21
Let's update the first post with the conga thing. I want to get started and signed up. Once someone gets something from them I want to start on the offers right away.
19-02-2006 20:21:41
Did you get a rolex watch?[/quotedfd7b469cd]
No, I mailed in my certificate last Monday.[/quotedfd7b469cd]
Cool, I'm still looking to get a referral for that site, hope I find one soon..
19-02-2006 20:24:42
[quote82ebb999ea="J4320"]Let's update the first post with the conga thing. I want to get started and signed up. Once someone gets something from them I want to start on the offers right away.[/quote82ebb999ea]
I believe the account expires after 60 days. If it takes someone a few weeks to get the item, it might be too late. I'm not sure of the whole timing thing though.
Anybody know the exact timeline of how this is suppose to work?
19-02-2006 20:34:13
Wait, what expires?
Do you mean that the account expires after 60 days of no activity?
19-02-2006 20:39:08
I think there's something in the TOS that said that your account expires after 60 days so if we don't complete our offers and our referral doesn't complete their offers within 60 days, I guess we are sh!t out of luck in getting the HDTV. At least that's how I interpreted it.
Anyone want to elaborate further?
19-02-2006 20:46:05
That referral part is stupid. It's not your fault if they don't complete it... Well... Maybe... But that's really dumb.
Are you sure it says that? I'm gonna have to find someone who is 100% positive that they'll complete their offers.
19-02-2006 20:50:54
I'm not entirely positive. It was mentioned earlier in the thread. I'll have to reread it and look at the terms myself. If it is true, I guess I'll have to start doing the offers fairly soon.
19-02-2006 21:31:43
[quote947dbec368="theysayjump"][quote947dbec368="Brutus"]I have completed 8 offers for the person that I was a referal to.
Just wanted to let people know that I am serious.[/quote947dbec368]
Who did you sign up under?[/quote947dbec368]
I signed up under artvandelay, this was last week I think. I posted asking who was next, but it didn't seem like it was structured, so I went back and tried to figure out who was next.
19-02-2006 23:00:41
Ok, thanks Brutus, he's my ref.
As for the 60 day thing, it does say in the TOS that your account will expire after 60 days. It doesn't however say anything about whether that happens no matter what, or only if it's inactive for 60 days. shrug
Either way, you have to make sure that if and when you sign up for someone that you are able to do the offers as soon as possible and in the case of non-crediting be able to do however man more offers to be approved.
19-02-2006 23:03:57
Also, I'm PMing the people on this "Conga" list so when I hear back from them I'll update the original post with the list of people looking for refs and looking to sign up.
20-02-2006 07:13:39
Got my form, mailing today )
20-02-2006 07:17:22
I may need to get back on the list of people needing refs. I'll let you know shortly.
20-02-2006 07:22:09
[quote98a180c5c9="J4320"]Let's update the first post with the conga thing. I want to get started and signed up. Once someone gets something from them I want to start on the offers right away.[/quote98a180c5c9]
I don't have time right now, but when I do I'll update the first post with more info about the site and that list of names TSJ compiled. I'll assume I have the blessing of the mods and won't be banned for trying to start a penis lol I'm done anyway, so it won't be benefiting me.
As for the 60 day expiration thing, I'm pretty sure accounts expire 60 days after their creation date no matter what. I sent in a support ticket asking for clarification on this when I first signed up and "Molly" replied with a canned response that basically said "Read the Terms and Conditions. If you don't agree to them, the solution is to stop using our site immediately."
They're pretty big on giving you time hoops to jump through, and honestly I hope that makes them a lot of money off the casual user so they won't mind sending me my gift so much. On the plus side, everything is pretty quick with this site. After the initial 7 day wait for offer credit everything turns into a 1 day wait.
20-02-2006 08:53:58
I got my certificate today too! Sending it in with a tracking number.
20-02-2006 09:06:46
I am looking for a referral.
20-02-2006 10:15:42
Alright. I'm set. Now just to do the offers.
Richchud doesn't need a ref anymore as I've signed up under him.
20-02-2006 11:27:42
Add me back to the list of people that needs referrers.
20-02-2006 11:38:05
Alright I've updated the first post with TSJ's list. [bbb25359a2f]Anyone on that list who already has a referral, post here or PM me ASAP so I can take you off the list![/bbb25359a2f]
20-02-2006 11:48:21
20-02-2006 11:50:45
Nice. I thought about doing that as I hit submit, but then I decided I'm too lazy P
Thanks man.
20-02-2006 11:54:34
[quotef4adf3d6f9="kevxross"]Nice. I thought about doing that as I hit submit, but then I decided I'm too lazy P
Thanks man.[/quotef4adf3d6f9]
No problem.
Should I just do the offers now? I'm sure they'll go through but when it comes to this kind of stuff I'm the most paranoid person you'll ever meet. I'm scared that the offers won't credit because it's a holiday. Should I just go ahead and do them or not?
20-02-2006 12:13:21
I updated the original post, thank J'.
20-02-2006 12:40:21
Good stuff J. The karma is yours!
20-02-2006 12:45:56
Yeah no problem guys. Just call me Josh for short. That's probably the easiest. ;)
20-02-2006 12:46:29
[quotee15205960b="theysayjump"]I updated the original post, thank J'.[/quotee15205960b]
Bah, all you did was add that a couple are unknown and mess up my pretty list format P
20-02-2006 12:49:52
[quote97dc71627b="J4320"][quote97dc71627b="kevxross"]Nice. I thought about doing that as I hit submit, but then I decided I'm too lazy P
Thanks man.[/quote97dc71627b]
No problem.
[b97dc71627b]Should I just do the offers now? I'm sure they'll go through but when it comes to this kind of stuff I'm the most paranoid person you'll ever meet. I'm scared that the offers won't credit because it's a holiday. Should I just go ahead and do them or not?[/b97dc71627b][/quote97dc71627b]
^^^ So noone has any advice on that?
20-02-2006 12:58:32
[quotea0a80dde8b="kevxross"][quotea0a80dde8b="theysayjump"]I updated the original post, thank J'.[/quotea0a80dde8b]
Bah, all you did was add that a couple are unknown and mess up my pretty list format P[/quotea0a80dde8b]
Pfft. roll
20-02-2006 16:23:17
Got one, now i need a ref!
20-02-2006 16:44:27
[quote83e2eb645b="iMizzle"]Got one, now i need a ref![/quote83e2eb645b]
Who'd you sign up under? Did you or are you definatley going to do your offers?
20-02-2006 16:45:31
I signed up under Josh and am definitely doing mine.
20-02-2006 16:51:06
[quote0351585307="Gigante"]I signed up under Josh and am definitely doing mine.[/quote0351585307]
You're in! Everyone else use Gigante's post as a guideline and you'll be added to the list.
20-02-2006 16:58:44
[quote1d288dfa83] Who'd you sign up under? Did you or are you definatley going to do your offers?[/quote1d288dfa83]
I got it from a friend
20-02-2006 16:59:40
[quoted6654796b4="Gigante"]I signed up under Josh and am definitely doing mine.[/quoted6654796b4]
+karma for using my real name.
Yes I'm serious.
20-02-2006 17:02:36
OT or not, is consumersavingscenter the one that takes forever to ship out? Also the links on page 1 aren't work even with the re-direct
20-02-2006 17:38:47
It works for me.....
20-02-2006 19:30:34
Works for me too.
I've updated the original thread again.
20-02-2006 19:44:19
Not be a greedy jerk, but I think that if you don't use a ref from someone here, you shouldn't receive a ref from someone here, until everyone that signs up for someone here has gotten their referral.
20-02-2006 19:49:53
[quote15e4241180="doylnea"]Not be a greedy jerk, but I think that if you don't use a ref from someone here, you shouldn't receive a ref from someone here, until everyone that signs up for someone here has gotten their referral.[/quote15e4241180]
Erm, conga line?
20-02-2006 19:54:49
it is a conga line, but since each person only needs 1 ref its fine... only the absolute last person gets screwed, and he can always pay somebody
20-02-2006 19:57:32
[quote4a3ab7d6b3="CoMpFrEaK"]Erm, conga line?[/quote4a3ab7d6b3]
No just some incentive for signing up for someone here, rather than somewhere else.
I know that other sites are jumping on the DIY bandwagon, and if I sign up as a referral there, and then get in their "Conga" and then come here to get a referral too, then I've effectively doubled my chances of getting a referrer who completes their offers.
Further as I've thought about it a bit more, (and this will hurt me) I don't think someone should be added to the main list until, at the very minimum, the person under which they sign up confirms that they have in fact signed up. Perhaps they shouldn't be added until the person for whom they've signed up confirms that they've completed at least a few offers. This last idea would add at least a week to the waiting game, which is only effectively 8 weeks to begin with, but would ensure a quality referral.
I don't know. On the other hand, I don't want to make this into a real Conga. I've administered those, and they're a pain, and full of scammers. At least here, it's a 11 ratio.
20-02-2006 21:13:36
Yeah, you obviously shouldn't get a ref if you aren't willing to give one I say. If you don't trust the person signing up under you, it is always easy for them to forward some confirmation emails.
20-02-2006 21:32:06
Doylnea signed up under me.
21-02-2006 04:37:59
hopefully someone can answer this. i completed my offers on 2/7. i am still waiting for the following to credit
Energie Vitale
Real Super Pass
Dental Plus
Has anyone had problems with these?
My ref has gone green, so i would like to complete as quick as possbible, but dont want to waste any offers
21-02-2006 05:24:10
I have had trouble with Real Superpass and Dental Plus as well.
21-02-2006 05:25:21
did you sign up for consumerrewardcenter? if so did they ever credit for you?
21-02-2006 06:39:32
Yeah it was on this site for the plasma I had trouble. I just sucked it up and ended up doing a couple more which credited in a day or two. Seems like a few people were doing that. PM me if you want to know what offers I did.
21-02-2006 08:54:09
[quoted3e6e04e7d="doylnea"][quoted3e6e04e7d="CoMpFrEaK"]Erm, conga line?[/quoted3e6e04e7d]
Further as I've thought about it a bit more, (and this will hurt me) I don't think someone should be added to the main list until, at the very minimum, the person under which they sign up confirms that they have in fact signed up. Perhaps they shouldn't be added until the person for whom they've signed up confirms that they've completed at least a few offers. This last idea would add at least a week to the waiting game, which is only effectively 8 weeks to begin with, but would ensure a quality referral.
I don't know. On the other hand, I don't want to make this into a real Conga. [bd3e6e04e7d] I've administered those, and they're a pain, and full of scammers. [/bd3e6e04e7d] At least here, it's a 11 ratio.[/quoted3e6e04e7d]
I'm watching over one for this 42" TV site at A4F and its going pretty well. People realize that there is no incentive to try to scam others on the conga because if they don't do their 8 offers, they won't get their TV. It is a good idea to confirm that each referral is signed up under their referrer and is doing offers before passing the link along.
21-02-2006 08:57:25
[quotec72cbbaa3c="emoney"][quotec72cbbaa3c="doylnea"][quotec72cbbaa3c="CoMpFrEaK"]Erm, conga line?[/quotec72cbbaa3c]
Further as I've thought about it a bit more, (and this will hurt me) I don't think someone should be added to the main list until, at the very minimum, the person under which they sign up confirms that they have in fact signed up. Perhaps they shouldn't be added until the person for whom they've signed up confirms that they've completed at least a few offers. This last idea would add at least a week to the waiting game, which is only effectively 8 weeks to begin with, but would ensure a quality referral.
I don't know. On the other hand, I don't want to make this into a real Conga. [bc72cbbaa3c] I've administered those, and they're a pain, and full of scammers. [/bc72cbbaa3c] At least here, it's a 11 ratio.[/quotec72cbbaa3c]
I'm watching over one for this 42" TV site at A4F and its going pretty well. People realize that there is no incentive to try to scam others on the conga because if they don't do their 8 offers, they won't get their TV. It is a good idea to confirm that each referral is signed up under their referrer and is doing offers before passing the link along.[/quotec72cbbaa3c]
which is why I ended up doing it on A4F versus here -- just seemed more organized ...
UniPrize Media
21-02-2006 09:03:55
I will sign up under somebody. But has anyone recieved anything from them?
21-02-2006 09:07:27
ulenie -- they are (despite some attempt to misdirect folks) i-deal direct. I-deal has a long track record of fulfilling gifts as long as you stick to their terms and keep after them a little bit.
UniPrize Media
21-02-2006 09:10:30
Oh, does anyone know the waiting period?
21-02-2006 09:26:20
[quote6946820a02="ulenie"]Oh, does anyone know the waiting period?[/quote6946820a02]
6-8 weeks once you have sent in your redemption certificate.
21-02-2006 10:35:24
I can testify that i-deal is legit. I got a $600 check..but then I also got a 1099 to pay taxes on the $600 (
21-02-2006 10:42:54
I might be jinxing myself by saying this but I had no problems with Ideal at all. I did two sites and received both gifts($250 & $600 checks) in the said amount of time with no hassle.
21-02-2006 11:38:46
Ok I did ANOTHER offer on Page 3 that hasn't credited and they won't switch credit from one page to another.
I'm seriously running out of offers to do. I have 2 more available to me and then I'm fucked. Please think of me in this time of need. cry
21-02-2006 11:54:25
In order to avoid offers not crediting, I click on the offer I want to do, then go to another window for awhile. A couple minutes later I check my gift status to see if that offer has shown up- once it has, I go back to that offer window and complete it.
It seems that most of the time these offers aren't crediting because they are not showing up that they were clicked in the first place.
21-02-2006 11:56:13
^^ Agreed, which also boggles my mind. It's a simple fucking clickout... cmon now...
21-02-2006 12:26:02
[quotef766e0b455="Airkat"]^^ Agreed, which also boggles my mind. It's a simple fucking clickout... cmon now...[/quotef766e0b455]
it wouldn't be on purpose now would it... ;)
UniPrize Media
21-02-2006 13:54:08
[quoted7e9273c3a="emoney"][quoted7e9273c3a="ulenie"]Oh, does anyone know the waiting period?[/quoted7e9273c3a]
6-8 weeks once you have sent in your redemption certificate.[/quoted7e9273c3a]
That sucks. I will just stick with a yf direct site.
21-02-2006 14:32:56
yf direct is slower isn't it?
UniPrize Media
21-02-2006 14:42:18
[quoteb342e59166="justinag06"]yf direct is slower isn't it?[/quoteb342e59166]
It might be slower by a few days but why go through the refferal thing for a few days.
21-02-2006 14:50:01
Find a yfdirect site offering a 42" Plasma/LCD [bc759c58146]HDTV[/bc759c58146] for 8 easy offers and I'll do it right away.
UniPrize Media
21-02-2006 15:08:40
[quote108b95e308="kevxross"]Find a yfdirect site offering a 42" Plasma/LCD [b108b95e308]HDTV[/b108b95e308] for 8 easy offers and I'll do it right away.[/quote108b95e308]
There is one for 6. I am not sure if its still avaliable thou.
21-02-2006 15:12:54
everyfreegift is no longer offering it
you can do one on bigwin but why waste bigwin on a plasma when you can get a $3000 check the same
21-02-2006 15:41:03
21-02-2006 16:01:35
21-02-2006 16:21:29
i am really intrested in signing up but there are concerns for me like..
is it legit?
will my referral complete his offers?
if it is legit will it remove it like and subsitute it with some cheaper item.
21-02-2006 16:51:49
21-02-2006 17:04:17
HOw do you know which tv it is? I found the descriptions applied to a couple of sets each.
I think the Panny is better rated -- has a much better SD picture.
21-02-2006 17:04:41
I chose the Philips. My gf chose the Panasonic, so we'll have one of each ;)
I've always sorta prefered LCDs over Plasma, but that's just me. I saw no real difference in the vouchers for the two except for the unique voucher code. I guess your choice of LCD or Plasma is one of the numbers in there and I don't think there's any way to change it after you register.
And Josh, I can only assume that's the Philips they're giving away, since that's the only 42" LCD HDTV on the Philips site.
21-02-2006 17:37:12
[quotebe3408895f="Supacold"]i am really intrested in signing up but there are concerns for me like..
is it legit?
[bbe3408895f]will my referral complete his offers?[/bbe3408895f]
if it is legit will it remove it like and subsitute it with some cheaper item.[/quotebe3408895f]

http//[" alt=""/imgbe3408895f]
[quotebe3408895f="kevxross"]I chose the Philips. My gf chose the Panasonic, so we'll have one of each ;)
I've always sorta prefered LCDs over Plasma, but that's just me. I saw no real difference in the vouchers for the two except for the unique voucher code. I guess your choice of LCD or Plasma is one of the numbers in there and I don't think there's any way to change it after you register.
And Josh, I can only assume that's the Philips they're giving away, since that's the only 42" LCD HDTV on the Philips site.[/quotebe3408895f]
Cool. D
Well I'm all done. The Youthfactor offer was weird though. I clicked it and did the offer. And after I finished I was looking at the status page and it never showed up as pending or anything. It just wasn't on there.
So am I gonna have to deal with some manual credit now or do you think it could just show up all of the sudden?
21-02-2006 19:16:57
[quotebec71a64fc="J4320"]Cool. D
Well I'm all done. The Youthfactor offer was weird though. I clicked it and did the offer. And after I finished I was looking at the status page and it never showed up as pending or anything. It just wasn't on there.
So am I gonna have to deal with some manual credit now or do you think it could just show up all of the sudden?[/quotebec71a64fc]
If it doesn't show up by tomorrow morning, I'd do another one. Airkat had to do another one for an offer he signed up for that never showed up.
21-02-2006 19:45:45
It showed up finally. I don't know if it'll credit though. We'll see.
21-02-2006 19:58:54
all 8 offers completed and showing as pending

http//[" alt=""/imged5c93ec1d]
22-02-2006 07:47:42
can someone give me a link to this 8 offers + 1 referral site? I can't find it. I'd be happy to be someone's referral if they need it.
22-02-2006 09:06:01
How long did it take for offers to show up as pending? I have 2 that have not shown up yet and it's been over an hour. All my other ones show up within 10 minutes.
22-02-2006 09:19:23
i even did extra offers and they are not showing up too x
22-02-2006 09:40:04
[quote0ee885b30f="richchud"]How long did it take for offers to show up as pending? I have 2 that have not shown up yet and it's been over an hour. All my other ones show up within 10 minutes.[/quote0ee885b30f]
I think it takes about a week for them to show up. It's been 3 business days and none of mine have showed up either.
22-02-2006 09:52:49
[quote49524384f1="Brutus"][quote49524384f1="richchud"]How long did it take for offers to show up as pending? I have 2 that have not shown up yet and it's been over an hour. All my other ones show up within 10 minutes.[/quote49524384f1]
I think it takes about a week for them to show up. It's been 3 business days and none of mine have showed up either.[/quote49524384f1]
I thought it took a week to show "Approved". I meant for the offers to show up as "Pending".
22-02-2006 09:56:02
Edited out what I had before.
If anyone can sign up under me for this, I'd owe ya one )
(I know i'm a noob on this site, but i'm well known on other sites ( and have a feedback of over 4k on eBay )
22-02-2006 10:00:14
[quotefe0a6924b7="richchud"][quotefe0a6924b7="Brutus"][quotefe0a6924b7="richchud"]How long did it take for offers to show up as pending? I have 2 that have not shown up yet and it's been over an hour. All my other ones show up within 10 minutes.[/quotefe0a6924b7]
I think it takes about a week for them to show up. It's been 3 business days and none of mine have showed up either.[/quotefe0a6924b7]
I thought it took a week to show "Approved". I meant for the offers to show up as "Pending".[/quotefe0a6924b7]
I'm sorry, I misunderstood. My pending showed up almost immediately, except one that didn't show up, so I did another offer.
22-02-2006 10:01:04
[quotee77d577fdd="massman"]Hey, I'll paypal someone $20 if they sign up under me for this and go to approved.
E-mail me for the link and I'll confirm it with you so that I don't have two people under me that both follow through )
(I know i'm a noob on this site, but i'm well known on other sites ( and have a feedback of over 4k on eBay )[/quotee77d577fdd]
We are trying to do this without paying. If you wanted to do it here you should have signed up under somebody here. At least that is my opinion.
22-02-2006 10:03:07
I still need the link, someone PM, Ill happily be your referral.
22-02-2006 10:17:05
[quote48ef2e3d51="EasyAs456"]I still need the link, someone PM, Ill happily be your referral.[/quote48ef2e3d51]
Look at the first post and PM one of those people. One of them will be more than happy to give you a link. Also, post here who you sign up under.
22-02-2006 10:23:56
We are trying to do this without paying. If you wanted to do it here you should have signed up under somebody here. At least that is my opinion.[/quote134c956ab5]
I edited it out )
22-02-2006 16:07:29
We are trying to do this without paying. If you wanted to do it here you should have signed up under somebody here. At least that is my opinion.[/quote50ed176a4a]
I edited it out )[/quote50ed176a4a]
22-02-2006 16:48:55
im interesting in doing this site and i PM'ed some of the people at the top of the list looking for a ref link to sign up under. I just wanted to know if there are other people still looking to sign up that can be my ref. just to get a feeling of who's out there and interested.
23-02-2006 06:20:20
Just out of curiousity, did anyone get credited for Real SuperPass? I'm wondering if they are requiring you to become a member before you get credited like the Real offers on freepay?
23-02-2006 06:24:40
i have not received credit yet (
23-02-2006 09:14:37
[quote69369ca740="richchud"]Just out of curiousity, did anyone get credited for Real SuperPass? I'm wondering if they are requiring you to become a member before you get credited like the Real offers on freepay?[/quote69369ca740]
From what I can tell, that seems to be the offer least likely to credit.
23-02-2006 09:34:51
[quotebf8ec35a67="emoney"][quotebf8ec35a67="richchud"]Just out of curiousity, did anyone get credited for Real SuperPass? I'm wondering if they are requiring you to become a member before you get credited like the Real offers on freepay?[/quotebf8ec35a67]
From what I can tell, that seems to be the offer least likely to credit.[/quotebf8ec35a67]
I'm just wondering if people who signed up but didn't get credit during the trial period will get credit after 2-3 weeks when they become full members (assuming they didn't cancel before the trial period ends).
I'm just trying to find out if anybody got credited when they became full paying members of Real SuperPass.
23-02-2006 10:11:35
[quote11364ab4f1="chewy"]i have not received credit yet ([/quote11364ab4f1]
Me neither.
23-02-2006 10:36:21
isn't it a one week wait for crediting?
23-02-2006 10:37:44
This was vaguely mentioned earlier in the thread but no one answered
Can we change gifts when/if we are approved? I originally selected the LCD but am now thinking the plasma would be a better choice.
Of course, this would be meaningless if my offers don't get approved.
23-02-2006 10:42:10
[quotef9cd606edd="richchud"]This was vaguely mentioned earlier in the thread but no one answered
Can we change gifts when/if we are approved? I originally selected the LCD but am now thinking the plasma would be a better choice.
Of course, this would be meaningless if my offers don't get approved.[/quotef9cd606edd]
THere is no place for you to, but you may be able to just write it on your certs..
23-02-2006 11:23:43
[quotef4ca01fa97="richchud"]This was vaguely mentioned earlier in the thread but no one answered
Can we change gifts when/if we are approved? I originally selected the LCD but am now thinking the plasma would be a better choice.
Of course, this would be meaningless if my offers don't get approved.[/quotef4ca01fa97]
It was pointed out that the picture of the plasma is actually the picture of a Panasonic EDTV instead of an HDTV. It could be just the wrong picture, but I didn't want to take any chances so I wrote that I would rather have the phillips on my redemption cert before I sent it in. Also, Molly replied to my email and said she switched it to the Phillips. If there is a chance the plasma is EDTV, you def have to with the phillips.
23-02-2006 12:09:53
I must've missed the post that said the Panasonic was an EDTV. Guess I'll stay with the LCD.
23-02-2006 12:16:49
[b4ae8efd181]FINALLY[/b4ae8efd181] I got 100% confirmation that this is indeed i-DealDirect! I've been 90% this whole time but I had YET to get complete proof that linked ConsumerSavingCenter to i-Deal. All we were going off of was how similar the look and feel was, but we had no phone numbers, addresses, or anything concrete linking them.
So I've been skimming the whois of every domain I've come across related to this site, and finally I hit a match.
[quote4ae8efd181]Domain name FREELAPTOP4YOU.COM
Registrant Contact
Bullseye Media, Inc
P.O. Box 92
Millersburg, PA 17061
Administrative Contact
Inc, Admin Bullseye Media (
Bullseye Media, Inc
P.O. Box 92
Millersburg, PA 17061
Technical Contact
Inc, Admin Bullseye Media (
Bullseye Media, Inc
P.O. Box 92
Millersburg, PA 17061
Status Locked
Name Servers
I got this domain from a spam email I just got that linked to http// and it was the exact site we're doing here for the Philips LCD or Panasonic Plasma.
As incredibly shady as this company is, it does make me happy knowing for sure that it is at least i-DealDirect, who has sent out several high dollar gifts (lawn tractors, for one thing).
23-02-2006 12:41:54
[quotee1f8bc9e22="richchud"]I must've missed the post that said the Panasonic was an EDTV. Guess I'll stay with the LCD.[/quotee1f8bc9e22]
Noone knows for sure. The pictures shows an edtv, but the description says its an HDtv. Also I got an email the other day from another one of their sites that has a plasma on it and it shows the panasonic th-42px50u which is a great HD plasma, so I bet thats the one they will ship.
23-02-2006 12:52:03
Noone knows for sure. The pictures shows an edtv, but the description says its an HDtv. Also I got an email the other day from another one of their sites that has a plasma on it and it shows the panasonic th-42px50u which is a great HD plasma, so I bet thats the one they will ship.[/quote89a90263bf]
Hmm, now I don't know what to do. Both HDTV and EDTV versions look exactly the same except the color. The description on the Panasonic HDTV page is exactly the same as the description on consumersavingcenter.
23-02-2006 15:52:17
Richbud is right -- the HDTV and EDTV versions look identical -- in fact, the pcitures on the Panasonic site for the two tvs are the same. The described features are for the HDTV and they are saying it is an HDTV so there is no reason to think it is not.
23-02-2006 17:09:07
Anybody get confirmation emails for the following
Disney Movie Club
Youth Factor?
I signed up with them on Wednesday and no emails at all. Not even in my spam folder. Do they just send emails when they ship?
23-02-2006 17:38:01
I did Cosmetique and Youth Factor. I never got confirmation emails for either, but I got credit for both. I emailed Youth Factor and they replied with a confirmation email of my order. I have yet to contact Cosmetique.
24-02-2006 06:21:18
[quote29649a8802="kevxross"]I did Cosmetique and Youth Factor. I never got confirmation emails for either, but I got credit for both. I emailed Youth Factor and they replied with a confirmation email of my order. I have yet to contact Cosmetique.[/quote29649a8802]
Did you receive the products? Was a shipping email sent? I don't know how any online company not send at least a confirmation email.
Just noticed that I got a karma point! Woo hoo! What is it?
24-02-2006 07:19:05
Youth Factor replied to me with a confirmation/shipping email. Just email them asking for confirmation of your order and they'll reply within a day.
I did receive Youth Factor, but Cosmetique has yet to arrive...
24-02-2006 12:44:47
so anyone know whats the chance this site will actually ship a 42 inch lcd?
i pmed a bunch of people but dont want to spend $150 and not get nothing in return.
24-02-2006 13:06:00
you could easily finish all the offers for a lot less than $150. Also, we confirmed that it is an I-Deal Direct site and they've shipped a number of high ticket items (tractors for example)
24-02-2006 13:17:07
[quoteab60eafec9="zainali"]so anyone know whats the chance this site will actually ship a 42 inch lcd?
i pmed a bunch of people but dont want to spend $150 and not get nothing in return.[/quoteab60eafec9]
I think the chances are good. The offers I did come to about $50 maybe.
24-02-2006 17:54:49
This is what my account on YourChoiceReward says for my HDTV Plasma, which is also an i-deal direct site.
[quotead5b3304d6]You have been approved by the sponsor(s). Your redemption certificate was processed on Feb 23 2006 337PM. Your free gift will be mailed out within 6 to 8 weeks of the processing date.[/colorad5b3304d6] [/quotead5b3304d6]
24-02-2006 18:23:42
i really need someone to sign up under me, not tryin to spam this thread but its 11 pages long, ill give u list of offers to complete that will credit, hit me up pleaseeeeeeee!!
24-02-2006 19:57:42
[quote4801102c15="kdollar"]i really need someone to sign up under me, not tryin to spam this thread but its 11 pages long, ill give u list of offers to complete that will credit, hit me up pleaseeeeeeee!![/quote4801102c15]
Well I might be getting payed to sign up or else I would sign up under you, but I would love a list of offers that will credit if you want to PM it to me!
25-02-2006 13:14:52
I also need somene to sign up under me. If you PM me, i'll get back to you with it.
or you can e-mail me ( )
25-02-2006 14:24:21
[quotefc50666e12="massman"]I also need somene to sign up under me. If you PM me, i'll get back to you with it.
or you can e-mail me ( )[/quotefc50666e12]
Did you sign up under anyone on these forums? Most of us waiting for refs in this thread signed up under somebody here.
25-02-2006 15:04:06
Are we supposed to verify our emails someway?
26-02-2006 00:00:23
who is and how did you sign up under me?
26-02-2006 08:05:58
[quotee9bf451b31="justinag06"]Are we supposed to verify our emails someway?[/quotee9bf451b31]
Do you mean like after you sign up you have the site send a verification email or something? If so I'm not sure.
26-02-2006 08:08:23
I am now 7/8 approved. Only one more left.
26-02-2006 11:00:48
do they credit on weekends if offers were done on the 25th?
26-02-2006 11:18:57
[quote656750733e="zainali"]do they credit on weekends if offers were done on the 25th?[/quote656750733e]
It takes about 7 days before you start getting credit.
26-02-2006 12:29:35
don't start on a Sunday, I have learned that the hard way. I am going on 3 weeks with only to approved and I have completed 10 actually 11 offers and all are pending and one is not even showing up as clicked on at all. Then I did one more yesterday a Saturday and not approved yet either. Now I have to count on manual credit and from what I have read that is not easy with this company!!
26-02-2006 12:31:41
I got approved last night for the Plasma and you do get to choose which one you want from a drop-down menu when you enter/confirm your address.
Now I just need to print out tomorrow and send it.
26-02-2006 13:09:13
[quote4924bd1a42="theysayjump"]I got approved last night for the Plasma and you do get to choose which one you want from a drop-down menu when you enter/confirm your address.
Now I just need to print out tomorrow and send it.[/quote4924bd1a42]
w9 or 1099?
26-02-2006 13:44:20
you have to submit a w9. 1099 is the form they send you in January for your taxes.
26-02-2006 14:02:57
[quote39b58e892d="theysayjump"]I got approved last night for the Plasma and you do get to choose which one you want from a drop-down menu when you enter/confirm your address.
Now I just need to print out tomorrow and send it.[/quote39b58e892d]
26-02-2006 14:50:35
[quote2bef44723c="theysayjump"]I got approved last night for the Plasma and you do get to choose which one you want from a drop-down menu when you enter/confirm your address.
Now I just need to print out tomorrow and send it.[/quote2bef44723c]
I knew you could do it jump, congrats!! now coffee for all of us

http//[" alt=""/img2bef44723c]
26-02-2006 15:24:15
[quote3e3732bff2="justinag06"][quote3e3732bff2="theysayjump"]I got approved last night for the Plasma and you do get to choose which one you want from a drop-down menu when you enter/confirm your address.
Now I just need to print out tomorrow and send it.[/quote3e3732bff2]
I knew you could do it jump, congrats!! now coffee for all of us

http//[" alt=""/img3e3732bff2][/quote3e3732bff2]
I went for the Philips LCD HDTV since it has a better chance. I had a look on eBay and there were about 22, 42" Philips TV for sale and maybe 5 Panasonics.
I'm gonna sell this one and then keep the other from e-ResearchGroup.
26-02-2006 16:11:54
im going to look around the avs forums for a little bit and see what kinda info i can pull up on each
do we know model #'s?
if so they would be greatly appriciated
26-02-2006 18:06:02
The Philips should be this one
And the Panny should be this one
This is based on the brief descriptions -- there really arent any other possibilities. That is the only 42" philips with the ambilight and that is the only 42" Panny that is HD and has the listed tuners.
Consumer Reports (taken with a grain of salt) rates the Panny at the top of th list with great HD picture and very good SD picture.
Here's a link to the Panny review page on Amazon
And here's the philips
The Philips is on crazy sale at Amazon ($2175 after rebate), which leads me to believe it is on the way out and will not have a great resale value.
26-02-2006 18:18:01
[quoteb580c8dcc3="icojones"]The Philips should be this one
And the Panny should be this one
This is based on the brief descriptions -- there really arent any other possibilities. That is the only 42" philips with the ambilight and that is the only 42" Panny that is HD and has the listed tuners.
Consumer Reports (taken with a grain of salt) rates the Panny at the top of th list with great HD picture and very good SD picture.
Here's a link to the Panny review page on Amazon
And here's the philips
The Philips is on crazy sale at Amazon ($2175 after rebate), which leads me to believe it is on the way out and will not have a great resale value.[/quoteb580c8dcc3]
If you match the picture from Phillips to Consumer Savings I think that the link below is the actual HDTV Plasma
26-02-2006 18:34:04
[quote66a6a96abb="icojones"]The Philips should be this one
And the Panny should be this one
This is based on the brief descriptions -- there really arent any other possibilities. That is the only 42" philips with the ambilight and that is the only 42" Panny that is HD and has the listed tuners.
Consumer Reports (taken with a grain of salt) rates the Panny at the top of th list with great HD picture and very good SD picture.
Here's a link to the Panny review page on Amazon
And here's the philips
The Philips is on crazy sale at Amazon ($2175 after rebate), which leads me to believe it is on the way out and will not have a great resale value.[/quote66a6a96abb]
I own the panasonic TH-42PX50U and its definitely one of the best plasmas out there for the money. The picture quality is amazing
26-02-2006 18:53:05
has anyone else had there referral complete the site before them?? I am perplexed with this site. I was one of the first 5 or ten to sign up when this forum started and am going to be the last to finish. As my last post stating I have completed 11 offers and only have two approved and my referral is pending and he says he is sending in his certs in tomorrow????
27-02-2006 21:53:29
HELL YES. My referral just went 8/8. Now just need to wait to get my confirmation e-mail to send my certs in!
27-02-2006 23:11:36
[quote7802823423="galperi1"]HELL YES. My referral just went 8/8. Now just need to wait to get my confirmation e-mail to send my certs in![/quote7802823423]
congrats, wish i had a one wants a plasma???
27-02-2006 23:22:19
I went 8/8 tonight, just waiting on my ref...
27-02-2006 23:23:49
[quote89684b5007="kdollar"][quote89684b5007="galperi1"]HELL YES. My referral just went 8/8. Now just need to wait to get my confirmation e-mail to send my certs in![/quote89684b5007]
congrats, wish i had a one wants a plasma???[/quote89684b5007]
I do but who will be my ref (
28-02-2006 02:04:08
To those that have gotten the conformation email once you and your ref is green
What is the subject and who is the sender? I don't want to miss it so I know what to be looking for. My ref just went green )
28-02-2006 06:04:29
Well this is just wonderful..
After 7 days only 3 offers have credited. Should I do 5 more offers or should I wait a little?
Has anyone not gotten credit on the 7th day but gotten credit later?
28-02-2006 06:16:16
I forgot if anyone yet has sent in their gift redemption certificates yet. If so, how many days did it take for your status to change to processing, and where did it say that on your status page? Thanks!
28-02-2006 06:20:40
The e-mail came from "Television Redemption Center" and was titled "Redeem Your Television".
I believe it tends to be delivered at the next 4am following your clicking of the link.
28-02-2006 06:56:50
[quote39894fb761="icojones"]The e-mail came from "Television Redemption Center" and was titled "Redeem Your Television".
I believe it tends to be delivered at the next 4am following your clicking of the link.[/quote39894fb761]
Oh thanks, but I already sent in the forms. I was just wondering if anyone's status changed to processing (i.e. they confirm they've received the forms from you). I got a tracking # and it was delivered last friday, but my status still hasn't changed.
28-02-2006 09:13:21
[quote5a801a4c0b="emoney"][quote5a801a4c0b="icojones"]The e-mail came from "Television Redemption Center" and was titled "Redeem Your Television".
I believe it tends to be delivered at the next 4am following your clicking of the link.[/quote5a801a4c0b]
Oh thanks, but I already sent in the forms. I was just wondering if anyone's status changed to processing (i.e. they confirm they've received the forms from you). I got a tracking # and it was delivered last friday, but my status still hasn't changed.[/quote5a801a4c0b] got a tracking number and it's been delivered already?
I sent my vouchers out yesterday and the address is only about 30 minutes from me so they'll have mine by today but my status hasn't changed yet.
Maybe by tomorrow it'll have changed.
Also, the people asking about late crediting; If you don't get credit exactly 7 days later for some of your offers, chances are that you'll either have to wait for 30 days and ask for manual credit or do more offers.
I ended up doing about 11 (including 1 on the wrong page) before they all greened.
28-02-2006 09:25:44
[quote6199337c46="theysayjump"][quote6199337c46="emoney"][quote6199337c46="icojones"]The e-mail came from "Television Redemption Center" and was titled "Redeem Your Television".
I believe it tends to be delivered at the next 4am following your clicking of the link.[/quote6199337c46]
Oh thanks, but I already sent in the forms. I was just wondering if anyone's status changed to processing (i.e. they confirm they've received the forms from you). I got a tracking # and it was delivered last friday, but my status still hasn't changed.[/quote6199337c46] got a tracking number and it's been delivered already?
I sent my vouchers out yesterday and the address is only about 30 minutes from me so they'll have mine by today but my status hasn't changed yet.
Maybe by tomorrow it'll have changed.
Also, the people asking about late crediting; If you don't get credit exactly 7 days later for some of your offers, chances are that you'll either have to wait for 30 days and ask for manual credit or do more offers.
I ended up doing about 11 (including 1 on the wrong page) before they all greened.[/quote6199337c46]
I just noticed, hes talking about the tracking of the certs he sent in, not the tracking of the TV..
28-02-2006 09:35:58
[quote49deb7c086="Wolfeman"]To those that have gotten the conformation email once you and your ref is green
What is the subject and who is the sender? I don't want to miss it so I know what to be looking for. My ref just went green )[/quote49deb7c086]
heyyyyyy thatsa-a-me

http/" alt=""/"154/8634/gen0375ga.jpg[" alt=""/img49deb7c086]
on a side note wow people are already getting TV's?
there are about 20 new people about to start this site
28-02-2006 09:54:41
anyone can still be my ref for this? \
28-02-2006 09:57:19
[quote88ec719b84="justinag06"][quote88ec719b84="Wolfeman"]To those that have gotten the conformation email once you and your ref is green
What is the subject and who is the sender? I don't want to miss it so I know what to be looking for. My ref just went green )[/quote88ec719b84]
heyyyyyy thatsa-a-me

http/" alt=""/"154/8634/gen0375ga.jpg[" alt=""/img88ec719b84]
on a side note wow people are already getting TV's?
there are about 20 new people about to start this site[/quote88ec719b84]
hey justin ur green from me?
28-02-2006 10:03:28
[quote33accb69ad]there are about 20 new people about to start this site[/quote33accb69ad]
who are these new people and can one of them be my referral. please PM me if interested. anyone. please.
28-02-2006 10:06:01
I still need a ref cause it looks like mine backed out ? . There is a list on the first post of people who need refs still. PM me if you need my link as I am at the top of the list.
28-02-2006 11:00:10
I wasnt answering your question -- was answering wolfeman's.
[quote9386179352="emoney"][quote9386179352="icojones"]The e-mail came from "Television Redemption Center" and was titled "Redeem Your Television".
I believe it tends to be delivered at the next 4am following your clicking of the link.[/quote9386179352]
Oh thanks, but I already sent in the forms. I was just wondering if anyone's status changed to processing (i.e. they confirm they've received the forms from you). I got a tracking # and it was delivered last friday, but my status still hasn't changed.[/quote9386179352]
28-02-2006 11:01:07
No, people have not received their TVs yet. I am the first person that we know of to have sent in the voucher and you know I'll keep you all updated. emoney was talking about the tracking number and receipt of his voucher. They received my voucher about a week ago and my status has not yet changed.
brett, didn't you PM me saying PokerNerd was your ref and wasn't responding? It was probably because of the temp ban, but he's back now so you should try to get in contact with him again.
28-02-2006 11:09:21
[quote9a3dd02d6e="kdollar"][quote9a3dd02d6e="justinag06"][quote9a3dd02d6e="Wolfeman"]To those that have gotten the conformation email once you and your ref is green
What is the subject and who is the sender? I don't want to miss it so I know what to be looking for. My ref just went green )[/quote9a3dd02d6e]
heyyyyyy thatsa-a-me

http/" alt=""/"154/8634/gen0375ga.jpg[" alt=""/img9a3dd02d6e]
on a side note wow people are already getting TV's?
there are about 20 new people about to start this site[/quote9a3dd02d6e]
hey justin ur green from me?[/quote9a3dd02d6e]
not yet I should know friday I guess
28-02-2006 11:21:48
I left a PM for him and I will keep you posted.
28-02-2006 11:36:47
[quotef49aba3655="theysayjump"] got a tracking number and it's been delivered already?
lol, oops. I meant that I got a tracking # on the certificate I sent to them and that based on that tracking # they received it friday.
Last week Molly told me my status would change to processing once they received the certs, but she just wrote me back with the following
As far as I know the site will not change once we process the certificate.
Once we get the certificate it will take from 6-8 weeks to ship out the
Thank you!
My obvious concern is if my order really is being processed, or if they are going to conveniently lose the certificate until after the deadline (which was March 13th for me).
28-02-2006 11:49:36
Does anyone know how long it takes to send you the confirmation email once you are approved?
I clicked on it this morning and am still waiting...hopefully I didnt delete it.
28-02-2006 11:50:12
[quote98dd351460="emoney"][quote98dd351460="theysayjump"] got a tracking number and it's been delivered already?
lol, oops. I meant that I got a tracking # on the certificate I sent to them and that based on that tracking # they received it friday.
Last week Molly told me my status would change to processing once they received the certs, but she just wrote me back with the following
As far as I know the site will not change once we process the certificate.
Once we get the certificate it will take from 6-8 weeks to ship out the
Thank you!
My obvious concern is if my order really is being processed, or if they are going to conveniently lose the certificate until after the deadline (which was March 13th for me).[/quote98dd351460]
Yeah so now it's basically just a waiting game. One day, some time in the future, a 42" Plasma TV may or may not arrive at our doors'.
28-02-2006 11:52:57
[quotebed9c15d23="artvandelay"]Does anyone know how long it takes to send you the confirmation email once you are approved?
I clicked on it this morning and am still waiting...hopefully I didnt delete it.[/quotebed9c15d23]
I [ibed9c15d23]think[/ibed9c15d23] it comes the following 400 AM. But it will come within 24 hrs and will be in your spam folder most likely.
Yeah so now it's basically just a waiting game. One day, some time in the future, a 42" Plasma TV may or may not arrive at our doors'.[/quotebed9c15d23]
lets hope its [bbed9c15d23]may[/bbed9c15d23]
... praying to the DIY gods...
28-02-2006 13:40:40
I never clicked a link, where is this said link?
28-02-2006 13:55:27
Wolfeman This is what my status page shows
You've been approved for the reward offer. A confirmation email is already scheduled to be sent to you within the next 24 hours. This email contains a link that you must click in order to verify your address. For security purposes, this is the only way to redeem your free gift. If you haven't received this email, check your spam folder as the confirmation email could have been classified as spam by your spam filter software. We are not responsible for lost or deleted email.
Im pretty sure the certificates will be in this email, but I have yet to get one.
28-02-2006 14:05:20
One thing I noticed on their ToS is
Looking thru the offers I noticed that they have multiple Trim Life offers, including one that doesn't say it is Trim-Life, but actually is.
28-02-2006 14:12:37
[quoteec71de4118="artvandelay"]Wolfeman This is what my status page shows
You've been approved for the reward offer. A confirmation email is already scheduled to be sent to you within the next 24 hours. This email contains a link that you must click in order to verify your address. For security purposes, this is the only way to redeem your free gift. If you haven't received this email, check your spam folder as the confirmation email could have been classified as spam by your spam filter software. We are not responsible for lost or deleted email.
Im pretty sure the certificates will be in this email, but I have yet to get one.[/quoteec71de4118]
At least for the Rolex site, the email did arrive exactly at 4am the day after they approved my account. I clicked a link in the email, confirmed my information and printed out a 2 page certificate, and a 4 page W9.
If you check your status on the website after they've sent the email it changes to somethign like "We've sent you an email at 4am on XX/XX/XXXX. If you've lost the email, you're out of luck. Check your spam folder."
28-02-2006 14:14:08
[quote4b149be073="Brutus"]One thing I noticed on their ToS is
Looking thru the offers I noticed that they have multiple Trim Life offers, including one that doesn't say it is Trim-Life, but actually is.[/quote4b149be073]
28-02-2006 14:23:26
[quote394d177f05="doylnea"][quote394d177f05="Brutus"]One thing I noticed on their ToS is
Looking thru the offers I noticed that they have multiple Trim Life offers, including one that doesn't say it is Trim-Life, but actually is.[/quote394d177f05]
I agree, but wanted to put it out there for people that want to be extra careful.
They have some pretty useful offers on that site I think.
28-02-2006 14:46:32
This sucks.....
Only 3 of my offers credited. (
28-02-2006 15:57:09
I'm pissed.
justinag06 got all of his offers credited and we did ours on the same day. x
28-02-2006 15:59:33
i feel sorry for you josh but oh do I love the sweeet taste of coffee
genivilla coffee too!

http//[" alt=""/imgf716c7a6c9]
28-02-2006 15:59:47
I'm happy he was my ref )
28-02-2006 16:00:27
Well do any of you guys think my offers will credit or am I just shit out of luck?
28-02-2006 16:00:42
[quote3c19f53547="justinag06"]i feel sorry for you josh but oh do I love the sweeet taste of coffee
genivilla coffee too!

http//[" alt=""/img3c19f53547][/quote3c19f53547]
Plus a coffee maker. Its a great offer )
28-02-2006 16:03:41
So no one knows?
Somehow I always get screwed on free sites.
28-02-2006 16:05:45
I'm not sure. Ask TSJ, hes had more experience with offers not crediting. I got lucky ?
28-02-2006 16:06:25
[quote0d9d5d8670="J4320"]So no one knows?
Somehow I always get screwed on free sites.[/quote0d9d5d8670]
I'd say your best bet is to do mroe offers. If you can't then all you can really do is wait for 30 days for manual credit.
I ended up doing 11 offers total before I got 8 of them to green.
28-02-2006 16:08:23
I'll wait 3 days. If nothing credits, I guess I'll do more offers.
28-02-2006 16:54:28
i did extra and still nothing (
28-02-2006 17:00:41
[quote181a5957a2="Wolfeman"][quote181a5957a2="justinag06"]i feel sorry for you josh but oh do I love the sweeet taste of coffee
genivilla coffee too!

http//[" alt=""/img181a5957a2][/quote181a5957a2]
Plus a coffee maker. Its a great offer )[/quote181a5957a2]
I got the 2 cup coffee maker with the mugs. it works pretty good.
[quotecdd27597e0="chewy"]i did extra and still nothing ([/quotecdd27597e0]
Yeah, they're getting pretty bad at not crediting people. My referall did all the offers I did a week later, and still hasnt gotten credit for the last two. He also did more and didnt get credit.
28-02-2006 17:36:25
these are scary posts, i'll see if mine credit this friday if not, then crediting blows probably b/c they are shittin their pants if they have to give out so many plasma tvs
28-02-2006 17:40:44
[quote343c411434="kdollar"]these are scary posts, i'll see if mine credit this friday if not, then crediting blows probably b/c they are shittin their pants if they have to give out so many plasma tvs[/quote343c411434]
Yeah lol. Hopefully they aren't doing that.
28-02-2006 17:46:41
They have an auto-credit system in place. After your 7th day, any offers you complete correctly credit the next day. If you didn't complete them correctly, they're likely never going to credit, in my experience. And with the 60 day time limit, waiting 30 for manual credit may not make a lot of sense.
28-02-2006 18:10:20
[quotedf1f425eee="doylnea"]They have an auto-credit system in place. After your 7th day, any offers you complete correctly credit the next day. If you didn't complete them correctly, they're likely never going to credit, in my experience. And with the 60 day time limit, waiting 30 for manual credit may not make a lot of sense.[/quotedf1f425eee]
Yeah that's what I was thinking. I might as well do more but I'm willing to wait a few more days because they might not have gotten word from some of the sponsors yet.
28-02-2006 19:13:52
doylnea, they may have a 7 day auto system but if you trying to say all of us are doing offers incorrectly you are assuming alot. I have completed many free site and do them all the same way so I know I have done these offers correctly. I emailed them and molly said to contact them after 4 weeks for manuakl credit. So I just have to wait. I have done 11 offers correctly and only 2 are approved. Why does waiting 30 days not make sense? Even if they expire in 60 if you get manual in 30 then you are safe. Anyway that is just my thoughts. I have only ever had one free site that does not come through on manual credit and that was TrialClix. I am just hoping they are not like trialclix.
I agree skooter.
In my opinion, like someone else said, they are running out of plasma tv's, and are not crediting people, because they can't afford to. Like I said, I completed all my offers and got a green for all of them last week. Only thing holding me back is my referall, which they wont credit him.
28-02-2006 20:02:02
Are all of i-direct sites doing this??
Will they sitll manually credit after 30 days
01-03-2006 01:31:58
I got my email exatly at 4AM EST. It was in my junk mail folder on GMail so be careful people. I'm sending in my forms in the morning so I guess its a 6-8 week wait...
Anyone know if there is any status change on your page once they get the forms and is it really going to take 6-8 weeks? I hear some people have I-Deal issues, what should I be worried about/looking for? Thanks for the help for anyone that can answer these questions...
01-03-2006 01:56:59
If it helps the last offers I did took 9 days to be marked Approved.
01-03-2006 06:05:07
I'm 6/9 now. Two not crediting were expected RealOne SuperPass as others have reported, and one where the offer didn't show up. The third one is Time Life which I hope is just a little late.
Did anyone get credit for Time Life? If so, how long did it take?
01-03-2006 06:20:22
Wow, I-deal is acting kind of weird, instead of crediting my offers overnight like they should now they took a couple days. This is on their watch site, but its the same thing. I'm 7/8 over there )
01-03-2006 06:50:24
i-deal has been like this since the end of december at least. You guys just never participated in their sites widespread until now. There were terrible at crediting and still are.
01-03-2006 11:07:37
Look at the email I just for from them... )
Dear xx,
Thank you for redeeming your certificate for TV! We have processed the certificate and will be shipping your free gift shortly. Please allow 6 to 8 weeks for your free gift to arrive.
Thank you,
Redemption Center
01-03-2006 11:12:31
[quote5b92819529="swbball28"]Look at the email I just for from them... )
Dear xx,
Thank you for redeeming your certificate for TV! We have processed the certificate and will be shipping your free gift shortly. Please allow 6 to 8 weeks for your free gift to arrive.
Thank you,
Redemption Center[/quote5b92819529]
I just got the same thing!! )
01-03-2006 11:18:13
Sweet I was wondering if they did anything to let people know when they got their vouchers...
01-03-2006 11:32:44
im curious what email address did it come from? i emailed them a question but never got a response
01-03-2006 11:34:07
My voucher email came from
Television Redemption Center <>
Do they really take 6-8 weeks to ship?
01-03-2006 11:37:43
rats, i got no response. i did receive a canned email from them before though. i have to wait until monday for my 30 days to send them my confirmation email and such. i was hoping to get a response to find out where to send them whether fax or email
01-03-2006 12:15:02
[quote6fd405817f="swbball28"]Look at the email I just for from them... )
Dear xx,
Thank you for redeeming your certificate for TV! We have processed the certificate and will be shipping your free gift shortly. Please allow 6 to 8 weeks for your free gift to arrive.
Thank you,
Redemption Center[/quote6fd405817f]
Me too!! D The email was from cs(AT)consumersavingcenter(DOT)com
Also, my gift status online changed to
[quote6fd405817f]You have been approved by the sponsor(s). Your redemption certificate was processed on Mar 1 2006 203PM. Your free gift will be mailed out within 6 to 8 weeks of the processing date. [/quote6fd405817f]
01-03-2006 12:22:26
Ok seriously? WTF? My confirmation number shows my voucher as being delivered last Tuesday Feb 21 and I've gotten no email nor status change (
My gf's was delivered on Saturday Feb 25 and her status changed and she got the email.
I'm kinda worried now ?
01-03-2006 12:48:19
Did any of you get the email twice? I got one at 203 and another exact same one at 303
01-03-2006 12:51:10
I confirmed with pokernerd that he is going to wait a couple weeks, so I still need a ref, someone out there must want to do this.
01-03-2006 12:53:34
[quote12bc986bca="brett7258"]I confirmed with pokernerd that he is going to wait a couple weeks, so I still need a ref, someone out there must want to do this.[/quote12bc986bca]
join the club, there is 13 pages, and yet no one else wants to do gonna get screwed
01-03-2006 12:54:57
[quote31593a5681="kdollar"][quote31593a5681="brett7258"]I confirmed with pokernerd that he is going to wait a couple weeks, so I still need a ref, someone out there must want to do this.[/quote31593a5681]
join the club, there is 13 pages, and yet no one else wants to do gonna get screwed[/quote31593a5681]
I agree. I'm still 7/8 and starting to worry.
01-03-2006 13:24:00
I didn't get any e-mail and my status hasn't changed.
I sent my voucher priority mail on Monday, delivery confirmation and shit and it was only being sent 30 minutes away, I know they got it but no e-mail.
I have my e-mails from them tagged so that it applies a label to it in Gmail but I didn't get shit. (
01-03-2006 13:33:50
[quoteb6572675ec="theysayjump"]I didn't get any e-mail and my status hasn't changed.
I sent my voucher priority mail on Monday, delivery confirmation and shit and it was only being sent 30 minutes away, I know they got it but no e-mail.
I have my e-mails from them tagged so that it applies a label to it in Gmail but I didn't get shit. ([/quoteb6572675ec]
Since a few of us got it at the same time, and presumably we didn't mail the certs the exact same day, maybe they send those emails in bulk...
I wouldn't stress, yet.
01-03-2006 14:06:41
can anyone be my ref for this?
01-03-2006 16:16:03
[quote1005db59b3="richchud"]I'm 6/9 now. Two not crediting were expected RealOne SuperPass as others have reported, and one where the offer didn't show up. The third one is Time Life which I hope is just a little late.
Did anyone get credit for Time Life? If so, how long did it take?[/quote1005db59b3]
I did the Time Life offer also, but it hasn't been 7 days yet. Has anyone gotten credit on the 7th day for this offer? Can people post the offers that did credit for them on the 7th day? I'd rather not do offers that I'm not going to get credit for.
01-03-2006 16:51:54
[quoted2660c062a="ronmm"]If it helps the last offers I did took 9 days to be marked Approved.[/quoted2660c062a]
That helps. D
I still have hope!
01-03-2006 20:30:43
got a call today from some scam won free bmw if you buy magazines contest. considering its my cell and i only gave my cell to ideal, seems like ideal is selling my info. anyone else getting calls?
01-03-2006 20:37:53
got that call to for one of many asked if i use any of the following CCs..I just hung up
01-03-2006 20:49:33
whoever wants a quick referral pm me fast. im willing to sign up and do my offers now. first person to send me a link gets me as a referral )
also, since im doing it for a person from this forum, itll be nice if someone from this forum becomes my referral.
01-03-2006 21:00:13
PM'ed. once you sign up, tell theysayjump and he'll put your name on the conga list.
[quotec672a6afc5="konohagreen"]PM'ed. once you sign up, tell theysayjump and he'll put your name on the conga list.[/quotec672a6afc5]
Shouldn't you be last to get someone, since you're last on the list?
01-03-2006 22:01:29
shouldn't you mind your own business, since you're not on the list?
01-03-2006 22:18:31
kdollar was the first to respond sorry
i finished all 8 offers... does anyone want to sign up under me?? )
02-03-2006 01:09:22
well, if there are any others looking to sign up, PM me please.
02-03-2006 04:28:25
Or you could PM me since I am at the top of the list.
02-03-2006 05:51:15
he didnt sign up under me, he signed up under superpass (bet he offered money) dont take me off the LIST, i would LIKE A REFERRAL please for the love of FIPG.
[quotec622bada04="konohagreen"]shouldn't you mind your own business, since you're not on the list?[/quotec622bada04]
You're such a faggot. I hope no one signs up under you.
02-03-2006 07:38:42
[quotecabe2d9914="UAO"][quotecabe2d9914="konohagreen"]shouldn't you mind your own business, since you're not on the list?[/quotecabe2d9914]
You're such a faggot. I hope no one signs up under you.[/quotecabe2d9914]
easy now...
02-03-2006 08:09:52
i just got this response as to where to send my offer confirmations
It has not yet been 30 days since you registered for the offers.
Thank you!
i sent the question to this morning, so the response time was pretty quick! she didnt answer my question but at least i got a response!
02-03-2006 10:28:40
[quote196d36197f="UAO"][quote196d36197f="konohagreen"]shouldn't you mind your own business, since you're not on the list?[/quote196d36197f]
You're such a faggot. I hope no one signs up under you.[/quote196d36197f]
well that was certainly an irrational response. have a nice day.
02-03-2006 11:03:22
[quotea0c58652ab="kdollar"]he didnt sign up under me, he signed up under superpass (bet he offered money) dont take me off the LIST, i would LIKE A REFERRAL please for the love of FIPG.[/quotea0c58652ab]
i dont know what your talking about. you sent me a pm with a link. are you saying that wasn't your ref link ?
wait.. i told you i signed up for superpass as in real superpass the offer. i hope your not mistaken.
02-03-2006 11:29:47
[quote377f712189="konohagreen"][quote377f712189="UAO"][quote377f712189="konohagreen"]shouldn't you mind your own business, since you're not on the list?[/quote377f712189]
You're such a faggot. I hope no one signs up under you.[/quote377f712189]
well that was certainly an irrational response. have a nice day.[/quote377f712189]
Will you two please take your juvenile bickering somewhere else?
Has anyone else received an e-mail yet about them having received your vouchers? I'm thinking of contacting Molly about it but fear her using that as an exuse and saying they haven't received mine.
02-03-2006 11:40:43
[quote0388eb8237="theysayjump"][quote0388eb8237="konohagreen"][quote0388eb8237="UAO"][quote0388eb8237="konohagreen"]shouldn't you mind your own business, since you're not on the list?[/quote0388eb8237]
You're such a faggot. I hope no one signs up under you.[/quote0388eb8237]
well that was certainly an irrational response. have a nice day.[/quote0388eb8237]
Will you two please take your juvenile bickering somewhere else?
Has anyone else received an e-mail yet about them having received your vouchers? I'm thinking of contacting Molly about it but fear her using that as an exuse and saying they haven't received mine.[/quote0388eb8237]
No, and I'm quite pissed considering they received it over a week ago. I sent a polite support ticket asking if I would get any sort of update or confirmation that they received my voucher since I have my Delivery Confirmation number telling me it was delivered to them last Tuesday. I got an auto-response and it was just a blank email ? I hope this doesn't mean I won't get an actual response.
02-03-2006 12:01:15
[quotebb097fa62d="kevxross"][quotebb097fa62d="theysayjump"][quotebb097fa62d="konohagreen"][quotebb097fa62d="UAO"][quotebb097fa62d="konohagreen"]shouldn't you mind your own business, since you're not on the list?[/quotebb097fa62d]
You're such a faggot. I hope no one signs up under you.[/quotebb097fa62d]
well that was certainly an irrational response. have a nice day.[/quotebb097fa62d]
Will you two please take your juvenile bickering somewhere else?
Has anyone else received an e-mail yet about them having received your vouchers? I'm thinking of contacting Molly about it but fear her using that as an exuse and saying they haven't received mine.[/quotebb097fa62d]
No, and I'm quite pissed considering they received it over a week ago. I sent a polite support ticket asking if I would get any sort of update or confirmation that they received my voucher since I have my Delivery Confirmation number telling me it was delivered to them last Tuesday. I got an auto-response and it was just a blank email ? I hope this doesn't mean I won't get an actual response.[/quotebb097fa62d]
try email=ing your request to email=cs@consumersavingcenter.comcs@consumersavingcenter.coming your request to
02-03-2006 18:59:23
Okay I took the dive and signed up and got a referal but my friend needs someone to sign under her any takers?
02-03-2006 19:02:06
[quote1345df3a72="TammyJoP"]I will be someones referral if someone wants to pm me their link the first one I get in my pm box gets my referral. And if someone wants to sign up under me please pm me. Thanks[/quote1345df3a72]
Don't do that, sign up with the top person waiting longest...
02-03-2006 20:21:40
I got a phone call from 000-000-000 today or something. It was weird. It was some sales thing. I'm not sure if it's from this site but others are getting phone calls too....
I don't think I'm gonna bother doing more offers until I see some more positives about this site. ?
02-03-2006 20:23:06
My cert is mailed and I'm just waiting for them to get it and issue a shipping request. I'm not worried about them at all...
02-03-2006 20:34:45
So much for the list thing considering no one is going by it, tammy got a ref from someone else . I dont think people should be added if they arent using it, just my 2 cents.
02-03-2006 20:37:54
As I posted the first PM I got was who got my referal and my friend signed up under me.
Now my daughter who lives alone would like to sign up under her but she uses my computer for all her stuff sense she dont have one can this be done on one computer? It would be going to her house with her credit card. Just she dont have a computer yet. She is waiting for hers from one of the offers. Let me know. Thanks
02-03-2006 23:40:40
hmm i signed up last night and none of my offers went in progress yet. i cant even log in from the main page, so i have to check my status through the email link. i assume that everyone had the same problem, but i just want to make sure if you guys all had the same thing happen.
03-03-2006 07:21:19
[quote95787e8a73="TammyJoP"]As I posted the first PM I got was who got my referal and my friend signed up under me.
Now my daughter who lives alone would like to sign up under her but she uses my computer for all her stuff sense she dont have one can this be done on one computer? It would be going to her house with her credit card. Just she dont have a computer yet. She is waiting for hers from one of the offers. Let me know. Thanks[/quote95787e8a73]
Any number of people can sign up from any one computer as long as they have a different address.
03-03-2006 07:38:50
[quote70fb113a45="J4320"]I got a phone call from 000-000-000 today or something. It was weird. It was some sales thing. I'm not sure if it's from this site but others are getting phone calls too....
I don't think I'm gonna bother doing more offers until I see some more positives about this site. ?[/quote70fb113a45]
[quote70fb113a45="stblazer"]hmm i signed up last night and none of my offers went in progress yet. i cant even log in from the main page, so i have to check my status through the email link. i assume that everyone had the same problem, but i just want to make sure if you guys all had the same thing happen.[/quote70fb113a45]
Takes a week before seeing any status change. Also, there's a link to check status at the bottom of the webpage.
03-03-2006 07:46:49
Can anyone else confirm this I tried to call but got a voice mail message. Am headed out so didnt leave a message but will call them back when I get home.
03-03-2006 09:03:06
i went 7 of 8 today, green tea 300 didnt credit, anyone else have problems with this offer, and if i do another offer on the platnium page, which one should i do so i know it credits??
03-03-2006 09:45:21
[quotec6227819cf="kdollar"]i went 7 of 8 today, green tea 300 didnt credit, anyone else have problems with this offer, and if i do another offer on the platnium page, which one should i do so i know it credits??[/quotec6227819cf]
Hey guys, my ref went approved early this morning, so I am just waiting for the email. I did this on the very organized A4F conga, it has worked out very well.
General Rule
Your initial offers will credit after 7 days, if they do not all credit, do more offers (forget going for manual credit, not worth it since you only have 60 days). Each ofter you do after the 7 days, will credit next day, if it doesn't do another. Repeat, until complete...
03-03-2006 09:49:08
[quotee58f3476ea="gregcool"][quotee58f3476ea="kdollar"]i went 7 of 8 today, green tea 300 didnt credit, anyone else have problems with this offer, and if i do another offer on the platnium page, which one should i do so i know it credits??[/quotee58f3476ea]
Hey guys, my ref went approved early this morning, so I am just waiting for the email. I did this on the very organized A4F conga, it has worked out very well.
General Rule
Your initial offers will credit after 7 days, if they do not all credit, do more offers (forget going for manual credit, not worth it since you only have 60 days). Each ofter you do after the 7 days, will credit next day, if it doesn't do another. Repeat, until complete...[/quotee58f3476ea]
i did 3 more and none credited
03-03-2006 09:56:48
hey, i still really need a referral.
I know people are trying to do this for 'free' - but if someone signs up under me I am willing to pay $25 paypal once they go approved.
just as an fyi )
[now, if this is against the rules then i'm sorry and can a mod please delete?]
03-03-2006 10:09:18
i need one too (
03-03-2006 10:52:09
[quote4b8835c6d4="chewy"][quote4b8835c6d4="gregcool"][quote4b8835c6d4="kdollar"]i went 7 of 8 today, green tea 300 didnt credit, anyone else have problems with this offer, and if i do another offer on the platnium page, which one should i do so i know it credits??[/quote4b8835c6d4]
Hey guys, my ref went approved early this morning, so I am just waiting for the email. I did this on the very organized A4F conga, it has worked out very well.
General Rule
Your initial offers will credit after 7 days, if they do not all credit, do more offers (forget going for manual credit, not worth it since you only have 60 days). Each ofter you do after the 7 days, will credit next day, if it doesn't do another. Repeat, until complete...[/quote4b8835c6d4]
i did 3 more and none credited[/quote4b8835c6d4]
Then you are doing something wrong. Did you clear your cookies and everything. Maybe the site just doesn't like you )
03-03-2006 10:59:32
i have done everything fine, 6 of 8 offers went through fine. i will try for manual credit on monday since it will be 30 days
03-03-2006 11:21:20
This shouldnt be a problem for any of you guys but just to let everyone know i found this in the terms
[quote0c288fa0bb](d) Your Redemption certificate must be postmarked within 15 days of your final required offer being Approved.[/quote0c288fa0bb]
03-03-2006 11:53:07
dmorris68 is my ref, so you can remove me and add him.
03-03-2006 12:59:06
If people had stuck to the list on the first page instead of signing up under nobody or someone random, there would be about 18 people without refs or looking for refs.
If you had stuck to it, there should logically only be one person at any time needing a ref.
Anyway, I got the e-mail today saying that they receieved my redemption voucher and I'll get the Plasma in 6-8 weeks.
03-03-2006 13:04:04
[quote708449ea31="theysayjump"]Anyway, I got the e-mail today saying that they receieved my redemption voucher and I'll get the Plasma in 6-8 weeks.[/quote708449ea31]
Well, fuck. I still haven't received any email or confirmation and I was the first to send it in (and have USPS confirmation that it was delivered Feb 21). If they try to pull some shit, like claiming they never received my voucher and now I'm SOL because it's been over 15 days since my last offer credit, I will be highly pissed off. x
03-03-2006 13:11:55
[quote90b91a0709="kevxross"][quote90b91a0709="theysayjump"]Anyway, I got the e-mail today saying that they receieved my redemption voucher and I'll get the Plasma in 6-8 weeks.[/quote90b91a0709]
Well, fuck. I still haven't received any email or confirmation and I was the first to send it in (and have USPS confirmation that it was delivered Feb 21). If they try to pull some shit, like claiming they never received my voucher and now I'm SOL because it's been over 15 days since my last offer credit, I will be highly pissed off. x[/quote90b91a0709]
E-mail them, at this point you don't really have much to lose if you think you're fucked anyway. shrug
03-03-2006 13:39:22
congrats jump, i just did hydroderm offer for my last one well actually 10th offer, hows crediting on this one, hopefully it will be done by tomorrow??
03-03-2006 13:40:17
[quote0617a84db1="theysayjump"]If people had stuck to the list on the first page instead of signing up under nobody or someone random, there would be about 18 people without refs or looking for refs.
If you had stuck to it, there should logically only be one person at any time needing a ref.
Anyway, I got the e-mail today saying that they receieved my redemption voucher and I'll get the Plasma in 6-8 weeks.[/quote0617a84db1]
I agree, and when I signed up under a person in this thread there was no list, but I tried to back track to do the next logical person. I PM'd a mod asking who was next also.
The ref I got has been a member of this forum for a while, and in fact pointed me to FiPG about 2 months ago, but I was talking to him about it on another forum. If I didn't I don't think he would have known about it, so I figured it was ok to go get a ref outside this forum.
03-03-2006 14:36:40
I really want this LCD screen. (
I guess I'll do FIVE MORE OFFERS! cry
03-03-2006 14:42:44
That is probably the best choice, i ended up having to do six extra offers... (
03-03-2006 16:46:01
so this whole not following the conga list is working out great. 2 new people got refs within the last 2 pages while some of us have been on the list for pages and have no one. thanks guys with you "whoever PMs me the fastest gets it" and thanks also to the guy who PMed them...
03-03-2006 17:47:09
Now since there seem to be an abundance of people suffering from dyslexia which subsequently result in fucking up the Conga, only one person will be at the top.
It's here for people to contribute and help others whilst keeping the line going, not for random people to come along and offer to sign up under anyone they want to and essentiall screwing everyone else over. I don't care if you think it's fair or not.
I'm going to rotate the conga every 5 days.
03-03-2006 18:12:38
Webdizzy has signed up under me, so they should be added to the active list for refs unless they say otherwise. I was the top link this morning when they signed up.
03-03-2006 18:40:27
thanks theysayjump D
03-03-2006 19:42:43
Hmmm.... I'm thinking about doing this. Should I? I think I'll wait until someone actually gets the LCD before I sign up so I don't waste the time limit.
03-03-2006 20:01:55
[quote0200f1bfc1="Gooogler"]Hmmm.... I'm thinking about doing this. Should I? I think I'll wait until someone actually gets the LCD before I sign up so I don't waste the time limit.[/quote0200f1bfc1]
It's gonna be at least 6 weeks before anybody gets their tv, and by then this company will have surely raised the requirements after they have to send out 50 plasma tvs. I'd do it now if you're gonna do it. And no, I don't need a referral.
03-03-2006 20:28:21
gregcool, I don't think you are correct. i think this site just does as it pleases. I had the same issue with only 2 crediting after 7 days. Then I did 3 more on other days and none of them credited....and before you say it I know I did them right!! I have been doing this long enough to know what I am doing and if I was doing it wrong why would some credit and others not??? It would be all or none! I am going to wait the 2 more days and request manual!
03-03-2006 20:32:45
[quote8bb5a816b2="Brutus"]The ref I got has been a member of this forum for a while, and in fact pointed me to FiPG about 2 months ago, but I was talking to him about it on another forum. If I didn't I don't think he would have known about it, so I figured it was ok to go get a ref outside this forum.[/quote8bb5a816b2]
I'll chime in here and apologize to anybody who feels slighted by me signing up under Brutus. He and I know each other, and have been members of the same gaming group for years now. I started a thread over on our BBS about the free stuff back when I was getting my free iPod from Gratis. I had slipped out of the scene for awhile (as evidenced by the lack of referrals noted in my sig) when Brutus got interested and was asking me questions. He then discovered these DIY deals and informed me about them, and I signed up using the link he had posted over there on our BBS -- I had never laid eyes on this thread until afterwards.
Again, I wasn't trying to jump the conga, I was merely signing up under a friend who didn't know I would do so when he posted himself to this conga. He then removed himself. So please don't be hard on him (or me for that matter). ;)
03-03-2006 22:57:33
googler u know u wanna sign up ;) be sure to use the conga!!
04-03-2006 00:15:41
Yeah Googler I wouldn't wait to do this, chances are they'll up the requirements sooner ratrher than later.
04-03-2006 01:08:55
yeah totally better to do a site and not get it then miss out cause you didnt do it.
i dont wanna list what i missed out on but its enough
so far looks like there has been only one site i didnt jump on that hasnt paid out (brandarama)
w00t my referall went 10/10. Just got to wait for the email now.
04-03-2006 10:28:29
[quoteaa02fc829f="justinag06"]yeah totally better to do a site and not get it then miss out cause you didnt do it.
i dont wanna list what i missed out on but its enough
so far looks like there has been only one site i didnt jump on that hasnt paid out (brandarama)[/quoteaa02fc829f]
lucky u, i thought i was gettin a deal with only 4 refs and i get f'd
04-03-2006 16:16:17
I signed up for this site last night and started doing offers. I've done 6 so far, but then noticed that when I clicked on the link in the confirmation email from ConsumerSavingCenter I get the page with the Silver offers and at the top is says, "This FREEli Television is reserved for", but then doesn't have my name or address. When I click on the "Check Gift Status" link I got a pop-up window which lists all of my offers as pending -- I know it can several days for an offer to go to "in progress" but I noticed some people have received credit very quickly (i.e. almost instantly) with some of them. I'm just afraid that something got screwed up in the sign-up process and notice from the advertisers of the offers I've completed aren't being connected with my account correctly. I've emailed CSC through their contact form but haven't received a response yet. I'm reluctant to do the last two offers until I"m sure everything is OK.
Should I be concerned???
04-03-2006 16:17:45
No one has gotten credit instantly. Its 7 days...
04-03-2006 16:27:14
I don't need to be concerned that my name and address aren't at the top of the pages? I've seen other sites where my name and address were there.
04-03-2006 16:29:27
Mine isn't there on this site either and I've finished and sent in my cert. Just always use that link from the email and you'll be ok...
04-03-2006 16:55:37
[quote5e9e099faa="Wolfeman"]Mine isn't there on this site either and I've finished and sent in my cert. Just always use that link from the email and you'll be ok...[/quote5e9e099faa]
Thanks -- that makes me feel better.
On another note. . . has anyone does the Time Life Love Songs or Bargain Homes offers and had good luck in getting credit for them?
04-03-2006 18:07:23
[quote4818c03f1f="UAO"]w00t my referall went 10/10. Just got to wait for the email now.[/quote4818c03f1f]
you mean 8/8, right? unless they changed it since i signed up...
[quotefb311f45af="gnznroses"][quotefb311f45af="UAO"]w00t my referall went 10/10. Just got to wait for the email now.[/quotefb311f45af]
you mean 8/8, right? unless they changed it since i signed up...[/quotefb311f45af]
Yes, sorry.
05-03-2006 07:52:25
I honestly dont know of a single person who has received credit for TimeLife.
05-03-2006 07:58:27
[quotef59fe43011="icojones"]I honestly dont know of a single person who has received credit for TimeLife.[/quotef59fe43011]
I have.
05-03-2006 12:29:28
I just started reading about i-Direct sites - has anyone on these boards received anything from them yet?
05-03-2006 13:55:12
did anyone else sign up for i wanted to buy a cd but i never received a confirmation email from them, i can't log into the site cause it says it can't find my account, and i contacted customer service who also said they couldn't find my account...
05-03-2006 13:58:02
[quotee945e9b7d2="gnznroses"]did anyone else sign up for i wanted to buy a cd but i never received a confirmation email from them, i can't log into the site cause it says it can't find my account, and i contacted customer service who also said they couldn't find my account...[/quotee945e9b7d2]
Same thing happened to me. I received credit for it on this site but was never billed, no confirmation e-mail and I can't log in to their site either. shrug
I'm wondering if they'll let me do it again.
05-03-2006 21:58:08
what is everyone's experience with the RealOne Superpass offer? I did it more than a week ago and all the other offers I did credited. I heard one person say that it didn't credit for them. Should I just forget about ever getting credit for it?
Well, i think this site screwed me over. Go figure. I completed my offers, and so did my referall. My status said the email wass sent to me at 4 am on March 6th, but I checked my spam and inbox, and got no email. Since they said they are no responsible for lost or deleted email, I am SOL.
For the people who got their emails already, is the link easy to edit? Such as put in my email address instead of yours?
06-03-2006 06:51:45
i would think they would resend them if you ask for them, i would figure they are not responsible if you dont get them, but if you ask they would probably help. just a guess though
06-03-2006 06:52:23
I've done RealOne Superpass, but it was just a couple of days ago and it hasn't gone "in progress" yet. It has good ratings and reviews at, though.
[quote0299241c17="chewy"]i would think they would resend them if you ask for them, i would figure they are not responsible if you dont get them, but if you ask they would probably help. just a guess though[/quote0299241c17]
Thats what I did, but when you check your status, you get
We are not responsible for lost or deleted email.
--Thank you.
Wait, for this site, did you have to confirm your email address?
Sorry to spam this thread, but I think I am SOL.
I signed up for the site via a spam gmail address. I asked a question, and got an automatic reply instantly.
When I asked a question twice with my main account, which is hotmail, I get nothing.
06-03-2006 09:46:32
[quote15c8b4f752="UAO"]Wait, for this site, did you have to confirm your email address?[/quote15c8b4f752]
yes, the first email they send after you sign up should have the correct link. And use that to check your status and do offers and everything.
[quote4e57cfd3c1="emoney"][quote4e57cfd3c1="UAO"]Wait, for this site, did you have to confirm your email address?[/quote4e57cfd3c1]
yes, the first email they send after you sign up should have the correct link. And use that to check your status and do offers and everything.[/quote4e57cfd3c1]
Hm, I just noticed I never got an email from them to confirm my link. Yet, I could aways check my status. lisighli Oh well, I only lost around $80 from this site.
06-03-2006 10:12:43
I never got a email to confirm myself either.
[quoted7fffd0359="TeeRatt"]I never got a email to confirm myself either.[/quoted7fffd0359]
What kind of email account is yours? Mines hotmail, so it might be all around for hotmail users.
06-03-2006 10:46:22
Im so anxious to hear something. I'd like to know tracking or something when they order it, but have a feeling that I will end up getting a call from the shipper and not consumersavingcenter
06-03-2006 12:40:23
how do u log back into this site....b/c i was 7/8 on offers, then i did another last saturday through the gift status page, and it never even showed i clicked it, so im guessing i need to log in and do it, how would i do that??
06-03-2006 12:41:51
Just always use the link that was in the conformation email.
06-03-2006 12:41:59
Im thinking of doing this but I was wondering if I could do this. If I have a group of friends with me that all want to do it Could I sign up under the top person on the list , have my friends sign up under me and the other friends and post the link for the last person to get the next referal from the forum.
06-03-2006 13:07:53
[quotefaff9f434c="Wolfeman"]Just always use the link that was in the conformation email.[/quotefaff9f434c]
thanks wolfe, excellent diy mod!
i just did timelife, hows that crediting ??
06-03-2006 14:37:23
[quote91b4fc4523="RolltheStampede"]Im thinking of doing this but I was wondering if I could do this. If I have a group of friends with me that all want to do it Could I sign up under the top person on the list , have my friends sign up under me and the other friends and post the link for the last person to get the next referal from the forum.[/quote91b4fc4523]
u could sign up under the top person on the list, but ur friends would have to sign up under the next people on the list if they wanted to be part of the conga.
on another note, could someone tell me the email address that sends the original confirmation? i don't think i ever got it and i want to check my spam before it gets auto-deleted
06-03-2006 14:43:17
i email them this morning about manual credit but havent heard back yet...
06-03-2006 14:59:38
[quote9275613ae4="kyks17"][quote9275613ae4="RolltheStampede"]Im thinking of doing this but I was wondering if I could do this. If I have a group of friends with me that all want to do it Could I sign up under the top person on the list , have my friends sign up under me and the other friends and post the link for the last person to get the next referal from the forum.[/quote9275613ae4]
u could sign up under the top person on the list, but ur friends would have to sign up under the next people on the list if they wanted to be part of the conga.
on another note, could someone tell me the email address that sends the original confirmation? i don't think i ever got it and i want to check my spam before it gets auto-deleted[/quote9275613ae4]
But wounldnt it still be the same. I mean when I sign up under the person on the first post I would become the person on the first post. So my firends would still be signing up under me. adn them under each other until the last person is posted on the forum. I would just be speeding up the process right
06-03-2006 15:06:36
i believer the conga has more than 1 person currently, however the mod made it so only 1 person is listed at a time so as to eliminate confusion over who to sign up under.
06-03-2006 15:06:59
[quoted74ff63a17="RolltheStampede"][quoted74ff63a17="kyks17"][quoted74ff63a17="RolltheStampede"]Im thinking of doing this but I was wondering if I could do this. If I have a group of friends with me that all want to do it Could I sign up under the top person on the list , have my friends sign up under me and the other friends and post the link for the last person to get the next referal from the forum.[/quoted74ff63a17]
u could sign up under the top person on the list, but ur friends would have to sign up under the next people on the list if they wanted to be part of the conga.
on another note, could someone tell me the email address that sends the original confirmation? i don't think i ever got it and i want to check my spam before it gets auto-deleted[/quoted74ff63a17]
But wounldnt it still be the same. I mean when I sign up under the person on the first post I would become the person on the first post. So my firends would still be signing up under me. adn them under each other until the last person is posted on the forum. I would just be speeding up the process right[/quoted74ff63a17]
Yes, it would actually be the same. I'd say as long as you sign up under the top person here, and then don't make anyone from here sign up under you or anyone else except that one person at the end of your own separate conga, it'd be fine. It's logical to me, but that's just me.
06-03-2006 15:22:15
Ok im not really sure how the conga got screwed up because there should only be 1 open referral open for this site atleast. I would propbly have one of my friends sign up using the top run my small conga with me signing up last and and submit my link to be put on forum. My one individual conga would ineffect be like one person.
Anyway it would be a couple of weeks before i get my people together, and i want to wait for my first freebie to get here anyway
06-03-2006 15:24:56
If you sign up under the person at the top of the Conga, that doesn't put you at the top, it puts you at the bottom.
The best thing to do would be to sign up under the person at the top, and then get your friends to sign up under the next people in line. Depending how many you have, there are 6 people who would be in front of you at the moment. If you had 10 friends, they could give everyone on the Conga a ref, including yourslef and still have some to spare.
06-03-2006 15:29:13
yes please sign up ( its been 30 days today since ive signed up, need a ref (
06-03-2006 15:44:26
help kyks out guys, its a fuckn plasma for 8 refs, no oods. i dont know why people arent doin this shit left and right.
again i ask, anyone do the timelift music offer??
06-03-2006 16:12:14
Ok so i guess the question is why is there 6 peole in the in the waiting list. If everyone sign up undersomeone else there should just be the last person. that needs to be refered. What 5 peopel messed up the conga. If I have 10 friends that refer through the 6 people in the que then 6 of the 10 become the 6 in the que waiting to be refered, and if none signs up then thats 6 people getting screwed. But If they all sign up under each other in a seperate conga then the only one that may get screwed is the lastione in that conga. Im trying to help someone out from the forums without screwing over my friends. Im not saying I should be put on the top of the que. Im saying if I sign up under the top person on this forum then the last person in my conga should be put at the bottom of this que.
i dont see why i should have 6 people possibly get screwed over where when I could just do a seperate one away from this forum and only have the possibility of one person not getting reffered
06-03-2006 16:13:36
Because away from this forum you will never get anything done alone and you are trying to help all the people in the community...
06-03-2006 17:19:15
[quote49058bf6da="RolltheStampede"]Ok so i guess the question is why is there 6 peole in the in the waiting list. If everyone sign up undersomeone else there should just be the last person. that needs to be refered. What 5 peopel messed up the conga. If I have 10 friends that refer through the 6 people in the que then 6 of the 10 become the 6 in the que waiting to be refered, and if none signs up then thats 6 people getting screwed. But If they all sign up under each other in a seperate conga then the only one that may get screwed is the lastione in that conga. Im trying to help someone out from the forums without screwing over my friends. Im not saying I should be put on the top of the que. Im saying if I sign up under the top person on this forum then the last person in my conga should be put at the bottom of this que.
i dont see why i should have 6 people possibly get screwed over where when I could just do a seperate one away from this forum and only have the possibility of one person not getting reffered[/quote49058bf6da]
have u told ur friend they have to fill a w9? they will have to pay tax on the amount (which is like 3299 retail i belive at bb).
07-03-2006 07:57:31
well here is the response to getting manual credit (
We do not manually give credits. If you want to receive credit and
for the free gift I would suggest completing two more offers before
account expires.
Thank you!
07-03-2006 09:34:56
I just reviewed the terms for CSC again and noticed it says
[quote02ee2763c4]"i. You must successfully complete the following sponsored offers two (2) offers from Silver Offers Page, two (2) offers from Gold Offers Page, and four (4) offers on Platinum Offers Page.
ii. Refer at least one (1) unique person (s) who join(s) and also correctly complete(s) the same offer requirements listed above."[/quote02ee2763c4]
Is this different than other referral only sites? I thought referrals only had to complete one offer in order for the referrer to get credit for the referral?
If this is the case, then I suppose all the referral's offers have to go complete, too, before getting credit for the referral? Sheesh!
07-03-2006 10:06:50
[quotec269afcc57="chewy"]well here is the response to getting manual credit (
We do not manually give credits. If you want to receive credit and
for the free gift I would suggest completing two more offers before
account expires.
Thank you!
Everyone has known that. Alot of people have had to do 2-3 extra offers. But its for a $3000 TV, so why complain )
07-03-2006 10:13:10
[quote695a432561="gregcool"][quote695a432561="chewy"]well here is the response to getting manual credit (
We do not manually give credits. If you want to receive credit and
for the free gift I would suggest completing two more offers before
account expires.
Thank you!
Everyone has known that. Alot of people have had to do 2-3 extra offers. But its for a $3000 TV, so why complain )[/quote695a432561]
Will they give the manual credit if you send them the confirmation email from doing the offer? Their terms say they will but don't guarantee it (very conflicting terms!).
If you have to do extra offers, how do you know which page you should do them from?
07-03-2006 10:25:05
i had done extra and they didnt credit. i will do more now. But i think if I pressed the issue they would credit, like the people who did the lawn tractor
07-03-2006 10:50:50
Will people post what offers they have done that did not have any problem crediting
07-03-2006 10:53:38
[quoteb6633021a6="chewy"]i had done extra and they didnt credit. i will do more now. But i think if I pressed the issue they would credit, like the people who did the lawn tractor[/quoteb6633021a6]
I understand what you are saying, and I very well could have probably got credit for the ones of mine that didnt credit. I am on the conga on A4F, and our philosophy on there was pretty much this
First offers credit after 7 days,
Any after those credit after 24 hours
If you don't have credit by that timeline, do another offer.
With the 60-day limit, people aren't taking chances I guess, and I didn't either. The extra few bucks seemed better than waiting on the CS to get back to me.
07-03-2006 10:55:57
Bargain Homes
Health Benefits
Green Tea 300
all went green in 7 days
07-03-2006 10:58:03
[quotea5f8ef230c="gregcool"][quotea5f8ef230c="chewy"]i had done extra and they didnt credit. i will do more now. But i think if I pressed the issue they would credit, like the people who did the lawn tractor[/quotea5f8ef230c]
I understand what you are saying, and I very well could have probably got credit for the ones of mine that didnt credit. I am on the conga on A4F, and our philosophy on there was pretty much this
First offers credit after 7 days,
Any after those credit after 24 hours
If you don't have credit by that timeline, do another offer.
With the 60-day limit, people aren't taking chances I guess, and I didn't either. The extra few bucks seemed better than waiting on the CS to get back to me.[/quotea5f8ef230c]
the only reason i waited is i email customersupport and molly email me back saying i havent waited 30 days yet. if she told me then they dont give manual credit i would have...oh well
07-03-2006 11:18:47
I noticed they would have different varations of health benefits on the same page several times. I this so that you can do the offer more than once since it is slightly different. or is this some kind of ploy to get people disqualified since you cant have done any of the offers before and doing the site twice would disqualify you.
Has anyone recieved or had them ship a plasma yet.
07-03-2006 15:15:25
I am interested, I would also like to hear what offers are available, and also if anyone has gotten their TV yet?
07-03-2006 15:23:10
[quotef615c2ac3e="Excel"]I am interested, I would also like to hear what offers are available, and also if anyone has gotten their TV yet?[/quotef615c2ac3e]
There is a list of the offers on this page of this thread
07-03-2006 19:30:00
chewy I am dealing with Molly now too. I have never dealt with a sight that is so anti-manual credit. I am against this site because I have done 12 offers and only 2 have gone approved. Ontop of that my referral has already send in his vouchers and he is pending for me. I did 9 original offers, which 2 went approved and have doen 3 since then and none have gone approved. Very weak site that is just out to make the game difficult. I will take the YFdirect wait anyday over having to waste money on legit offers that don't credit. Just my thoughts.
07-03-2006 19:54:38
Theres gotta be something wrong on your end if so few sites are going completed. I had a referral on another site do 8 and 7 out of 8 completed. I agree the site is weird, but if they give us our gifts then it will all be worth it.
08-03-2006 03:48:03
[quotea8e3b0e6f4="skooter22c"]chewy I am dealing with Molly now too. I have never dealt with a sight that is so anti-manual credit. I am against this site because I have done 12 offers and only 2 have gone approved. Ontop of that my referral has already send in his vouchers and he is pending for me. I did 9 original offers, which 2 went approved and have doen 3 since then and none have gone approved. Very weak site that is just out to make the game difficult. I will take the YFdirect wait anyday over having to waste money on legit offers that don't credit. Just my thoughts.[/quotea8e3b0e6f4]
Yeah Im in a similiar situation, I did about 11 offers and only 6 have gone complete..
08-03-2006 04:05:11
[quote21f126e45e="chewy"]well here is the response to getting manual credit (
We do not manually give credits. If you want to receive credit and
for the free gift I would suggest completing two more offers before
account expires.
Thank you!
So that directly contradicts their terms and conditions?
[quote21f126e45e]2. Failure to be credited for an offer
(a) does not guarantee that a user will receive credit for an offer. We reserve the right to refuse crediting a user for offer completion for a variety of reasons, including, but not limited to, lack of appropriate information, improper sign-up method, improper browser settings, and/or a history of manual credits. Manual credits are offers that are credited through mailing confirmation of completion.
(b) We are not responsible for delays in reporting offer completion or failure to receive offer credit. The time it takes to receive credit varies greatly.
(c) The user is responsible for saving all of the confirmation emails they receive associated with offer completion. We will not manually credit a user for an offer without receiving a confirmation email from the user. A confirmation email is an email that a user receives from an offer provider after their offer requirements have been fully satiated. However, presenting a confirmation email does not guarantee that a user will receive credit.
(d) If a user believes that they have fully completed an offer and yet, has not been credited, the user should once again make sure that they have in fact met all of the requirements stipulated by the offer provider and should verify that he or she has waited the appropriate amount of time for offer completion to be reported back to this website (this amount of time varies per offer). If the user confirms that they have performed all of the necessary actions, and have waited a sufficiently appropriate period of time, he or she should contact us via our customer service form on our website. The user should note, however, that reserves the right to deny credit for an offer.
08-03-2006 04:21:09
how long after you submit for approval does that email confirmation get sent to you?
08-03-2006 04:51:37
sorry i reread what the account page says...within the next 24 hours so hopefully i am fine as I didn't receive it yet.
08-03-2006 06:15:10
[quote7a3334c9b1="chewy"]how long after you submit for approval does that email confirmation get sent to you?[/quote7a3334c9b1]
Does this mean you finally got 8/8?
08-03-2006 06:20:02
yup i had to do 5 extra until i got the 2 I needed...oh well i will be happy if it comes.
i spent $35 total, but I did the cosmitique and energie vitale offers and got a bunch of makeup for my wife which she would have bought anyway so it worked out almost free anyway.
you have to take a chance once in a while i guess
08-03-2006 06:24:24
Congrats Chewy. I'm 6/8 right and looking to see which offers to do. My referral is still trying to get his to complete also.
You did the remaining offers yesterday, right? Just want to see if the 24 hours to credit is still in effect after the initial 7 day crediting.
08-03-2006 06:31:29
it looks like it. i did my offers around 300 pm yesterday and sometime since 1100 last night to 700 this morning the last 2 credited
08-03-2006 07:12:15
hey just wondering if anyone had issues receiving emails from them or which i believe is the same company. i got approved on 7/8 and never received a confirmation email or anything from them .. i've emailed customer support about this and even took the address of the sender of the confirmation emails from my friend and havent heard from there either. Is anyone else having a serious prob contacting them?
if not maybe its a prob on my end .. any suggestions?
[quote8a046862ef="failurebydzyne"]hey just wondering if anyone had issues receiving emails from them or which i believe is the same company. i got approved on 7/8 and never received a confirmation email or anything from them .. i've emailed customer support about this and even took the address of the sender of the confirmation emails from my friend and havent heard from there either. Is anyone else having a serious prob contacting them?
if not maybe its a prob on my end .. any suggestions?[/quote8a046862ef]
Nope, I have the same problem. I am 100% complete, they never sent me an email to get my voucher. I had to have someone help me get the link manually.
They are just trying to screw you over.
08-03-2006 08:02:38
I had to have someone help me get the link manually.
how did you get it?
I had to have someone help me get the link manually.
how did you get it?[/quote9a65dc9bed]
If you dont get the link via email, PM me. It's more of a last resort. I don't want to make it public and have everybody do it. Because I think you can do it with out being 100% complete. So knowing how people screw things for others, they could try to make another account with a different address, and just send in the voucher.
08-03-2006 08:11:57
its obvious! they make money from offers. we dont get credit for offers. we complete more offers. they make more money!!!! its a conspiracy! its another way to "raise" offer requirement
08-03-2006 08:27:25
i got this after emailing customer support
There seems to be a glitch with the site. If you can fax me a
completed W9
form I can process the certificate manually.
I have attached a W9 to this email.
My fax number is 3128733992
Thank you!
08-03-2006 08:40:35
[quoted5ce61da8d="chewy"]i got this after emailing customer support
There seems to be a glitch with the site. If you can fax me a
completed W9
form I can process the certificate manually.
I have attached a W9 to this email.
My fax number is 3128733992
Thank you!
It takes a full day for the email to be sent. I was approved on a Saturday and got the email at 4AM on Monday morning. It's possible that yours hasn't even been sent yet.
08-03-2006 08:42:22
maybe, but she is doing it for me manually, hopefully this works out good for me.
08-03-2006 08:48:51
sweet! my status page changed to
You have been approved by the sponsor(s). Your redemption certificate was processed on Mar 8 2006 1146AM. Your free gift will be mailed out within 6 to 8 weeks of the processing date.
-- Thank you.
awesome! here comes the wait...but im used to it from YFD
08-03-2006 08:54:01
Nice, I really hope it doesnt take 6 to 8 weeks, I really want to confirm this companies legitmacy soon. I was confirmed on march 1, so theres only a couple people who are ahead of me in the timeline..
08-03-2006 10:33:57
Yeah I was confirmed March 3rd I believe so I'm a couple of days behind you.
08-03-2006 10:44:44
should I get the Phillips or the Panasonic? Molly just emailed me asking but she doesnt have model numbers. i feel like we are dating
maybe this means they will be shipping fairly soon!
08-03-2006 10:53:49
I also got the email. I chose the panasonic. As long as it ends up being the HD model I will be happy.
08-03-2006 11:44:05
i just got the same email, I dont know which to choose!!! AHH!!!
is it still philips lcd and panasonic plasma?
08-03-2006 11:46:15
i went with the panasonic, it would be helpful if we had model numbers.
08-03-2006 11:47:15
I picked the Panasonic but for some reason a week later and my Priority Mail still hasn't gotten there ( I'm going to send out another one today I think (((
08-03-2006 12:07:11
how come everyone is picking the panasonic?
08-03-2006 12:08:58
[quotefcf18206d6="swbball28"]how come everyone is picking the panasonic?[/quotefcf18206d6]
Not sure. I just like Panasonic more than Philips...
08-03-2006 12:10:46
ive heard people in general say they are good. just a blind guess with no model #
08-03-2006 12:13:29
I've heard that panasonic makes the best plasmas out there
08-03-2006 12:37:43
I have a feeling that its the panasonic TH-42PX50U because that is the one that they have pictured on all of their other sites, and that is the HD model. I also have this tv and it is VERY good. THe picture quality is awesome, and it has a ton of features.
08-03-2006 12:38:25
I chose the Philips.
For those of you receiving e-mails, have you been contacting Molly (or general CS) or did she just send you a random e-mail asking which TV you wanted?
08-03-2006 12:52:44
theysayjump how come you chose the philips?
08-03-2006 12:59:46
[quotea34158e1d5="swbball28"]theysayjump how come you chose the philips?[/quotea34158e1d5]
I'm selling mine and there were about 5 times more Philips models on eBay than there were Panasonic.
Although you can look at that two different ways.
08-03-2006 13:18:09
I chose the Phillips because of the chance that the panasonic was EDTV.
And I haven'r received that email asking about which TV I wanted, but that may be because I emailed her last week about it and she replied that the phillips was selected for me.
edit Almost 10K posts TSJ! D
08-03-2006 13:24:34
[quote98d623213b]should I get the Phillips or the Panasonic? Molly just emailed me asking but she doesnt have model numbers. i feel like we are dating
She doesnt know the model numbers? That seems odd for the person who is probably ordering them to not have that.
08-03-2006 13:27:15
[quotee3bfe5434d="bonehead848"][quotee3bfe5434d]should I get the Phillips or the Panasonic? Molly just emailed me asking but she doesnt have model numbers. i feel like we are dating
She doesnt know the model numbers? That seems odd for the person who is probably ordering them to not have that.[/quotee3bfe5434d]
She is just support, not shipping or ordering. Anyways a lot of the time they don't give out model numbers so people can't call and bitch about which model they are getting...
08-03-2006 14:11:16
[quote82e4e38d0f="emoney"]edit Almost 10K posts TSJ! D[/quote82e4e38d0f]
You should see what I have lined up for my 10,000th post. wink
08-03-2006 14:46:39
[quotedfa62fd148="theysayjump"][quotedfa62fd148="emoney"]edit Almost 10K posts TSJ! D[/quotedfa62fd148]
You should see what I have lined up for my 10,000th post. wink[/quotedfa62fd148]
08-03-2006 15:28:21
[quote08313c62fd="Wolfeman"]...for some reason a week later and my Priority Mail still hasn't gotten there ( I'm going to send out another one today I think ((([/quote08313c62fd]
Should I send another form?
08-03-2006 15:48:05
The Plasma and the LCD should both be HDTV, according to the signup screen

http//[" alt=""/img51a1b84011]
They'd have a lot of pissed of customers if they substituted an EDTV for an HDTV. Still, until somebody gets the first one I guess we won't know for sure...
I'm taking the plasma simply because Philips doesn't generally make high quality sets, and with few exceptions plasma will look better than LCD. Of course I think my 60" Sony SXRD blows away even a plasma in the image quality department, but I can't hang it on the wall in the bedroom like I can this Panny. )
08-03-2006 16:58:28
Anyone have any suggestions for me?
08-03-2006 17:12:09
[quote5b5758eab1="Wolfeman"]Anyone have any suggestions for me?[/quote5b5758eab1]
Did it require a signature? Was it to a P.O. Box? If it was they may only pick up signature mail once a week. Maybe you can call and ask them.
08-03-2006 17:13:43
It was a PO Box. I sent it Priority Mail so it should've been there by now. No sig required. I will call USPS tomorrow and maybe email I-deal. I just wonder if sending a second one is bad ?
[quote3da6dbfee3="Wolfeman"]It was a PO Box. I sent it Priority Mail so it should've been there by now. No sig required. I will call USPS tomorrow and maybe email I-deal. I just wonder if sending a second one is bad ?[/quote3da6dbfee3]
You sent yours to a PO box for this site?
08-03-2006 17:55:04
Can't offer any suggestions on that Wolfeman. Knowing them they may try and act like you were trying to get the gift twice.
08-03-2006 19:58:30
[quote5e90966636="UAO"][quote5e90966636="Wolfeman"]It was a PO Box. I sent it Priority Mail so it should've been there by now. No sig required. I will call USPS tomorrow and maybe email I-deal. I just wonder if sending a second one is bad ?[/quote5e90966636]
You sent yours to a PO box for this site?[/quote5e90966636]
Whoops. Not a PO. I'm going to call USPS and see if they can figure out whats up ?
08-03-2006 20:55:39
kevx needs to update the kyks17 link on the conga because I signed up under her yesterday and I pm'ed kevx but no reply, I am not trying to be a dick I just want to make sure I get a ref.
08-03-2006 21:22:14
Also, Wolfeman, I'd write Molly an e-mail and see what she says. As someone mentioned above it may appear that you are sending it twice to get more than one gift.
09-03-2006 08:11:49
I'm 8/8, I had to do 2 extra offers.
09-03-2006 09:17:51
[quotef22d7817bf="williebeamin2000"]kevx needs to update the kyks17 link on the conga because I signed up under her yesterday and I pm'ed kevx but no reply, I am not trying to be a dick I just want to make sure I get a ref.[/quotef22d7817bf]
TSJ is completely in charge of the list now. I wasn't ignoring you I just hadn't been on the boards.
09-03-2006 09:56:09
Ok cool i wasnt trying to say you were a dick, sorry man
09-03-2006 10:26:15
I hope I'm not getting the shaft on my offers. I completed 8/8 (2+2+4) and today, 7 days later, I'm showing 2 greens (1 silver + 1 gold). Plus one INVALID on a Platinum offer I didn't even do! And one of my plat offers ( doesn't show up at all, not even Pending, so it's apparently lost for good. I wouldn't mind doing a couple extra, but this many? I'm hoping they keep trickling in over the next day or so. Anybody else had their inital offers credit seperately rather than all at once at 7 days?
09-03-2006 10:32:28
[quotef475124557="dmorris68"]I hope I'm not getting the shaft on my offers. I completed 8/8 (2+2+4) and today, 7 days later, I'm showing 2 greens (1 silver + 1 gold). Plus one INVALID on a Platinum offer I didn't even do! And one of my plat offers ( doesn't show up at all, not even Pending, so it's apparently lost for good. I wouldn't mind doing a couple extra, but this many? I'm hoping they keep trickling in over the next day or so. [bf475124557]Anybody else had their inital offers credit seperately rather than all at once at 7 days[/bf475124557]?[/quotef475124557]
no you probably need to do more. unfortunatly you have to do that, since you dont want to risk the 60 day limit coming up. Just remember it will be worth it when you get your tv
09-03-2006 10:34:29
Did you do them all on the same day, or did you do say 2 on Thursday, 2 on Friday 4 on Monday?
09-03-2006 10:39:23
I had video professor credit overnight but otherwise all of mine creditedo n day seven or not at all.
09-03-2006 10:39:52
[quote65bf209bc0="Brutus"]Did you do them all on the same day, or did you do say 2 on Thursday, 2 on Friday 4 on Monday?[/quote65bf209bc0]
I did the 2 Silver and 2 Gold last Thursday. Finished up with the 4 Platinum on Monday. So thus far I'm missing credit for 1 Gold + 1 Silver, plus apparently the Plat that never even showed up as Pending.
09-03-2006 10:41:42
The Platinum may show up on Monday. The silver and gold may show up tomorrow, you never know.
09-03-2006 10:43:25
I would say do another gold and another silver and wait on the platinum till 7 days is up. My first go around i got 6 of 8 at first approved then i did 2 more and i have to wait 3 more days to see if those work, they were both gold
09-03-2006 10:44:47
i've had similar problems. i had 4 offers credit after the first week. then after that i did trimlife, driving4dollars, shopping4money, and bargain homes and none have greened. the trimlife click never even showed up as pending. Has anyone done these offers and gotten credit for them?
09-03-2006 10:47:36
Since there are about 11 different Trimlife offers on their sites, it can be kinda confusing which is which, but I did the Ephedrine Trimlife offer on Page 3 for this and it greened as well as Shopping4Money.
As far as I know, BargainHomes and BargainAuto's are terrible offers at crediting.
09-03-2006 11:15:43
does anyone have any idea why so many people are getting up to half of their offers not crediting? what would make it so that so very many do not get credit? especially for that person who only had 2 green O_o
09-03-2006 11:19:00
Well before I even started the site I heard I deal sucked at crediting offers but I dont know, I also never got credit for shopping or driving for money. But in my case i would say 6 of 8 for the first week isnt to bad, i dont mind doing 11 easy offers for 3000 bucks, thats a pretty good deal in my book, fuck i would do the whole site as long as there are no OOD's for 3000 bucks. As long as Kyks17 comes through as my ref I think im good.
09-03-2006 11:20:33
[quote27083cb513="kyks17"]does anyone have any idea why so many people are getting up to half of their offers not crediting? what would make it so that so very many do not get credit? especially for that person who only had 2 green O_o[/quote27083cb513]
...because there are so many people doing the site right now...
I'm not one for conspiracy theories, but prior to everyone starting these Ideal sites, 8 of 8 or 7 of 8 offers crediting was very common. Obviously that's not the case anymore.
09-03-2006 11:24:00
has anyone tried a different method of doing offers? since it seems to be that the first ones you do take 7 days to credit and thereafter 24 hours, has anyone just done 1 offer at first, then waited to do the others in order to get 24-hour turnaround time, and see if maybe they can get more to credit that way? im thinking maybe if you just do like 2 at a time, theyll think you won't finish the site and they'll just credit those 2...just a thought.
09-03-2006 11:31:44
[quotec0b2931e42="kyks17"]has anyone tried a different method of doing offers? since it seems to be that the first ones you do take 7 days to credit and thereafter 24 hours, has anyone just done 1 offer at first, then waited to do the others in order to get 24-hour turnaround time, and see if maybe they can get more to credit that way? im thinking maybe if you just do like 2 at a time, theyll think you won't finish the site and they'll just credit those 2...just a thought.[/quotec0b2931e42]
Thats a good idea and I might have to do it on the next one I try...
09-03-2006 11:53:29
I guess I got pretty lucky then. I ended up having to do 10 offers, because hydroderm never showed up as pending and timelife never credited evil But after the 7 days was up i had 7/8, then the extra I did went next day. This was on freeluxurywatch though, I don't know if it makes a difference
09-03-2006 12:15:46
well ive done 3 extra offers, timelife music , and hydroderm, and something else, still havent got credit in my 24 hr period, so im stuck at 7/8 and also need a ref, im in a bad spot and i seriously want this tv
They got my voucher today (delivery confirmation) so I guess I will wait to see if they try to screw me over again by not updating my status.
09-03-2006 12:27:28
[quote2b621ecf2b="UAO"]They got my voucher today (delivery confirmation) so I guess I will wait to see if they try to screw me over again by not updating my status.[/quote2b621ecf2b]
What happened before?
09-03-2006 12:28:55
all my offers finally went approved today and I sent off my voucher, I think it's safe to say this company won't be going out of business anytime soon, I don't know of anybody who has went 8/8 by only doing 8 offers.. most people end up doing 10 or more, I'm sure they are still getting paid for some of these leads that we never get credit for..
09-03-2006 12:30:06
I went 8/8 doing 8 offers, so did my ref P
09-03-2006 12:33:59
[quote401c29d527="ibetdogg"]all my offers finally went approved today and I sent off my voucher, I think it's safe to say this company won't be going out of business anytime soon, I don't know of anybody who has went 8/8 by only doing 8 offers.. most people end up doing 10 or more, I'm sure they are still getting paid for some of these leads that we never get credit for..[/quote401c29d527]
Yeah hopefully, I don't mind them not crediting a few of our offers if it keeps them legit
[quoteb8274cb594="Wolfeman"][quoteb8274cb594="UAO"]They got my voucher today (delivery confirmation) so I guess I will wait to see if they try to screw me over again by not updating my status.[/quoteb8274cb594]
What happened before?[/quoteb8274cb594]
That they didn't send me an email with my voucher link. I had to have someone help me get it manually. And the fact they won't respond to any of my emails I have sent in the past.
[code13b9a1ee61f]Thank you for your interest in! Unfortunately, the email address you entered does not match our records of registered users of Please reenter your email address or go to our site [/code13b9a1ee61f]
Someone please tell me this is normal and is going to be fixed soon.
09-03-2006 13:50:27
Always use the link in your conformation email and you are ok...
I've been signed up for almost 2 weeks now, and it's been working fine. I have 3 offers that went green, 1 that didn't work out, and I was going to finish it up tomorrow.
I just used the url in the email and it's the same thing. I hope it fixes it's self.
[quote612b738248="Wolfeman"]Always use the link in your conformation email and you are ok...[/quote612b738248]
If you're talking to me I never got any email at all? ?
09-03-2006 13:59:04
No I was talking to Nabs. I'm hacving the same thing, they are probably updating DBs...
09-03-2006 14:05:29
This is when they pull the plug and we're all shit out of luck.
09-03-2006 14:06:11
[quote2d30e97c57="theysayjump"]This is when they pull the plug and we're all shit out of luck.[/quote2d30e97c57]
How do you bitch slap someone via the internet )
09-03-2006 14:11:18
[quote0fd8185b80="Wolfeman"][quote0fd8185b80="theysayjump"]This is when they pull the plug and we're all shit out of luck.[/quote0fd8185b80]
How do you bitch slap someone via the internet )[/quote0fd8185b80]

http//[" alt=""/img0fd8185b80]
09-03-2006 14:14:48
i'm getting the same thing. maybe when it comes back up they'll credit one of the 5 offers i did that havent been credited. x
09-03-2006 14:15:01
There ya go! Why must you taunt me so...
10-03-2006 10:41:56
omg, my account was just now activated and i did the offer on 2/20...
Yeah, I got that email too.
10-03-2006 14:57:04
Im looking for a link. Someone want to pm and refer me?[/size2cee0b2735]
10-03-2006 15:10:22
edit Just did all the offers.
10-03-2006 16:09:53
If you need a ref link PM the person on the front of the list, or contact TheySayJump for an alternate. Since two people need to sign up he should be able to help you out.
I don't know if anyone should trust this site as of now.
10-03-2006 19:49:39
[quoteb2689b677c="UAO"]I don't know if anyone should trust this site as of now.[/quoteb2689b677c]
11-03-2006 12:46:44
I had a couple of people lined up to join the Conga for this, maybe get a couple of people who have been waiting a while to get their refs, but williebeamin2000 decided that since he was at the bottom of the Conga, it would be a good idea to PM one of these people and get them to sign up under him.
Good job on being greedy and fucking up the Conga williebeamin.
11-03-2006 17:35:27
[quotebe38ab441e="zainali"][quotebe38ab441e="UAO"]I don't know if anyone should trust this site as of now.[/quotebe38ab441e][/quotebe38ab441e]
Why? What'd I miss?
11-03-2006 20:08:41
finally went 6/8 and should be 7/8 by tomorrow or Monday. Then one more for 8/8 and my rreferral is already done. Time is running out -)
11-03-2006 20:36:59
[quote0938e95aa4="PumaPride77"][quote0938e95aa4="zainali"][quote0938e95aa4="UAO"]I don't know if anyone should trust this site as of now.[/quote0938e95aa4][/quote0938e95aa4]
Why? What'd I miss?[/quote0938e95aa4]
offers not crediting.
conga line all messed up.
the fact that ideal is a really shady company
w-9 box 7. have to pay 25% self employment tax.
11-03-2006 20:42:57
WTF are you talking about with the W-9?
11-03-2006 20:47:25
[quotef374619287="zainali"][quotef374619287="PumaPride77"][quotef374619287="zainali"][quotef374619287="UAO"]I don't know if anyone should trust this site as of now.[/quotef374619287][/quotef374619287]
Why? What'd I miss?[/quotef374619287]
offers not crediting.
conga line all messed up.
the fact that ideal is a really shady company
w-9 box 7. have to pay 25% self employment tax.[/quotef374619287]
Damnit, why do they do that? nuitech atleast will let you claim it as an award/prize
11-03-2006 20:51:34
Their W-9 isn't any different than any other W-9. I have no idea what you guys are talking about...
11-03-2006 21:11:20
No, the way that they claim the income makes a difference. When you get a w9 it has different lines for different types of income. Apparently i-deal claims it as self employment, which isn't good.
11-03-2006 21:16:43
I'm looking at the W-9 I filled out for I-deal and a W-9 from the IRS website. They are identical. Just check the individual box...
11-03-2006 23:18:23
Has anyone figured out what the taxes will be on a 3 grand tv?
11-03-2006 23:57:48
[quote1c8191fb70="bonehead848"]Has anyone figured out what the taxes will be on a 3 grand tv?[/quote1c8191fb70]
Around $750
12-03-2006 05:45:56
[quote1d629b771a="Wolfeman"]I'm looking at the W-9 I filled out for I-deal and a W-9 from the IRS website. They are identical. Just check the individual box...[/quote1d629b771a]
It's not the W9 that is different, it is the 1099 they send you that has different classifications.
If it is classified as self-employment income, you need to pay double some taxes -- if it is classified as a gift/prize, you don't.
None of it matters if you make more than 90k.
[quotec1d12c2cc0="icojones"][quotec1d12c2cc0="Wolfeman"]I'm looking at the W-9 I filled out for I-deal and a W-9 from the IRS website. They are identical. Just check the individual box...[/quotec1d12c2cc0]
It's not the W9 that is different, it is the 1099 they send you that has different classifications.
If it is classified as self-employment income, you need to pay double some taxes -- if it is classified as a gift/prize, you don't.
None of it matters if you make more than 90k.[/quotec1d12c2cc0]\
Wait, they send you a W9 and a 1099? All I got was a W9 to send with my voucher.
Also the fact that they are shady is that they are screwing some people over. Like myself.
I never got a voucher in the email like they said they sent. I had to get it manually. They are impossible to contact. They got my voucher and W9 a week ago and havnt updated my status, and doubt they will.
12-03-2006 07:50:24
The 1099 is what they send you at taxes time next year. Sometime before Jan. 31, 2007. The w9 is what you send now so you can get your gift.
12-03-2006 08:30:52
zainali, given this
[quotee525dbf73a="icojones"]It's not the W9 that is different, it is the 1099 they send you that has different classifications. [/quotee525dbf73a]
how do you know this
[quotee525dbf73a="zainali"]w-9 box 7. have to pay 25% self employment tax.[/quotee525dbf73a]?
Did you receive a gift from them last year? Right now it looks like we've got a lot of conflicting tax info here and nobody really knows what the hell they're talkin about... myself included.
12-03-2006 08:55:36
people on posted they got w-9 box 7s.
12-03-2006 09:20:22
They send you a W9 that is regular. I know, because I got mine and faxed it in. The 1099 that they send so that you can file your taxes is not regular. It classify's your income as self-emplyed, which means you pay more than if it is a gift or a prize.
Oh ok, thanks for clearing up the W9/1099 question guys.
I don't really think it matters though, because they won't be sending me a free gift )
12-03-2006 09:48:02
[quotebc3244b9b0="UAO"]Oh ok, thanks for clearing up the W9/1099 question guys.
I don't really think it matters though, because they won't be sending me a free gift )[/quotebc3244b9b0]
Yeah, they will just have ur SSN and you will have no gift. Sounds lovely. I totally trust them with my SSN.
12-03-2006 10:19:41
Has anyone requested and received manual credit after waiting 30 days? Someone said a few days ago that they refused his request. I just wondered if anybody had been able to get it or not.
12-03-2006 11:38:50
[quotee24b792b3c="Gigante"][quotee24b792b3c="UAO"]Oh ok, thanks for clearing up the W9/1099 question guys.
I don't really think it matters though, because they won't be sending me a free gift )[/quotee24b792b3c]
Yeah, they will just have ur SSN and you will have no gift. Sounds lovely. I totally trust them with my SSN.[/quotee24b792b3c]
What's with that comment? You just made it clear that they [be24b792b3c]do[/be24b792b3c] have [be24b792b3c]your[/be24b792b3c] SSN..
12-03-2006 11:49:30
[quote914c1580aa="kevxross"][quote914c1580aa="Gigante"][quote914c1580aa="UAO"]Oh ok, thanks for clearing up the W9/1099 question guys.
I don't really think it matters though, because they won't be sending me a free gift )[/quote914c1580aa]
Yeah, they will just have ur SSN and you will have no gift. Sounds lovely. I totally trust them with my SSN.[/quote914c1580aa]
What's with that comment? You just made it clear that they [b914c1580aa]do[/b914c1580aa] have [b914c1580aa]your[/b914c1580aa] SSN..[/quote914c1580aa]
They do have my SSN, and it has me worried as hell. I gave it to them before they looked so shady.
12-03-2006 12:23:34
regarding the taxes
the past couple years i've made less than a certain amount of money and so i get a refund on all the taxes that were taken out of my checks. well, so if i make under that amount again this year, which i will, will i still have to pay taxes on the tv? i would think not. or at most that i would just pay the other taxes that you never get a refund on, like not the federal and state taxes, but the social security and the whatever else they charge you for. it's a really small amount tho.
12-03-2006 12:33:05
Here's an idea -- ask an accountant and don't rely on tax advice that you get in a "freebie" forum.
12-03-2006 12:46:59
well, i asked my brother who is self employed. he gets a 1099. he syas you pay 15 percent tax, no matter how much you make. so i will have to pay taxes on it, but at least not some 28%...
12-03-2006 12:58:15
only 15 percent, sweet deal i figure sam would have takin a bigger chunk that that.
[quotef2df7e04d2="Gigante"][quotef2df7e04d2="kevxross"][quotef2df7e04d2="Gigante"][quotef2df7e04d2="UAO"]Oh ok, thanks for clearing up the W9/1099 question guys.
I don't really think it matters though, because they won't be sending me a free gift )[/quotef2df7e04d2]
Yeah, they will just have ur SSN and you will have no gift. Sounds lovely. I totally trust them with my SSN.[/quotef2df7e04d2]
What's with that comment? You just made it clear that they [bf2df7e04d2]do[/bf2df7e04d2] have [bf2df7e04d2]your[/bf2df7e04d2] SSN..[/quotef2df7e04d2]
They do have my SSN, and it has me worried as hell. I gave it to them before they looked so shady.[/quotef2df7e04d2]
I'm with you on that man. I really regret doing this site.
12-03-2006 17:04:43
That citi credit monitoring that you can sign up for on most of the free sites seems like a good offer to keep )
12-03-2006 19:30:29
Crap well I wonder if I should even bother getting a ref since I'll probably have to pay like $100 for it and you guys aren't so sure of i-deal anymore. All my 8 offers are completed though so I hate to just give up
12-03-2006 19:53:20
yeah i kinda feel the same way. I'm only 4/8 and ive done 5 offers that havent credited. And I still don't have a ref. I'm starting to think this may be more trouble than its worth. I just hate to do this to the person who referred me.
12-03-2006 20:34:23
[quote2d046db7b7="galperi1"]That citi credit monitoring that you can sign up for on most of the free sites seems like a good offer to keep )[/quote2d046db7b7]
Yeah And I wanted to keep it, but they keep canceling my account.
12-03-2006 22:18:55
i just had 3 offers change to approved even though i did them almost a week ago. apparently, not all the offers credit within 24 hours. maybe i just got lucky though.
12-03-2006 23:45:17
Well in 3-4 weeks i should be receiving my gift if they are sending it, and then I can tell you guys and some of you should be able to still make 60days.
12-03-2006 23:46:14
I'm sending my cert again tomorrow because I think USPS lost it ?
13-03-2006 06:21:48
[quote4ce5bcf935="Gigante"]Well in 3-4 weeks i should be receiving my gift if they are sending it, and then I can tell you guys and some of you should be able to still make 60days.[/quote4ce5bcf935]
I really think that when someone shows that they have recieved a Tv from these guys more people will jump the offer. I know Im holding back till i see some concrete evidence. It doesnt look to good from these guys. I wouldnt want to waste my and friends time, money and offers on a bunch of scammers
13-03-2006 06:31:34
[quotee2908457ee="RolltheStampede"][quotee2908457ee="Gigante"]Well in 3-4 weeks i should be receiving my gift if they are sending it, and then I can tell you guys and some of you should be able to still make 60days.[/quotee2908457ee]
I really think that when someone shows that they have recieved a Tv from these guys more people will jump the offer. I know Im holding back till i see some concrete evidence. It doesnt look to good from these guys. I wouldnt want to waste my and friends time, money and offers on a bunch of scammers[/quotee2908457ee]
Yeah, definitely, which is why I will keep you guys updated on how it goes since I think I am the furthest along. My shipping date falls from March 30th to April 15th approximately.
13-03-2006 07:07:25
[quote96cf2427e8="Gigante"][quote96cf2427e8="RolltheStampede"][quote96cf2427e8="Gigante"]Well in 3-4 weeks i should be receiving my gift if they are sending it, and then I can tell you guys and some of you should be able to still make 60days.[/quote96cf2427e8]
I really think that when someone shows that they have recieved a Tv from these guys more people will jump the offer. I know Im holding back till i see some concrete evidence. It doesnt look to good from these guys. I wouldnt want to waste my and friends time, money and offers on a bunch of scammers[/quote96cf2427e8]
Yeah, definitely, which is why I will keep you guys updated on how it goes since I think I am the furthest along. My shipping date falls from March 30th to April 15th approximately.[/quote96cf2427e8]
Isnt kevxross ahead of you?
[quotef931d785a6="Wolfeman"]I'm sending my cert again tomorrow because I think USPS lost it ?[/quotef931d785a6]
Let me know how that goes. I setn mine, and even have delivery confirmation that they got it. But, my status has yet to change.
13-03-2006 11:30:38
i sent my certs on the 9th and my tracking number still just lists the dropoff. someone told me if you have delivery confirmation that it will, but i would think it'd still list it's status as it travels along. and it should be delivered today considering it's going to PA and i'm in WV...
13-03-2006 11:43:37
[quote09a69bf043="gnznroses"]i sent my certs on the 9th and my tracking number still just lists the dropoff. someone told me if you have delivery confirmation that it will, but i would think it'd still list it's status as it travels along. and it should be delivered today considering it's going to PA and i'm in WV...[/quote09a69bf043]
USPS Delivery Confirmation is just that -- Delivery Confirmation. It is not tracking ala FedEx or UPS and does not show it travelling along the way. Every once in awhile it will show up going through a big mail processing center somewhere in between, but 90% of the time you get nothing but a pickup and delivery notice.
13-03-2006 11:47:45
BTW I saw today that my 4 plats completed last Monday have been approved. So I'm 6/8 with 1 Silver and 1 Gold credit lost. I'll re-do those 2 tonight and hopefully credit in 24 hours.
An odd thing though as I reported last week, when my first Silver and Gold offers went green, a Plat offer went "Invalid." It was BocaJava, an offer I clicked on but never did -- I went with instead. But YourMusic never showed up as even Pending. So I was prepared to do another Plat offer when today I see I have FOUR greens on plats and a Group Completion notice! At first I thought maybe YourMusic finally came throught, but on a closer look I see that BocaJava has been approved! I never did BocaJava and it showed Invalid last week for some reason. Anybody think I should be paranoid about it verifying during processing, and maybe I should do another plat? I hesitate to do any more offers than I absolutely have to, just because of their shady offer credit practices.
13-03-2006 12:15:56
i got credit for bocajava when it should have went under energie vitale.. i dunno whats up
hmmm actually looked at it again, i think this is a technique used by them.
i was just actually considering doing bocajava for $18 so then the offer completion and offer approval will match up... looks like they want an extra $18 from everyone...
i havent decided what i am going to do yet, probably bite the bullet and go for it
13-03-2006 14:07:40
Well, BocaJava just went Invalid again, after being Approved this morning.
I wonder if they read these forums and "fixed" my account, or if their "glitch" just fixed itself. Prolly shoulda kept my mouth shut...
Of course, if you're reading this CSC, you would also have read that I completed the offer and got NO credit, plus I lost a Silver and Gold! I have all confirmation e-mails and no offers have been cancelled. Hint, hint. ;)
13-03-2006 14:09:31
I'm sure they do read the forums so I'd watch what I say.
I <3 I-deal D
13-03-2006 15:28:26
I just got approved. I sent in my certificates March 1st, and they got them the 3rd... so about a 10 day wait.
Now just the 6-8 weeks!
13-03-2006 15:36:54
[quotecc95d0a873="artvandelay"]I just got approved. I sent in my certificates March 1st, and they got them the 3rd... so about a 10 day wait.
Now just the 6-8 weeks![/quotecc95d0a873]
Strange. Not only are you my ref but you're processing on the exact same date as me. D
13-03-2006 16:59:18
More on this weird BocaJava thing.
First they show it as Invalid since last week. Then today they show it as Approved. Then later it's Invalid again. I get home tonight and proceed to do one more Silver and one more Gold for the ones that never credited, and BocaJava shows Approved again! So I just sit there and hit Refresh repeatedly on the status page. It goes Approved for a few refreshes, then Invalid, then Approved, then Invalid, then Approved... etc.
So they obviously have some system problems with regards to offer credits. I'm definitely not going to trust the BocaJava credit and will do another plat offer to be safe. I'm just hoping all 3 of tonight's offers credit within 24 hours...
13-03-2006 17:08:38
As I posted in the other thread, I've emailed them specifically to ask about the BocaJava credit. In my case that offer credited and closed that level of offers for me, so even if I wanted to do another offer in that level, I'm currently unable to do so.
conspiracy theories anyone?
13-03-2006 17:51:16
[quotedef308bcc4="doylnea"]As I posted in the other thread, I've emailed them specifically to ask about the BocaJava credit. In my case that offer credited and closed that level of offers for me, so even if I wanted to do another offer in that level, I'm currently unable to do so.
conspiracy theories anyone?[/quotedef308bcc4]
FWIW, you should still be able to do more offers by just going straight to the Platinum offer page (or the Silver or Gold page and click the Next Page button). If you've completed all groups and the status page doesn't have the offer links anymore, you should be able to use this URL to get to the Gold page (this is the bookmarked URL I use, with my e-mail of course)
[code1def308bcc4]<your email addy here>&stage=12785[/code1def308bcc4]
The only thing in the URL that should be unique to each person is the e-mail address -- I think the config value is for the Plasma site and the stage value is for the Gold page. To be sure, before you complete an offer with that link, scroll to the bottom and click the Check Gift Status link to be sure it correctly shows your account.
13-03-2006 17:53:08
I did 3 more offers tonight to cover the 3 that didn't credit. I also made sure to click each offer and wait for it to go Pending in the status page before I completed the offer, hoping to avoid the YourMusic snafu where it didn't even show up at all.
Hopefully these 3 will credit within 24 hours.
[quoted2698bdeea="artvandelay"]I just got approved. I sent in my certificates March 1st, and they got them the 3rd... so about a 10 day wait.
Now just the 6-8 weeks![/quoted2698bdeea]
Maybe I all hope isn't lost for me then. They got my certificate on the 9th.
13-03-2006 19:54:18
[quotedee71cc112="dmorris68"][quotedee71cc112="doylnea"]As I posted in the other thread, I've emailed them specifically to ask about the BocaJava credit. In my case that offer credited and closed that level of offers for me, so even if I wanted to do another offer in that level, I'm currently unable to do so.
conspiracy theories anyone?[/quotedee71cc112]
FWIW, you should still be able to do more offers by just going straight to the Platinum offer page (or the Silver or Gold page and click the Next Page button). If you've completed all groups and the status page doesn't have the offer links anymore, you should be able to use this URL to get to the Gold page (this is the bookmarked URL I use, with my e-mail of course)
[code1dee71cc112]<your email addy here>&stage=12785[/code1dee71cc112]
The only thing in the URL that should be unique to each person is the e-mail address -- I think the config value is for the Plasma site and the stage value is for the Gold page. To be sure, before you complete an offer with that link, scroll to the bottom and click the Check Gift Status link to be sure it correctly shows your account.[/quotedee71cc112]
Thanks that's very helpful - I tried it and it works. I'm going to wait for a response from their CSR, and see what she says. Right now I'd like to avoid giving them a reason to DQ me, but I may end up doing one more offer that way anyway.
13-03-2006 20:58:48
i did another offer... energie vital still no credit... and i want no part of bocajava
14-03-2006 02:43:58
Can anyone give me the address to mail the certificate to. I accidently closed the window before copynig down the address. oops
14-03-2006 05:06:20
Wow, that was fast. I did 3 more offers last night, and they all show up as Approved this morning! Plus the BocaJava thing is stuck on Approved again, making me 9 of 11 green.
Brutus, you should be good to go for submission. Now I just need to get cracking and find MY referral.
[quote77e46fa7d5="climed"]Can anyone give me the address to mail the certificate to. I accidently closed the window before copynig down the address. oops[/quote77e46fa7d5]
It's on your certificate.
14-03-2006 08:10:57
[quoteac8354a2c6="dmorris68"]Wow, that was fast. I did 3 more offers last night, and they all show up as Approved this morning! Plus the BocaJava thing is stuck on Approved again, making me 9 of 11 green.
Brutus, you should be good to go for submission. Now I just need to get cracking and find MY referral.[/quoteac8354a2c6]
Strange, it still says pending for refer a friend.
14-03-2006 10:49:27
[quote82b95b67f9="Brutus"][quote82b95b67f9="dmorris68"]Wow, that was fast. I did 3 more offers last night, and they all show up as Approved this morning! Plus the BocaJava thing is stuck on Approved again, making me 9 of 11 green.
Brutus, you should be good to go for submission. Now I just need to get cracking and find MY referral.[/quote82b95b67f9]
Strange, it still says pending for refer a friend.[/quote82b95b67f9]
Referrals show up approved 24 hours after they actually are
14-03-2006 10:54:55
wtf is going on with the bocajova offer.
i click on it but never did it and it shows approved.
seems like ideal cant even scam people properly.
14-03-2006 11:34:42
[quotec34f852c3d="gregcool"][quotec34f852c3d="Brutus"][quotec34f852c3d="dmorris68"]Wow, that was fast. I did 3 more offers last night, and they all show up as Approved this morning! Plus the BocaJava thing is stuck on Approved again, making me 9 of 11 green.
Brutus, you should be good to go for submission. Now I just need to get cracking and find MY referral.[/quotec34f852c3d]
Strange, it still says pending for refer a friend.[/quotec34f852c3d]
Referrals show up approved 24 hours after they actually are[/quotec34f852c3d]
Thanks gregcool, that is what I figured.
14-03-2006 22:50:47
Trying this question again. . .
Has anyone requested and received manual credit after waiting 30 days? Someone said a few days ago that they refused his request. I just wondered if anybody had been able to get it or not.
It sounds like most people are doing extra offers when they have done some that haven't been credited. I have 3 that haven't been credited after 10 days. I don't want to give up, but I don't even have a referral yet (I think I'm like 6th in line) so I don't want to do extra offers if I'm not going to get a referral anyway. So. . . I'm really wishing that manual credit would be given since I saved the confirmation emails from the offers.
14-03-2006 22:52:20
I think most people are just doing extra offers because the time limit on this site is so short and support doesn't answer emails very fast shrug
15-03-2006 06:52:54
This sucks, now the boca java thing is happening to me! I want no part of it, I hope columbia house credits.
15-03-2006 08:30:40
Anyone else having problems getting offers to credit? I need 2 more in Gold I have done all the offers there but 2 and still no credit. Anyone else having this problem any ideas or suggestions for me. Thanks
15-03-2006 10:23:22
[quotee17db73de7="TammyJoP"]Anyone else having problems getting offers to credit? I need 2 more in Gold I have done all the offers there but 2 and still no credit. Anyone else having this problem any ideas or suggestions for me. Thanks[/quotee17db73de7]don't be such a n00b, it talks about it this WHOLE thread, that is the whole problem with ideal is that thye dont credit well and you have to get a referall, just do more offers and you will be fine but next time please read at least the thread page you are posting on, we are not expecting you to go through all 20 pages but at least just this one page and you would have found your answer.
15-03-2006 14:39:00
I'm getting so anxious to hear anything about either my acct or a few of those others that are a week or so ahead of me )
15-03-2006 16:39:19
no one seems to notice the increase in offers for the last page.
15-03-2006 16:46:14
[quote54e02d216f="stblazer"]no one seems to notice the increase in offers for the last page.[/quote54e02d216f]
The offer requirements are the same and no new offers have been added. What are you talking about?
16-03-2006 06:08:51
[quote6c90ac1feb="doylnea"][quote6c90ac1feb="stblazer"]no one seems to notice the increase in offers for the last page.[/quote6c90ac1feb]
The offer requirements are the same and no new offers have been added. What are you talking about?[/quote6c90ac1feb]
Actually, if you go look at the actual platinum page itself, it says you need to complete 6 offers. On my status page, it still shows 4 offers required to complete. I wonder if that means those that got in early were grandfathered in? I'm 3/4 on the platinum so I wonder if it will say "Group Completed" if I finished the 4th one?
16-03-2006 07:32:32
[quote72bd344588="richchud"][quote72bd344588="doylnea"][quote72bd344588="stblazer"]no one seems to notice the increase in offers for the last page.[/quote72bd344588]
The offer requirements are the same and no new offers have been added. What are you talking about?[/quote72bd344588]
Actually, if you go look at the actual platinum page itself, it says you need to complete 6 offers. On my status page, it still shows 4 offers required to complete. I wonder if that means those that got in early were grandfathered in? I'm 3/4 on the platinum so I wonder if it will say "Group Completed" if I finished the 4th one?[/quote72bd344588]
Nice observation; I've been wrong before, and I'll be wrong again. Damn.
16-03-2006 08:56:52
I didn't get my cert email. Anyone know how to get the cert email if they didn't send it to you?
16-03-2006 10:07:54
[quote65a0defaa2="richchud"][quote65a0defaa2="doylnea"][quote65a0defaa2="stblazer"]no one seems to notice the increase in offers for the last page.[/quote65a0defaa2]
The offer requirements are the same and no new offers have been added. What are you talking about?[/quote65a0defaa2]
Actually, if you go look at the actual platinum page itself, it says you need to complete 6 offers. On my status page, it still shows 4 offers required to complete. I wonder if that means those that got in early were grandfathered in? I'm 3/4 on the platinum so I wonder if it will say "Group Completed" if I finished the 4th one?[/quote65a0defaa2]
man!!! this sucks x
10 offers hmmm still feasible
[quotea70cfc0cb6="Brutus"]I didn't get my cert email. Anyone know how to get the cert email if they didn't send it to you?[/quotea70cfc0cb6]
pm sent
16-03-2006 11:55:22
[quote130e53200b="UAO"][quote130e53200b="Brutus"]I didn't get my cert email. Anyone know how to get the cert email if they didn't send it to you?[/quote130e53200b]
pm sent[/quote130e53200b]
Thanks for the info.
16-03-2006 12:29:57
how long is it form the time your certs are delivered to when they update your status saying it was processed?
16-03-2006 12:33:53
Mine it was like 2 days...
16-03-2006 12:53:04
I just sent in my certs. The address they gave didn't have a name, just an address, so I added
16-03-2006 12:56:06
Yeah I sent it to too...
[quote28df9a2403="gnznroses"]how long is it form the time your certs are delivered to when they update your status saying it was processed?[/quote28df9a2403]
They got mine on the 9th of March, a week ago. My status isn't updated yet, which is why I don't think I'm going to get it.
16-03-2006 13:51:10
UAO, did you try contacting customer service?
16-03-2006 14:01:42
for those who got approved.. where was the e-mail sent / what was the topic?
i'm trying to find it, but its hard looking threw 500 spam e-mails a day
16-03-2006 15:21:04
always seems to be sent at 4am. If you look at your status page, it will tell you what time it was sent.
16-03-2006 15:22:46
TV Redemption Center <>
Confirmation of redeemed certificate
Mine was sent at 537AM PST...
[quote9f167c19cf="gnznroses"]UAO, did you try contacting customer service?[/quote9f167c19cf]
Yeah, a while ago because they never sent me the redemption forms. I never got an email back.
One guy in this thread said his status was updated 10 days after they got his paperwork. Monday will be ten days. If nothing, I will email them again and send out another form.
16-03-2006 16:23:56
UAO, if you can try and find a phone number. Calling them might lead to better results.
This company is harder to contact than Bin Laden.
16-03-2006 16:32:41
Seriously. I think it might be a front for Al Queda...
Actually, I think you might be on to something.
I mean, Al Queda needs money for its equipment we destroy, right? What's a better way, then this? Who would suspect them besides us just right now?
I-Deal has no contact one knows who owns one has called them....
16-03-2006 16:43:26
[quoteebc7580415="UAO"]Actually, I think you might be on to something.
I mean, Al Queda needs money for its equipment we destroy, right? What's a better way, then this? Who would suspect them besides us just right now?
I-Deal has no contact one knows who owns one has called them....[/quoteebc7580415]
You are officially retarded.
[quoted94a35a0c6="igneous"][quoted94a35a0c6="UAO"]Actually, I think you might be on to something.
I mean, Al Queda needs money for its equipment we destroy, right? What's a better way, then this? Who would suspect them besides us just right now?
I-Deal has no contact one knows who owns one has called them....[/quoted94a35a0c6]
You are officially retarded.[/quoted94a35a0c6]
Here, let me help you comprehend what joking is
v. joked, jokทing, jokes
v. intr.
To speak in fun; be facetious.
So, who is the real retard here? Think about it. Not everything you read on the internet should be taken seriously.
[quote2c911f7622="igneous"][quote2c911f7622="UAO"]Actually, I think you might be on to something.
I mean, Al Queda needs money for its equipment we destroy, right? What's a better way, then this? Who would suspect them besides us just right now?
I-Deal has no contact one knows who owns one has called them....[/quote2c911f7622]
You are officially retarded.[/quote2c911f7622]
Also, it's funny how you didn't say that to the moderator.
Scared much?
16-03-2006 16:58:27
LOL, you guys are funny...
16-03-2006 17:12:37
[quotea25d26ff9a="UAO"][quotea25d26ff9a="igneous"][quotea25d26ff9a="UAO"]Actually, I think you might be on to something.
I mean, Al Queda needs money for its equipment we destroy, right? What's a better way, then this? Who would suspect them besides us just right now?
I-Deal has no contact one knows who owns one has called them....[/quotea25d26ff9a]
You are officially retarded.[/quotea25d26ff9a]
Also, it's funny how you didn't say that to the moderator.
Scared much?[/quotea25d26ff9a]
Yes, I am very worried about my freeipodguide account. I can't live without it!
16-03-2006 17:52:44
No one is getting banned so both of you calm down...
16-03-2006 18:14:13
[quoted564dcff11="UAO"]Actually, I think you might be on to something.
I mean, Al Queda needs money for its equipment we destroy, right? What's a better way, then this? Who would suspect them besides us just right now?
I-Deal has no contact one knows who owns one has called them....[/quoted564dcff11]The CIA is gonna start monitoring this board when they see you guys talking about this. twisted shock
16-03-2006 18:47:53
What the.........?
This isn't a thread about's 60" Plasma for 4 hostages, this is the thread about's 42" Plasma for 8 offers.
Lets keep it about that then hmm?
[quote715226a00a="bettysbeast"][quote715226a00a="UAO"]Actually, I think you might be on to something.
I mean, Al Queda needs money for its equipment we destroy, right? What's a better way, then this? Who would suspect them besides us just right now?
I-Deal has no contact one knows who owns one has called them....[/quote715226a00a]The CIA is gonna start monitoring this board when they see you guys talking about this. twisted shock[/quote715226a00a]
Oh shit, hide me shock
16-03-2006 19:15:54
So should I bother doing 5 more offers? I'm kind of doubting it...
No, don't give these theives any more money.
17-03-2006 02:52:54
yep, I got mine at exactly 4 AM. (this is for pocketpc4free btw).
I'm gonna send out the letter on monday
i don't need to include an account number on my w9 form, do i?
and i just include the first page?
17-03-2006 03:40:37
Me and my referal were approved this morning D Now just to wait for my email to send in. I will be sending it Priority mail monday. This is my first DIY site to be approved 8) I am so excited.
17-03-2006 06:22:49
I'm back to needing a referral so please put me on the list. With all the doubts about this company the last few weeks, my referral has pretty much backed out. Unfortunately, I only have 30 days left with my account. cry
17-03-2006 10:43:56
Saw this on Engadget today and thought I might post this for the people who are getting the Philips HDTV.
[ib0ce0cce6f]Philips to service 12,000 Ambilight plasmas
See? We hate to say we told you so, but we knew those Ambilights were trouble. Looks like Philips is putting out a service call to about 12,000 42 and 50-inch Ambilight plasmas in the US due to an issue with arcing capacitors in the cabinets, which probably don't but just might pose a slight fire hazard. 12,000 units may not sound like a whole lot, but that's actually a pretty substantial amount of sets, and it wouldn't surprise us if that figure accounted for every 42 and 50-inch Ambilight set in the US. So if this sounds like it could apply to you, make sure you pick up the phone and get those guys out to fix your plasma -- while it's still working, that is.
17-03-2006 10:55:38
[quote781255e66b="TeeRatt"]Saw this on Engadget today and thought I might post this for the people who are getting the Philips HDTV.
[i781255e66b]Philips to service 12,000 Ambilight plasmas
See? We hate to say we told you so, but we knew those Ambilights were trouble. Looks like Philips is putting out a service call to about 12,000 42 and 50-inch Ambilight plasmas in the US due to an issue with arcing capacitors in the cabinets, which probably don't but just might pose a slight fire hazard. 12,000 units may not sound like a whole lot, but that's actually a pretty substantial amount of sets, and it wouldn't surprise us if that figure accounted for every 42 and 50-inch Ambilight set in the US. So if this sounds like it could apply to you, make sure you pick up the phone and get those guys out to fix your plasma -- while it's still working, that is.
Thanks for the heads-up, but the plasma in this offer is a Panasonic. The Philips option is for an LCD TV. But yeah, Philips is not known for very high quality TV's, so I would avoid them anyway. Panny probably makes the best plasma's on the market, certainly the most popular brand of plasma.
I'm actually not a huge fan of plasma, but the wife would like something thin that hangs on the wall for the bedroom. Plasma has direct-view LCD beat in the image quality department, so plasma it is.
Off-topic, but for the best picture, you need a 60" Sony SXRD. ;) Perhaps I'm biased since I just so happened to get mine a couple months ago, but nothing I've seen can compare to the image quality.
My Home Theater System[=http//]My Home Theater System
(I have since replaced the Philips DirecTV DVR with a Charter Cable MOXI DVR for HD service. I hate Charter compared to DTV but the HD service is better/cheaper, at least for the first year with the deal I wrangled.)
17-03-2006 10:55:42
The philips model is an LCD, not plasma.
17-03-2006 11:23:04
still phillips makes horrible products, everything i've read, seen or heard from someone suggests that the panasonic is the better route
17-03-2006 11:32:15
Yeah, they aren't the best tv's out there. Panasonics are definitely better.
17-03-2006 13:50:31
I'd rather not have to worry about ghosting images on there, but that's just me
17-03-2006 14:03:17
Meh, burn in really isn't a big deal with the newer panasonics. I have the model that I think they are giving and have had 0 issues with burn-in.
17-03-2006 19:26:05
the lcd hdtv seems to have a lot more features compared to the plasma.
im still leaning towards the lcd just because it has 2 hdmi inputs.
18-03-2006 13:01:32
[quote299054fd40="bruman"]yep, I got mine at exactly 4 AM. (this is for pocketpc4free btw).
I'm gonna send out the letter on monday
i don't need to include an account number on my w9 form, do i?
and i just include the first page?[/quote299054fd40]
18-03-2006 13:29:58
[quote8cd3706cdf="bruman"][quote8cd3706cdf="bruman"]yep, I got mine at exactly 4 AM. (this is for pocketpc4free btw).
I'm gonna send out the letter on monday
i don't need to include an account number on my w9 form, do i?
and i just include the first page?[/quote8cd3706cdf]
What do you mean by "Account number"?
I gave them my name, address and SS and sent it. They got it and I'm processing.
18-03-2006 13:49:32
does it matter if i download the w9 and just type in the info (besides signature and date), and the print it off and then fill in the signature and date.. or does it ALL need to be handwritten?
18-03-2006 14:08:53
[quote6af1c06f4d="zainali"]the lcd hdtv seems to have a lot more features compared to the plasma.
im still leaning towards the lcd just because it has 2 hdmi inputs.[/quote6af1c06f4d]
So you choose having an extra input over having much better image quality? The panasonic has every feature you will ever need, plus is just a better tv. It could use multiple hdmi's, but I dont need more then one.
18-03-2006 14:17:29
[quote9d1329f6c6="bruman"]does it matter if i download the w9 and just type in the info (besides signature and date), and the print it off and then fill in the signature and date.. or does it ALL need to be handwritten?[/quote9d1329f6c6]
That's what I did. It's not possible to type your signature anyway, but I typed the rest, signed and dated and sent it off.
18-03-2006 14:43:35
[quote2fa364ec48="igneous"][quote2fa364ec48="zainali"]the lcd hdtv seems to have a lot more features compared to the plasma.
im still leaning towards the lcd just because it has 2 hdmi inputs.[/quote2fa364ec48]
So you choose having an extra input over having much better image quality? The panasonic has every feature you will ever need, plus is just a better tv. It could use multiple hdmi's, but I dont need more then one.[/quote2fa364ec48]
i havent look at at any of tvs so i cant really comment on the picture quality but the spec sheet for the lcd tv is a lot better. plus the plasma is kind of the budget plasma from panasonic.
18-03-2006 14:48:23
18-03-2006 15:07:36
[quotead413a5f37="zainali"][quotead413a5f37="igneous"][quotead413a5f37="zainali"]the lcd hdtv seems to have a lot more features compared to the plasma.
im still leaning towards the lcd just because it has 2 hdmi inputs.[/quotead413a5f37]
So you choose having an extra input over having much better image quality? The panasonic has every feature you will ever need, plus is just a better tv. It could use multiple hdmi's, but I dont need more then one.[/quotead413a5f37]
i havent look at at any of tvs so i cant really comment on the picture quality but the spec sheet for the lcd tv is a lot better. plus the plasma is kind of the budget plasma from panasonic.[/quotead413a5f37]
Well I suggest you actually learn a little bit about them before saying that. The panasonic is a great tv. Its very popular on, and was rated #1 in consumer reports. Never choose a tv based on specs alone, it doesn't show you the true quality of the tv.
18-03-2006 15:28:54
like i said i cant comment on the picture quality cause i havent seen them. ill check out avsforums. thanks for the info.
18-03-2006 20:07:03
[quote31e29fd4b1="igneous"][quote31e29fd4b1="zainali"][quote31e29fd4b1="igneous"][quote31e29fd4b1="zainali"]the lcd hdtv seems to have a lot more features compared to the plasma.
im still leaning towards the lcd just because it has 2 hdmi inputs.[/quote31e29fd4b1]
So you choose having an extra input over having much better image quality? The panasonic has every feature you will ever need, plus is just a better tv. It could use multiple hdmi's, but I dont need more then one.[/quote31e29fd4b1]
i havent look at at any of tvs so i cant really comment on the picture quality but the spec sheet for the lcd tv is a lot better. plus the plasma is kind of the budget plasma from panasonic.[/quote31e29fd4b1]
Well I suggest you actually learn a little bit about them before saying that. The panasonic is a great tv. Its very popular on, and was rated #1 in consumer reports. Never choose a tv based on specs alone, it doesn't show you the true quality of the tv.[/quote31e29fd4b1]
Get off of panasonic's nuts. Jesus christ I havent seem anyone try so hard to defend a product than you.
18-03-2006 20:27:26
I own the same tv. I happen to know first hand that its a much better tv then the philips. Pointing out that its a better choice is riding panasonics nuts?
18-03-2006 20:36:04
[quote44c918d033="igneous"]I own the same tv. I happen to know first hand that its a much better tv then the philips. Pointing out that its a better choice is riding panasonics nuts?[/quote44c918d033]
lol, for sake of argument do u also own the philips one?
18-03-2006 23:26:31
i might be interested in this if someone has a link send it to me i might sign up after i gather a little more information about this
18-03-2006 23:26:47
Just go to best buy and look at them, and then you will see which is better. There is a reason Panasonic rates higher than all of the other TV's on the credible plasma sites.
19-03-2006 05:28:40
Another important fact backing up igneous here -- philips has just announced a massive recall of 12000 ambilight tvs due to overheating/fire risk issues.
I'm not sure how many 12000, but it could conceivable be all of them.
19-03-2006 05:36:13
[quote5429fb16c9="Gigante"]Just go to best buy and look at them, and then you will see which is better. There is a reason Panasonic rates higher than all of the other TV's on the credible plasma sites.[/quote5429fb16c9]
Be careful using Best Buy to judge tvs. I went to check these two out at my local best buy. They had two of the Panasonic's in different spots -- one looked spectacular, one looked like crap. They dont tune them so you're stuck with the factory settings or whatever the last 3 year old did to the tvs while pressing random buttons!
They also set the contrast way up which can make the tv look better, but would damage your tv if you left it like that permanently at home.
Listen to igneous and read avsforum and check out consumer reports (although I would def put more faith in AVS Forum).
One warning on AVSForum though, some of the folks there are very serious about this stuff and notice/get bothered by things that would never register to me at all. So take complaints there with a grain of salt.
19-03-2006 08:42:11
[quoteb99ff101a1="icojones"]Another important fact backing up igneous here -- philips has just announced a massive recall of 12000 ambilight tvs due to overheating/fire risk issues.
I'm not sure how many 12000, but it could conceivable be all of them.
I posted about the Philips issue a few posts back. Glad I didnt go with that one.
19-03-2006 09:04:25
[quoted816ac03a2="icojones"]Another important fact backing up igneous here -- philips has just announced a massive recall of 12000 ambilight tvs due to overheating/fire risk issues.
I'm not sure how many 12000, but it could conceivable be all of them.
Yeah, it was posted before, but also like I said before, it shows a lack of quality control, which is never good.
19-03-2006 11:49:41
[quotec56c61d751="igneous"]I own the same tv. I happen to know first hand that its a much better tv then the philips. Pointing out that its a better choice is riding panasonics nuts?[/quotec56c61d751]
Oh yeah? My uncle's best friends sisters boyfriend owns both tv's. He says the philips is better.
You failed to answer the question posted asking if you owned both tv's. Unless you have owned both televisions, your point shouldnt be taken seriously.
It's just like fanboys who say a 360 is better than a PS3 or vice versa. Unless you have both, stfu.
19-03-2006 15:45:29
[quoteb4ed08729a="icojones"]Another important fact backing up igneous here -- philips has just announced a massive recall of 12000 ambilight tvs due to overheating/fire risk issues.
I'm not sure how many 12000, but it could conceivable be all of them.
thats for a plasma. site has lcd panels.
19-03-2006 16:25:25
[quote008482f375="tycoon"][quote008482f375="igneous"]I own the same tv. I happen to know first hand that its a much better tv then the philips. Pointing out that its a better choice is riding panasonics nuts?[/quote008482f375]
Oh yeah? My uncle's best friends sisters boyfriend owns both tv's. He says the philips is better.
You failed to answer the question posted asking if you owned both tv's. Unless you have owned both televisions, your point shouldnt be taken seriously.
It's just like fanboys who say a 360 is better than a PS3 or vice versa. Unless you have both, stfu.[/quote008482f375]
Why would I own them both? I did my research, unlike most people here have, and I know how much better of a tv it is. Just because I don't own it doesn't mean I can't compare the two. Most people think because they read an article on how plasmas have burned-in before or how they have a shorter life-span(60k hours) then they are crap. That simply is not true. Are there better lcds out there then that plasma? yes, but they will usually cost $4k+
19-03-2006 22:48:00
honestly who cares? no one knows if i deal will come through or not. and people are arguing which tv is better.
20-03-2006 07:11:40
Pretty Nice Lcd Tv. I took my EFG Money and got one of those. got 10% off in the store too.
20-03-2006 11:15:34
My account on this site was DQ'd. I sent a letter and it was reinstated a week ago, only to be DQ'd again.
They give no contact info other than a mail address and don't respond to letters sent to it.
Please, please, please stop doing offers for these crooks![/size084b2ed60f]
Yeah, I really can't believe people are still doing I-Deal sites. No wonder half these people get scammed.
So what was the reason you got DQd?
20-03-2006 13:09:17
Well I just completed another of their Plasma sites (e-ResearchGroup). I had all of my offers green first time around, didn't have to complete any others and I'm now approved and just have to send out my forms.
There's still time for it to all go downhill though, but if and when people start getting their Plasma's, these sites are going to explode.
20-03-2006 13:57:18
I got DQ'd (for repeating a couple of offers with the Rolex site) after I had sent in my certificate and after they had marked my account approved and said I would get the tv within 6-8 weeks.
20-03-2006 14:02:11
[quote6e676a9203="icojones"]I got DQ'd (for repeating a couple of offers with the Rolex site) after I had sent in my certificate and after they had marked my account approved and said I would get the tv within 6-8 weeks.[/quote6e676a9203] so wouldnt that be your fault not thiers
20-03-2006 14:03:30
[quote198e13ac2f="icojones"]I got DQ'd (for repeating a couple of offers with the Rolex site) after I had sent in my certificate and after they had marked my account approved and said I would get the tv within 6-8 weeks.[/quote198e13ac2f]
So are you suprised you got DQ'd?
20-03-2006 15:13:53
uh yea thats your fault and your stupidity.. you deserve to be DQ'd
20-03-2006 15:25:41
Let's keep it civil. Although I do agree, if you broke the rules they can every right to DQ you...
20-03-2006 15:39:23
The rules say you can not get credit for a repeated offer. They do not say that you will have all of your offers disqualified. Their terms clearly state this, but there is no way to talk to anyone about it.
Users may only receive credit for first time offer completions. If the user has previously signed up for an offer elsewhere, he or she cannot receive credit for completing that offer on our network. For example, a user who is already a member of eBay may not sign up for the eBay offer through our website.
Someone else got disqualified because he used a different e-mail address on the rolex site and the plasma site.
Someone else got disqualified because he ordered the cosmetique makeup kit in his wife's name and it didnt match the name (his) that he signed up for the plasma tv with.
You guys are so obnoxious and you act as if you've received gifts from these guys. I have not heard of a single person receiving a gift from these guys in over six months.
This is a company that states in their terms that they offer manual credits, but then tells people that they don't and they should "just keep doing more offers."
But you all know better. Heck some of you even have a year of two of college under your belts, so you've got the whole world figured out.
20-03-2006 15:42:00
a site can't stay alive giving away $3000 for 8 offers.. they are in it to make a profit
20-03-2006 15:44:18
[quotecc53d491ea="bruman"]a site can't stay alive giving away $3000 for 8 offers.. they are in it to make a profit[/quotecc53d491ea]
They shouldn't DQ people for no reason but you admit you violated their terms ico. I don't know about those other people but who knows if they are telling the truth and just don't want to admit they got caught doing offers more than once shrug
20-03-2006 15:52:57
yea i know.. its not right, but for near $3,000 i'm sure they just can't afford it.. so they are going to find every possible reason to DQ you (and if you do everything 100% right, then i would hope they honor the gift) I hope i'm wrong but this seems only logical and what they're doing..
They're only making like $200-$400 ($400 if you do multiple offers that they didn't credit, but still got paid for) for everyone that completes.. so they would have to lose like $2,500 for every person they send one out too (assuming they are getting the plasmas for less than $3,000)
20-03-2006 16:14:45
You guys also have to remember that even though (if they are legit) alot of us will be getting TV's, there are still an absolute shitload of peopple who see these sites, sign up for a few offers and forget about them.
It's not just the freebie scene that does these sites, there has to be some kind of mass marketing going on somewhere.
20-03-2006 17:09:16
I have done two of their sites and my girl has done 2 of their sites and we're both stuck on 7/8 and I've done a couple extra offers.
20-03-2006 17:10:39
[quote1c74ab016e="hairyferry"]I have done two of their sites and my girl has done 2 of their sites and we're both stuck on 7/8 and I've done a couple extra offers.[/quote1c74ab016e]
Me too...
20-03-2006 17:14:17
[quote1402b0eedc="hairyferry"]I have done two of their sites and my girl has done 2 of their sites and we're both stuck on 7/8 and I've done a couple extra offers.[/quote1402b0eedc]
Same here. I think they're bluffing to get more offers out of us... ?
20-03-2006 19:55:47
this site is 10 offers now i just signed up if someone wants to still signup HBO-- Helpa Brotha Out
20-03-2006 20:59:28
still stuck on 7/8 and done quite a few more offers, guess ill have to do more tomorrow, has anyone credited recently?
20-03-2006 21:19:45
[quote06d7003a1c="icojones"]Someone else got disqualified because he used a different e-mail address on the rolex site and the plasma site.[/quote06d7003a1c]
If I'm not mistaken, if you sign up for say.. 1 Freepay/Trainn site with 1 e-mail address and then sign up for another Freepay/Trainn site with a different e-mail address will they not DQ you?
I don't understand why someone would complain about that. Clearly on any other network you would get DQ'd or put on hold. Why would this site be any different?
20-03-2006 22:04:10
[quoteb6f911a1ba="galperi1"][quoteb6f911a1ba="icojones"]Someone else got disqualified because he used a different e-mail address on the rolex site and the plasma site.[/quoteb6f911a1ba]
If I'm not mistaken, if you sign up for say.. 1 Freepay/Trainn site with 1 e-mail address and then sign up for another Freepay/Trainn site with a different e-mail address will they not DQ you?[/quoteb6f911a1ba]
Nope, but if you sign up for the same site using two different email addresses you will be DQ'd.
21-03-2006 09:29:40
just went 9/8 approved, all catagories complete. Just need my referral to go approved tomorrow hopefully and then mail in cert time. What a headache.....hopefully it is going to be worth it in the end.
21-03-2006 09:30:58
Oh, observation. Is Molly the only employee or is everyone who works there named Molly? Just a question. And some days she will send me 3 or 4 replies back and forth and then other times I go days or a week with no response. Good old I-deal!
21-03-2006 10:59:47
What email address do you use to contact them??
21-03-2006 12:40:22
i had one freepay with one email and a diff reepay with a diff email... i was first approved then back to pending then back to approved... seems like it was an account hold.... hope i-deal does the same
21-03-2006 15:45:17
go tthe email from Molly with the link to my certificate. i n the mail tomorrow, overnight delivery. i made it by the skin of my teeth....well as long as she updates my account as certificates received. WOOT - WOOT!!
21-03-2006 16:10:52
congrats skooter )
21-03-2006 17:04:17
LOL, I just checked my status, and one of my Silver offers that didn't credit in 7 days, just now went green. ) That's 19 days. I had gone ahead and done some extras to complete the site. Now I'm sitting at 9/11 offers green (since they fixed the BocaJava bug). If I could only get that referral...
So some of you with slow-to-credit offers might still see a credit some day. ;)
21-03-2006 17:30:45
[quoteb43baa8108="dmorris68"]LOL, I just checked my status, and one of my Silver offers that didn't credit in 7 days, just now went green. ) That's 19 days. I had gone ahead and done some extras to complete the site. Now I'm sitting at 9/11 offers green (since they fixed the BocaJava bug). If I could only get that referral...
So some of you with slow-to-credit offers might still see a credit some day. ;)[/quoteb43baa8108]
good news ! thanks man
22-03-2006 00:22:30
Ok, for anybody that was still the least bit doubtful that this is not an I-Deal site. I confirmed it by the fact that the fax number molly provided me with to send in my info, is the fax number listed on I-Deal Directs main page
goto contacts if its not allready there, look at the fax number (312 number) that is the number molly supplied me with.
So there you have it, we are dealing with I-Deal for sure now.
22-03-2006 04:52:29
I didn't think there was any question this was I-Deal after about the 1st day??? At least, I never did.
22-03-2006 04:53:54
me either
22-03-2006 06:07:04
Can someone PM me or post a working e-mail for Molly?
22-03-2006 07:21:45
Is anyone still maintaining the list of people needing referrals? My referral backed out so I need another one. Hello? Anyone? Please?
Yeah I thought we all knew this was I-Deal. But thanks, I guess?
22-03-2006 12:51:48
This is for anyone that is going to be doing an offer on or any other freebie site, actually!
I believe I have discovered the reason many of you have not been getting credit for offers you completed on CSC!!!
I always clear my cache and cookies before doing offers, but since there were so many I had to do for CSC, I decided to watch my cookie folder for Internet Explorer (C//Documents and Setting/USERNAME/cookies).
By doing so, I discovered that after clicking some of the offers, the folder remained empty, meaning no cookies where planted!
This is not good since, it is the cookies that the freebie site places on your browser that "pop" the pixel file on the confirmation page of any offer!
If you do not have cookies enabled or placed on your browser cache when you click an offer, there is no way for the freebie or offer site to track that you actually completed the offer, except by manual credit, which is not really an option on CSC do to the 60 day completion deadline!
- clear your cache and cookies in IE's tools/internet options.
- make sure cookie seetings are set to "accpet all cookies."
- open My computer, and go to C//Documents and Settings/USERNAME/cookies.
- click an offer, if the folder is filled with some new cookies/text files, then continue completing the offer. IF the cookie folder remains empty after the offer's page has finished loading, do not process completing the offer!
- After completing an offer, clear your cache and cookies, before doing another offer, this will help prevent any conflicts of cookies, and confusing the pixel, therefore not giving you credit!!!
Help that helps!
P.S. Please correct me if any of my theories are wrong!
I'll see if i get credit for all of my offers in about a week!
22-03-2006 13:20:37
might wanna edit that post dude, I don't know exactly what you're trying to accomplish but if they are watching they aren't going to like what they see with you there
22-03-2006 14:10:48
i dont need a ref anymore, take me off the first page
22-03-2006 17:38:57
[quote1fad3c6022="justinag06"]might wanna edit that post dude, I don't know exactly what you're trying to accomplish but if they are watching they aren't going to like what they see with you there[/quote1fad3c6022]
I editted it so it makes more sense!
I don't see why they would be upset about it!
Because it actually helps them, because if they have to give out manual credits, they are losing money!
I am trying to help everyone, except maybe the offers companies, since they 'll not be getting as many free leads (not having to pay CSC for leads), if my theory is correct!
22-03-2006 19:56:46
It would hurt them if they had to give out manual credit, but they're not.
That's why they wouldn't like this, because YOU'RE helping them lose money. wink
22-03-2006 20:11:08
[quotee7e6a5f5a9="theysayjump"]It would hurt them if they had to give out manual credit, but they're not.
That's why they wouldn't like this, because YOU'RE helping them lose money. wink[/quotee7e6a5f5a9]
They Do Not get paid if your pixel doesn't pop after completing an offer, so by giving people a heads up, about how to get credit is not hurting or helping them! Its just making it better for the consumer and maybe worst for the offers sites, since they'll not be getting a free lead....
22-03-2006 20:50:16
hey can anyone tell me the heading and description of the confirmation email they sent u after everythin is approved? and the suggested time period
22-03-2006 20:53:14
[quote7e251259f1="kdollar"]hey can anyone tell me the heading and description of the confirmation email they sent u after everythin is approved? and the suggested time period[/quote7e251259f1]
Everyone is saying it take a week after doing the offers, and then a day after your referral completes their offers, so i would say a day or two after you are done with the requirements....
22-03-2006 21:04:57
my letter was delivered today @ 8 somethimg AM (tracked it with priority mail)
How long until they confirm they have received it and my status changes?
22-03-2006 21:17:00
8 business days for me
23-03-2006 00:32:05
[quoteaac76e9359="kdollar"]hey can anyone tell me the heading and description of the confirmation email they sent u after everythin is approved? and the suggested time period[/quoteaac76e9359]
After all of your offers are green, they give you a link to click on to prove it's your account. You get the e-mail at exactly 4am (the next 4am that comes round). It's titled
[baac76e9359]Redeem Your Television[/coloraac76e9359][/baac76e9359]
And is from
Then when you follow the link in the e-mail, it takes you to a page to fill out your shipping address, then the next page you have to print out, fill in and send it away with your W-9 that you get from the redemption page also.
23-03-2006 00:53:06
thanks jump, ur quite wise
23-03-2006 05:31:24
I just discovered another e-mail address for CSC, and it looks like a person's actual name (and it isn't Molly). I was setting up my Gmail account to add to my Contacts list in the hopes that any e-mails from them don't get buried in the 100+ per day that land in my spam folder. I was too lazy to type so I dug out the confirmation e-mail from when I signed up so I could click to add to the contacts, and lo and behold, it's an e-mail address with a person's name! Not sure whether I should post the address here, but if you got the confirmation e-mail, check it out.
Has anybody ever tried sending anything to this address? I'm surprised I haven't seen it mentioned in this thread when people were asking for valid CSC e-mail addresses. Don't know if will work any better than the cs@ address. I don't need to e-mail them yet, but will hold on to this just in case...
23-03-2006 05:34:38
ive gotten emails from peoples names with '+' sign in them too. I have never had them email me back if I send to any other than Molly
23-03-2006 06:16:04
Can whomever is keeping track of the referral list please let me know if I'm on the list? I still need a referral. Thanks! Don't want to be a pest about it.
23-03-2006 09:13:36
I think i found a new Plasma site by this company,, PM me if you want a referral link...
They have the same offers and status system....
Does it matter if you sign up for both?
23-03-2006 14:01:08
I filed a complaint about I-deal direct yesterday with the FTC. They basically sent me a response that they have filed my complaint, but can't act on it unless they get a large number of complaints about a company.
So anyone who has been screwed by them at all -- please file!
23-03-2006 14:40:34
yeah kdollar its from that email address but in my email this shows up as the sender
Television Redemption Center
23-03-2006 18:12:21
[quotee6bb657b8b="icojones"]I filed a complaint about I-deal direct yesterday with the FTC. They basically sent me a response that they have filed my complaint, but can't act on it unless they get a large number of complaints about a company.
So anyone who has been screwed by them at all -- please file!
How exactly has Ideal screwed you?
23-03-2006 18:30:05

http/" alt=""/"61/6547/yarly341094ph.jpg[" alt=""/img01da0760e2]
23-03-2006 23:23:42
[quoted81b33bec1="icojones"]I filed a complaint about I-deal direct yesterday with the FTC. They basically sent me a response that they have filed my complaint, but can't act on it unless they get a large number of complaints about a company.
So anyone who has been screwed by them at all -- please file!
Just what I want to hear after completing the site!
What they do to you?
Figure out you where under age/an illegal immigrant/a criminal?
24-03-2006 09:15:21
[quote03c3914333="TheWorkGuy"][quote03c3914333="icojones"]I filed a complaint about I-deal direct yesterday with the FTC. They basically sent me a response that they have filed my complaint, but can't act on it unless they get a large number of complaints about a company.
So anyone who has been screwed by them at all -- please file!
Just what I want to hear after completing the site!
What they do to you?
Figure out you where under age/an illegal immigrant/a criminal?
He did the same offer multiple times I think is what he said earlier.
24-03-2006 09:28:17
[quote802b040c5f="Brutus"][quote802b040c5f="TheWorkGuy"][quote802b040c5f="icojones"]I filed a complaint about I-deal direct yesterday with the FTC. They basically sent me a response that they have filed my complaint, but can't act on it unless they get a large number of complaints about a company.
So anyone who has been screwed by them at all -- please file!
Just what I want to hear after completing the site!
What they do to you?
Figure out you where under age/an illegal immigrant/a criminal?
He did the same offer multiple times I think is what he said earlier.[/quote802b040c5f]
What do they expect? i-Deal to be happy that they did not get paid the second time he did an offer?
24-03-2006 11:02:08
I repeated offers on the watch/plasma site.
In my defense, there was no reason to think the sites were related and the offers were done under different (legitimate) names with different (legitimate) credit cards.
Also, the terms state that if you repeat an offer you won't get credit for it. They do not say that if you repeat an offer then 2 entire accounts will be disqualified.
24-03-2006 11:12:02
[quote7e2a0f92f7="icojones"]I repeated offers on the watch/plasma site.
In my defense, there was no reason to think the sites were related and the offers were done under different (legitimate) names with different (legitimate) credit cards.
Also, the terms state that if you repeat an offer you won't get credit for it. They do not say that if you repeat an offer then 2 entire accounts will be disqualified.[/quote7e2a0f92f7]
Well they do say you hae to be a "new member" so if you did eBay already, you can't sign up again.....
And that BS on the Status page is fucked!
They don't say anything about not being able to complete more then one offer from a advertizer in the TOS, just on that page!
And I did three different TrimLife offers, I'll be interested to see if I get credit, seeing that I know the cookies where planted, so I show be getting credit!
24-03-2006 11:57:21
the key phrase in the terms is that you can't get credit if your're not a new customer -- it doesnt say you will be dq'd.
i dont think they count the different trimlife offers as being the same. you should be safe with those, but you never know. As I said before, someone got DQ'd for signing up for the watch with one e-mail address and the tv with a different one.
24-03-2006 12:39:31
[quotee033fc23b8="icojones"]the key phrase in the terms is that you can't get credit if your're not a new customer -- it doesnt say you will be dq'd.
i dont think they count the different trimlife offers as being the same. you should be safe with those, but you never know. As I said before, someone got DQ'd for signing up for the watch with one e-mail address and the tv with a different one.[/quotee033fc23b8]
Uh, I believe it does say that you will be disqualified if you violate there terms of service and they should have you can't do an offer you already done in there.
24-03-2006 13:29:01
so if two different offers is from the same company that is a violationg if i did both?
24-03-2006 13:35:36
Did anyone receive the TV from this people? or who is near the shipping timeline?
UniPrize Media
24-03-2006 13:38:19
[quote6f54ab8497="Chipote"]Did anyone receive the TV from this people? or who is near the shipping timeline?[/quote6f54ab8497]
Same thing I was about to ask. No body has hit the 6-8 weeks mark?
24-03-2006 13:50:52
[quote40243fb37e="Supacold"]so if two different offers is from the same company that is a violationg if i did both?[/quote40243fb37e]
Yes, according to the terms printed on the Status page
[quote40243fb37e]Terms & Conditions
ADVERTISER,[/b40243fb37e] FOR 6 MONTHS.
24-03-2006 14:02:31
i signed up for Energie Vitale and was not credited and after broswing around for offers i signed up for Cosmetique and then realized they were the same company and i quicky called them to void my registration. After that i completed another offer to replace Cosmetque, but i was approved for it. so i have 1 extra green on the platmium.
So chances are i'm not going to get the plasma am i??
24-03-2006 14:12:18
I don't know. Maybe they won't catch it, or maybe they aren't as strict as it sounds. The problem with many of these sites, and I-Deal in particular, is that some of their terms are vague and/or contradictory. Whether by design to make it easier to DQ people, or just due to ineptitude (probably some of both). Not all of the offers by the same advertiser make it obvious that it's the same -- the Cosmetique and Energy Vitale being a good example. The TrimLife offers are pretty obvious, but not others. That's why I was extremely careful to check out the fine print and contact info on each offer I was doing, to be sure they weren't the same company.
I guess we won't know for certain how they view separate offers by the same company until somebody who did more than one either gets their prize or gets DQ'd with a specific explanation that that was the reason.
24-03-2006 14:24:45
I think Gigante is first in line to receive this Plasma, then kevxross's girlfriend, then igneous and then myself. All within the space of about 1-2 weeks I believe.
I think Gigante is due for his round about the middle of April. shrug
24-03-2006 14:29:18
i should be right in the beginning too. my redemption form was processed on march 8th
24-03-2006 14:31:50
[quote58e3f640d9="chewy"]i should be right in the beginning too. my redemption form was processed on march 8th[/quote58e3f640d9]
March 1 here, I know theres a few that theysayjump mentioned that were a week or so before me..
24-03-2006 14:36:48
Yeah I'm March 3rd.
24-03-2006 16:37:29
[quote241be52764="dmorris68"][quote241be52764="Supacold"]so if two different offers is from the same company that is a violationg if i did both?[/quote241be52764]
Yes, according to the terms printed on the Status page
[quote241be52764]Terms & Conditions
ADVERTISER,[/b241be52764] FOR 6 MONTHS.
PROMOTIONAL ITEM FROM THIS WEB SITE.[/quote241be52764][/quote241be52764]
The problem with this is that that is not written in the full terms, and you cannot see that until you have already signed up for the site and agreed to the terms.
24-03-2006 16:48:39
[quote1fb8876e32="icojones"]The problem with this is that that is not written in the full terms, and you cannot see that until you have already signed up for the site and agreed to the terms.[/quote1fb8876e32]
Oh I agree. Although you can see it before completing any offers if you check your status page.
[quote5678e34de1="bruman"]my letter was delivered today @ 8 somethimg AM (tracked it with priority mail)
How long until they confirm they have received it and my status changes?[/quote5678e34de1]
Ten days exactly.
24-03-2006 22:01:48
[quote5c30eab163="theysayjump"]I think Gigante is first in line to receive this Plasma, then kevxross's girlfriend, then igneous and then myself. All within the space of about 1-2 weeks I believe.
I think Gigante is due for his round about the middle of April. shrug[/quote5c30eab163]
My certificate was processed on March 1
25-03-2006 11:36:47
yesterday marked 10 days since my forms were delivered. my account still isn't updated. i'll be emailing them if it's not changed monday.
[quote92d20cc916="gnznroses"]yesterday marked 10 days since my forms were delivered. my account still isn't updated. i'll be emailing them if it's not changed monday.[/quote92d20cc916]
Weird. Well actually, they got mine on the 9th, and it updated on the 20th for me, which is a Monday. It also got updated late monday night, so if it isnt changed by 5 pm, dont worry. Mine changed at 6 or 7.
26-03-2006 12:39:32
As of now, do any of you recommend me finishing this site? I have a green referral and I have 3 offers completed.
26-03-2006 12:43:40
[quote892c31364a="J4320"]As of now, do any of you recommend me finishing this site? I have a green referral and I have 3 offers completed.[/quote892c31364a]
If your referral has already greened (greened on all of their offers) then I would definitely finish it out. The offers are easy and you have little to lose. I'm reasonably convinced I-Deal is legit -- their other sites have payed out, don't know why this one wouldn't -- they're just hell on DQ'ing if you give them any excuse. Cross every T and dot every I and you should be good. It'll take awhile to get it but who cares for a free $2K TV.
26-03-2006 13:11:32
Yeah I think the hardest part would be to get a ref to actually green, so if your ref is green then do the extra offers.
Even if you end up doing every single offer available and spending $300 on it, you're still getting a $2,500 - $3,000 Plasma out of it. D
26-03-2006 14:02:51
[quote48cb23aaf6="J4320"]As of now, do any of you recommend me finishing this site? I have a green referral and I have 3 offers completed.[/quote48cb23aaf6]
Have you seen those tvs??? I would do it for sure, many people, including myself had to do 16 offers to get 8 but it will be more than worth it
26-03-2006 17:27:19
which tv is everyone gettin, i chose philips at first, but now going with the panasonic i think
26-03-2006 17:45:08
lol, be careful with that question around this thread. People have been very very passionate in their choices, just look over the past few pages. I am picking the phillips because i have seen them both and while the pannys picture is slightly better i like the look and features of the phillips. I dont think the panasonic even has picture in picture.
26-03-2006 17:45:20
Plasma for me.
Panasonic Plasma > Philips LCD
26-03-2006 17:52:41
[quote2ff9461eba="bonehead848"]lol, be careful with that question around this thread. People have been very very passionate in their choices, just look over the past few pages. I am picking the phillips because i have seen them both and while the pannys picture is slightly better i like the look and features of the phillips. I dont think the panasonic even has picture in picture.[/quote2ff9461eba]
Who even uses PIP?
26-03-2006 18:19:58
I dont want to say which TV is better, but I have a 32" hdtv phillips lcd panel, and I can tell you that regular TV is horrible, definately worse than a plasma, but HDTV (I play xbox360 on it alot) is the best I have ever seen, its pretty amazing.
I think the plasma is better for every day viewing, as it is only slightly worse with HDTV signals, but much better with TV and composite and such...
26-03-2006 18:23:54
[quote91ad36f07a="theysayjump"]Yeah I think the hardest part would be to get a ref to actually green, so if your ref is green then do the extra offers.
Even if you end up doing every single offer available and spending $300 on it, you're still getting a $2,500 - $3,000 Plasma out of it. D[/quote91ad36f07a]
Yeah but what about the W9?
I signed up to this site on Febuary 20th so I've been on this for 34 days. So I have 26 days left to do this and my account will expire on April 21st.
Okay so I guess I'll get back to work on those offers. It kind of sucks how I already did all 8 and only 3 credited.
So do we have a good vibe from these guys or are we all still not even sure we'll get anything?
26-03-2006 19:03:05
[quote01f988a9ee="igneous"][quote01f988a9ee="bonehead848"]lol, be careful with that question around this thread. People have been very very passionate in their choices, just look over the past few pages. I am picking the phillips because i have seen them both and while the pannys picture is slightly better i like the look and features of the phillips. I dont think the panasonic even has picture in picture.[/quote01f988a9ee]
Who even uses PIP?[/quote01f988a9ee]
i was gonna say the same thing
26-03-2006 19:47:32
I have two questions
I signed up for this a few weeks ago. how long do we have to complete the offers?
When I signed up it was eight offers now its ten but when I check my account status it still has 2-2-4. Will I be good just doing 8?
26-03-2006 20:09:28
You have 60 days to complete the site -- both you and one referral and submit your certs.
If you signed up when it was 8, then you should just need 8. I signed up when it was 8 and I show completed after 8 (actually 9 now that one credited late) offers went green. However any referrals that didn't sign up before the increase will have to do 10.
26-03-2006 20:18:57
Has anyone thought of selling the tv? If you were to sell it, any ideas on where to do so? Seems like you wouldnt get that much for it on ebay.
26-03-2006 20:21:33
Shipping costs would kill any eBay deals, unless you sold it for local pickup only. Your local classifieds and trader-type magazines would be your best bet. Or something like CraigsList if you live in an area with much CL interest.
26-03-2006 20:22:23
Thats not true. I've had people pay top dollar for electronics and still pay the 125 or whatever to ship...
26-03-2006 20:32:19
[quote1981b55672="Wolfeman"]Thats not true. I've had people pay top dollar for electronics and still pay the 125 or whatever to ship...[/quote1981b55672]
Well I guess some people will pay anything. Lord knows I've sold enough stuff on eBay to people who paid too much for it. ) I personally wouldn't buy such a high-dollar, delicate item from an individual on eBay, but to each his own. I'd still prefer to attempt to the local scene first.
27-03-2006 01:10:37
[quote2aeed020e1="dmorris68"]You have 60 days to complete the site -- both you and one referral and submit your certs.
If you signed up when it was 8, then you should just need 8. I signed up when it was 8 and I show completed after 8 (actually 9 now that one credited late) offers went green. However any referrals that didn't sign up before the increase will have to do 10.[/quote2aeed020e1]
Your referral does not have to send in their certificates within 60 days, they don't even have to complete the site!
They just have to get credit for their offers....
27-03-2006 01:13:51
[quote146f447a40="dmorris68"][quote146f447a40="icojones"]The problem with this is that that is not written in the full terms, and you cannot see that until you have already signed up for the site and agreed to the terms.[/quote146f447a40]
Oh I agree. Although you can see it before completing any offers if you check your status page.[/quote146f447a40]
Yeah, that's Bull Shit!
Who would "normally" check their status before completing offers?
The whole reason you check your status is too see if offfer "you already did" have been credited...
But that's the least of my worries!
I signed up for since they sent me a fuckin email about it, and then when i was logged in, it was a clone of CSC except the offers are still 2S, 2G and 4P.....
I then emailed them about it and I think they might DQ me....
And I even got a referral and they completed their offers same day as me....I could have completed this site so quickly, but we'll see if I am DQ'd...its bull shit if I am!
27-03-2006 03:25:07
I plan on selling my Plasma when I get it. I'm getting the Philips from this site and the Panasonic from the other i-Deal site (e-ResearchGroup) so I'm keeping the Panasonic and selling this.
I planned on selling it on ebay and the town I live in only has a population of about 45,000 of which 42,500 are rednecks so I doubt it would sell locally. shrug
27-03-2006 05:32:03
Didn't someone say in this thread that the W9 for it would be around $700?
27-03-2006 06:24:06
[quotedac8fc85dc="TheWorkGuy"][quotedac8fc85dc="dmorris68"]You have 60 days to complete the site -- both you and one referral and submit your certs.
If you signed up when it was 8, then you should just need 8. I signed up when it was 8 and I show completed after 8 (actually 9 now that one credited late) offers went green. However any referrals that didn't sign up before the increase will have to do 10.[/quotedac8fc85dc]
Your referral does not have to send in their certificates within 60 days, they don't even have to complete the site!
They just have to get credit for their offers....
I know that, but that isn't what I was saying. What I was trying to say was
(a) you have to complete your offers
(b) your referral has to complete their offers
(c) you have to submit your certs
... all within 60 days. Sorry for the confusion.
27-03-2006 06:35:17
[quotea700dcc4fc="J4320"]Didn't someone say in this thread that the W9 for it would be around $700?[/quotea700dcc4fc]
Somebody threw that number out but it's wrong for the most part.
How much extra you'll pay in tax depends on your tax bracket. Your gross income will be increased by the value of the prize. You are taxed on your AGI which is gross income minus deductions. Tax brackets are sliding scales, so you pay the minimum bracket on your first X amount of income, then the next bracket [ba700dcc4fc]only on the next chunk of income that falls withing that bracket[/ba700dcc4fc], etc up until your total income and highest bracket. So you can't take your highest tax bracket of (for example) 28%, and say your tax liability will increase $700 on a $2500 prize. It doesn't work that way.
If any of you used tax software like TurboTax or TaxCut last year, for a rough estimate you could make a copy of last years return, then edit your gross income and add $2500. Then note the increase in your tax liability. It won't be exact because tax tables and deductions change yearly, but it can give you an idea. I'll try to remember to do this myself. Also, as someone else mentioned in an earlier post, you don't have to claim the value they 1099 you for, if the fair market value is less -- you can claim the lesser amount. Most likely they will value the prize at quite a bit above market value.
27-03-2006 14:06:47
I got this nice e-mail a few minutes ago. Does this seem suspicious to anyone else or is it legit?
[quote2fc18a8f7b]Dear Frank,
Your ConsumerSavingsCenter - 42 TV account has been flagged for review by our fulfillment department. This is being conducted to ensure that your information is compliant with the agreed upon Terms and Conditions. You will need to supply us with some additional specific information in order to conclude this review. For the account in question, please provide us with the following
1. A copy of your paper credit card statement showing proof of purchase for the Arctic White offer, verifying dates and your name and address.
2. A copy of the latest utility bill confirming your name and address
Pending a positive conclusion to your review, we will be able to fulfill your award from our ConsumerSavingsCenter - 42 TV website.
Please send the requested documentation to
Bullseye Media
PO Box 92
Millersburg, PA 17061
Failure to comply within two weeks from this date will result in disqualification.[/color2fc18a8f7b]
Thank you,
Fulfillment Department[/quote2fc18a8f7b]
27-03-2006 14:07:39
Ugh, that sucks. What if you name isn't on your bill? Also did your status on the page change?
27-03-2006 14:10:00
thats scary frank, really scary (, do u have all the required info?
27-03-2006 14:15:45
TSJ, i got the exact same email today! Mine was for the cosmetique offer. THis really sucks!!!
27-03-2006 14:17:59
Give me some info. When did you go into approval? Where did the email come from? What was the heading? Is their any contact info because if I get one I don't pay for my utilities and I'm going to be screwed shrug
27-03-2006 14:18:30
[quote36a81e93e8]Trish, The card I used to complete the Arctic White offer is an online card therefore I have no paper statement. I don't understand the reasoning for this. Why do you need a copy of a utility bill to prove my address, when the address I entered into the site when I signed up, was the same address I used to fill out the redemption form when I completed the site as well as the same address that the forms were sent from?
I must admit, this seems very suspicious, especially since this is coming from a completely different e-mail than other corresponding e-mails regarding this site.
I'd appreciate some reasoning or explanation for this.
I hope to hear from you soon.
I will need to see a copy of the online statement you can print it out and send it if you like. We need a copy of the utility bill to verify the address you used on our site is actually your address and not a false address. The company changed hands to Bullseye Media over the weekend.
Thank you,
27-03-2006 14:20:21
Trish <
And my status hasn't changed at all. Still says I'm processing.
27-03-2006 14:23:30
I got the same e-mail today regarding Youth Factor. So I'm not the only one!
However I suspect I know why mine was flagged. I called Youth Factor and discovered that they were unable to authorize my credit card. Not sure why, it's the same card I used for all the other offers. Rather than argue the point, I gave YF a different card. So I suspect these companies are pulling their credits due to a billing problem or something. I have e-mailed Trish and it's good to see they are responding.
In a way, this could be seen as a good thing, if you think about it. At least they're not DQ'ing blindly, with no explanation and request for proof. It's usually US trying to run them down to show proof, not the other way around. Maybe BullsEye Media is a higher-caliber company than a lot of these others, and are genuinely trying to get peoples accounts worked out.
27-03-2006 14:26:17
Shit, was it in your junk mail? Do you use gmail?
27-03-2006 14:27:58
Yes, mine was to my Gmail account, and no it wasn't flagged as spam (thankfully, otherwise I might have missed it).
27-03-2006 14:28:55
[quote4fbea56558="dmorris68"]Yes, mine was to my Gmail account, and no it wasn't flagged as spam (thankfully, otherwise I might have missed it).[/quote4fbea56558]
Thats my biggest concern...
27-03-2006 14:44:47
What date did you guys get the email? I'm also worried about it having been swept out with the spam.
27-03-2006 14:54:09
I just got mine today but to be honest, I'm actually reassured by it. Like dmorris said, at least they're not just outright DQ'ing us.
I'm going to send them what they need and hopefully it's enough. Trish said that once it's all been verified and they are happy with it, there won't be another wait for it, she told me I'll get my TV within 2-3 weeks.
27-03-2006 14:56:06
I got the same email, except for Gevalia.
27-03-2006 15:01:16
I haven't gotten an email for my plasma or watch account, so hopefully I'm ok. Its weird that isn't an actual website, atleast it doesn't work for me.
I got the email for Energie Vitale too. I used a prepaid CC, so I think I'm outa luck.
27-03-2006 15:47:39
Where did the email for youth factor come from, so i can search my bulk
27-03-2006 15:57:30
Have you guys who've gotten the email sent in your approval forms by mail? That is if your account was already approved, or in pre-approval (not completed all of your offers yet) you haven't gotten the email?
27-03-2006 16:08:18
Yeah my account has been approved and processing since March 3rd.
27-03-2006 16:09:14
[quote9b7ef377d6="theysayjump"]Yeah my account has been approved and processing since March 3rd.[/quote9b7ef377d6]
Same, but mine was the 16th.
27-03-2006 16:13:23
[quote354f2f399b="theysayjump"]Yeah my account has been approved and processing since March 3rd.[/quote354f2f399b]
Damn, of all the times not to be able to log into gmail...
Was the email address
27-03-2006 16:15:30
27-03-2006 16:23:20
[quote1779b8989b="Brutus"]Just an FYI, but if you read the ToS for the HDTV site, you will find this at the bottom.
[quote1779b8989b]Registered Copyright Agent
Bullseye Media PO Box 92 Millersburg, PA 17061
Contact Us Click Here[/quote1779b8989b]
Here is an interesting link
Class Action[=https//]Class Action
May not be the same Bullseye-Media though, which is I-Deal.[/quote1779b8989b]
If you read that, you see it is a bunch of people bitching cuz they have to do offers, but it said it was "free" or they "won" it. That is all that is really about, we are dealing with I-Deal, if you do what you are supposed to and stay on top of them, you will be fine
27-03-2006 16:24:24
gregcool, I wasn't worried, I just thought it was interesting. bullseye-Media and I-Deal are the same company I think.
27-03-2006 16:33:03
Hence the new "Participation required" on most all sites somwhere...
27-03-2006 16:35:36
and so it begins...........
27-03-2006 16:38:46
[quote86d668c256="icojones"]and so it begins...........[/quote86d668c256]
Quit thread crapping. We've already established you got DQ'd for a legitimate reason even if you don't think so. If they wanted to DQ, they would've just done it. I'm not upset they are doing this as long as they take something else as proof of my address...
27-03-2006 16:54:37
Trish is very nice. I explained my Youth Factor situation, and that I had talked to them on the phone and gave them another CC to use. She replied almost immediately and asked for verification of my Cosmetique offer instead. I e-mailed her screen caps from showing my Cosmetique charges, and my confirmation e-mail from them. I said if she still needed something snail mailed I'd be happy to do it. We'll see what happens.
I wonder if they're not just doing this to most people to try to weed out fraudsters. It's like they just want to see verification of any one offer, hence her request to see my Cosmetique instead. I guess they figure somebody trying to defraud them would be scared off by direct requests. I'm going to cooperate fully and give them exactly what they ask for. I have no reason to worry... yet.
BTW notice Trish said in another e-mail posted that Bulls-Eye Marketing acquired the site over the weekend. I don't know if that's all of I-Deal, or just some or all of their sites.
Oh, and to answer the other question no I'm not in processing yet. I've completed all my offers and am waiting on a potential referral to decide if he's going to do it. So they're not just confirming people who have sent in certs...
27-03-2006 17:04:09
Yeah at first I was suspicious of it, especially since it came from an e-mail address that had nothing whatsoever to do with CSC.
After talking to Trish though I'm going to give them what they want as long as it's not fucking constantly going back and forth sending them screeenshots and print outs of offers I did.
She wouldn't accept any screenshots from me though, so I have to go to the Library tomorrow to print them. (
27-03-2006 17:05:07
[quoted4290398cc="Wolfeman"][quoted4290398cc="icojones"]and so it begins...........[/quoted4290398cc]
Quit thread crapping. We've already established you got DQ'd for a legitimate reason even if you don't think so. If they wanted to DQ, they would've just done it. I'm not upset they are doing this as long as they take something else as proof of my address...[/quoted4290398cc]
I'm glad "you've" established that I should have been DQ'd. Unfortunately, the terms establish no such thing.
27-03-2006 17:06:23
[quote0aab84d9cd="icojones"][quote0aab84d9cd="Wolfeman"][quote0aab84d9cd="icojones"]and so it begins...........[/quote0aab84d9cd]
Quit thread crapping. We've already established you got DQ'd for a legitimate reason even if you don't think so. If they wanted to DQ, they would've just done it. I'm not upset they are doing this as long as they take something else as proof of my address...[/quote0aab84d9cd]
I'm glad "you've" established that I should have been DQ'd. Unfortunately, the terms establish no such thing.[/quote0aab84d9cd]
Whatever, you've given your opinion and we all get it. Don't thread crap...
27-03-2006 17:50:16
well got my email, saying i need to send a statement showing the gevaila offer, and my utililty bill. i think they are panicking, and doin this to everyone b/c they have to send out 30 something plasmas. i need this tv!
27-03-2006 17:52:15
I'm kinda worried I haven't gotten one ?
Yeah, I'm not going to count on getting mine. I only lost $25. The only thing that upsets me is how this company made quiet a few dough off of us.
27-03-2006 19:42:00
Listen here -- I am not thread crapping. If people start getting disqualified, please visit the FTC website and file a complaint.
I filed a complaint and was told that it would be filed, but they could only act if they received multiple complaints about a company.
The address is
Also complain to the Pennsylvania Attorney General -- his office also requires multiple complaints. Going after Internet scammers is a very popular thing for an AG to do right now -- all we need to do is give them an excuse to help us out.
PA Attorney General Complaint Site
I-Deal (bullseye) is clearly getting nervous and there is nothing that will accelerate that better than a call from the AG's office.
Also, a complaint with the DC/Eastern PA BBB would help
Let's not take this lying down! All it will take is a half hour of your time.
27-03-2006 19:55:32
Being disqualified is not against their TOS or enough for me to file FTC complaint against them.
If they don't ship gifts then I could understand this, but not because they DQ'ed me. If they were to DQ me, I would fight it, but I wouldn't file FTC complaints against them, I'd move on.
Since nobody is quite due to be receiving their TV's, nobody has been scammed as of yet.
UniPrize Media
27-03-2006 19:59:22
[quote955a43a4d6="icojones"]Listen here -- I am not thread crapping. If people start getting disqualified, please visit the FTC website and file a complaint.
I filed a complaint and was told that it would be filed, but they could only act if they received multiple complaints about a company.
The address is
Also complain to the Pennsylvania Attorney General -- his office also requires multiple complaints. Going after Internet scammers is a very popular thing for an AG to do right now -- all we need to do is give them an excuse to help us out.
PA Attorney General Complaint Site
I-Deal (bullseye) is clearly getting nervous and there is nothing that will accelerate that better than a call from the AG's office.
Also, a complaint with the DC/Eastern PA BBB would help
Let's not take this lying down! All it will take is a half hour of your time.[/quote955a43a4d6]
Dude you need to come down. You always look for ways to cheat the system and when you get caught you bitch about it. That stuff doesnt fly on this forum.
27-03-2006 20:19:25
[quoteb6a9ab9d17="UAO"]Yeah, I'm not going to count on getting mine. I only lost $25. The only thing that upsets me is how this company made quiet a few dough off of us.[/quoteb6a9ab9d17]
Why even have that attitude? If you followed the terms, you should receive your product.
27-03-2006 20:40:49
Are you guys are blacking out your account numbers on the credit card statements your sending in? I really dont like the thought of them having that, i can cancel card numbers with ease, but not the account number.
27-03-2006 20:51:38
[quote73c4ef2d38="kdollar"]well got my email, saying i need to send a statement showing the gevaila offer, and my utililty bill. i think they are panicking, and doin this to everyone b/c they have to send out 30 something plasmas. i need this tv![/quote73c4ef2d38]
they did it to me and my ref too
this is BS
27-03-2006 20:54:53
[quote36541ba953="igneous"][quote36541ba953="UAO"]Yeah, I'm not going to count on getting mine. I only lost $25. The only thing that upsets me is how this company made quiet a few dough off of us.[/quote36541ba953]
Why even have that attitude? If you followed the terms, you should receive your product.[/quote36541ba953]
I followed the terms, I have never completed any of the offers listed on their site, now I have to fax in CC statements and utility bills.
just because nothing has happenend to you, doesnt mean serious shit isn't happening to us.
This affects all users, If I am flagged and they DQ me, then wolfeman doesn't qualify because of this.
If you got random BS emails too you might also have a little attitude
27-03-2006 21:05:49
[quote0b8812fd71="bonehead848"]Are you guys are blacking out your account numbers on the credit card statements your sending in? I really dont like the thought of them having that, i can cancel card numbers with ease, but not the account number.[/quote0b8812fd71]
I asked Trish about doing the that and she said
You can black out everything except your name, address and the charge for Arctic White.
Thank you,
27-03-2006 21:10:56
Thanks TSJ, seems like she responds much better than molly did. Did you happen to ask about faxing our paper stuff in? I asked but got no response back.
27-03-2006 23:10:37
Nah I never asked. shrug
27-03-2006 23:21:12
Do u guys see this happening to the 42" plasma's (i-deal) as well then??? Just a thought. And those who sent in before ad went into shipment processing, are you gett'n questioned and all as well??
28-03-2006 00:10:30
Without a doubt this CSC Plasma site was the biggest and most popular, so maybe they're just doing it with that, maybe hoping that they will catch some fraudsters.
I guess we'll see though.
28-03-2006 04:53:14
theyseyjump, how are you getting replies from Trish. Did you just reply to the e-mail address that she sent the e-mail from?
28-03-2006 05:12:00
[quote622fcf79ba="galperi1"]theyseyjump, how are you getting replies from Trish. Did you just reply to the e-mail address that she sent the e-mail from?[/quote622fcf79ba]
Yes, Trish replies to the e-mail address in the e-mail, it's her direct e-mail address. And she's very quick about replying, too.
My online CC statement doesn't display my entire account number, but I did black out other stuff that's none of their business, like balance, credit limit, payment amounts, etc. However I did leave all of the other offer charges visible to head off any future requests for offer proof-of-purchase.
28-03-2006 08:32:51
My credit card statement doesn't show my name and address, hope that doesn't cause problems.
28-03-2006 08:34:19
hold up.. i think i might of missed something
why are you guys having to scan your credit reports to them?
is this for everyone or is this for manual credit?
28-03-2006 08:37:51
[quote0f93b320cd="bruman"]hold up.. i think i might of missed something
why are you guys having to scan your credit reports to them?
is this for everyone or is this for manual credit?[/quote0f93b320cd]
I think they are asking almost everyone to send in a statement and gas bill to verify that 1.) YOU did the offer and 2.) That you supplied the proper address.
28-03-2006 08:40:39
i did the Dell 42" plasma they have and i hadn't recieve any notice about requesting for such things...? is it for this site only or should i be expecting one soon? what is the email address they used.
28-03-2006 10:09:32
[quote097848ac95="bruman"]hold up.. i think i might of missed something
why are you guys having to scan your credit reports to them?
is this for everyone or is this for manual credit?[/quote097848ac95]
Not credit [b097848ac95]reports[/b097848ac95], but credit card statements showing the charge for the offer in question.
Yes, this looks to be a weeding out of the fraudsters and T&C violators, such as minors -- we see here on this forum a lot of <18 folks trying to do these offers when the T&C specifically forbids it. Requiring a utility bill in your name and showing your address is one way of eliminating most minors -- of course not every adult has utilities in their name either. But "utilities" covers a wide range of choices cell phone bill, landline phone bill, ISP account, cable bill... any of those would probably be sufficient. Even if you're an adult living at home, you likely have lisomeli sort of utility bill in your name.
I'm still encouraged by this turn of events because Trish has been very nice and very responsive -- she and I have had a continuing back and forth conversation since yesterday and she seems to be going out of her way to help us get validated. I'm not worried at all like I was yesterday when I first got the e-mail. I would encourage those of you who have an issue with the requested documents (no paper CC bill, no utility bill, etc.) to talk it over with Trish NICELY. Don't be an ass. I have been very polite and cooperative with her, and she has been very polite and accomodating with me in return. But get an attitude with her and I can see where she'd not be so helpful.
28-03-2006 11:13:49
Just wondering. When they receive and process your certificate, does it say on the page where you check your status or do they just send you an email telling you?
28-03-2006 11:18:45
28-03-2006 12:05:04
I replied directly to molly's email, and I got a reply from trish, lol
28-03-2006 12:09:56
I'm the same as you dmorris. When I got the e-mail yesterday I thought it was bullshit, but after conversing with Trish I'm actually thinking it's a good thing.
28-03-2006 12:22:33
I'm the same as you dmorris. When I got the e-mail yesterday I thought it was bullshit, but after conversing with Trish I'm actually thinking it's a good thing.[/quote0a9bc09546]
Exactly. The more genuine violators they can DQ, the better the chances for those of us who did everything by the numbers to get the prize.
28-03-2006 12:25:41
Ok guys..
My status changed today.. it now says
You have been approved by the sponsor(s). Your redemption certificate was processed on blah blah blah. Your free gift will be mailed out 6-8 weeks of the processing date.
So am I home free until then? Do I just have to wait?
28-03-2006 12:32:24
[quoteedad68f3a6="bruman"]Ok guys..
My status changed today.. it now says
You have been approved by the sponsor(s). Your redemption certificate was processed on blah blah blah. Your free gift will be mailed out 6-8 weeks of the processing date.
So am I home free until then? Do I just have to wait?[/quoteedad68f3a6]
Mine says the same thing now. I guess I'll ask trish if I still need to mail it in.
28-03-2006 12:37:25
when did trish contact you? I havent been contacted by anybody
28-03-2006 12:39:21
[quote999f581740="bruman"]when did trish contact you? I havent been contacted by anybody[/quote999f581740]
Yesterday when I got the email along with everybody else.
Yeah mine says that status too.
So are we 100% positive Trish actually works for this site? And not someone who's just trying to get our information.
28-03-2006 15:20:20
[quote649144a037="UAO"]Yeah mine says that status too.
So are we 100% positive Trish actually works for this site? And not someone who's just trying to get our information.[/quote649144a037]
I sent an email to molly directly and got a reply from her, so I am pretty sure she is legit, lol. She is really nice too. I have heard from her twice today
28-03-2006 15:58:24
[quote4b07b161c2="UAO"]So are we 100% positive Trish actually works for this site? And not someone who's just trying to get our information.[/quote4b07b161c2]
How would somebody else know which offers you did, and what good would your name and address do them when they can easily get that from a multiple of public sources anyway? It's not like she's asking for CC numbers or anything private.
28-03-2006 16:11:23
I have no idea how this is going to work living in a dorm. I don't have utilities to pay for!
28-03-2006 16:12:31
Also when I asked if I could black out my personal details she said you can black out everything besides your address and the charge for the offer you did.
28-03-2006 16:13:04
They'll have to take other ways to prove we live there...
[quote5e2785aef4="gregcool"][quote5e2785aef4="UAO"]Yeah mine says that status too.
So are we 100% positive Trish actually works for this site? And not someone who's just trying to get our information.[/quote5e2785aef4]
I sent an email to molly directly and got a reply from her, so I am pretty sure she is legit, lol. She is really nice too. I have heard from her twice today[/quote5e2785aef4]
True, true lol.
I sent an email last night that she never replied to so far.
28-03-2006 16:16:20
[quote669829ce4a="jinhamasaki"]I have no idea how this is going to work living in a dorm. I don't have utilities to pay for![/quote669829ce4a]
I don't pay utilities either but she said a bank statement or even a letter you've received with your name and address on it would work.
28-03-2006 16:50:32
I talked to Trish and she said that the part where it says on your status form that you have been approved, expect your gift in 6-8 weeks, is the next step in the process, but mailing in the stuff is the final step to verification.
28-03-2006 17:21:54
Thats very weird. I went to approved on march 1, and no email
28-03-2006 17:44:16
[quote9afb1fe096="afro_wolff"]Do u guys see this happening to the 42" plasma's (i-deal) as well then??? Just a thought. And those who sent in before ad went into shipment processing, are you gett'n questioned and all as well??[/quote9afb1fe096]
I did YCR and have been approved since Feb 23rd and no email.
28-03-2006 18:37:31
Very cool. More incentive to finish "YourChoice" sooner... I wouldn't have an issue with all this just inconvenient!! thanx guys
28-03-2006 20:30:38
Ditto igneous and Gigante. My gf completed on Mar 1 and mine didn't go approved til Mar 8 because they lost my original vouchers. Neither of us has gotten the email. I dunno whether to be happy or worried shrug
28-03-2006 21:05:29
[quote0a095765ab="kevxross"]Ditto igneous and Gigante. My gf completed on Mar 1 and mine didn't go approved til Mar 8 because they lost my original vouchers. Neither of us has gotten the email. I dunno whether to be happy or worried shrug[/quote0a095765ab]
I would say Happy... Im guessing they could give a few with no worries but then damn...All these people started sending in... To much time to worry about everyone who's eligable...My guess is they just decided to start doing it one day to people who just sent in for it...
28-03-2006 22:39:20
they can't do this to everybody, that would be too suspicious
they are doing this to weed out the underage people, and anyone that may have scammed the site with fake names, address etc.
think about it for every one person they find under 18, thats 2 plasmas they don't have to send out
28-03-2006 22:41:16
I'm so worried I might have missed the email ? Maybe I'll email Trish and ask. Also ask about why its so hard to get your 8 offer green...
29-03-2006 00:36:12
[quoteb0e56ffd54="Wolfeman"]I'm so worried I might have missed the email ? Maybe I'll email Trish and ask. Also ask about why its so hard to get your 8 offer green...[/quoteb0e56ffd54]
I am digging through 300 SPAM emails right now...and I only used this email address for CSC....
My Offer crediting theory related to cookies has been proven 100% legit!
Its been a week since I completed my offers, and all of them are "approved"
3 of 3 silver, 2 of 2 gold, and 5 of 6 platinum, only TimeLife Love Songs did not get "approved" yet, and that was 1 of 2 that I was not positive cookies had been planted when I completed it! So we will see....I am just waiting on my referral, who completed the site and offers same day as me, and also watched their cookies....
That might help answer your question wolfman?
I agree this new validation process will help get rid of frauds, for the main reason I can think of to do this is to not DQ minors, but to DQ people who used a fake name for their referral, thus they will not have a bill for that name, which means they are DQ ed ....mahahahaha
29-03-2006 00:46:17
I have 7/8 with TimeLife not credited...
29-03-2006 02:01:18
[quoteaff44c0c97="Wolfeman"]I have 7/8 with TimeLife not credited...[/quoteaff44c0c97]
Well that's interesting...most be that cookie problem...
I guess I'll wait and see if i get a reply to my support email and then just do another offer....
29-03-2006 04:41:49
I did the Timelife one too and I didn't get credit
29-03-2006 04:59:14
I didn't get credit for TimeLife either, and another of my offer took 19 days to credit. Right now I'm approved and waiting for a referral to complete.
29-03-2006 07:40:45
[quote05f4a964c0="Wolfeman"]I'm so worried I might have missed the email ? Maybe I'll email Trish and ask. Also ask about why its so hard to get your 8 offer green...[/quote05f4a964c0]
Don't email Trish to ask about an email that you should have no knowledge of. Believe me, I wanna know too, but if she gets an email from you about this she's going to wonder how and why you even know about it if you didn't get the email. That'll just give them more possible ammo when they can claim you were "walked through" which is against their terms. I dunno, maybe I'm overly paranoid, but that's my thoughts on it. They're obviously lookin for any reason they can to DQ, so it's not too far fetched.
I'm just gonna keep waiting like I normally would if I hadn't read about people receiving the email. As of now there's no change in my account status, so everything looks fine to me. I'll deal with any hurdles as I come to them.
29-03-2006 08:00:45
I agree, while I am a bit worried that I did not get the email, its possible some of us are actually going into fulfillment now or soon )
29-03-2006 09:40:17
[quotec2e1ab6713="igneous"]I agree, while I am a bit worried that I did not get the email, its possible some of us are actually going into fulfillment now or soon )[/quotec2e1ab6713]
hope so!
29-03-2006 09:50:19
i did timelife also and didnt get credit
29-03-2006 10:17:20
I also did timelife music with no credit. I also went into approved atatus today and my item should ship within 6-8 weeks. I hope all this pans out. So are the people getting tese emails already in the final approved stage, stating they are going to ship in 6-8 weeks or are they all still in the earlier stages of approval?? Just curious if they are checking up on people before they get the cert. email or people in all stages of the game.
29-03-2006 10:39:47
[quotedc2bee3476="skooter22c"]I also did timelife music with no credit. I also went into approved atatus today and my item should ship within 6-8 weeks. I hope all this pans out. So are the people getting tese emails already in the final approved stage, stating they are going to ship in 6-8 weeks or are they all still in the earlier stages of approval?? Just curious if they are checking up on people before they get the cert. email or people in all stages of the game.[/quotedc2bee3476]
As I mentioned earlier, you don't have to be in the approval or post-cert stage to get the e-mails. I got one and I don't have a completed referral yet, although I am green on all the offers. So I would guess they're randomly pulling people who have completed their offers regardless of where they are in the approval stage.
29-03-2006 11:25:50
Seems like TimeLife is a bad offer (
29-03-2006 11:47:49
i got the email from Trish and I haven't even completed all my offers and I still don't have a referral.
29-03-2006 11:48:28
Yeah as far as I know, nobody has recieved credit for Timelife besides maybe Gigante.
29-03-2006 12:24:03
timelife never went through for me either. i sold the cd on amazon and made my money back on it though
29-03-2006 15:35:07
2 of my TrimLife have gone green.
29-03-2006 15:39:58
[quote7fdee8f45b="jinhamasaki"]2 of my TrimLife have gone green.[/quote7fdee8f45b]
We're talking about the TimeLife Love Songs CD. ;)
But if you did TWO TrimLife offers on the same site, be prepared to have problems. Doing 2 offers by the same company on the same site are against their ToS, although I don't think I've heard of a confirmed DQ for doing so yet.
29-03-2006 19:03:52
[quote45106f11c7="dmorris68"][quote45106f11c7="jinhamasaki"]2 of my TrimLife have gone green.[/quote45106f11c7]
We're talking about the TimeLife Love Songs CD. ;)
But if you did TWO TrimLife offers on the same site, be prepared to have problems. Doing 2 offers by the same company on the same site are against their ToS, although I don't think I've heard of a confirmed DQ for doing so yet.[/quote45106f11c7]
"Time Life Love Songs CD" seems to be one of the worst offers out there!
No one got credit!
I did x TrimLife offers, so we'll see about that DQ'ing, I am going to argue with them if they do DQ me for it, since it was before they changed the TOS!
But we'll see...not sure what they consider TrimLife....
Or if the rule is more in referrance to if AOL offers AOL with MucicNOW and then a few months later AOL with anti-spyware....?
30-03-2006 09:05:28
I wonder if they will actually let us know when they ship, or if its one of those sites that just ships it and it shows up randomly one day. Has anyone asked?
30-03-2006 15:27:56
i recieved mine after like two weeks, but never got credit for it.
what a waste
30-03-2006 16:10:57
[quote3f78c56767="igneous"]I wonder if they will actually let us know when they ship, or if its one of those sites that just ships it and it shows up randomly one day. Has anyone asked?[/quote3f78c56767]
I emailed them but no response.
30-03-2006 18:28:11
[quotedda2c4a4b4="Supacold"]i recieved mine after like two weeks, but never got credit for it.
what a waste[/quotedda2c4a4b4]
Yeah....$4.95...oh well I am very happy that all my other offers went approved, proving my theory about cookies 100% correct! w00t w00t!
30-03-2006 18:31:30
[quote67a982916d="Gigante"][quote67a982916d="igneous"]I wonder if they will actually let us know when they ship, or if its one of those sites that just ships it and it shows up randomly one day. Has anyone asked?[/quote67a982916d]
I emailed them but no response.[/quote67a982916d]
They have had a recent switch in ownership or something, I emailed them a week ago and never got a reply. But I emailed them using the site's "contact us" and got a reply within 4 hours!
I think they lost some emails in the switch over...
30-03-2006 19:10:38
[quote1c7e4f6005="chewy"]timelife never went through for me either. i sold the cd on amazon and made my money back on it though[/quote1c7e4f6005]
I sent the cd back unopened with return to sender and they gave a full refund
30-03-2006 19:36:28
[quotec852dc9376="ragefu"][quotec852dc9376="chewy"]timelife never went through for me either. i sold the cd on amazon and made my money back on it though[/quotec852dc9376]
I sent the cd back unopened with return to sender and they gave a full refund[/quotec852dc9376]
I am thinking of just seeling it on Craig's list....
So umm..did anyone send her the updated paperwork? I sent mine Tuesday, and checked the status today
Shipment Activity Location Date & Time
Forwarded MILLERSBURG PA 17061 03/31/06 737am
Acceptance my house 03/28/06 1122am
It said it was forwarded to a different address. Should I be worried? I put the address exactly like she typed it.
31-03-2006 14:20:28
Naw you should be fine...
31-03-2006 14:57:40
What new paperwork????? Did I miss something??
31-03-2006 15:55:59
[quotea270bd3d38="skooter22c"]What new paperwork????? Did I miss something??[/quotea270bd3d38]
The CC statement showing charges and utility bill that Trish e-mailed us all about.
31-03-2006 16:03:33
Yeah have a look at Page 24 onwards.
31-03-2006 16:32:19
that status looks promising, im mailing my today, my shit is lookn smooth, i want some more status updates, jump when did u send urs?
31-03-2006 18:52:46
I never received that email from her and I even emailed her two days ago asking if she needed anything else from me and she said no? Is everyone in here being asked or just some?
31-03-2006 18:56:48
[quote8777997d7c="skooter22c"]I never received that email from her and I even emailed her two days ago asking if she needed anything else from me and she said no? Is everyone in here being asked or just some?[/quote8777997d7c]
Apparently most, but not all of us. My son-in-law is my referral and he hasn't received the e-mail, and with you that makes a couple others I've heard that didn't. But as you can see from this thread just about all the rest of us have. Don't know if it's a random sampling or what, but it seems to be a large sampling.
31-03-2006 19:02:28
[quoteb7ab19bf32="skooter22c"]I never received that email from her and I even emailed her two days ago asking if she needed anything else from me and she said no? Is everyone in here being asked or just some?[/quoteb7ab19bf32]
It appears to be completely random and also emailing her with question like that probably is not a good idea! They might DQ you because you might have been "walked through" just a precaution!
31-03-2006 19:06:42
[quote2db26ed1c8="kdollar"]that status looks promising, im mailing my today, my shit is lookn smooth, i want some more status updates, jump when did u send urs?[/quote2db26ed1c8]
I sent mine on Wednesday, Priority Mail with Signature Confirmation. It's only 30 minutes from me so they had to have gotten it yesterday, today at the latest.
My status still says it's processing and I'll get it in 6-8 weeks which is about 2-4 weeks away now.
I e-mailed her and asked if we're notified when it ships or if we get a tracking number and such but I haven't received a reply as of yet.
31-03-2006 19:40:20
I actually requested manual credit 2 weeks ago for some reason.... but i faxed them my cc statement, so maybe they got the proof they needed then??? who knows.
So is UAO the first to go shipped??? or did I reed that wrong?
31-03-2006 19:50:45
[quote3052083315="skooter22c"]I actually requested manual credit 2 weeks ago for some reason.... but i faxed them my cc statement, so maybe they got the proof they needed then??? who knows.
So is UAO the first to go shipped??? or did I reed that wrong?[/quote3052083315]
Great, they told me for TimeLife they didn't do manual credits...what a suprise, but that's only one of 10 offers that didn't credit, I don't mind doing one extra offer!
I did at 300AM PST, but it didn't credit today...thought they credit in one day after doing your first offers....Or maybe its an automatic thing?
[quoteda3e49a20d="skooter22c"]I actually requested manual credit 2 weeks ago for some reason.... but i faxed them my cc statement, so maybe they got the proof they needed then??? who knows.
So is UAO the first to go shipped??? or did I reed that wrong?[/quoteda3e49a20d]
So far in this thread, I'm the first one to send in the new paperwork, and it got forwarded to an address that isn't known.
31-03-2006 20:03:09
[quote8b0d7b54f1="UAO"][quote8b0d7b54f1="skooter22c"]I actually requested manual credit 2 weeks ago for some reason.... but i faxed them my cc statement, so maybe they got the proof they needed then??? who knows.
So is UAO the first to go shipped??? or did I reed that wrong?[/quote8b0d7b54f1]
So far in this thread, I'm the first one to send in the new paperwork, and it got forwarded to an address that isn't known.[/quote8b0d7b54f1]
I can't remember what date you're certificates where received/processed.
Could you refresh my member?
31-03-2006 20:43:21
Refresh your member?
Sorry I think you got the wrong site, pal. wink
[quote0998739db0="TheWorkGuy"][quote0998739db0="UAO"][quote0998739db0="skooter22c"]I actually requested manual credit 2 weeks ago for some reason.... but i faxed them my cc statement, so maybe they got the proof they needed then??? who knows.
So is UAO the first to go shipped??? or did I reed that wrong?[/quote0998739db0]
So far in this thread, I'm the first one to send in the new paperwork, and it got forwarded to an address that isn't known.[/quote0998739db0]
I can't remember what date you're certificates where received/processed.
Could you refresh my member?
lol @ jump
Even though I'm the first to send in the new paperwork, I was one of the last to send in the original paperwork. My original paperwork was received March 9th and processed on March 20th.
31-03-2006 22:58:16
[quote0e42dd6198="UAO"][quote0e42dd6198="skooter22c"]I actually requested manual credit 2 weeks ago for some reason.... but i faxed them my cc statement, so maybe they got the proof they needed then??? who knows.
So is UAO the first to go shipped??? or did I reed that wrong?[/quote0e42dd6198]
So far in this thread, I'm the first one to send in the new paperwork, and it got forwarded to an address that isn't known.[/quote0e42dd6198]
I sent mine in also and delivery confirmation says that it was forwarded to another address too.
01-04-2006 06:37:24
They go through a shitload of precautions to hide their identity, location, and contact info. I know they're doing something shady, I just want to know what!
01-04-2006 06:47:17
[quoteba360a27ae="kevxross"]They go through a shitload of precautions to hide their identity, location, and contact info. I know they're doing something shady, I just want to know what![/quoteba360a27ae]
Well, all I know is that Trish has been very responsive, and extemely nice. She said BullEye acquired I-Deal, and I can see where they may not want their physical location to be widely known due to all the smacktards out there that would show up at their door when they were DQ'd for legitimate reasons.
Here's the same mailing address listed for both domains. Also note the 2 phone numbers plus a fax number. Go nuts... ;)
[quoteba360a27ae="WHOIS of ConsumerSavingCenter"][root@fw1 rc.d]# whois
[Redirected to]
NOTICE AND TERMS OF USE You are not authorized to access or query our WHOIS
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By submitting a WHOIS query, you agree to abide by the following terms of use
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Network Solutions reserves the right to modify these terms at any time.
Get a FREE domain name registration, transfer, or renewal with any annual hosting package
- or just $8.95 with monthly packages.
Bullseye Media, Inc.
P.O. Box 92
Millersburg, PA 17061
Administrative Contact, Technical Contact
Bullseye Media, Inc.
P.O. Box 92
Millersburg, PA 17061
717-273-8088 fax 717-346-0595
Record expires on 11-Jan-2008.
Record created on 19-Mar-2006.
Database last updated on 1-Apr-2006 094504 EST.
Domain servers in listed order
[quoteba360a27ae="WHOIS of Bullseye Media"][root@fw1 rc.d]# whois
[Redirected to]
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related to a domain name registration record. We make this information
available "as is," and do not guarantee its accuracy. By submitting a
whois query, you agree that you will use this data only for lawful
purposes and that, under no circumstances will you use this data to (1)
enable high volume, automated, electronic processes that stress or load
this whois database system providing you this information; or (2) allow,
enable, or otherwise support the transmission of mass unsolicited,
commercial advertising or solicitations via direct mail, electronic
mail, or by telephone. The compilation, repackaging, dissemination or
other use of this data is expressly prohibited without prior written
consent from us. The registrar of record is eNom. We reserve the right
to modify these terms at any time. By submitting this query, you agree
to abide by these terms.
Version 6.3 4/3/2002
01-04-2006 08:51:00
This site was originally Direct To Consumer promotions (another I-deal subsidiary). Then Wal-Mart filed a lawsuit against D2C (for using their logo in promotions without permission) and D2C very quickly disappeared -- probably to hide from the lawsuit and claim the company is no longer in existence.
The address that people get now for Bullseye is exactly the same as the address for D2C.
Switching names is an age-old method for evading angry consumers (and lawsuits) and getting a fresh start on the BBB website.
01-04-2006 09:33:31
Actually no, the address has changed. Believe me, I've done tons of whois searches (and saved them in text files) and the whois for ConsumerSavingCenter has changed. The address was in Carlisle PA and the phone number was 1.1111111111, so it sounds like there's some truth to what Trish is saying. Thanks for posting the new whois dmorris, I probably wouldn't have looked it up again.
I still maintain that they are shady, even if less so now. As long as I get my TV and my SS# isn't compromised I'll be happy.
01-04-2006 09:51:09
[quote6561b64420="icojones"]This site was originally Direct To Consumer promotions (another I-deal subsidiary). Then Wal-Mart filed a lawsuit against D2C (for using their logo in promotions without permission) and D2C very quickly disappeared -- probably to hide from the lawsuit and claim the company is no longer in existence.
The address that people get now for Bullseye is exactly the same as the address for D2C.
Switching names is an age-old method for evading angry consumers (and lawsuits) and getting a fresh start on the BBB website.[/quote6561b64420]
If walmart wanted to sue them they would. That scheme that you mentioned might take 5 minutes for their lawyers to get around. They can afford to figure out something like that.
01-04-2006 11:56:00
[quotef6855d657c="igneous"][quotef6855d657c="icojones"]This site was originally Direct To Consumer promotions (another I-deal subsidiary). Then Wal-Mart filed a lawsuit against D2C (for using their logo in promotions without permission) and D2C very quickly disappeared -- probably to hide from the lawsuit and claim the company is no longer in existence.
The address that people get now for Bullseye is exactly the same as the address for D2C.
Switching names is an age-old method for evading angry consumers (and lawsuits) and getting a fresh start on the BBB website.[/quotef6855d657c]
If walmart wanted to sue them they would. That scheme that you mentioned might take 5 minutes for their lawyers to get around. They can afford to figure out something like that.[/quotef6855d657c]
The address on the WHOIS changed, but the address of the "Legal Department" that I was told to mail my inquiry to has not.
If it is a separate entity and they officially shut it down, there would be very little that WMT (or anyone) could do. It's a favorite trick of shady contractors and it is really difficult to do anything about it. Mainly because they are no longer suing an entity with any business or assets.
01-04-2006 16:21:05
does anyone know how big ideal really it? and who actually owns em.
i mean we have read about graits in fortunes(or whatever it was) top 10 fastest growing companies.
01-04-2006 18:29:24
For anyone still interested, this requirements for this site have changed.
You now need 10 offers completed (2S, 2G, 6P) and 2 referrals
01-04-2006 18:39:55
[quote757481c4d9="galperi1"]For anyone still interested, this requirements for this site have changed.
You now need 10 offers completed (2S, 2G, 6P) and 2 referrals[/quote757481c4d9]
It's been 10 offers for 2-3 weeks now, but 2 referrals???
01-04-2006 18:41:58
[quote8f0e10b10b="dmorris68"][quote8f0e10b10b="galperi1"]For anyone still interested, this requirements for this site have changed.
You now need 10 offers completed (2S, 2G, 6P) and 2 referrals[/quote8f0e10b10b]
It's been 10 offers for 2-3 weeks now, but 2 referrals???[/quote8f0e10b10b]
LOL, now impossible...
01-04-2006 18:45:31
Well, it's still showing 1 referral required for me, and since they didn't up the offer count to those already signed up, at least those of us who signed up and have referrals already shouldn't be affected. I guess BullsEye figured out pretty quick that they were going to have to ship a lot of TV's. )
I still wouldn't call it impossible though. 8+1 and 10+1 wasn't all that hard, 10+2 shouldn't be impossible. Unless they also introduce mandatory OOD's, that is...
01-04-2006 18:51:43
I finished YourChoiceReward when it was 2 referrals...and it was 12 offers (2,4,6). So you can do it too, heh.
01-04-2006 19:55:52
is it possible to do this site if ur 16. My parents don't want shit to do w/ this. Im just worried bout the W9. Cuz i don't wanna wait 1yr 2 months til i turn 18, cuz by then it will be like 10 refs+5 referrals. I think i may have made an account on this site about a month ago, whats the link so i can go to it an login, just incase i am still able to fulfill the old requirements.
01-04-2006 19:58:31
[quotec34dd4f7e1="Gigante"]I finished YourChoiceReward when it was 2 referrals...and it was 12 offers (2,4,6). So you can do it too, heh.[/quotec34dd4f7e1]
How much longer until you're supposed to get your Plasma?
01-04-2006 20:01:11
i don't feel like reading through all 28 pages, but has anyone received their gift yet?
01-04-2006 20:04:55
[quoteb9681e3a68="amir89630"]i don't feel like reading through all 28 pages, but has anyone received their gift yet?[/quoteb9681e3a68]
No, the site is fairly new and it takes upwards of 2-3 months to ship. A couple folks here are supposedly nearing their ship date in another couple weeks, so we'll see.
And if you aren't 18, please don't do this site. You'll just get DQ'd, your referrer will get DQ'd, your referral(s) will getDQ'd, and these sites will shut down if they're continually defrauded. Convince a parent or other adult to do it for you.
02-04-2006 08:23:44
[quote8e62ed43c8="dmorris68"][quote8e62ed43c8="amir89630"]i don't feel like reading through all 28 pages, but has anyone received their gift yet?[/quote8e62ed43c8]
No, the site is fairly new and it takes upwards of 2-3 months to ship. A couple folks here are supposedly nearing their ship date in another couple weeks, so we'll see.
And if you aren't 18, please don't do this site. You'll just get DQ'd, your referrer will get DQ'd, your referral(s) will getDQ'd, and these sites will shut down if they're continually defrauded. Convince a parent or other adult to do it for you.[/quote8e62ed43c8]
thanks for the heads up +kma.
02-04-2006 09:36:58
[quotefc76cb5f67="theysayjump"][quotefc76cb5f67="Gigante"]I finished YourChoiceReward when it was 2 referrals...and it was 12 offers (2,4,6). So you can do it too, heh.[/quotefc76cb5f67]
How much longer until you're supposed to get your Plasma?[/quotefc76cb5f67]
April 6th to April 20th is my 6-8 week range. We will see how that goes. I have emailed them about it but no response.
02-04-2006 10:39:33
[quotefdbc68b3d6="Gigante"][quotefdbc68b3d6="theysayjump"][quotefdbc68b3d6="Gigante"]I finished YourChoiceReward when it was 2 referrals...and it was 12 offers (2,4,6). So you can do it too, heh.[/quotefdbc68b3d6]
How much longer until you're supposed to get your Plasma?[/quotefdbc68b3d6]
April 6th to April 20th is my 6-8 week range. We will see how that goes. I have emailed them about it but no response.[/quotefdbc68b3d6]
Did your status ever change on the yourchoicereward site reflecting that they received your certificate? If so, how long did that take. It's been more than 2 weeks for me and they still haven't updated my status.
03-04-2006 10:00:39
Has anyone who's recent submission of their requested CC charges and Utility bill seen an update to their account, or gotten a recent email from Trish/Molly? My info was signed for on Friday, but I've not yet heard anything.
03-04-2006 10:06:10
I just received...
...A check for $2000 from I-Deal Direct Interactive, Inc.
No shit. I dunno whether to be happy or sad right now. Ah what the hell, for 8 offers, I'm happy.
03-04-2006 10:10:12
HOly shit!? better not be a late april fools joke. My mail comes soon, I'll be checking it )
03-04-2006 10:15:21
No sir, I'm not that creative. In fact, here's a (poor) scan of the check and the letter that accompanied it

http//[" alt=""/img219bea328c]
03-04-2006 10:19:24
When was your processing date again?
03-04-2006 10:20:10
I just checked back in the thread, and it said march 8?? Im march 1, so I should have my check very soon )
03-04-2006 10:23:46
holy crap that's awesome. i kinda hoped for a tv just so i wouldn't have to spend part on bills tho )
03-04-2006 10:24:44
Yes, my site status says March 8th, though that's when they manually entered it in. They received my voucher in late February, so they might have actually gone off that date in issuing my check. I'll have to see if the check arrived at my gf's house today, as she went into processing on March 1.
Keep in mind, I did NOT get any type of contact from Trish, or anyone else, requesting proof of identity or offer completions. I don't know if that will delay the check delivery for those of you who did or not, but I'd say it's a possibility. The check was drawn on March 30.
Edit gnznroses, I know exactly what you mean! I was like "ok, this is one freebie I'm actually going to keep and enjoy!" Then I get this check and I know exactly what's going to happen ?
The gf wants the plasma almost more than me though, so I'll let her talk me into going TV shopping today. I think the $400 Best Buy gc I'm getting from Xbox360.Freepay will help ease the pain of forking over $2000+ for a TV a little bit.
03-04-2006 10:28:50
$2000 check ain't bad. I'll be stoked if I get it. Only downside is I will never use that money to get a TV and thats what I really wanted shrug
03-04-2006 10:30:54
Yeah, I also never got that email. Congrats )
03-04-2006 10:31:29
[quote9777d6c915="Wolfeman"]$2000 check ain't bad. I'll be stoked if I get it. Only downside is I will never use that money to get a TV and thats what I really wanted shrug[/quote9777d6c915]
I know, Me too. I need a nice tv, but I also really need the money.
03-04-2006 10:51:15
Yes checks. I got the
$2k for the plasma site, and I got, get this
$2900 for the luxury watch site!!!!!!!!!!
03-04-2006 10:52:23
[quote27b8c39241="igneous"]HOLY SHIT I JUST GOT MY CHECKS
Yes checks. I got the
$2k for the plasma site, and I got, get this
$2900 for the luxury watch site!!!!!!!!!![/quote27b8c39241]
03-04-2006 10:53:28
[quote2abaad53b2="igneous"]HOLY SHIT I JUST GOT MY CHECKS
Yes checks. I got the
$2k for the plasma site, and I got, get this
$2900 for the luxury watch site!!!!!!!!!![/quote2abaad53b2]
No shit! Damn man, congrats! Guess I shoulda done the Rolex site after all! I'm assuming they've upped the requirements on that one as well though?
03-04-2006 10:54:04
No clue. I was hoping they would give me more for that site, since you can't find that rolex for under $3k pretty much.
03-04-2006 11:17:35
Edited to replace my stupidity
03-04-2006 11:22:42
[quote5ae5eb8526="clemsig"]Snap a few photos of those checks and post them here...minus your real name of course.
What is the name of the company that the checks come from?[/quote5ae5eb8526]
Dude, read up a few posts ^^^^ ;)
03-04-2006 11:54:00
[quotef9eaafa987="igneous"]No clue. I was hoping they would give me more for that site, since you can't find that rolex for under $3k pretty much.[/quotef9eaafa987]
No joke - $3300 at my local store.
03-04-2006 12:06:47

http//[" alt=""/imgc6c1830a7b]
03-04-2006 12:08:09
03-04-2006 12:09:41
Why didnt i get in on this (
03-04-2006 12:13:50
im glad i jumped on this site when I did! i cant wait to get home to check my mail, i was processing the same day as igneous
03-04-2006 12:17:41
maybe they took care of everyone in march on march 30th
03-04-2006 12:19:59
[quote40a4cf2e19="gregcool"]maybe they took care of everyone in march on march 30th[/quote40a4cf2e19]
Probably not, some of the folks from March got the "send us your CC statement and utility bill" email.
03-04-2006 12:28:27
congratulations guys, im pumped that its legit, but sad we dont get a tv ( b/c im gonna pay debt prolly this sucks.....maybe ill buy a small lcd tv or something ...or not o well.
03-04-2006 12:31:06
[quote3766f7ac75="doylnea"][quote3766f7ac75="gregcool"]maybe they took care of everyone in march on march 30th[/quote3766f7ac75]
Probably not, some of the folks from March got the "send us your CC statement and utility bill" email.[/quote3766f7ac75]
well, besides those
03-04-2006 12:50:19
[quote75a61b9187="igneous"]No clue. I was hoping they would give me more for that site, since you can't find that rolex for under $3k pretty much.[/quote75a61b9187]
when did you start the rolex site igneous?
03-04-2006 12:52:35
beginning of march, sent in certs in the middle of march
03-04-2006 12:55:14
[quote9457fc3845="igneous"]beginning of march, sent in certs in the middle of march[/quote9457fc3845]
You sure you don't mean February? 2 weeks from when you sent them in to when you got your check - that would be the fastest anyone has gotten anything from I-Deal, by at least a month.
03-04-2006 13:09:58
[quote2823572e11="doylnea"][quote2823572e11="igneous"]beginning of march, sent in certs in the middle of march[/quote2823572e11]
You sure you don't mean February? 2 weeks from when you sent them in to when you got your check - that would be the fastest anyone has gotten anything from I-Deal, by at least a month.[/quote2823572e11]
i know its not be i-deal, but back when consumerincentiverewards had the ibook up for 6 offers, it took me a bit less than 2 weeks for all deals to go in, mailed in my cert, and got 2 ibooks about a week later
yes, thats right. they fucked up and accidentally sent me two, hahaha
03-04-2006 13:15:35
I think this is CSC's way of teaching us all a bit of money management responsibility.
Everyone knows that if they got/get the cheque that chances are they'd do the "right thing" and use it for bills, debts or shoes.
They send you a TV and think of all those irresponsible people out there. Makes me shiver.
On a side note, I'm getting the Plasma/cheque from e-ResearchGroup also so I'll use this for bills or whatever and probably get a Plasma with the other. D
/me checks to see if he can do any offers on the rolex/laptop sites.
03-04-2006 13:19:22
Like I said before. I'm going to use the $2000 on shoes and finance a TV when I decide to buy it...
03-04-2006 13:28:12
[quote4887cdce53="doylnea"][quote4887cdce53="igneous"]beginning of march, sent in certs in the middle of march[/quote4887cdce53]
You sure you don't mean February? 2 weeks from when you sent them in to when you got your check - that would be the fastest anyone has gotten anything from I-Deal, by at least a month.[/quote4887cdce53]
Actually you're kinda right. I did my offers on feb 22, my form was processed on march 20. I didn't check, was just estimating.
03-04-2006 13:32:08
that's freaking fast!!!
03-04-2006 13:35:56
Yep. I did the YFDirect MSG Plasma site like a month before I started this one and I'm still waiting. ?
03-04-2006 14:00:12
ok so I am going to use the money to buy a tv, I already decided that....if they send me a check.
So opinions if I am to choose between a Panasonic TH-42PD50U 42 in. EDTV Plasma or the Pioneer PDP-42A3HDTV which would you choose. I found both for $1500 and think I am ready to buy one of which one -)
03-04-2006 14:02:27
Where'd you find the PDP-42A3HDTV for $1500? I'd go with that one...
03-04-2006 14:09:09
a discount store called Marc's, they don't normally carry electronics but they recently starting carrying some and one is the Pioneer for $1499! I can still afford to buy surround sound system if i get a $2k check. I am stoked now!!
03-04-2006 14:14:05
yea i mailed in my requested forms today (utility bill, cap 1 statement, and even a bank statement to reassure ) )
but i was upset about not gettin a tv b/c i really wanted one, but im finding mad good prices on the net too, where i can buy the same or even better tv and have an extra 500. so im stoked as well.
03-04-2006 14:15:34
the cheap pioneer HD plasmas suck, Only the elite's are the good ones.
03-04-2006 14:21:50
My dilema is I have $900 in Best Buy giftcards and I want to get a receiver, speakers, DVD, and TV. BestBuy isn't the best prices but their replacement plan is nice shrug
03-04-2006 15:31:01
Actually you're kinda right. I did my offers on feb 22, my form was processed on march 20. I didn't check, was just estimating.[/quotee8cdbd2337]
Your account went into progress on the 20th of March? Were you flagged? Mine went into progress the 28th but I got flagged and sent that paper work in today they should have it Wed. Cool I hope to get a check soon. lol
03-04-2006 16:36:40
nope, not flagged
03-04-2006 16:42:13
igneous, more then an Panasonic ED?
03-04-2006 16:52:28
I dunno, thats a tough call. If I were you I would go over to the lcd and plasma forum and ask them the best you can get with that amount of money. Those guys over there really know their shit.
03-04-2006 16:54:10
My problem is I'm going to have to get it at BestBuy shrug
03-04-2006 19:10:04
29 pags so i don't relaly want to go through the whole chapter.. OOD's or no? sorry for being so lazy!
and are there stil people out there willing to do this because i don't want to do eigh toffers and not get a tv/check... thanks!
03-04-2006 19:14:11
[quotea127abcd09="Aurelius"]29 pags so i don't relaly want to go through the whole chapter.. OOD's or no? sorry for being so lazy!
and are there stil people out there willing to do this because i don't want to do eigh toffers and not get a tv/check... thanks![/quotea127abcd09]
As is always the case with these things if you wait too long, you're too late. Unless you want to do 10 offers and refer 2 people to also do 10 offers...
03-04-2006 19:28:11
how much are taxes on the $2000? is it 25% or 15% or something else?
03-04-2006 19:30:57
I believe will depend on your income/tax bracket... but that's bread for another thread wink
03-04-2006 20:33:31
[quotec8c6e81dfd="zainali"]how much are taxes on the $2000? is it 25% or 15% or something else?[/quotec8c6e81dfd]
I seriously want to punch people in the face that ask how much taxes they are going to have to pay. It depends on your tax bracket and how good you are at doing taxes...
03-04-2006 20:39:32
[quote1552b77008="Wolfeman"][quote1552b77008="zainali"]how much are taxes on the $2000? is it 25% or 15% or something else?[/quote1552b77008]
I seriously want to punch people in the face that ask how much taxes they are going to have to pay. It depends on your tax bracket and how good you are at doing taxes...[/quote1552b77008]
That made me laugh, thanks.
03-04-2006 22:15:25
Gratz to the people that recieved the check.
has anyone else gotten the 'This mail has been forwarded' remark when you do delivery tracking?
03-04-2006 22:39:26
we've gone over the tax thing. apparently they report it as self-income in which case it's a flat 15% no matter of tax bracket.
03-04-2006 22:42:21
so if i make zero income i gotta give 15% to them from my 2g?
03-04-2006 23:10:26
[quoteac557da8f2="gnznroses"]we've gone over the tax thing. apparently they report it as self-income in which case it's a flat 15% no matter of tax bracket.[/quoteac557da8f2]
That is not correct. You pay 15% for social security and medicare tax. Then you pay the amount of tax dictated by your tax bracket.
According to posts in this thread it can be changed.
04-04-2006 05:48:28
[quotefad1f037f0="gnznroses"]we've gone over the tax thing. apparently they report it as self-income in which case it's a flat 15% no matter of tax bracket.[/quotefad1f037f0]
Not correct at all.
First of all, sometimes they report it in the same box of the 1099 as self-employment income, but that doesn't make it SE income -- that box is not exclusively for SE income. If you read the 1099-MISC directions, it tells you that [bfad1f037f0]if this amount is from SE income, then you may owe additional taxes... yada yada[/bfad1f037f0]. So regardless of whether they put it in that box, you don't have to claim it as SE income.
Second, and only assuming you WERE claiming it as SE income, the 15% is for social security withholding, not income taxes. Everybody pays 15% on SE income up to $90,000 (for 2005, meaning if you make more than $90K for the year you don't pay the 15%) PLUS you also have to pay your regular income tax as determined by your total income and tax bracket. So for people <$90K/year, it will be 15% + your nominal tax rate. And remember that US tax brackets are just that -- brackets. If you are in the 28% tax bracket, you don't pay 28% of your total income. First, your gross income is reduced to AGI after deductions, then your first X amount of income is taxed at the lowest bracket (10% or whatever), the next X amount at the next bracket (15% or whatever), and so on up until your highest bracket. So you only pay your top bracket on a portion of your income.
That's why nobody can tell you how much tax you'll pay on any given prize. It is totally dependant upon each person's tax situation.
04-04-2006 06:19:41
So, I still need someone to sign up under me. Seeing as this is legit, can someone help me out? I have about 20 days left and need someone fast! Seems like no one is maintaining the conga anymore OR no one is signing up to move the conga along!
04-04-2006 06:49:33
[quoteed39fb849b="richchud"]So, I still need someone to sign up under me. Seeing as this is legit, can someone help me out? I have about 20 days left and need someone fast! Seems like no one is maintaining the conga anymore OR no one is signing up to move the conga along![/quoteed39fb849b]
If you didn't complete the site as a ref of someone here, don't expect to get a referral from here, that is just selfish.
04-04-2006 07:02:43
Someone send me a referral link to sign up.
Maybe the freeluxurywatch site would be better to get since it needs 8 offers and 1 referral and gives $2900 dollars as we can see from the brag bag.
shoot me a referral link so I can sign up then I can post mine here so I can get someone.
04-04-2006 07:11:11
[quote52ee6b8418="Gigante"][quote52ee6b8418="richchud"]So, I still need someone to sign up under me. Seeing as this is legit, can someone help me out? I have about 20 days left and need someone fast! Seems like no one is maintaining the conga anymore OR no one is signing up to move the conga along![/quote52ee6b8418]
If you didn't complete the site as a ref of someone here, don't expect to get a referral from here, that is just selfish.[/quote52ee6b8418]
Um, where did that come from? If you looked at the thread, I had signed up under someone from here way back. The person you signed up under had signed up under me but backed out. I asked multiple times to be put on the conga but have not received any responses.
04-04-2006 07:14:19
it's safe to sign up under richchud right? lol
ill look back in the thread I guess to see.
04-04-2006 07:28:55
[quote33c8af7dae="ahaxton"]it's safe to sign up under richchud right? lol
ill look back in the thread I guess to see.[/quote33c8af7dae]
That's what I mean! I don't know if the conga is still being maintained because I asked to be put back on the conga several times and no one has responded. I'm not trying to cut in line but this isn't really working well at all.
04-04-2006 08:08:41
I've been in line for "forever" and still need a referral. I don't want to jump the line or screw it up, but if the line isn't working then I'd be happy to give someone my ref link!
04-04-2006 08:16:34
[quote998d7f7b62="WEBDIZZY"]I've been in line for "forever" and still need a referral. I don't want to jump the line or screw it up, but if the line isn't working then I'd be happy to give someone my ref link![/quote998d7f7b62]
How many days do you have left on your account?
04-04-2006 08:24:50
I signed up on 3/3, so I guess I have 28 days left. Is there somewhere that says how many days are left. I don't see it in the account page.
04-04-2006 08:30:01
[quote1c41c8e93d="WEBDIZZY"]I signed up on 3/3, so I guess I have 28 days left. Is there somewhere that says how many days are left. I don't see it in the account page.[/quote1c41c8e93d]
Not that I know of. I signed up on 2/19.
04-04-2006 09:46:51
I just updated the Conga. Most of the people that were on it have fallen of the face of the earth so it only leaves two more people.
dmorris68 is at the top if he needs a ref. Then it's WEBDIZZY and then it's Richchud.
I know you were asking to be put back on rishchud, and you were, but surely you didn't expect to go right to the top did you?
04-04-2006 09:49:21
TSJ, move me to bottom of the list please. I have a ref lined up but he hasn't committed, and I don't want to waste a ref here in case he comes through. As soon as I know one way or the other, I'll let you know.
04-04-2006 09:54:01
Cool, thanks for letting me know.
Looks like you're next in line WEBDIZZY.
04-04-2006 10:09:59
[quotee27522a38f="theysayjump"]I just updated the Conga. Most of the people that were on it have fallen of the face of the earth so it only leaves two more people.
dmorris68 is at the top if he needs a ref. Then it's WEBDIZZY and then it's Richchud.
I know you were asking to be put back on rishchud, and you were, but surely you didn't expect to go right to the top did you?[/quotee27522a38f]
Didn't expect to be put back at the top. Just expected to be back on the list with at least some acknowledgement that I was put back on. I requested this a few weeks ago and didn't hear a thing. And then getting bashed by Gigante....
04-04-2006 10:17:16
Awesome! Thanks! I hope someone comes along soon! Time is running out!
04-04-2006 10:24:57
[quote5e865610f8="WEBDIZZY"]Awesome! Thanks! I hope someone comes along soon! Time is running out![/quote5e865610f8]
At least you got more time than me! My ref backed out and then another potential ref backed out due to the requirements.
Oh well, hope it works out for you and dmorris68. Looks like my time is up with this site. Now if YFDirect comes through on the vespa.....
04-04-2006 11:32:51
[quoteed7f8a09b5="dmorris68"][quoteed7f8a09b5="gnznroses"]we've gone over the tax thing. apparently they report it as self-income in which case it's a flat 15% no matter of tax bracket.[/quoteed7f8a09b5]
Not correct at all.
First of all, sometimes they report it in the same box of the 1099 as self-employment income, but that doesn't make it SE income -- that box is not exclusively for SE income. If you read the 1099-MISC directions, it tells you that [bed7f8a09b5]if this amount is from SE income, then you may owe additional taxes... yada yada[/bed7f8a09b5]. So regardless of whether they put it in that box, you don't have to claim it as SE income.
Second, and only assuming you WERE claiming it as SE income, the 15% is for social security withholding, not income taxes. Everybody pays 15% on SE income up to $90,000 (for 2005, meaning if you make more than $90K for the year you don't pay the 15%) PLUS you also have to pay your regular income tax as determined by your total income and tax bracket. So for people <$90K/year, it will be 15% + your nominal tax rate. And remember that US tax brackets are just that -- brackets. If you are in the 28% tax bracket, you don't pay 28% of your total income. First, your gross income is reduced to AGI after deductions, then your first X amount of income is taxed at the lowest bracket (10% or whatever), the next X amount at the next bracket (15% or whatever), and so on up until your highest bracket. So you only pay your top bracket on a portion of your income.
That's why nobody can tell you how much tax you'll pay on any given prize. It is totally dependant upon each person's tax situation.[/quoteed7f8a09b5]
ummm, i'm lost.
i always just file my taxes using the EZ tax form and i just plug in the numbers given on the W2 i receive. i dunno crap about reporting income as this or that or changing anything. so if they don't send a w2 i just won't do anything in regards to taxes... i just know that before when i was working and making less than $x amount of bucks per year i got a refund at the end of the year. my brother works self-employed and he said with SE income you pay 15% taxes no matter how much money you make, even if it's less than the usual threshhold. i know that before when i got a refund i didn't get a refund on all taxes, just state/federal income tax, but i didn't think the part that i didn't get refunded on (SS or whatever) was 15% of my income. seemed much lower.
04-04-2006 12:06:41
Has anyone who received their cheques in the last day or so had their status change on their accounts?
04-04-2006 12:17:24
04-04-2006 12:49:04
Did anyone who got flagged and sent in the paper work they asked for heard back from them yet? Or has you account changed?
04-04-2006 13:03:50
Hey, if anyone wants to send me a ref link I'll sign up...
04-04-2006 14:04:57
[quoted3d300a2bb="enthegen"]Hey, if anyone wants to send me a ref link I'll sign up...[/quoted3d300a2bb]
Look at the first post for info.
04-04-2006 14:22:06
[quote9f156a8b65="theysayjump"]Has anyone who received their cheques in the last day or so had their status change on their accounts?[/quote9f156a8b65]
still says
[quote9f156a8b65]You have been approved by the sponsor(s). Your redemption certificate was processed on Mar 10 2006 1207PM. Your free gift will be mailed out within 6 to 8 weeks of the processing date.
-- Thank you. [/quote9f156a8b65]
04-04-2006 14:23:24
[quote351b4267a6="enthegen"]Hey, if anyone wants to send me a ref link I'll sign up...[/quote351b4267a6]
Please contact the person on the first page (currently WEBDIZZY) about signing up for this. If you do sign up under him, let me know and you can be added to the bottom of the Conga so you can get a ref too.
04-04-2006 14:24:37
[quote0ae52a3f16="gregcool"][quote0ae52a3f16="theysayjump"]Has anyone who received their cheques in the last day or so had their status change on their accounts?[/quote0ae52a3f16]
still says
[quote0ae52a3f16]You have been approved by the sponsor(s). Your redemption certificate was processed on Mar 10 2006 1207PM. Your free gift will be mailed out within 6 to 8 weeks of the processing date.
-- Thank you. [/quote0ae52a3f16][/quote0ae52a3f16]
Sucks. I was hoping it may have changed so I'd have some kind of idea what's going on but I guess not.
04-04-2006 14:27:02
Its a 2 referral requirment now if anyone didn't know... Was gonna sign under webdezzy but the 2 steers me away.....
04-04-2006 14:27:56
You don't have a friend you could convice to do it?
04-04-2006 14:38:34
Thanks Theysay. It all made sense, I guess I just needed someone to explain it to me in idiot terms!
I'll let you know when I get my link.
04-04-2006 17:40:57
ummm, i'm lost.
i always just file my taxes using the EZ tax form and i just plug in the numbers given on the W2 i receive. i dunno crap about reporting income as this or that or changing anything. so if they don't send a w2 i just won't do anything in regards to taxes... i just know that before when i was working and making less than $x amount of bucks per year i got a refund at the end of the year. my brother works self-employed and he said with SE income you pay 15% taxes no matter how much money you make, even if it's less than the usual threshhold. i know that before when i got a refund i didn't get a refund on all taxes, just state/federal income tax, but i didn't think the part that i didn't get refunded on (SS or whatever) was 15% of my income. seemed much lower.[/quote9e0521ded0]
If you get a 1099 for anything, including one of these prizes, (not a W2, a W2 comes from an employer) then I'm pretty sure you can't file 1040EZ, you'll have to file 1040A. EZ is for those with minimal income and very simple tax situations. Only W2's, for instance.
And I think you misunderstood your brother, or he misunderstood your question. Yes, you pay 15% on SE income no matter how much you make (well, until you go over $90K, you don't pay SS taxes on the amount over $90K). But that is not income tax, that is SS/Medicare taxes. [b9e0521ded0]On top of that, you pay income taxes, based on your total adjusted gross income for the year.[/b9e0521ded0] So you pay 15% + (your income tax). If it isn't SE income, then you don't pay the extra 15%, just the income tax amount.
Trust me, I've been self-employed off and on for 20 years or so now, in addition to my full time job. I'm quite familiar with Schedule C. ;)
But all of that is moot anyway because this isn't SE income, no matter how they report it on the 1099. So just don't claim it as SE on your tax return (which would require a Schedule C). Just report it as a prize or miscellaneous non-SE earnings.
04-04-2006 18:39:35
Im webdizzy's ref im webdizzys' friend.... Count me in
04-04-2006 19:14:00
Ok, now I'm confused.
enthegen PM'ed me saying he got his ref link, meaning he signed up but not whom he signed up under.
Now afro wolff is saying he signed up under WEBDIZZY.
Could someone let me know what's going on? WEBDIZZY; how many refs did you get from this Conga? enthegen; Whom did you sign up under? afro wolff; You'll be on the conga after enthegen who is after richchud.
04-04-2006 19:18:22
Im sorry. Didnt mean to throw you for a loop.
I signed up under WEBDIZZY.
Was I supposed to announce that I signed up and whom under?
04-04-2006 19:23:53
afro wolf signed up under me first but then backed out saying he decided not to do it since 2 referrals were required. So then enthengen signed up under me before I knew that afro wolf decided he would do it afterall. Shucks, I'm almost as confused as everyone else! Potential referrals keep changing their mind!
04-04-2006 21:38:36
You're at the top richchud and next in line is enthegen and then afro wolff.
04-04-2006 21:53:58
Hasnt the offer requirements raised?
04-04-2006 21:56:52
Thank you TSJ... Sorry about the confusion everyone!! Yes ffactoryxx the sites requirments are now
10 easy offers + 2 referrals
Thanx again all
04-04-2006 22:16:51
Yeah 2 refs instead of 1 now, but pepole can and will only be getting 1 ref from this Conga, to keep it fair.
05-04-2006 04:06:51
Has anyone who had their account flagged and sent in the the paperwork they asked for heard anything?
05-04-2006 04:48:04
I'm supposed to be on the "needs a ref" list but I got taken down again. Or is there a different list other than the one in the first post that I'm missing?
05-04-2006 08:14:58
I was flagged and sent in my paper work that was requested and when I checked my tracking today this is what I got ?
Your item was forwarded to a different address at 708 am on April 05, 2006 in MILLERSBURG, PA 17061. This was because of forwarding instructions or because the address or ZIP Code on the label was incorrect. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later.
05-04-2006 08:55:22
[quote7e23c664f9="TammyJoP"]I was flagged and sent in my paper work that was requested and when I checked my tracking today this is what I got ?
Your item was forwarded to a different address at 708 am on April 05, 2006 in MILLERSBURG, PA 17061. This was because of forwarding instructions or because the address or ZIP Code on the label was incorrect. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later.[/quote7e23c664f9]
I got the same thing. Trish wrote me back saying that she had them directly forward the stuff to her in Harrisburg, PA. My tracking now says that it has arrived.
05-04-2006 09:34:52
[quote122352f828="Brutus"][quote122352f828="TammyJoP"]I was flagged and sent in my paper work that was requested and when I checked my tracking today this is what I got ?
Your item was forwarded to a different address at 708 am on April 05, 2006 in MILLERSBURG, PA 17061. This was because of forwarding instructions or because the address or ZIP Code on the label was incorrect. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later.[/quote122352f828]
I got the same thing. Trish wrote me back saying that she had them directly forward the stuff to her in Harrisburg, PA. My tracking now says that it has arrived.[/quote122352f828]
Thanks for letting me know. Has there been any update on your account or did you hear anything else from her? Did your status change or anything? And sorry how long ago did they get your papers?
05-04-2006 09:52:53
so the bullseye media address is wrong, and they are forwarding our info somewhere this correct??
05-04-2006 09:57:47
She said it was a correct address but they are forwarding it to her. And she is at a different location.
05-04-2006 10:40:44
[quoteb4d93d7bad="pious"]I'm supposed to be on the "needs a ref" list but I got taken down again. Or is there a different list other than the one in the first post that I'm missing?[/quoteb4d93d7bad]
YOu were at the top of the list for nearly two weeks and you were only supposed to be there for 5 days. It's been rotated now and you'll be back on it soon.
Also, I live about 30 minutes away from the address they told me to send it to and I sent my extra info on March 29th Priority Mail and they only just got it yesterday. It was forwarded to the same address as everyone else though and I have yet to see a status change either. shrug
05-04-2006 11:04:17
I wouldn't sweat it. I doubt your status will ever change, they'll just mail out your check if they deem you worthy.
05-04-2006 11:45:48
FWIW, I don't have a status change because I don't have a completed referral yet, but I lidoli have an e-mail confirmation from Trish that my account is validated and good to go... just waiting on my referral.
05-04-2006 19:49:44
besides kevxross, gregcool and igneous, no one got checks today?
05-04-2006 19:50:47
I haven't been home yet today. Hopefully I got mine...
05-04-2006 20:31:43
[quote87a8135923="Chipote"]besides kevxross and igneous, no one got checks today?[/quote87a8135923]
dont forget me (got it monday)
05-04-2006 21:17:57
gregcool added!
How did you manage both ideal sites at the same time? you didn't run into repeating offers or other issues that could have jeopardize your accs?
06-04-2006 05:04:38
nope )
06-04-2006 11:21:46
didn't even have to redo offers you'd already done on other sites?
i'm sure you'd deny it if you did cause you don't want DQ'd from anywhere, but some people have to be re-doing offers. people that have trade records of 40 or more and then do 8 or 10 offers on this site and then keep doing other sites, i mean c'mon.... ;)
i've finished 4 sites and i'm already out of offers i can do, unless i want to get a credit card (which i can't anyways cause i have no credit) or sign up for satellite tv or something...
06-04-2006 11:47:41
maybe they just move alot and get new "households"
06-04-2006 12:27:35
Every thread has some highly reputable DIYourselfer that has answered this question....
06-04-2006 12:39:05
I can honestly say that I found a shitload of offers on this site I haven't even seen before never mind completed already.
I managed to do both this site and the e-ResearchGroup Plasma also without doing the same offer more than once. If I had, I would've been DQ'ed but I haven't.
06-04-2006 13:04:16
Because my 60 days are running up fast, I have a nice offer for anyone who wants to be my referral. PM me.
06-04-2006 13:06:22
We don't allow the selling or buying of DIY refs so I have edited your post accordingly.
06-04-2006 13:24:24
[quotee2b9308cb6="gnznroses"]didn't even have to redo offers you'd already done on other sites?
i'm sure you'd deny it if you did cause you don't want DQ'd from anywhere, but some people have to be re-doing offers. people that have trade records of 40 or more and then do 8 or 10 offers on this site and then keep doing other sites, i mean c'mon.... ;)
i've finished 4 sites and i'm already out of offers i can do, unless i want to get a credit card (which i can't anyways cause i have no credit) or sign up for satellite tv or something...[/quotee2b9308cb6]
No there are always new offers, I've never repeated an offer there's no need
06-04-2006 18:48:37
[quoteb67b3a426d="theysayjump"]I managed to do both this site and the e-ResearchGroup Plasma also without doing the same offer more than once. If I had, I would've been DQ'ed but I haven't.[/quoteb67b3a426d]
Does e-ResearchGroup require any referrals? How many offers?
06-04-2006 19:28:15
It's the same as CSC was before they upped the requirements.
8 offers, two on page 1, two on page 2, four on page 3 and 1 referral who does the same.
07-04-2006 06:01:53
I'm at the top of the conga, YAY! Now will someone step up to the plate and help my out? It's last second time for me and pretty much out of the running if no one signs up under me this weekend. (
07-04-2006 10:56:47
I just got a call from a shipping company telling me they have a Philips LCD for me that will be delivered on Monday...
07-04-2006 11:11:03
[quote5e8707b9e2="swbball28"]I just got a call from a shipping company telling me they have a Philips LCD for me that will be delivered on Monday...
Oh really? So I guess they decided to actually buy/ship SOME TV's. The LCD was probably cheaper than the plasma, and maybe they were only sending checks to those who picked the plasma? Did anybody else who got a check actually pick LCD when they signed up?
07-04-2006 11:22:18
[quotea16f539079="swbball28"]I just got a call from a shipping company telling me they have a Philips LCD for me that will be delivered on Monday...
cool! hey, did you or your ref got flagged?
07-04-2006 11:26:01
nah, my certs were processed on March 1st.
07-04-2006 11:30:07
i chose plasma and got the check
07-04-2006 11:43:57
[quotefce9fe5dac="swbball28"]nah, my certs were processed on March 1st.[/quotefce9fe5dac]
What does your status say when your certs are processed? My status hasn't changed for 3 weeks after they got the certs on another ideal site.
07-04-2006 11:56:42
[quote47006c11e5="chewy"]i chose plasma and got the check[/quote47006c11e5]
when? which plasma did you pick?
07-04-2006 11:58:07
Theres only 1 plasma on there Chipote... The other is a LCD television...
07-04-2006 12:42:47
[quotead11e4173f="dmorris68"][quotead11e4173f="swbball28"]I just got a call from a shipping company telling me they have a Philips LCD for me that will be delivered on Monday...
Oh really? So I guess they decided to actually buy/ship SOME TV's. The LCD was probably cheaper than the plasma, and maybe they were only sending checks to those who picked the plasma? Did anybody else who got a check actually pick LCD when they signed up?[/quotead11e4173f]
i'm pretty sure the lcd is more expensive. best buy has it for $3000
07-04-2006 12:43:08
Fuck I actually wanted the cheque but I chose the Philips LCD so I could sell it.
I guess I'll be getting the TV too then. shrug
07-04-2006 12:50:25
Fuck I actually wanted a TV, but I got checks.
And no, the Philips theory is incorrect. I chose LCD on my account and Plasma on my gf's so we could get one of each. We each got $2000 checks. ?
07-04-2006 12:52:46
Hmm.......Well what the fuck are they up to then? I'd rather have the cheque so it'd save me having to go through the hassle to sell the TV.
But when I get the Plasma from e-ResearchGroup I want the actual TV to keep. (
Knowing my luck I'll get the TV now and the cheque from e-RG.
07-04-2006 13:28:45
wish this thread had a list of who finished the site when. the A4F thread kinda does. cause i'm wondering when swbball finished.
07-04-2006 13:30:45
[quote879db5c79e="gnznroses"]i'm pretty sure the lcd is more expensive. best buy has it for $3000[/quote879db5c79e]
It would depend on the model, and nobody knows for sure what models CSC is shipping since you can't go by the picture.
Both Philips and Panny make multiple models of 42" HDTV's at different price points. I see the Philips LCD's going for between $2000 and $2500, about the same as the cheaper Panny plasma's, so in reality they probably aren't saving much if any money with the LCD though.
Seems to be luck 'o the draw then. Maybe they ordered a few TV's and then realized it would be cheaper for them to mail checks instead, and your TV is just now arriving.
07-04-2006 14:48:52
[quote42d9ccecec="afro_wolff"]Theres only 1 plasma on there Chipote... The other is a LCD television...[/quote42d9ccecec]
Well, at least seems like everyone is getting some. I was under the impressions Ideal will only ship a couple of checks and TVs just to keep up the rumors about been a legit company.
Thanks for the wake up post afro! I meant TV ? ?
07-04-2006 15:25:12
[quoteb3e59e4ae4="Chipote"][quoteb3e59e4ae4="afro_wolff"]Theres only 1 plasma on there Chipote... The other is a LCD television...[/quoteb3e59e4ae4]
Thanks for the wake up post afro! I meant TV ? ?[/quoteb3e59e4ae4]
O u bet...just look'n out for ya bub roll !
07-04-2006 21:48:02
For those who got flagged and sent their paperwork in has anyone heard anything? Like a email from Trish saying that your account is okay or anything?
[quote6a8eb14cd5="TammyJoP"]For those who got flagged and sent their paperwork in has anyone heard anything? Like a email from Trish saying that your account is okay or anything?[/quote6a8eb14cd5]
I was just going to ask this too.
She got mine about four days ago, and I have yet to hear anything.
08-04-2006 06:52:04
My 60 days are done... I have been 8 of 8 for over a month and have three refs but none finished. O well, can't wait to get my $50 dollar gift card...
08-04-2006 07:05:55
Wow..i check up on this thread every 2 weeks or so just to see how things are rolling. It seems like it goes from 1 week where people are pissed I-deal are fraudulent and want to start a class-action lawsuit to another week where people are getting checks and plasmas.
Whats the overall verdict on this site people?
[quote42b1a59d2d="zbalz"]Wow..i check up on this thread every 2 weeks or so just to see how things are rolling. It seems like it goes from 1 week where people are pissed I-deal are fraudulent and want to start a class-action lawsuit to another week where people are getting checks and plasmas.
Whats the overall verdict on this site people?[/quote42b1a59d2d]
I believe you should get your facts straight before you say more than one person wanted to do a class action lawsuit. I believe only Ico wanted to.
08-04-2006 07:24:25
[quoteeddc137252="zbalz"]Wow..i check up on this thread every 2 weeks or so just to see how things are rolling. It seems like it goes from 1 week where people are pissed I-deal are fraudulent and want to start a class-action lawsuit to another week where people are getting checks and plasmas.
Whats the overall verdict on this site people?[/quoteeddc137252]
There was only 1 person to my knowledge that was all sue-happy over I-Deal. And he was DQ'd for breaking to TOS... roll
I'd say I-Deal is pretty damn good. It was pretty fast (way faster than YFDirect, a little slower than Nuitech) and they didn't try to give me any sort of run around. A bunch of people have been asked to verify that they are who they say they are and that they completed the offers properly, but as of now I see nothing wrong with it. They are just coverin their asses and hoping to catch a few frauders. I'm sure those people who prove they are legit will get their check/TV.
I'd give I-Deal an A. I'd definately do another if I can find one with reasonable requirements.
08-04-2006 08:02:29
[quotece1b4612b6="kevxross"][quotece1b4612b6="zbalz"]Wow..i check up on this thread every 2 weeks or so just to see how things are rolling. It seems like it goes from 1 week where people are pissed I-deal are fraudulent and want to start a class-action lawsuit to another week where people are getting checks and plasmas.
Whats the overall verdict on this site people?[/quotece1b4612b6]
There was only 1 person to my knowledge that was all sue-happy over I-Deal. And he was DQ'd for breaking to TOS... roll
I'd say I-Deal is pretty damn good. It was pretty fast (way faster than YFDirect, a little slower than Nuitech) and they didn't try to give me any sort of run around. A bunch of people have been asked to verify that they are who they say they are and that they completed the offers properly, but as of now I see nothing wrong with it. They are just coverin their asses and hoping to catch a few frauders. I'm sure those people who prove they are legit will get their check/TV.
I'd give I-Deal an A. I'd definately do another if I can find one with reasonable requirements.[/quotece1b4612b6]
Yeah, their only problem is the lack of crediting sometimes, and no manual credit, but the amount of low cost offers makes up for that.
08-04-2006 09:30:05
Or their lack of sending anything with YourChoiceReward
08-04-2006 11:51:44
I got a letter telling me there is a shipment available for me. Called this morning and he said I can pick it up today so thats where I am headed now.
For anyone who is wondering my certs were processed on 3-20 and my status has not changed.
08-04-2006 11:56:51
[quote23ec5b9d90="double0civicsi"]I got a letter telling me there is a shipment available for me. Called this morning and he said I can pick it up today so thats where I am headed now.
For anyone who is wondering my certs were processed on 3-20 and my status has not changed.[/quote23ec5b9d90]
Pick it up where? Are you getting the LCD?
08-04-2006 12:50:06
Great, now I'm thinking I'm not getting shit.
My certs were processed on March 3rd, asked for more info which they received on April 4th, haven't heard anything from Trish for 2 weeks, nothing in the mail, no status change nothing.
08-04-2006 12:55:08
I was processed Feb 23rd and never asked for more info on YourChoiceReward.
08-04-2006 13:30:03
[quoteb50d8512e8="Wolfeman"][quoteb50d8512e8="double0civicsi"]I got a letter telling me there is a shipment available for me. Called this morning and he said I can pick it up today so thats where I am headed now.
For anyone who is wondering my certs were processed on 3-20 and my status has not changed.[/quoteb50d8512e8]
Pick it up where? Are you getting the LCD?[/quoteb50d8512e8]
I'm going to pick it up from a local shipping company. They said they could deliver it on monday but I didnt want to wait. Just went and borrowed a friends truck so hopefully I will have my tv within the hour. Oh and yes I did pick the LCD.
Also they never requested any additional info from me but they did from my referral.
08-04-2006 13:53:24
Awesome, post some pics when ya get it.
08-04-2006 14:07:26
man this really suck, i have 3 papers and 4 test all in the next 2 weeks but i cant do crap right now becuae i cant focus picturing a 42 tv on my wall.
we need some pics if you get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
08-04-2006 14:08:30
I hope I get my check next week ?
08-04-2006 16:07:23
Well I got my tv finally. I have not hooked it up yet but I did take it out of the box. It has some minor scratches on the frame and it looks like someone had it previously. I'm happy with it though. I'll try and post some pics tonight once I hook it up.
08-04-2006 16:18:38
Can you tell who they got it from? I am interested in seeing how much they paid for it.
08-04-2006 16:32:10
[quote11cec5fae4="gregcool"]Can you tell who they got it from? I am interested in seeing how much they paid for it.[/quote11cec5fae4]
Phillips Consumer Electronics
08-04-2006 16:46:41
[quote35b12ef896="double0civicsi"]Well I got my tv finally. I have not hooked it up yet but I did take it out of the box. It has some minor scratches on the frame and it looks like someone had it previously. I'm happy with it though. I'll try and post some pics tonight once I hook it up.[/quote35b12ef896]
Sounds like they bought a refurb from Phillips direct.
08-04-2006 16:58:56
I'll bet that's what they did.. bought up as many cheap refurbs as they could, then sent out checks for the rest. So right now I'm thinking if you picked Panasonic, you're definately in for a $2000 check. If you picked Philips, you might get a refurbished unit, or you might get a $2000 check.
Pure speculation.
08-04-2006 17:27:47
Yeah, philips sells a lot of refurbs on their site. I haven't seen any refurb plasmas though.
08-04-2006 22:50:09
Just curious, what was the model of the Phillips LCD that you got? Also, you said you got a letter saying you had a shipment (in the mail)?
09-04-2006 10:39:13
maybe they're not refurb. maybe they're just ones that got scoffed up or something at the plant and can't be sold in stores normally.
09-04-2006 10:45:02
[quotecea25284d0="gnznroses"]maybe they're not refurb. maybe they're just ones that got scoffed up or something at the plant and can't be sold in stores normally.[/quotecea25284d0]
Yeah that fits under refurb. Not all "refurbished" products will be items that were sold, used, and returned. It's basically, as you said, items that they can't sell at retail as brand new for whatever reason.
09-04-2006 11:50:14
People please sign up for this site..Haha...We need richchud off the front!!!
09-04-2006 18:37:19
c'mon, where the's the pics? the model number?
09-04-2006 19:29:12
[quoteff3e877d99="afro_wolff"]People please sign up for this site..Haha...We need richchud off the front!!![/quoteff3e877d99]
I'm trying to sign up for him but the ref link he keeps sending is not working and he hasn't read my last pm yet....if anyone else would like my ref, pm me...
09-04-2006 19:34:13
[quotefda6971dc1="double0civicsi"]Well I got my tv finally. I have not hooked it up yet but I did take it out of the box. It has some minor scratches on the frame and it looks like someone had it previously. I'm happy with it though. I'll try and post some pics tonight once I hook it up.[/quotefda6971dc1]
Please posts some pics or give the model number, I am dying here. I am waiting on my lcd/check also.
09-04-2006 20:17:33
[quote59853584e7="uncpanther"]Please posts some pics or give the model number, I am dying here. I am waiting on my lcd/check also.[/quote59853584e7]
model# = 42PF9966/37B
I'll try and get some pics up tonight but no promises. Also it is definitely refurbished.
09-04-2006 20:39:39
Refurb is pretty weak. I hope I get a check...
09-04-2006 20:39:41
I found that model for $1,845 online, so thats probably why they shipped them instead of a $2k check.
09-04-2006 21:53:45
[quote02136891c8="double0civicsi"][quote02136891c8="uncpanther"]Please posts some pics or give the model number, I am dying here. I am waiting on my lcd/check also.[/quote02136891c8]
model# = 42PF9966/37B
I'll try and get some pics up tonight but no promises. Also it is definitely refurbished.[/quote02136891c8]
wait, you said you got an lcd. according to ebay and cnet that model number is for a plasma.
09-04-2006 22:02:57
philips makes that exact tv in both lcd and plasma so i bet they just found what ever they could get for cheapest
09-04-2006 22:04:08
We need pics...
09-04-2006 22:06:03
judging by the CNET review, it is also not a true HDTV. It does not have a HDTV tuner. That kinda sucks!
09-04-2006 22:09:30
the cnet review was for a plasma tho. from what i read any plasma under 50 inches is not true hd resolution and apparently uses rectangular pixels to make a widescreen res.
09-04-2006 23:29:53
I believe I saw this model (it was a plasma) at Best Buy and the picture looked like crap. I don't know if it was an HD signal or not. I wish they would send the model that is shown in the picture. It is actually a decent LCD tv. I am hoping for a check now. Have you had a chance to hook it up and see how it looks?
10-04-2006 01:04:37
wait i thought the philips was a lcd tv and the panasonic was the plasma.
the modle number posted above is for a philips plasma. is that right?
10-04-2006 06:06:54
just got the tv, it's a refurb 42PF9966/37B
would've preferred the check...
10-04-2006 06:17:18
Please take me off the conga (if I'm not already) as my referral link hasn't been working for some reason the last couple of days and my time is pretty much up. Oh well, I guess it's time to bug them about the gift card to at least recoup some of my losses.
10-04-2006 08:01:21
i saw the panasonic plasma at best buy, picture is actually pretty sharp, im glad im hopefully gettin a check and not a refurb.....last second change on the tv too.
10-04-2006 08:35:10
[quote2ca18dca61="swbball28"]just got the tv, it's a refurb 42PF9966/37B
would've preferred the check...[/quote2ca18dca61]
Well this pretty much solidifies it. Have either of you hooked the tv up yet and seen how good the picture is?
10-04-2006 08:53:17
[quote6570e1c8a6="richchud"]Please take me off the conga (if I'm not already) as my referral link hasn't been working for some reason the last couple of days and my time is pretty much up. Oh well, I guess it's time to bug them about the gift card to at least recoup some of my losses.[/quote6570e1c8a6]
I don't think i like what im seeing here!! I did all the offers required last night and have narrowed to such a selection i'd say i spent around $120 on this site alone just yesterday. I had a friend sign up using my referral link and in 12 hours have seen no notification of his signing.
I'm really hoping they've not disabled the referral system to some degree because having this site be the one i've spent, BY FAR, the most $$ on i'd prolly cry...
[quote4cca4fde2d="swbball28"]just got the tv, it's a refurb 42PF9966/37B
would've preferred the check...[/quote4cca4fde2d]
Did you have to send in the updated information to Trish?
10-04-2006 11:06:34
i just connected the TV and WOW, it looks AMAZING!!!
my refurb looks brand new, no scratches anywhere, I put HD ESPN and it looked better in the plasma than my Sony 30" Widescreen HDTV. Non-HD channels also look better in this TV rather than my old HDTV.
Im heading off to the gym right now, but I will take some pictures of it later. Does anyone have or know where to get those DVD's (for free) that set up the brightness/contrast of the Plasmas to it's best potential?
10-04-2006 12:02:25
when was your form processed? i know the other guy said the 20th (i think) and that he didn't need to give extra info but his ref did. which mean i should expect my tv in a week or so.
10-04-2006 16:40:37
i was processed on march 1.
10-04-2006 17:04:55
pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics D
I can't believe no one has posted pictures yet o
10-04-2006 18:07:58
Here are some pics

http//[" alt=""/img8187b7df07]
[img="8187b7df07]http//[" alt=""/img8187b7df07]
[img="8187b7df07]http//[" alt=""/img8187b7df07]
10-04-2006 18:20:03
10-04-2006 18:40:39
thanks alot for posting, looks nice. Do you know if it has a built in tuner?
10-04-2006 18:46:50
Well they got my flagged paperwork Friday at 8 something in the morning but I havent heard nothing. I emailed today but got no reply back. How long after you were flagged did you hear if you were approved and all was well. Thanks for the help.
10-04-2006 18:59:11
10-04-2006 19:21:27
[quote4db12c07a7="swbball28"]i was processed on march 1.[/quote4db12c07a7]
the first? that's strange cause that other dude was processed on the 20th.
you did get an lcd like you picked didn't you? cause that model number only brings up plasmas when i search and i notice in your pics it's really reflective, and my lcd monitor at least isn't reflective at all.
the tv picture looks great tho even at that small size.
i wonder tho, if it's an older model, what the response time on it is. do you know?
10-04-2006 19:45:16
A friend of mine signed up for this site with one email address and then decided to use a different email address so signed up again (yeah, she's a newbie!). As long as she only uses one, will she be alright?
[quote7f129d64ff="TammyJoP"]Well they got my flagged paperwork Friday at 8 something in the morning but I havent heard nothing. I emailed today but got no reply back. How long after you were flagged did you hear if you were approved and all was well. Thanks for the help.[/quote7f129d64ff]
She got mine over a week ago. Have yet to hear anything. I don't want to email because I'm afraid shock I'll just wait to see if magically one day I get a check or TV.
10-04-2006 20:06:27
10-04-2006 20:19:24
hadn't you said you picked lcd tho?
10-04-2006 20:32:40
yea i picked lcd, but they sent a plasma
10-04-2006 20:42:21
hmm, strange, considering their pitch was "plasma VS lcd". wonder if it was a mistake or if they just send whatever they feel like sending...
10-04-2006 21:40:20
Could one of you hook a gaming system to the tv and see if there is any lag. It does not show a refresh rate and that has got me nervous. Congrats and thanks for taking the time to take pics. The picture looks pretty good from the photos. Are you running digital cable or satellite? You said that even with a non-hd feed it still has a good picture? Sorry for all the questions and thanks again for your time. I am anxiously awaiting either a tv or check, I picked the LCD so it will be the tv I guess.
10-04-2006 22:39:05
Nice looking TV...
11-04-2006 04:52:25
[quote355227c4bf="uncpanther"]Could one of you hook a gaming system to the tv and see if there is any lag. It does not show a refresh rate and that has got me nervous. [/quote355227c4bf]
Pixel response (what you're actually asking for, not refresh rate) is pretty much guaranteed to be better on plasma than LCD. The best LCD TV's I've seen have 8ms response, while plasmas are typically 4ms or less.
11-04-2006 06:38:23
I played my XBOX360 and it looks great, and I think it looks better than on my Sony 30" Widescreen CRT, since this is a 42". That was ESPN HD on the pics. I have digital cable with HD channels.
11-04-2006 11:29:29
is there a conga going for this? can i sign up under anyone? thanks.
11-04-2006 11:46:52
the offers went up for this right? They also are 2 now?
11-04-2006 15:45:25
Yes there's a Conga for this. The 1st post in this thread has a link to PM someone who needs a ref. Please PM them before signing up at this site.
Also, this site does now require you and your referrals to do 10 offers each and refer 2 people.
11-04-2006 16:22:17
mmm 10 offers and 2 refs thats a little much. well not really, but other people will think it is. i'm having enough trouble trying to get 1 ref for
12-04-2006 10:50:52
anyone know of a good product to clean the screen that will not damage it?
12-04-2006 10:55:29
Anyone know whats goin on with this site more like it.... Some people aren't able to log in and others aren't able to get referrals to show up on there page... U think for anyone experiencing problems its just like a site got sick of sending crap so now were basically screwed?
12-04-2006 11:35:00
[quoted5494a3e93="swbball28"]anyone know of a good product to clean the screen that will not damage it?[/quoted5494a3e93]
They make LCD screen cleaner. You can buy LCD cleaning wipes or the spray at any office supply store. You can make your own with a solution of water and rubbing alcohol.
12-04-2006 12:01:03
[quote29875e7803="swbball28"]anyone know of a good product to clean the screen that will not damage it?[/quote29875e7803]
Don't buy it, just make your own. 1 part water and 1 part isopropyl alcohol (usually comes as 90%) is about what you want. No more than 50% alcohol. If you went and bought "special LCD cleaning solution" that's probably all it would be.
Or just use a damp (not wet) soft cloth with just water.
If it's just dust, a used dryer sheet works well because dust clings to it.
12-04-2006 12:08:55
Noooo!!! Avoid using any chemicals on your screen, including alcohol. And the rubbing alcohol you buy in the store is only 70% isopropyl -- and it contains skin moisturizers that leave a white film behind, so I recommend you definitely not do that. Nearly all specialized LCD cleaners contain no alcohol at all, but if you look in your TV's documentation, most tell you not to use ANYTHING besides a damp cloth.
I strongly suggest just the damp cloth when "wet" cleaning is required, which should be rare (you're not touching your screen, are you???). For daily/weekly dusting, I suggest a dry micro-cloth or, better yet, get those Swiffer Duster things. I use the Swiffer on my 60" SXRD and they work great, the dust just jumps off and sticks to the thing. If you don't keep the micro-cloth perfectly clean, it can collect particles and scratch the plastic over the screen when you rub it. The duster is much safer. If you keep it dusted regularly and don't touch the screen with your hands, then you won't build up any grime that requires wet cleaning.
12-04-2006 14:40:15
thanks for the help dmorris68
+karma to you
Soooo no one who had to send paperwork into Trish has heard anything?
12-04-2006 17:39:40
No, not a fucking word. cry
12-04-2006 19:13:58
Miles finally got an answer saying they'd received this. Nothing more about it tho.
12-04-2006 21:52:03
a few people really hassled trish until she said that they received the documents. When she replied it just said "we have received your documents"
12-04-2006 22:55:20
I asked Trish and received no reply, but I know they got them because someone signed for them. I think I'll ask her again actually.
13-04-2006 01:30:35
i got a bad feeling.......even though im legit.....they are gonna pull a prizepoll i feel it!
13-04-2006 07:07:42
Sending out a handful of gifts/checks to get people to signing up again and then stopping is textbook ponzi.
13-04-2006 09:12:00
Yeah I'm thinking I'm fucked also, even though I did everything legit and gave them more than what they asked for. cry
Yeah, I'm not counting on getting anything.
13-04-2006 10:49:10
people, it hasn't been 6 to 8 weeks for anyone i don't think. so just chill out and wait a bit longer.
it is strange tho that someone processed on the 20th got their tv and people from long before that haven't. that guy even said his ref was flagged too. [i'm forgetting his name]
13-04-2006 10:52:15
I'm at the 6 week mark now, Gigante is past it I believe.
13-04-2006 11:39:48
I'm at about 4 weeks. They might send stuff out in bulk so the next round of checks or TVs could be coming soon shrug
13-04-2006 11:43:12
when i got my check i wasnt even at the 6 week mark so im sure you are fine
13-04-2006 11:51:16
anyone need a ref? i have someone looking for one on another forum, but I dont need it. 1st to post i will pass it along
13-04-2006 11:54:38
Well they confirmed receipt of my paperwork after being flagged and said they were "reviewing" them.
My ref was not flagged ...
And I really don't expect anything --
13-04-2006 11:57:30
Why are you guys so down? I expect something shrug
13-04-2006 12:01:23
Patience, grasshoppers. ;)
13-04-2006 12:59:31
I'm hopeful.
13-04-2006 17:09:17
[quotea1e43f18a7="MiamiTJ"]Well they confirmed receipt of my paperwork after being flagged and said they were "reviewing" them.
My ref was not flagged ...
And I really don't expect anything --[/quotea1e43f18a7]
Same here they finally wrote back and said they were reviewing my paper work.
Also my referal wasnt flagged.
But no word on anything else.
13-04-2006 22:22:38
So It is saying my account expired I was waiting on my offers to go green I had 7 of 8 offers green and was just waiting on RealONE super pass to go green which I thought would happen after the 14 day trial and my referral to approve. am I SOL or can i do anything? At this point I would take the fifty$ GC because I actually had eight offers green just did too many in the second tier.
13-04-2006 22:51:23
[quote605df1f084="notoriusd"]So It is saying my account expired I was waiting on my offers to go green I had 7 of 8 offers green and was just waiting on RealONE super pass to go green which I thought would happen after the 14 day trial and my referral to approve. am I SOL or can i do anything? At this point I would take the fifty$ GC because I actually had eight offers green just did too many in the second tier.[/quote605df1f084]
i dont think real went green for anyone. people posted a lot of times and i never read about real going green for anyone.
13-04-2006 22:52:49
better do another offer
13-04-2006 23:43:28
Can I do another offer if it says my account is expired? I can get in to the offers part but not the part to check the status
14-04-2006 08:38:25
has anyone gotten credit for
Ultima Patch
Passport To Fun
Today's Escape
Dental Plus
I am trying to plan a strategy for getmyfreeplasmatv and want to do offers that credit
14-04-2006 09:12:57
[quotee278cba99b="chewy"]has anyone gotten credit for
Ultima Patch
Passport To Fun
Today's Escape
Dental Plus
I am trying to plan a strategy for getmyfreeplasmatv and want to do offers that credit
dental doesent credit
beautelisse creds good
ultima creds good
entertainment is suppose to cred good i never didi it tho
iono about the rest man.
14-04-2006 09:18:34
14-04-2006 09:35:33
thanks mr black. any more opinions would be appreciated
14-04-2006 09:40:00
do you need a w-9 for this site?
14-04-2006 09:40:32
16-04-2006 18:20:42
I did Medlife plus and it went green next day as my last offer, I don't know if that's the same as dental plus
16-04-2006 20:01:15
DIdn't RichChud say he's outa this site?? If so possible to move up next in line...I believe thats me??
17-04-2006 04:56:19
w00t! My ref finally came through and I just went approved this morning. Now here's hoping the e-mail shows up in 24 hours, but if not I'm sure somebody here can hook me up. ;)
17-04-2006 06:37:14
I have a bit of an issue. I started the new getmyfreeplasmatv ideal site today...will finish 8-9 out of 6 offers this afternoon. I heard that it takes about 2 months to get the prize. Is this still true (didnt see too many timelines in this thread)? If so, are they sending checks out or the plasmas?
The issue is that I will be out of the country traveling for the month of June. Meaning two months from now (June 17th), I will not be able to receive calls from the shipping company if the plasma is shipped. Anyone know if a relative is allowed to sign for such a large item as well?
17-04-2006 19:02:09
they finally recieved my certificate. now hopefully they will ship soon.
So how long does it take for them to review the papers lol.
17-04-2006 19:09:09
[quote435887eb29="UAO"]So how long does it take for them to review the papers lol.[/quote435887eb29]
for other people they have taken longer but i shipped them wednesday last week and they got it today at 8 am (after being forwarded) and i was approved by 5 pm.
17-04-2006 20:57:59
[quote5eea2dce80="zbalz"]I have a bit of an issue. I started the new getmyfreeplasmatv ideal site today...will finish 8-9 out of 6 offers this afternoon. I heard that it takes about 2 months to get the prize. Is this still true (didnt see too many timelines in this thread)? If so, are they sending checks out or the plasmas?
The issue is that I will be out of the country traveling for the month of June. Meaning two months from now (June 17th), I will not be able to receive calls from the shipping company if the plasma is shipped. Anyone know if a relative is allowed to sign for such a large item as well?[/quote5eea2dce80]
I'm sure that wouldn't be a problem. Just get your relative to tell the shipping company that you gave permission for them to sign for it. Before you go, record a video saying you give your consent and when they deliver it, get your relative to sit them down with a nice cup of tea and watch your short film.
18-04-2006 04:55:19
[quote6cd781534c="dmorris68"]w00t! My ref finally came through and I just went approved this morning. Now here's hoping the e-mail shows up in 24 hours, but if not I'm sure somebody here can hook me up. ;)[/quote6cd781534c]
Got my redemption e-mail this morning, right on time at 4am. ) I'll be sending these off tomorrow via Priority Mail with Delivery Confirmation.
18-04-2006 06:42:06
[quotecc2a3e55d5="afro_wolff"]DIdn't RichChud say he's outa this site?? If so possible to move up next in line...I believe thats me??[/quotecc2a3e55d5]
I did mention it once or twice that I was done for with with this site.
18-04-2006 07:35:02
Alright...Well if anyone wants to sign up just shoot me a PM...doesn't look like the conga is gonna get updated. Thanx
18-04-2006 11:44:07
Sorry, my bad.
I updated it and added you afro.
18-04-2006 13:41:11
What happened with this site when the requirements were changed? Did the old accounts with the 1 referral requirements get "locked in" or did they have to get 2 referrals after the change was made? I ask because the same thing is happening with redtopsavings.
18-04-2006 14:11:40
[quotec95c1d3f71="ajrock2000"]What happened with this site when the requirements were changed? Did the old accounts with the 1 referral requirements get "locked in" or did they have to get 2 referrals after the change was made? I ask because the same thing is happening with redtopsavings.[/quotec95c1d3f71]
As I posted on the RedTop thread, they grandfather you in at the requirements in place at the time you signed up. I was just approved and issued the cert this morning at 8+1, my referral had to do 10+1, and his referral will have to do 10+2. So once you're in, your requirements shouldn't change.
18-04-2006 14:14:07
[quote3df4928745="dmorris68"][quote3df4928745="ajrock2000"]What happened with this site when the requirements were changed? Did the old accounts with the 1 referral requirements get "locked in" or did they have to get 2 referrals after the change was made? I ask because the same thing is happening with redtopsavings.[/quote3df4928745]
As I posted on the RedTop thread, they grandfather you in at the requirements in place at the time you signed up. I was just approved and issued the cert this morning at 8+1, my referral had to do 10+1, and his referral will have to do 10+2. So once you're in, your requirements shouldn't change.[/quote3df4928745]
Awesome, thank you for the informative reply.
18-04-2006 15:42:10
Yeah, that's great to know, +kma to you.
18-04-2006 16:00:39
+kma to everyone
18-04-2006 16:49:27
+karma to ALL!
19-04-2006 07:57:46
Can anyone else please pursuade themselves to become interested in this site...Haha...I need 1 more ref and was hop'n to get it from the conga...Please please please
19-04-2006 20:58:23
Anyone heard anything yet? There must be some who are at their 6 to 8 weeks. I am at 3 weeks 1 day now.
19-04-2006 21:02:16
yea i want my check, i sent an email response today from their site. not an automated response, maybe ill get a real one.
19-04-2006 21:12:00
[quotebd1a0d962b="TammyJoP"]Anyone heard anything yet? There must be some who are at their 6 to 8 weeks. I am at 3 weeks 1 day now.[/quotebd1a0d962b]
You mean in addition to the several folks who got checks and TV's already? ;)
19-04-2006 21:14:19
[quotebf1d4425fa="dmorris68"][quotebf1d4425fa="TammyJoP"]Anyone heard anything yet? There must be some who are at their 6 to 8 weeks. I am at 3 weeks 1 day now.[/quotebf1d4425fa]
You mean in addition to the several folks who got checks and TV's already? ;)[/quotebf1d4425fa]
Ya but none of them were flagged (I dont think anyways) But Just wondering if anyone has heard or gotten anything I cant wait for my tv/check to come lol
20-04-2006 19:45:06
ok ideal is partly startin to scare/ piss me off b/c i havent heard anything, and no one else has.....i mean, i hope they didnt run off.
20-04-2006 20:57:01
[quote9941d8e046="kdollar"]ok ideal is partly startin to scare/ piss me off b/c i havent heard anything, and no one else has.....i mean, i hope they didnt run off.[/quote9941d8e046]
Well they seem to be right on top of raising offer requirements. So [i9941d8e046]someone[/i9941d8e046] is there. wink
20-04-2006 22:11:01
[quotec3c2a6f08b="ajrock2000"][quotec3c2a6f08b="kdollar"]ok ideal is partly startin to scare/ piss me off b/c i havent heard anything, and no one else has.....i mean, i hope they didnt run off.[/quotec3c2a6f08b]
Well they seem to be right on top of raising offer requirements. So [ic3c2a6f08b]someone[/ic3c2a6f08b] is there. wink[/quotec3c2a6f08b]
yeah thats true, it seems like if they were gonna run off with the money they wouldn't bother raising requirements
20-04-2006 22:20:48
[quote16281e636e="ajrock2000"][quote16281e636e="kdollar"]ok ideal is partly startin to scare/ piss me off b/c i havent heard anything, and no one else has.....i mean, i hope they didnt run off.[/quote16281e636e]
Well they seem to be right on top of raising offer requirements. So [i16281e636e]someone[/i16281e636e] is there. wink[/quote16281e636e]
ur playin right into their hands, suckering more refs and offers for more money before the run!
21-04-2006 04:30:07
has anyone done inkblvd and gotten credit with i-deal?
21-04-2006 05:25:32
[quote4d49fc3fef="chewy"]has anyone done inkblvd and gotten credit with i-deal?[/quote4d49fc3fef]
Yes, it has been known to credit, as well as the other INK deal "2SaveOnInkJet"
21-04-2006 05:39:27
[quote989e5a8d4e="shaggz"][quote989e5a8d4e="chewy"]has anyone done inkblvd and gotten credit with i-deal?[/quote989e5a8d4e]
Yes, it has been known to credit, as well as the other INK deal "2SaveOnInkJet"[/quote989e5a8d4e]
[quote781219ebc9="kdollar"][quote781219ebc9="ajrock2000"][quote781219ebc9="kdollar"]ok ideal is partly startin to scare/ piss me off b/c i havent heard anything, and no one else has.....i mean, i hope they didnt run off.[/quote781219ebc9]
Well they seem to be right on top of raising offer requirements. So [i781219ebc9]someone[/i781219ebc9] is there. wink[/quote781219ebc9]
ur playin right into their hands, suckering more refs and offers for more money before the run![/quote781219ebc9]
No one else is going to recieve anything. If they didn't run by now, expect it soon.
21-04-2006 08:02:29
Can anybody help me?
I've had problems with the site, in that I can't access the Check Gift Status page but I can access the offers page where it says "a tv reserved for e-mail here" type deal.....I have no idea whats going on and I made a thread a while back in the help section...Wolfeman lead me to believe it would get better attention here....
Does anybody know how to contact these people...I sent out at least 10 e-mails now and response what-so-ever....Please somebody help me out...
If you need more info please ask or go to my original thread in the help section...Thanks and +kma to anyone who can help me figure this dilemma out....
21-04-2006 08:12:17
[quote3a127e7c0c="AbSoLuT_xXxEr0"]Can anybody help me?
I've had problems with the site, in that I can't access the Check Gift Status page but I can access the offers page where it says "a tv reserved for e-mail here" type deal.....I have no idea whats going on and I made a thread a while back in the help section...Wolfeman lead me to believe it would get better attention here....
Does anybody know how to contact these people...I sent out at least 10 e-mails now and response what-so-ever....Please somebody help me out...
If you need more info please ask or go to my original thread in the help section...Thanks and +kma to anyone who can help me figure this dilemma out....
That's weird, you can get to the offers page but not gift status? There should be a link at the bottom of the offers pages that says "Check Gift Status."
Try this link http//
Putting your email at the end.
To contact them, try She always replied to me within a day. Good luck!
21-04-2006 08:31:58
Thnaks for the e-mail, now I have an e-mail and a number, I've got a good feeling about this one again D
Now I found out that the number I had was NuiTech and won't work for this site...O well, if anyone can find a number for this site I'll give you kma for a year....
21-04-2006 09:34:22
i can check my gift status. i have already gotten my check
21-04-2006 09:57:28
Well if I read the post right no one has gotten anything in 11 days (april 10th being the last I see) and no one has heard from the company in days either. I am crossing fingers. But getting nervous. And this is my first freebie site I finished. cry
22-04-2006 09:46:00
[quote6485f7565d="AbSoLuT_xXxEr0"]Thnaks for the e-mail, now I have an e-mail and a number, I've got a good feeling about this one again D
Now I found out that the number I had was NuiTech and won't work for this site...O well, if anyone can find a number for this site I'll give you kma for a year....[/quote6485f7565d]
TEL 312-593-8548 | 888-711-7334
FAX 312-873-3992
They don't answer the phone though, so good luck... Your best bet is to email Molly. I dunno if things have changed, but she used to be very helpful and answered all my questions.
22-04-2006 10:10:54
[quotea4e266c6bf="kevxross"][quotea4e266c6bf="AbSoLuT_xXxEr0"]Thnaks for the e-mail, now I have an e-mail and a number, I've got a good feeling about this one again D
Now I found out that the number I had was NuiTech and won't work for this site...O well, if anyone can find a number for this site I'll give you kma for a year....[/quotea4e266c6bf]
TEL 312-593-8548 | 888-711-7334
FAX 312-873-3992
They don't answer the phone though, so good luck... Your best bet is to email Molly. I dunno if things have changed, but she used to be very helpful and answered all my questions.[/quotea4e266c6bf]
"used" being the keyword, that woman answered everything....within an hr, now she is sippin pina coladas in aruba.
22-04-2006 10:45:34
[quoteb89b73b8f0="kdollar"][quoteb89b73b8f0="kevxross"][quoteb89b73b8f0="AbSoLuT_xXxEr0"]Thnaks for the e-mail, now I have an e-mail and a number, I've got a good feeling about this one again D
Now I found out that the number I had was NuiTech and won't work for this site...O well, if anyone can find a number for this site I'll give you kma for a year....[/quoteb89b73b8f0]
TEL 312-593-8548 | 888-711-7334
FAX 312-873-3992
They don't answer the phone though, so good luck... Your best bet is to email Molly. I dunno if things have changed, but she used to be very helpful and answered all my questions.[/quoteb89b73b8f0]
"used" being the keyword, that woman answered everything....within an hr, now she is sippin pina coladas in aruba.[/quoteb89b73b8f0]
Within an hr??
I e-mailed her about 36 hrs ago and nothing yet shrug ....I guess I'll try the number a few thousand times...
22-04-2006 12:06:04
btw, Molly isn't there anymore, it's Trish now. i haven't emailed since Molly left, but she would usually answer my emails within about two business days. i think sometimes one day.
22-04-2006 13:06:12
[quoteb6fb58ad64="gnznroses"]btw, Molly isn't there anymore, it's Trish now. i haven't emailed since Molly left, but she would usually answer my emails within about two business days. i think sometimes one day.[/quoteb6fb58ad64]
Does anybody know if there is another e-mail address I can try then because the phone numbers didn't work and I don't think Im going to get a response through the last e-mail I sent out...
22-04-2006 13:49:44
Have you tried e-mailing Trish? Back when Bullseye took over this site and she was e-mailing people the people who were flagged for validation, she was responding within minutes usually. She and I carried on an e-mail conversation for like 2-3 days, probably a dozen messages, and she was very nice and quick to reply. Maybe she got overloaded after that and stopped answering every one.
22-04-2006 14:05:05
[quote9e9bf11c80="dmorris68"]Have you tried e-mailing Trish? Back when Bullseye took over this site and she was e-mailing people the people who were flagged for validation, she was responding within minutes usually. She and I carried on an e-mail conversation for like 2-3 days, probably a dozen messages, and she was very nice and quick to reply. Maybe she got overloaded after that and stopped answering every one.[/quote9e9bf11c80]
Is it the same as Molly's e-mail...Could you provide one for me because I can't find her e-mail anywheres ? ...
22-04-2006 15:06:37
No it's not the same as Molly's. Molly was the pre-Bullseye contact. After Bullseye took over, I don't think anybody heard from Molly again, it's Trish now. Check you PM's...
22-04-2006 15:57:00
[quote0041e2fd66="dmorris68"]No it's not the same as Molly's. Molly was the pre-Bullseye contact. After Bullseye took over, I don't think anybody heard from Molly again, it's Trish now. Check you PM's...[/quote0041e2fd66]
Thanks man, +KMA P
24-04-2006 05:38:32
Man, I just checked my status, and now below the offers its just blank. It doesn't say when my link was sent to my e-mail or anything. Anyone else have this issue?
24-04-2006 05:59:24
[quotee970a23b17="jinhamasaki"]Man, I just checked my status, and now below the offers its just blank. It doesn't say when my link was sent to my e-mail or anything. Anyone else have this issue?[/quotee970a23b17]
Strange, mine still shows everything. All offers pending and approved, and all refs. I received my e-mail and sent my certs out last week. Not sure what your deals is -- were you complete and waiting on the final approval e-mail?
24-04-2006 06:19:34
[quote57c6ff3a37="dmorris68"]No it's not the same as Molly's. Molly was the pre-Bullseye contact. After Bullseye took over, I don't think anybody heard from Molly again, it's Trish now. Check you PM's...[/quote57c6ff3a37]
Has anyone ever heard from Trish about the Rolex site, or just the Plasma site?
24-04-2006 06:26:35
[quote298349d8f5="doylnea"][quote298349d8f5="dmorris68"]No it's not the same as Molly's. Molly was the pre-Bullseye contact. After Bullseye took over, I don't think anybody heard from Molly again, it's Trish now. Check you PM's...[/quote298349d8f5]
Has anyone ever heard from Trish about the Rolex site, or just the Plasma site?[/quote298349d8f5]
Just this CSC Plasma site, AFAIK. I don't think Bullseye Media took over all of I-Deal's sites because most of the other I-Deal still list the old Carlisle, PA address, while CSC now lists Bullseye at the PO Box 92, Millersburg, PA address at the bottom of the T&C.
24-04-2006 07:18:15
[quotea656ff78a4="shaggz"][quotea656ff78a4="chewy"]has anyone done inkblvd and gotten credit with i-deal?[/quotea656ff78a4]
Yes, it has been known to credit, as well as the other INK deal "2SaveOnInkJet"[/quotea656ff78a4]
is there a minimum order amount on 2saveoninkjet? i know inkblvd is $30
24-04-2006 07:35:07
[quote747be42e2b="dmorris68"][quote747be42e2b="doylnea"][quote747be42e2b="dmorris68"]No it's not the same as Molly's. Molly was the pre-Bullseye contact. After Bullseye took over, I don't think anybody heard from Molly again, it's Trish now. Check you PM's...[/quote747be42e2b]
Has anyone ever heard from Trish about the Rolex site, or just the Plasma site?[/quote747be42e2b]
Just this CSC Plasma site, AFAIK. I don't think Bullseye Media took over all of I-Deal's sites because most of the other I-Deal still list the old Carlisle, PA address, while CSC now lists Bullseye at the PO Box 92, Millersburg, PA address at the bottom of the T&C.[/quote747be42e2b]
Thanks, that's good to know.
24-04-2006 07:36:17
i just got a response back from molly after 5 minutes
24-04-2006 07:39:10
[quote27195c397c="chewy"]i just got a response back from molly after 5 minutes[/quote27195c397c]
And was it a positive respone?
Good to know she's still around, then. Can't have too many contacts here.
24-04-2006 07:44:15
i was actually just checking for but i was just seeing if I could get a response back and I did. i just asked if they give manual credit, and she said no.
24-04-2006 09:35:45
For those of you who received your confirmation emails, what did the subject line say and how long did it take you to get it once you clicked on the link in the gift status page? I finally got everything approved and I'm afraid I'm going to miss the email among all the spam!
24-04-2006 11:42:56
[quote3583784bca="WEBDIZZY"]For those of you who received your confirmation emails, what did the subject line say and how long did it take you to get it once you clicked on the link in the gift status page? I finally got everything approved and I'm afraid I'm going to miss the email among all the spam![/quote3583784bca]
You don't click anything to get the approval e-mail -- it automatically comes at 4am the morning after your account goes approved (when both you and your referral(s) have been approved for all offers). The subject line says "Redeem Your Television" and is from [b3583784bca]Television Redemption Center <>[/b3583784bca]. I use Gmail and had already added that address to my address book, which prevented it from going to the spam folder. Got it right on time.
[quoted4e7073304="WEBDIZZY"]For those of you who received your confirmation emails, what did the subject line say and how long did it take you to get it once you clicked on the link in the gift status page? I finally got everything approved and I'm afraid I'm going to miss the email among all the spam![/quoted4e7073304]
If you dont get it, let me know. There's a way to get it manually.
24-04-2006 14:24:06
[quote6f7d107fc1="dmorris68"][quote6f7d107fc1="jinhamasaki"]Man, I just checked my status, and now below the offers its just blank. It doesn't say when my link was sent to my e-mail or anything. Anyone else have this issue?[/quote6f7d107fc1]
Strange, mine still shows everything. All offers pending and approved, and all refs. I received my e-mail and sent my certs out last week. Not sure what your deals is -- were you complete and waiting on the final approval e-mail?[/quote6f7d107fc1]
Yeah, I was just waiting for the final approval e-mail. shock
25-04-2006 06:08:28
[quotef6af84c0c6="UAO"][quotef6af84c0c6="WEBDIZZY"]For those of you who received your confirmation emails, what did the subject line say and how long did it take you to get it once you clicked on the link in the gift status page? I finally got everything approved and I'm afraid I'm going to miss the email among all the spam![/quotef6af84c0c6]
If you dont get it, let me know. There's a way to get it manually.[/quotef6af84c0c6]
If there is a way to get it manually..why not post it here and make the info public?
25-04-2006 06:31:35
Can anyone give me molly's e-mail? Thanks
25-04-2006 06:34:40
25-04-2006 06:36:05
[quote053b678e83="chewy"][quote053b678e83="shaggz"][quote053b678e83="chewy"]has anyone done inkblvd and gotten credit with i-deal?[/quote053b678e83]
Yes, it has been known to credit, as well as the other INK deal "2SaveOnInkJet"[/quote053b678e83]
is there a minimum order amount on 2saveoninkjet? i know inkblvd is $30[/quote053b678e83]
25-04-2006 07:14:24
[quote04ae8d5067]is there a minimum order amount on 2saveoninkjet? i know inkblvd is $30.[/quote04ae8d5067]
Yes, 2saveoninkjet does have a $30 minimum order requirement.
Re my previous post -- I did get my redemption certificate and mailed it out this a.m. Does anyone know what has been the length of wait time for delivery?
[quotee026738220="WEBDIZZY"][quotee026738220]is there a minimum order amount on 2saveoninkjet? i know inkblvd is $30.[/quotee026738220]
Yes, 2saveoninkjet does have a $30 minimum order requirement.
Re my previous post -- I did get my redemption certificate and mailed it out this a.m. Does anyone know what has been the length of wait time for delivery?[/quotee026738220]
Well if you would read the thread, you would see that most likely no one is going to get anything else.
25-04-2006 11:26:20
[quote9336e703b5="zbalz"][quote9336e703b5="UAO"][quote9336e703b5="WEBDIZZY"]For those of you who received your confirmation emails, what did the subject line say and how long did it take you to get it once you clicked on the link in the gift status page? I finally got everything approved and I'm afraid I'm going to miss the email among all the spam![/quote9336e703b5]
If you dont get it, let me know. There's a way to get it manually.[/quote9336e703b5]
If there is a way to get it manually..why not post it here and make the info public?[/quote9336e703b5]
If it's made public, then you get idiots who will just try entering their info to see if they get the Plasma without doing any of the work. If anyone posts this info/link they will be banned.
[quote9336e703b5="UAO"][quote9336e703b5="WEBDIZZY"][quote9336e703b5]is there a minimum order amount on 2saveoninkjet? i know inkblvd is $30.[/quote9336e703b5]
Yes, 2saveoninkjet does have a $30 minimum order requirement.
Re my previous post -- I did get my redemption certificate and mailed it out this a.m. Does anyone know what has been the length of wait time for delivery?[/quote9336e703b5]
Well if you would read the thread, you would see that most likely no one is going to get anything else.[/quote9336e703b5]
On April 28th I'll be at my 8 week mark. I haven't heard anything form them, no calls from some obscure shipping company regarding my TV, no e-mails from Trish or Molly, my status page is still exactly the same (approved) after sending in the extra info they requested and I've had no cheques in the mail.
As far as I'm concerned I'm not getting shit. I'll just chalk them up as another scam site to stay away from.
25-04-2006 11:33:01
[quote298ae03a4b="chewy"]i just got a response back from molly after 5 minutes[/quote298ae03a4b]
OMFG, these plp are up to something then, because I e-mailed all three of the damn e-mail addresses and I can't get a single response from anyone....
On April 28th I'll be at my 8 week mark. I haven't heard anything form them, no calls from some obscure shipping company regarding my TV, no e-mails from Trish or Molly, my status page is still exactly the same (approved) after sending in the extra info they requested and I've had no cheques in the mail.
As far as I'm concerned I'm not getting shit. I'll just chalk them up as another scam site to stay away from.[/quoteb92f2731e1]
I'm just suprised how many people are sitll doing these sites and thinking they will get something. I wish I could reach across their monitor and smack the shit out of them for being so thick headed.
25-04-2006 14:19:50
On April 28th I'll be at my 8 week mark. I haven't heard anything form them, no calls from some obscure shipping company regarding my TV, no e-mails from Trish or Molly, my status page is still exactly the same (approved) after sending in the extra info they requested and I've had no cheques in the mail.
As far as I'm concerned I'm not getting shit. I'll just chalk them up as another scam site to stay away from.[/quoted46b077a5c]
I'm just suprised how many people are sitll doing these sites and thinking they will get something. I wish I could reach across their monitor and smack the shit out of them for being so thick headed.[/quoted46b077a5c]
Why the cynicism? I've not heard of anybody getting scammed by I-Deal yet. Other than icojones, who threatened to sue even though he was DQ'd for admitted T&C violation.
They paid out on their tractor site. They paid out on their Rolex site. They've paid out on this site. Most of these sites ship in cycles, they don't ship every day. They just sent a big batch of TV's and checks out a couple weeks ago. Hell, look at Freepay and how infrequently they've been shipping lately. It wouldn't surprise me if I-Deal ships in 2-4 week cycles. They're updating their sites and bumping requirements up, as many sites do as they pay out more and more freebies. If they wanted to cut & run, they'd have done so a long time ago. They respond to e-mails (much of the time, I have an e-mail thread 14 messages long with Trish) and they went to a lot of trouble here to validate a lot of members. And I got an e-mail confirmation that they had validated my account and everything was fine.
So give it time, or don't, but there's no need to go around insulting the other users just because they aren't moving fast enough to suit you. DIY is a waiting game. Everybody knows that. What you're doing is tantamount to thread crapping, which is a no-no here.
25-04-2006 14:34:34
Well said, dmorris. Kudos to you!
I also am guessing that they ship gifts out in batches, which is probably why all of a sudden several people got theirs, and then the receiving stopped. These sites are obviously still functioning and the companies that run them are obvsiouly still in business.
The way I look at it, a $2000 TV is a pretty good RIO (return on investment) if we finally do get the TV/check, and if we dont, we haven't lost much. We've become such an "I want it now" society that many people don't have the patience to wait for anything, not even for a $2000 TV that costs them peanuts!
I, for one, choose to be positive, even if the last laugh will be on me! It's a healthier outlook on life in general!
+Karma to dmorris!
25-04-2006 14:35:25
On April 28th I'll be at my 8 week mark. I haven't heard anything form them, no calls from some obscure shipping company regarding my TV, no e-mails from Trish or Molly, my status page is still exactly the same (approved) after sending in the extra info they requested and I've had no cheques in the mail.
As far as I'm concerned I'm not getting shit. I'll just chalk them up as another scam site to stay away from.[/quote09e62b7c85]
I'm just suprised how many people are sitll doing these sites and thinking they will get something. I wish I could reach across their monitor and smack the shit out of them for being so thick headed.[/quote09e62b7c85]
The $4900 dollars in checks that i got from this company a few weeks ago would disagree with you. If you don't have any interest in it, go elsewhere.
25-04-2006 14:37:33
[quote563ef73b6c="WEBDIZZY"]Well said, dmorris. Kudos to you!
I also am guessing that they ship gifts out in batches, which is probably why all of a sudden several people got theirs, and then the receiving stopped. These sites are obviously still functioning and the companies that run them are obvsiouly still in business.
The way I look at it, a $2000 TV is a pretty good RIO (return on investment) if we finally do get the TV/check, and if we dont, we haven't lost much. We've become such an "I want it now" society that many people don't have the patience to wait for anything, not even for a $2000 TV that costs them peanuts!
I, for one, choose to be positive, even if the last laugh will be on me! It's a healthier outlook on life in general![/quote563ef73b6c]
I agree 100%. +karma
25-04-2006 14:39:50
WOW! My first Karma point! Thanks!
And I just gave one for the first time! )
25-04-2006 15:02:50
BTW, I just now received the e-mail confirming receipt of my Redemption Certificate, and promising shipment in 6-8 weeks.
25-04-2006 15:05:38
[quotefe2696a32c="dmorris68"]BTW, I just now received the e-mail confirming receipt of my Redemption Certificate, and promising shipment in 6-8 weeks.[/quotefe2696a32c]
Awesome! 8)
25-04-2006 15:10:00
I too still have an ounce of optimism in me, but it's the fact that I've heard nothing for 4 weeks now from Trish even though I've tried numerous times to get in touch with her, even asking simple questions, nothing taxing.
I was approved before some of the people who already got their cheque/TV so that's also what has me doubtful.
If I get it I'll be ecstatic and I may even pee on someone elses ferrett but if not then I'll pee on my own and I only lost a few bucks. shrug
25-04-2006 15:11:30
[quote3c4ef894e5="theysayjump"]I too still have an ounce of optimism in me, but it's the fact that I've heard nothing for 4 weeks now from Trish even though I've tried numerous times to get in touch with her, even asking simple questions, nothing taxing.
I was approved before some of the people who already got their cheque/TV so that's also what has me doubtful.
If I get it I'll be ecstatic and I may even pee on someone elses ferrett but if not then I'll pee on my own and I only lost a few bucks. shrug[/quote3c4ef894e5]
not to start Mod-on-Mod action (which is not hot, despite what you've heard from FON and CG), but
^what he said^ (I'm in the same situation almost word for word with their Rolex site).
On April 28th I'll be at my 8 week mark. I haven't heard anything form them, no calls from some obscure shipping company regarding my TV, no e-mails from Trish or Molly, my status page is still exactly the same (approved) after sending in the extra info they requested and I've had no cheques in the mail.
As far as I'm concerned I'm not getting shit. I'll just chalk them up as another scam site to stay away from.[/quote67c1a28472]
I'm just suprised how many people are sitll doing these sites and thinking they will get something. I wish I could reach across their monitor and smack the shit out of them for being so thick headed.[/quote67c1a28472]
The $4900 dollars in checks that i got from this company a few weeks ago would disagree with you. If you don't have any interest in it, go elsewhere.[/quote67c1a28472]
Because you know all. You think you're the DIY god on OT, but you're not.
25-04-2006 15:32:24
On April 28th I'll be at my 8 week mark. I haven't heard anything form them, no calls from some obscure shipping company regarding my TV, no e-mails from Trish or Molly, my status page is still exactly the same (approved) after sending in the extra info they requested and I've had no cheques in the mail.
As far as I'm concerned I'm not getting shit. I'll just chalk them up as another scam site to stay away from.[/quote877fd5cb01]
I'm just suprised how many people are sitll doing these sites and thinking they will get something. I wish I could reach across their monitor and smack the shit out of them for being so thick headed.[/quote877fd5cb01]
The $4900 dollars in checks that i got from this company a few weeks ago would disagree with you. If you don't have any interest in it, go elsewhere.[/quote877fd5cb01]
Because you know all. You think you're the DIY god on OT, but you're not.[/quote877fd5cb01]
Well people have been paid. There CS does suck but its a little early to so calling them a scam...
25-04-2006 16:26:36
I agree with... all of you shock
I got my check, but I also decided not to get in on another i-Deal site; even when I had the opportunity for a 6 offer, 1 ref Plasma. I was on the fence for a while over it, but ultimately decided to cash in while I was ahead. They might keep shipping out $2000+ gifts forever... they might not. The fact is, [i5a1f373a0a]nobody[/i5a1f373a0a] knows for sure at this point, so [i5a1f373a0a]nobody[/i5a1f373a0a] should act like they do.
All you can do is wait and find out.
25-04-2006 18:37:05
[quotebf9ce42d7f="dmorris68"]BTW, I just now received the e-mail confirming receipt of my Redemption Certificate, and promising shipment in 6-8 weeks.[/quotebf9ce42d7f]
-When did you send it out?
-What was the e-mail they used to send you confirmation?
I haven't received any notice, and its been nearly 3 weeks. My status is now "blank" (! I'm getting worried.
25-04-2006 18:44:54
[quoteab6f7f49af="jinhamasaki"][quoteab6f7f49af="dmorris68"]BTW, I just now received the e-mail confirming receipt of my Redemption Certificate, and promising shipment in 6-8 weeks.[/quoteab6f7f49af]
-When did you send it out?
-What was the e-mail they used to send you confirmation?
I haven't received any notice, and its been nearly 3 weeks. My status is now "blank" (! I'm getting worried.[/quoteab6f7f49af]
You haven't received the e-mail and you've waited 3 weeks for it? Geez.
Do you know how much time you have left to send out the redemption certificates before your account expires? If you have a decent amount of time left (anything over 7 days) then I can help you out.
Your account expires 60 days after you sign up. Maybe that's why some people have had their status pages just go blank. shrug
25-04-2006 19:32:48
[quote48f8251354="jinhamasaki"][quote48f8251354="dmorris68"]BTW, I just now received the e-mail confirming receipt of my Redemption Certificate, and promising shipment in 6-8 weeks.[/quote48f8251354]
-When did you send it out?
-What was the e-mail they used to send you confirmation?
I haven't received any notice, and its been nearly 3 weeks. My status is now "blank" (! I'm getting worried.[/quote48f8251354]
Cert and W9 were mailed Priority Mail w/ Delivery Confirmation on 4/20, forwarded on 4/22, and received on 4/25. I then received the e-mail confirming receipt on 4/25, same day they received it. The e-mail was from the usual address
[quote48f8251354]To "XXXX XXXX" <XXXXX@XXXXX>
From TV Redemption Center <>
Subject Confirmation of redeemed certificate
Thank you for redeeming your certificate for TV! We have processed the certificate and will be shipping your free gift shortly. Please allow 6 to 8 weeks for your free gift to arrive.
Thank you,
Redemption Center[/quote48f8251354]
25-04-2006 19:35:50
And I also just noticed this at the bottom of my status page
[quote2b49bdb223] You have been approved by the sponsor(s). Your redemption certificate was processed on Apr 25 2006 417PM. Your free gift will be mailed out within 6 to 8 weeks of the processing date.
-- Thank you. [/quote2b49bdb223]
So even if you don't get the confirmation e-mail, your status page should show it. Oh, and always print or screencap your status pages before they disappear! Especially on these time-limited sites.
25-04-2006 22:17:57
just checked my gift redemption status, and this is what it said, beware of CSC!!!!!
Thank you for your interest in our offer! Due to the limited time nature of the offer, your registration is now expired. Please see our Terms and Conditions for further information.
-- Thank you.
25-04-2006 22:40:03
No, mine is simply blank, there is no status, and I have not received an e-mail that they have processed my information. It is past the 15 day window to postmark the information, but I sent it the very first day. It does not say my account has expired or anything. ( I have been e-mail molly, trish, and customerservice, but none has replied as of today. Even my referral has already been approved!
25-04-2006 23:56:55
[quotea5d06cc4c6="kdollar"]just checked my gift redemption status, and this is what it said, beware of CSC!!!!!
Thank you for your interest in our offer! Due to the limited time nature of the offer, your registration is now expired. Please see our Terms and Conditions for further information.
-- Thank you.[/quotea5d06cc4c6]
That's complete bullshit!
How long were you in processing after being approved to get this, and now they pull this shit? cry
Also, I'm on day 79 of my account and it still says I'm approved.
26-04-2006 07:20:43
can someone do some research so we can get a number for this place??
26-04-2006 08:49:56
[quote79de7888dd="kdollar"]can someone do some research so we can get a number for this place??[/quote79de7888dd]
I nominate you ;)
There have been several phone numbers posted for I-Deal, however, noone has ever spoken on the phone to anyone at I-Deal, as far as I know.
26-04-2006 09:11:22
[quote87979970f1="kdollar"]just checked my gift redemption status, and this is what it said, beware of CSC!!!!!
Thank you for your interest in our offer! Due to the limited time nature of the offer, your registration is now expired. Please see our Terms and Conditions for further information.
-- Thank you.[/quote87979970f1]
I've been told that if you've printed your certs before that message is displayed that you can still be approved. The certificates have a "must be received by" date on them. So long as you mail them in to the appropriate address by that date, they'll still validate / approve your account. Your status will change back to the offer display chart if your account is approved, from what I've been told.
26-04-2006 09:25:36
[quote9a1b040dfa="doylnea"][quote9a1b040dfa="kdollar"]just checked my gift redemption status, and this is what it said, beware of CSC!!!!!
Thank you for your interest in our offer! Due to the limited time nature of the offer, your registration is now expired. Please see our Terms and Conditions for further information.
-- Thank you.[/quote9a1b040dfa]
I've been told that if you've printed your certs before that message is displayed that you can still be approved. The certificates have a "must be received by" date on them. So long as you mail them in to the appropriate address by that date, they'll still validate / approve your account. Your status will change back to the offer display chart if your account is approved, from what I've been told.[/quote9a1b040dfa]
thats what most likely happen, just sucks b/c they are silent, so i dont know wth is going on.
26-04-2006 15:14:48
sorry to double post but after some research i got this customer service number...
ill try calling it tomorrow. may have to pull a miamitj with this company.
26-04-2006 15:17:48
Its an answering machine and I've heard they don't call back often. I just left a message so I'll let you know if I hear anything...
26-04-2006 15:25:37
what did the answering machine say, bulls eye media??
also, i checked the status on my extra info i sent, and this is where it ended up and got rerouted too, is this the same for everyone else??
Delivered, April 07, 2006, 859 am, HARRISBURG, PA 17110
Forwarded, April 05, 2006, 708 am, MILLERSBURG, PA
Enroute, April 04, 2006, 1116 pm, SWEDESBORO, NJ 08085
26-04-2006 15:40:51
Yeah it said Bulls Eye Media...
26-04-2006 16:41:33
[quote496c792768="kdollar"]what did the answering machine say, bulls eye media??
also, i checked the status on my extra info i sent, and this is where it ended up and got rerouted too, is this the same for everyone else??
Delivered, April 07, 2006, 859 am, HARRISBURG, PA 17110
Forwarded, April 05, 2006, 708 am, MILLERSBURG, PA
Enroute, April 04, 2006, 1116 pm, SWEDESBORO, NJ 08085[/quote496c792768]
Yep, that's where mine went. You've e-mailed Trish?
Like I said, I received my final approval e-mail the same day they received the cert. If it's been since 4/7 for you, then something fell through the cracks somewhere, or they had some problem with approving your account and just didn't tell you (or the e-mail telling you so was lost, as often happens).
26-04-2006 19:52:51
Can anybody get through via e-mail lately???
I sent out ANOTHER THREE e-mails two days ago and STILL NOTHING!!!
This is ridiculous, I feel like I'm getting scammed and there's nothing I can do about it cry ....Isn't there anybody out there that can help me??!!??
26-04-2006 20:03:53
come on guys, dont give up. Someone at a4f made a good point that all of the last checks were written on the 30th. It would not surprise me if they sent out a bunch of stuff on the same day every month. They are keeping their site updated too so its not like they are just trying to get tons of people to sign up before they run.
just relax D
27-04-2006 03:28:41
[quote930e3ecb9c="bonehead848"]come on guys, dont give up. Someone at a4f made a good point that all of the last checks were written on the 30th. It would not surprise me if they sent out a bunch of stuff on the same day every month. They are keeping their site updated too so its not like they are just trying to get tons of people to sign up before they run.
just relax D[/quote930e3ecb9c]
i agree
27-04-2006 10:23:12
[quote7c36e44b87="chewy"][quote7c36e44b87="bonehead848"]come on guys, dont give up. Someone at a4f made a good point that all of the last checks were written on the 30th. It would not surprise me if they sent out a bunch of stuff on the same day every month. They are keeping their site updated too so its not like they are just trying to get tons of people to sign up before they run.
just relax D[/quote7c36e44b87]
i agree[/quote7c36e44b87]
I kinda remember when I got stuff from I-deal a year ago, they sent in batches so fingers crossed
27-04-2006 10:59:39
bonehead you bitch you just got my hopes up. If I get it, I'm giving you +karma for 11 seconds straight.
27-04-2006 11:49:53
[quote0291905a8b="theysayjump"]bonehead you bitch you just got my hopes up. If I get it, I'm giving you +karma for 11 seconds straight.[/quote0291905a8b]
D lol, i hate having my hopes so high too but i cant help it!
27-04-2006 12:01:54
has anyone done the belisi tie offer? i am thinking about it as a replacement offer is people got credited
27-04-2006 13:00:56
Ugh, I sent another W-9 + Certificates. It now says "Re-printed Certification" and there is a new "must be received by" date. So, it should go OK...
27-04-2006 14:40:57
I hope the optimism you guys have does not go to waste. I was also flagged (my ref was not). My cert proc mar 20 and they recv my flagged docs on 4/1.
27-04-2006 17:42:10
[quotea593d888ca="chewy"]has anyone done the belisi tie offer? i am thinking about it as a replacement offer is people got credited[/quotea593d888ca]
yeah it did for me
Captain All That
30-04-2006 21:27:10
Well.. if they're sending out checks hey should be here by no later than Thursday... the last batch was sent on the last friday of the month and people got them on Monday.
Others got their refurbed TV's on the 10th... Either way it's good info to know. Mine was processed on the 21st. Here's hoping I make the cut...
30-04-2006 21:41:31
yeh, they seem to be batch processing everything, and that makes sense to be efficient...
lets hope for a 30th processing date...
(remember freepay and their batch shipment system)
30-04-2006 21:43:07
01-05-2006 11:28:43
well today is the day everyone is hoping for it to be. Anyone get anything confused2 My mail hasnt came yet but I am hoping. shrug
01-05-2006 11:40:36
If the bastards send me anything, I sincerely hope it's the cheque. The TV would cause more problems than it's worth to be honest but the cheque works out perfectly.
I don't think anyone will get anything today, more like the end of the week, but never say never. shrug
01-05-2006 11:42:12
Its spelled check ;)
01-05-2006 11:51:19
Oh, and it's "It's". wink
01-05-2006 11:53:23
I hate you...
01-05-2006 11:54:20

http//[" alt=""/imga69076282a]
01-05-2006 11:54:58

http//[" alt=""/img9fd402c711]
01-05-2006 11:56:19
lol I think that's my new favourite smiley. We also need a smiley giving a salute.
01-05-2006 12:25:35
My mail just came and there was no Cheque. cry
01-05-2006 13:24:40
[quotebfd0df371f="theysayjump"]My mail just came and there was no Cheque. cry[/quotebfd0df371f]
Yeah, but it's only been one day since the end of the month, and the end of the month was a Sunday. Give it time man... (I write with hopeful abandon).
01-05-2006 16:18:39
I didn't receive my [i9698f52d34]چك chek[/i9698f52d34] today either
01-05-2006 16:19:48
If they do ship bulk at the end of the month, they probably mailed them today shrug
01-05-2006 16:20:05
Well I opened my mailbox today to a WONDERFULL SURPRIZE ...
More bills and no check ...
01-05-2006 21:48:48
Man. ive read people getting dq'ed on i-deal sites recently
01-05-2006 22:17:10
[quotee801d90f14="ffactoryxx"]Man. ive read people getting dq'ed on i-deal sites recently[/quotee801d90f14]
My mail came today. Nothing and no phone calls.
Even though if it should come, it won't come until later this week. Just an FYI though.
02-05-2006 23:18:51
[quote5ac7616355="kdollar"]just checked my gift redemption status, and this is what it said, beware of CSC!!!!!
Thank you for your interest in our offer! Due to the limited time nature of the offer, your registration is now expired. Please see our Terms and Conditions for further information.
-- Thank you.[/quote5ac7616355]
My gift status page now says the same thing. I signed up for this site on 3/30/06. The last offer was approved on 3/11/06 and my referral's offers were all approved by 4/23/06. I received my redemption voucher and mailed it on 4/25/06. It was delivered on 5/1/06, which was before the 60 day deadline. Therefore, I should still be eligible to receive the gift.
kdollar -- whatever happened with your situation? Did the status change? Were you able to get a hold of anyone for support?
03-05-2006 01:12:40
still says samething, im gonna call tomorrow, but im sure i will get the machine.
Hm...mine hasnt changed
You have been approved by the sponsor(s). Your redemption certificate was processed on Mar 20 2006 538PM. Your free gift will be mailed out within 6 to 8 weeks of the processing date.
-- Thank you.
03-05-2006 05:38:01
[quotecbe39eb3e3="UAO"]Hm...mine hasnt changed
You have been approved by the sponsor(s). Your redemption certificate was processed on Mar 20 2006 538PM. Your free gift will be mailed out within 6 to 8 weeks of the processing date.
-- Thank you.[/quotecbe39eb3e3]
Same here, and I'm beyond 60 days from signing up.
Did you other guys getting the expiration notice ever get the e-mail and the above notice on your status page saying your cert was processes? It's sounding like if you never got approval confirmation then your account falls into expiration mode after 60 days.
03-05-2006 07:15:30
[quote12fc3313f7="dmorris68"]Did you other guys getting the expiration notice ever get the e-mail and the above notice on your status page saying your cert was processes? It's sounding like if you never got approval confirmation then your account falls into expiration mode after 60 days.[/quote12fc3313f7]
No, I never got the email or notice that the cert was in process. I'm guessing that if they didn't change the account to "in process" in their system in time, it automatically expired the account after 60 days. I'm hoping it's just a technicality!
kdollar -- let me know if you find out anything.
03-05-2006 12:17:14
[quote7dbcb6d161="UAO"]Hm...mine hasnt changed
You have been approved by the sponsor(s). Your redemption certificate was processed on Mar 20 2006 538PM. Your free gift will be mailed out within 6 to 8 weeks of the processing date.
-- Thank you.[/quote7dbcb6d161]
Same here [quote7dbcb6d161]You have been approved by the sponsor(s). Your redemption certificate was processed on Mar 28 2006 241PM. Your free gift will be mailed out within 6 to 8 weeks of the processing date. [/quote7dbcb6d161]
03-05-2006 16:53:07
I still don't have any status!!!
04-05-2006 12:32:40
called today, twice and left a message, they arent going to call back, this company ran away with our money. i suggest we take it on full force, i mean they didnt even have the decency to at least make up a fake dq, they just are silent.
04-05-2006 12:32:55
Still nothing in the mail for me. (
04-05-2006 12:46:49
Is anyone past the 8 week deadline?
04-05-2006 12:50:09
[quoted1ba0a730f="justinag06"]Is anyone past the 8 week deadline?[/quoted1ba0a730f]
I am past the 8 week deadline on as is Gigante on
04-05-2006 12:50:11
emoney on A4F is.
04-05-2006 13:07:43
I'm at 9 weeks tomorrow.
If I don't have anything by next Monday then I'm giving up all hope.
04-05-2006 13:15:56
I'm pretty sure I've heard of I-Deal taking up to 12 weeks to ship stuff in the past. I wouldn't give up until I had passed the 12 week mark.
Of course if you don't have the e-mail confirming approval of your certs, and your status page gives you the expired message, then you might be screwed. It seems that those of us who got the confirmation e-mail can still access our status after 60 days and have the message at the bottom saying our gift is approved and being shipped, while those who didn't get confirmation are shown as expired.
04-05-2006 13:45:56
And then there is me who isn't expired but also didnt get confirmation that it was approved (! I sent another email to trish, molly, and support.
04-05-2006 13:53:29
[quotec12c0d25b4="dmorris68"]I'm pretty sure I've heard of I-Deal taking up to 12 weeks to ship stuff in the past. I wouldn't give up until I had passed the 12 week mark.
Of course if you don't have the e-mail confirming approval of your certs, and your status page gives you the expired message, then you might be screwed. It seems that those of us who got the confirmation e-mail can still access our status after 60 days and have the message at the bottom saying our gift is approved and being shipped, while those who didn't get confirmation are shown as expired.[/quotec12c0d25b4]
I would be more of an optimist if I-Deal had responded to any of the multiple account questions I've submitted via their "Contact Us" link, or by responding to emails I've received from them directly. Since 03/27 I have not gotten a single response to any email I've sent them, with the exception of auto-responses sent when I choose an option from the drop-down other than "My question is not listed here."
I believe several others are in the same predicament as I, that is, have not had any contact with I-Deal (Maggie in my case) for at least a month, and are outside their 6-8 week shipping window. I believe that you've posted that you had as close to a conversation with them as possible somewhat recently (over the span of a couple of days). Perhaps you could attempt to reinitiate that conversation to see if I-Deal will respond to you?
04-05-2006 14:22:08
[quote8c918f9489="doylnea"]I believe several others are in the same predicament as I, that is, have not had any contact with I-Deal (Maggie in my case) for at least a month, and are outside their 6-8 week shipping window. I believe that you've posted that you had as close to a conversation with them as possible somewhat recently (over the span of a couple of days). Perhaps you could attempt to reinitiate that conversation to see if I-Deal will respond to you?[/quote8c918f9489]
Trish and I did have a pretty long back-and-forth conversation when they started flagging people for verification of addresses and such -- I just checked and I have a total of 6 messages from her. The last I heard from her was her confirmation that my account was validated and they were just waiting for my ref to complete his offers. Then just a couple weeks ago I received the e-mail confirmation that my certs were approved and the TV would ship in 6-8 weeks, but that came from the cs@ address and not Trish herself.
I can certainly try to follow up with her again, but I don't think there's anything special about me that would make her want to talk to me but nobody else. ) She was almost certainly overwhelmed with e-mails once her address got out, and may be screening everybody out now. I'm also not sure what basis or pretense to even contact her on. Do I just say "hey, people are asking me if you still reply to e-mails" or what? My certs just went approved a couple weeks ago so I really have no valid reason to bug her. In fact I'm a little hestitant to do so without a good excuse, because thus far I've been treated well by CSC/I-Deal/Bullseye on this site, and don't want to jinx myself or piss anyone off! Suggest a good excuse and I'll try, though. )
BTW -- somebody, I think it was chewy, said he got a reply from Molly just recently from the cs@ address.
Don't count on getting anything today either. Got my mail, noting.
07-05-2006 19:33:34
so in reality, its like we got screwed by dlf? awesome csc
08-05-2006 10:43:22
[quote8e547ef578="kdollar"]so in reality, its like we got screwed by dlf? awesome csc[/quote8e547ef578]
ummm..i think thats a little bit of an exaggeration.
We still don't know for definite if I-deal is screwing people. Personally, I think people are paranoid and impatient. And their support system is definately very weak...possibly resulting in a few people not getting their stuff...yet.
Whats the worst that could come of I-deal? We lost 6-10 offers and $30-$40. People shouldn't have started the site in the first place if they didn't think it was a gamble.
Dudelovesfinch straight up screwed everyone, stealing thousands, if not tens of thousands, of dollars in and others personal money.
What was the worst that came from DLF? Many people losing A LOT of MONEY.
(To everyone else now)
I feel people get so caught up in these referrals/DIY sites that they lose track of what is actually happening. You are getting thousands of dollars for often <$50 and with little work.
For those just started DIY, sorry if you haven't gotten anything from I-deal....keep a lookout for new sites possibly or work on more legit ones (YFD, Nuitech). Offers have gone up but they are still a great payout.
For those that have been doing DIY for a while, take a step back and look at you past earnings. Do those 8 offers or $20 really effect your gross income from these sites? Chances
What we are trying to get here are exactly what they are advertised as; gifts, prizes, bonuses. For those who count on these as an income, consider a career change. For those who are looking for some extra cash, be patient and remember what you are getting..damn near something for relax. I just try to keep a pessimistic view from Day 1 and then I am not as let down in the end. Also, If they don't respond to your inquiries then its pretty much out of your control isnt it.
08-05-2006 10:51:03
they're not answering email, right? well how often and how recently have people emailed them? for those that have emailed, have you just asked for your status (which they may just ignore with a '"you'll get it when you get it" attitude) or have you told them you're worried that you haven't been getting any responses and just want to hear SOMETHING?
08-05-2006 10:57:49
[quotedb1e225acc="zbalz"][quotedb1e225acc="kdollar"]so in reality, its like we got screwed by dlf? awesome csc[/quotedb1e225acc]
ummm..i think thats a little bit of an exaggeration.
We still don't know for definite if I-deal is screwing people. Personally, I think people are paranoid and impatient. And their support system is definately very weak...possibly resulting in a few people not getting their stuff...yet.
Whats the worst that could come of I-deal? We lost 6-10 offers and $30-$40. People shouldn't have started the site in the first place if they didn't think it was a gamble.
Dudelovesfinch straight up screwed everyone, stealing thousands, if not tens of thousands, of dollars in and others personal money.
What was the worst that came from DLF? Many people losing A LOT of MONEY.
(To everyone else now)
I feel people get so caught up in these referrals/DIY sites that they lose track of what is actually happening. You are getting thousands of dollars for often <$50 and with little work.
For those just started DIY, sorry if you haven't gotten anything from I-deal....keep a lookout for new sites possibly or work on more legit ones (YFD, Nuitech). Offers have gone up but they are still a great payout.
For those that have been doing DIY for a while, take a step back and look at you past earnings. Do those 8 offers or $20 really effect your gross income from these sites? Chances
What we are trying to get here are exactly what they are advertised as; gifts, prizes, bonuses. For those who count on these as an income, consider a career change. For those who are looking for some extra cash, be patient and remember what you are getting..damn near something for relax. I just try to keep a pessimistic view from Day 1 and then I am not as let down in the end. Also, If they don't respond to your inquiries then its pretty much out of your control isnt it.[/quotedb1e225acc]
the day we let one company get away with it, is the day all of thisfalls apart. I share his concern.
Captain All That
08-05-2006 11:33:27
Let me also add this...
When you read through the terms and conditions of the DIY sites they explicitely state that you are acting as an independent contractor while doing these sites... So they're not rewarding us as they would imply by using the term "prizes," they are paying us! Simple as that.
My Dad was a contractor for 57 years of his life and when he built a house or remodeled a house he signed a contract and expected to be paid in a timely manner... as in the time laid out in that contract which can be compared to the terms and conditions. Those of us who have waited patiently and can't even get a response out of them do need to worry. You don't start a company or offer "pay" of this sort without being prepared to provide the support that is needed for these types of sites. It's obvious it's a very lucrative business... but it's bad business when you screw your contractors by not keeping them informed.
While you feel the need to tell us to relax... the rest of us are already making plans for this company to pay up should they decide to renig on the contract we agreed to by entering our personal information into the site. Some of us don't have $40 to waste and actually value every penny we spend. When money is involved, it should never be out of your control.
08-05-2006 12:33:17
[quoted6c659bbdf="zbalz"][quoted6c659bbdf="kdollar"]so in reality, its like we got screwed by dlf? awesome csc[/quoted6c659bbdf]
ummm..i think thats a little bit of an exaggeration.
We still don't know for definite if I-deal is screwing people. Personally, I think people are paranoid and impatient. And their support system is definately very weak...possibly resulting in a few people not getting their stuff...yet.
Whats the worst that could come of I-deal? We lost 6-10 offers and $30-$40. People shouldn't have started the site in the first place if they didn't think it was a gamble.
Dudelovesfinch straight up screwed everyone, stealing thousands, if not tens of thousands, of dollars in and others personal money.
What was the worst that came from DLF? Many people losing A LOT of MONEY.
(To everyone else now)
I feel people get so caught up in these referrals/DIY sites that they lose track of what is actually happening. You are getting thousands of dollars for often <$50 and with little work.
For those just started DIY, sorry if you haven't gotten anything from I-deal....keep a lookout for new sites possibly or work on more legit ones (YFD, Nuitech). Offers have gone up but they are still a great payout.
For those that have been doing DIY for a while, take a step back and look at you past earnings. Do those 8 offers or $20 really effect your gross income from these sites? Chances
What we are trying to get here are exactly what they are advertised as; gifts, prizes, bonuses. For those who count on these as an income, consider a career change. For those who are looking for some extra cash, be patient and remember what you are getting..damn near something for relax. I just try to keep a pessimistic view from Day 1 and then I am not as let down in the end. Also, If they don't respond to your inquiries then its pretty much out of your control isnt it.[/quoted6c659bbdf]
its not even an exaggeration, i invested money and when i do not get what i deserve, i was cheated. well your gonna say i didnt invest thousands of dollars like the dlf situation, well if you include the 2000 dollars they owe me for my completion of their site, its very fuckn similiar to the dlf situation. not to mention they were bound by a t&c contract, non like the dlf people who took a way different risk, so unless you are going to help csc come to terms with what they owe their rightful customers, i suggest you keep quiet.
08-05-2006 16:06:31
its not even an exaggeration, i invested money and when i do not get what i deserve, i was cheated. well your gonna say i didnt invest thousands of dollars like the dlf situation, well if you include the 2000 dollars they owe me for my completion of their site, its very fuckn similiar to the dlf situation. not to mention they were bound by a t&c contract, non like the dlf people who took a way different risk, so unless you are going to help csc come to terms with what they owe their rightful customers, i suggest you keep quiet.[/quote6d6197b05b]
Heres some quotes from your precious T&C you think promises you your plasma
Not getting email responses? We'll technically you actually don't have the right to.
[quote6d6197b05b](d) We reserve the right to block any email address.[/quote6d6197b05b]
Think you rightfully deserve your plasma and you didnt do anything wrong?
[quote6d6197b05b](a) We reserve the right to place a user's account on hold at any time.
(b) We are not responsible for notifying a user about his or her account being placed on hold....
(h) We reserve the right to place a user's account on hold after they have gotten credit for a free item, and even after ordering and receiving their free item. We also hold the right to follow up legally on fraudulent activities.
(Referring to reasons for being placed on hold)
(h) Any other reason or a combination of reasons at the sole discretion of[/quote6d6197b05b]
...and my favorite
Theres a reason these T&Cs are so airtight. All of us 'independant contractors' are signing all our rights away by completing these sites. If they don't want to give us the gift, they don't have to. Also, although we may be 'independant contractors', they aren't interested in us and what we have to say. They want the suckers who sign up and only do a few offers and then give up. If they don't want to hear us out, through the T&C they have a right NOT to.
So you want some 'constructive' advice? Here are some options on what you can do
(1) Give up on the site and fight the company. You can do this by;
a. Get a lawyer and spend thousands of dollars in long, unnecessary battle.
b. File a complain to the BBB, and have it in line with thousands of others that get sent in weekly.
(2) Continue to send them annoying emails which will may end up in a response, but will often end up with no response and possibly get your email blocked..or your account on hold. Because, YES they CAN do that.
(3) Complain on forums about how you deserve a Plasma because of how special you are.
(4) Don't give up on the site. Just patiently wait it out and hope for the best.
Look. Our only chance of getting things changed realistically is by getting in contact with them. Our only method of contact is email. They don't respond to email. So we can only wait.
And again, NO ONE DESERVES THE PRIZES. THEY OWE US NOTHING. We give away all our rights when we sign up, as per any of the terms and conditions. Call it a scam company if you want. But you should expect the worst when going into it anyway, because their T&C legally allow for the worst.
08-05-2006 16:20:35
its not even an exaggeration, i invested money and when i do not get what i deserve, i was cheated. well your gonna say i didnt invest thousands of dollars like the dlf situation, well if you include the 2000 dollars they owe me for my completion of their site, its very fuckn similiar to the dlf situation. not to mention they were bound by a t&c contract, non like the dlf people who took a way different risk, so unless you are going to help csc come to terms with what they owe their rightful customers, i suggest you keep quiet.[/quote30aaaa4bec]
Heres some quotes from your precious T&C you think promises you your plasma
Not getting email responses? We'll technically you actually don't have the right to.
[quote30aaaa4bec](d) We reserve the right to block any email address.[/quote30aaaa4bec]
Think you rightfully deserve your plasma and you didnt do anything wrong?
[quote30aaaa4bec](a) We reserve the right to place a user's account on hold at any time.
(b) We are not responsible for notifying a user about his or her account being placed on hold....
(h) We reserve the right to place a user's account on hold after they have gotten credit for a free item, and even after ordering and receiving their free item. We also hold the right to follow up legally on fraudulent activities.
(Referring to reasons for being placed on hold)
(h) Any other reason or a combination of reasons at the sole discretion of[/quote30aaaa4bec]
...and my favorite
Theres a reason these T&Cs are so airtight. All of us 'independant contractors' are signing all our rights away by completing these sites. If they don't want to give us the gift, they don't have to. Also, although we may be 'independant contractors', they aren't interested in us and what we have to say. They want the suckers who sign up and only do a few offers and then give up. If they don't want to hear us out, through the T&C they have a right NOT to.
So you want some 'constructive' advice? Here are some options on what you can do
(1) Give up on the site and fight the company. You can do this by;
a. Get a lawyer and spend thousands of dollars in long, unnecessary battle.
b. File a complain to the BBB, and have it in line with thousands of others that get sent in weekly.
(2) Continue to send them annoying emails which will may end up in a response, but will often end up with no response and possibly get your email blocked..or your account on hold. Because, YES they CAN do that.
(3) Complain on forums about how you deserve a Plasma because of how special you are.
(4) Don't give up on the site. Just patiently wait it out and hope for the best.
Look. Our only chance of getting things changed realistically is by getting in contact with them. Our only method of contact is email. They don't respond to email. So we can only wait.
And again, NO ONE DESERVES THE PRIZES. THEY OWE US NOTHING. We give away all our rights when we sign up, as per any of the terms and conditions. Call it a scam company if you want. But you should expect the worst when going into it anyway, because their T&C legally allow for the worst.[/quote30aaaa4bec]
i dont deserve the prize is the most ignorant line of the whole post, i did everything they asked to an exact point INCLUDING extra information, so in reality I do deserve the gift, yes their t&c includes everything to scam the shit out of someone, and thats exactly what they did. im glad your content with a company that takes money off the people who dont complete the site and goes silent to those who do, but im not. and its not b/c im special that im complaining im just like everyone on this thread, talking about the topic at hand. i see u didnt debate the dlf situation, b/c a scam is a scam either way, as well as a thief being a thief.
08-05-2006 17:32:28 still haven't answered how exactly you are going to remedy this unresolvable situation that is out of our hands. But whatever, keep should hang out with the guy over on this thread
http//[]http// [ See tjwor's amusing comment.]
Your assumptions that "a scam is a scam" or "a thief is still a thief" doesn't exactly follow our justice system today, i.e. the difference between larceny and grand larceny..both incurring different penalties and fines. DLF is a scammer/thief. I-deal "may" be a scam...but they certainly aren't on the same levels or have the same motives (meaning...I-deal is a registered company which can be traced. DLF is just 'some dude'.)
Anyhow, this debate doesn't belong here...maybe on the 'off-topic board'. So enough of this dead-end arguing and you all continue with your empty threats and lost hope.
08-05-2006 18:19:37
[quote951be7eba9="zbalz"] still haven't answered how exactly you are going to remedy this unresolvable situation that is out of our hands. But whatever, keep should hang out with the guy over on this thread
http//[]http// [ See tjwor's amusing comment.]
Your assumptions that "a scam is a scam" or "a thief is still a thief" doesn't exactly follow our justice system today, i.e. the difference between larceny and grand larceny..both incurring different penalties and fines. DLF is a scammer/thief. I-deal "may" be a scam...but they certainly aren't on the same levels or have the same motives (meaning...I-deal is a registered company which can be traced. DLF is just 'some dude'.)
Anyhow, this debate doesn't belong here...maybe on the 'off-topic board'. So enough of this dead-end arguing and you all continue with your empty threats and lost hope.[/quote951be7eba9]
that guy declined his check, i didnt get an offer, and if i had a remedy i would have posted it, they dont have the same motives? i think they do its called taking your money. dlf is a dude with a name who also can be traced, and i wasnt debating anyone, u had to step with your theoretical bull shit, there were no threats made, just discussing the csc situation. but ur right, this posting is done.
[quote60a499af65="zbalz"] still haven't answered how exactly you are going to remedy this unresolvable situation that is out of our hands. But whatever, keep should hang out with the guy over on this thread
http//[]http// [ See tjwor's amusing comment.]
Your assumptions that "a scam is a scam" or "a thief is still a thief" doesn't exactly follow our justice system today, i.e. the difference between larceny and grand larceny..both incurring different penalties and fines. DLF is a scammer/thief. I-deal "may" be a scam...but they certainly aren't on the same levels or have the same motives (meaning...I-deal is a registered company which can be traced. DLF is just 'some dude'.)
Anyhow, this debate doesn't belong here...maybe on the 'off-topic board'. So enough of this dead-end arguing and you all continue with your empty threats and lost hope.[/quote60a499af65]
Can we get a ban here? You contribute nothing to this thread and this forum by "laughing" at others, and trying to sound smart as in you know the law so well.
09-05-2006 05:16:48
[quoteccef47ca41="UAO"][quoteccef47ca41="zbalz"] still haven't answered how exactly you are going to remedy this unresolvable situation that is out of our hands. But whatever, keep should hang out with the guy over on this thread
http//[]http// [ See tjwor's amusing comment.]
Your assumptions that "a scam is a scam" or "a thief is still a thief" doesn't exactly follow our justice system today, i.e. the difference between larceny and grand larceny..both incurring different penalties and fines. DLF is a scammer/thief. I-deal "may" be a scam...but they certainly aren't on the same levels or have the same motives (meaning...I-deal is a registered company which can be traced. DLF is just 'some dude'.)
Anyhow, this debate doesn't belong here...maybe on the 'off-topic board'. So enough of this dead-end arguing and you all continue with your empty threats and lost hope.[/quoteccef47ca41]
Can we get a ban here? You contribute nothing to this thread and this forum by "laughing" at others, and trying to sound smart as in you know the law so well.[/quoteccef47ca41]
No need for a ban. If everybody who laughed at somebody else was banned, none of us would be here. )
As long as zbalz keeps it civil and doesn't outright flame, he's entitled to express his opinion. And you're likewise entitled to not read it or share it, as well as to express your counter-opinion in the same civil manner. ;)
Captain All That
09-05-2006 07:22:02
you dont know what youre talking about. If we uphold our end of the terms and complete the offers legit they are obligated to fulfill their obligations to us
Theres not a court in America that can deny us. You dont need a high priced lawyer
Small Claims court does the job. They can put all their jargon in the terms that they want but if you look closely it basically refers to people who commit fraud
. Not giving us a gift because we smell bad or our hair is funny is actual grounds for discrimination and can cost them millions as opposed to the couple of thousand they promised us
. Dont believe me, see recent court cases for Cracker Barrel Restaurants and Dennys.
These companies feed on people like you who just wait for things to happen and disappear when it doesnt. Some of us actually have the balls to stand up and take action as opposed to telling others their efforts are frivolous. Sometimes, getting free stuff is a little bit more involved than just clicking a few buttons
its just a matter of having the resolve to take action.
its not even an exaggeration, i invested money and when i do not get what i deserve, i was cheated. well your gonna say i didnt invest thousands of dollars like the dlf situation, well if you include the 2000 dollars they owe me for my completion of their site, its very fuckn similiar to the dlf situation. not to mention they were bound by a t&c contract, non like the dlf people who took a way different risk, so unless you are going to help csc come to terms with what they owe their rightful customers, i suggest you keep quiet.[/quote009e5b4aad]
Heres some quotes from your precious T&C you think promises you your plasma
Not getting email responses? We'll technically you actually don't have the right to.
[quote009e5b4aad](d) We reserve the right to block any email address.[/quote009e5b4aad]
Think you rightfully deserve your plasma and you didnt do anything wrong?
[quote009e5b4aad](a) We reserve the right to place a user's account on hold at any time.
(b) We are not responsible for notifying a user about his or her account being placed on hold....
(h) We reserve the right to place a user's account on hold after they have gotten credit for a free item, and even after ordering and receiving their free item. We also hold the right to follow up legally on fraudulent activities.
(Referring to reasons for being placed on hold)
(h) Any other reason or a combination of reasons at the sole discretion of[/quote009e5b4aad]
...and my favorite
Theres a reason these T&Cs are so airtight. All of us 'independant contractors' are signing all our rights away by completing these sites. If they don't want to give us the gift, they don't have to. Also, although we may be 'independant contractors', they aren't interested in us and what we have to say. They want the suckers who sign up and only do a few offers and then give up. If they don't want to hear us out, through the T&C they have a right NOT to.
So you want some 'constructive' advice? Here are some options on what you can do
(1) Give up on the site and fight the company. You can do this by;
a. Get a lawyer and spend thousands of dollars in long, unnecessary battle.
b. File a complain to the BBB, and have it in line with thousands of others that get sent in weekly.
(2) Continue to send them annoying emails which will may end up in a response, but will often end up with no response and possibly get your email blocked..or your account on hold. Because, YES they CAN do that.
(3) Complain on forums about how you deserve a Plasma because of how special you are.
(4) Don't give up on the site. Just patiently wait it out and hope for the best.
Look. Our only chance of getting things changed realistically is by getting in contact with them. Our only method of contact is email. They don't respond to email. So we can only wait.
And again, NO ONE DESERVES THE PRIZES. THEY OWE US NOTHING. We give away all our rights when we sign up, as per any of the terms and conditions. Call it a scam company if you want. But you should expect the worst when going into it anyway, because their T&C legally allow for the worst.[/quote009e5b4aad]
09-05-2006 08:16:06
[quote3b83d86355="Captain All That"]. Some of us actually have the balls to stand up and take action as opposed to telling others their efforts are frivolous. [/quote3b83d86355]
This was my point in the first place. No one has taken action yet. What I've been trying to say (along with other points) is that no one has done anything yet except pissing I-deal off even more by sending them repetitive emails. That doesn't get them anywhere.
Who exactly is "taking action"? Anyone on here file for a small claims court hearing? Anyone even CONTACT a lawyer or go to a free legal clinic for just legal advice? Or did everyone here just complain and send more and more emails.
Look, if you are going to take action, do it already. Honestly I wish you the best of luck and who knows, maybe it will open up into a class-action lawsuit and we will ALL get settlements (right).
I was just trying to open up some people's eyes to the T&C..a lot of people only read what they want to read, excluding many important, and locking, points (as already discussed).
I hope if anything this was constructive in at least stirring up you few to at least get off your seat and move on either taking down I-deal or obtaining the holy grail plasma TV. PLEASE, DON'T BELIEVE ME, and seek some legal advice for yourself to at least get something started. If you have anything constructive to say as a result (other than "I emailed them a million times this month and no response") then post it.
I tried to be constructive by analyzing the T&C and determining worst-case scenarios and narrowing down options. I gave my opinion, supported by legitimate and well grounded arguments. Perhaps other peoples' time would have been better spent by spent seeking legal counseling or starting a case. Instead of shutting down other such opinions with nothing but lack of supported arguments and childish "Ban" threats.
So don't like what I have to say? Turn that hate into some motivation to prove me and other pessimists wrong. I'll be that passive-agressive in the background checking in my status every week or so and emailing when necessary only.
PS. Please don't quote ENTIRE posts if the posts are long and if the response isn't relavent to the WHOLE quote. )
09-05-2006 09:07:48
or we could always band together and go class action
anyone know a good lawyer?
09-05-2006 10:45:17
[quoted2beedef7d="justinag06"]or we could always band together and go class action
anyone know a good lawyer?[/quoted2beedef7d]
i think this is the best idea, we can save money and even request more for pain and suffering from ideal and zbalz wink
time to get on the research grind. this sucks, ideal sent out what 2 checks for this site, and maybe 2 for the rolex. i guess its a 2 person minimum payout.
Captain All That
09-05-2006 11:13:56
[quote2ad655fca6="zbalz"][quote2ad655fca6="Captain All That"]. Some of us actually have the balls to stand up and take action as opposed to telling others their efforts are frivolous. [/quote2ad655fca6]
This was my point in the first place. No one has taken action yet. What I've been trying to say (along with other points) is that no one has done anything yet except pissing I-deal off even more by sending them repetitive emails. That doesn't get them anywhere.
Who exactly is "taking action"? Anyone on here file for a small claims court hearing? Anyone even CONTACT a lawyer or go to a free legal clinic for just legal advice? Or did everyone here just complain and send more and more emails.
Look, if you are going to take action, do it already. Honestly I wish you the best of luck and who knows, maybe it will open up into a class-action lawsuit and we will ALL get settlements (right).
I was just trying to open up some people's eyes to the T&C..a lot of people only read what they want to read, excluding many important, and locking, points (as already discussed).
I hope if anything this was constructive in at least stirring up you few to at least get off your seat and move on either taking down I-deal or obtaining the holy grail plasma TV. PLEASE, DON'T BELIEVE ME, and seek some legal advice for yourself to at least get something started. If you have anything constructive to say as a result (other than "I emailed them a million times this month and no response") then post it.
I tried to be constructive by analyzing the T&C and determining worst-case scenarios and narrowing down options. I gave my opinion, supported by legitimate and well grounded arguments. Perhaps other peoples' time would have been better spent by spent seeking legal counseling or starting a case. Instead of shutting down other such opinions with nothing but lack of supported arguments and childish "Ban" threats.
So don't like what I have to say? Turn that hate into some motivation to prove me and other pessimists wrong. I'll be that passive-agressive in the background checking in my status every week or so and emailing when necessary only.
PS. Please don't quote ENTIRE posts if the posts are long and if the response isn't relavent to the WHOLE quote. )[/quote2ad655fca6]
Ah haaaaaaaa... Now i see your point. Thanks for clarifying Zballz. I will wait the specified amount of time before I proceed but a couple of people have taken them to task (I'll find some links.)
Class action isn't as cheap as you guys think... The best way to go is individually... and make them choose between stretching their resources through multiple letigation or actually paying out what's due.
09-05-2006 14:13:21
i think this is the best idea, we can save money and even request more for pain and suffering from ideal and zbalz wink
time to get on the research grind. this sucks, ideal sent out what 2 checks for this site, and maybe 2 for the rolex. i guess its a 2 person minimum payout.[/quoteccde37cae8]
i think it was a little higher than that
09-05-2006 19:56:27
[quote4badee5d48="justinag06"]or we could always band together and go class action
anyone know a good lawyer?[/quote4badee5d48]
There really isn't anything about these circumstances that would qualify for a class action suit. In order to qualify for a class action, you have to show that there are so many possible defendants that the court system could not reasonably be expected to carry the burden of trying all the cases individually.
Also, even if you had 100 wronged parties (and I don't think there are that many), I don't think many (any) law firms would think $60,000 (100li1800li30%) is an attractive potential return for the work required to litigate such a case.
09-05-2006 20:57:37
This thread is very long so can I ask a few questions real quick
1. Do the Refs have to complete all 8 offers for you to be eligible to recieve your gift?
2. After reading through the turmoil at the end of the thread, is this site WORTH the time, money and effort??
09-05-2006 20:59:54
It's 10 offers and 5 referrals now, so I wouldn't bother trying regardless.
But to answer your first question, yes both you and your ref(s) have to complete the specified number of offers in order for you to be approved.
09-05-2006 21:01:09
1. YES
2. Doesn't seem like it's worth it
09-05-2006 21:39:21
I think I'll pass
10-05-2006 19:18:05
Has anyone had ANY response from this site when emailing or calling them in the last couple of weeks?
10-05-2006 19:26:36
10-05-2006 19:30:04
I'd wait until the 12 week mark until I start attempting to complain
10-05-2006 19:44:14
Yeah that's what I'm gonna do also which is on May 26th. I'll give it until the following Monday and then.................................then I cry.
10-05-2006 19:50:09
im think im gonna wait like six weeks after they received my extra information.....then i dunno maybe look into a lawsuit?
11-05-2006 08:12:47
I finally got the long awaited email about shipping. This is AFTER my gift status said that my account has expired, even though I got my cert delivered to them before the 60-day deadline!
I'm feeling hopeful again. . . .
Dear xxxx xxxxx,
Thank you for redeeming your certificate for TV! We have processed the certificate and will be shipping your free gift shortly. Please allow 6 to 8 weeks for your free gift to arrive.
Thank you,
Redemption Center
AND, now my gift status says
You have been approved by the sponsor(s). Your redemption certificate was processed on May 11 2006 1107AM. Your free gift will be mailed out within 6 to 8 weeks of the processing date.
-- Thank you.
11-05-2006 08:37:20
[quote3ed9937b11="WEBDIZZY"]I finally got the long awaited email about shipping. This is AFTER my gift status said that my account has expired, even though I got my cert delivered to them before the 60-day deadline!
I'm feeling hopeful again. . . .
Dear xxxx xxxxx,
Thank you for redeeming your certificate for TV! We have processed the certificate and will be shipping your free gift shortly. Please allow 6 to 8 weeks for your free gift to arrive.
Thank you,
Redemption Center
AND, now my gift status says
You have been approved by the sponsor(s). Your redemption certificate was processed on May 11 2006 1107AM. Your free gift will be mailed out within 6 to 8 weeks of the processing date.
-- Thank you.[/quote3ed9937b11]
Wow, that happened to me on yourchoicereward, hopefully I get a similar email.
11-05-2006 08:49:12
Here's my timeline in case anyone is interested
Signed up and did first set of offers - 3/3
Second set of offers done - 4/8
Cert mailed - 4/25
Cert delivered - 5/1
Status changed to expired - 5/3
Processed - 5/11
Fingers crossed - 5/11
My 6-week mark is 6/22.
11-05-2006 10:07:57
[quotec243b037fb="WEBDIZZY"]Here's my timeline in case anyone is interested
Signed up and did first set of offers - 3/3
Second set of offers done - 4/8
Cert mailed - 4/25
Cert delivered - 5/1
Status changed to expired - 5/3
Processed - 5/11
Fingers crossed - 5/11
My 6-week mark is 6/22.[/quotec243b037fb]
why would they still be approving people if they were not planning on sending anything else out? ARRRRRG!
11-05-2006 10:24:26
[quote1d7aa59807="bonehead848"]why would they still be approving people if they were not planning on sending anything else out? ARRRRRG![/quote1d7aa59807]
Hopefully we've just been impatient and assumed the worst since we haven't been able to communicate with them. CSC never said they weren't sending anything else out.
Who else has received the email about the cert having been processed and what was the date?
[quote8b8124e246="bonehead848"][quote8b8124e246="WEBDIZZY"]Here's my timeline in case anyone is interested
Signed up and did first set of offers - 3/3
Second set of offers done - 4/8
Cert mailed - 4/25
Cert delivered - 5/1
Status changed to expired - 5/3
Processed - 5/11
Fingers crossed - 5/11
My 6-week mark is 6/22.[/quote8b8124e246]
why would they still be approving people if they were not planning on sending anything else out? ARRRRRG![/quote8b8124e246]
To make people believe they will get an item and that will make others sign up thinking the same?
11-05-2006 11:48:40
The more people posting about them being approved, receiving e-mails etc, the more people are going to believe they're legit because they're still activley approving people.
Until someone else receives something from them, I'd recommend nobody does any of their sites.
12-05-2006 06:15:09
[quote5431bc213b="WEBDIZZY"]I finally got the long awaited email about shipping. This is AFTER my gift status said that my account has expired, even though I got my cert delivered to them before the 60-day deadline!
I'm feeling hopeful again. . . .
Dear xxxx xxxxx,
Thank you for redeeming your certificate for TV! We have processed the certificate and will be shipping your free gift shortly. Please allow 6 to 8 weeks for your free gift to arrive.
Thank you,
Redemption Center
AND, now my gift status says
You have been approved by the sponsor(s). [b5431bc213b]Your redemption certificate was processed on May 11 2006 1107AM.[/b5431bc213b] Your free gift will be mailed out within 6 to 8 weeks of the processing date.
-- Thank you.[/quote5431bc213b]
There have been several freebiers waiting on an overdue approval, and in the past 2 days got that exact same message 'processed' at the exact same time in their accounts, even on e-researchgroup. Myself included. It's very suspicious.
12-05-2006 10:29:55
[quote250ee50822="Godrockdj"][quote250ee50822="WEBDIZZY"]I finally got the long awaited email about shipping. This is AFTER my gift status said that my account has expired, even though I got my cert delivered to them before the 60-day deadline!
I'm feeling hopeful again. . . .
Dear xxxx xxxxx,
Thank you for redeeming your certificate for TV! We have processed the certificate and will be shipping your free gift shortly. Please allow 6 to 8 weeks for your free gift to arrive.
Thank you,
Redemption Center
AND, now my gift status says
You have been approved by the sponsor(s). [b250ee50822]Your redemption certificate was processed on May 11 2006 1107AM.[/b250ee50822] Your free gift will be mailed out within 6 to 8 weeks of the processing date.
-- Thank you.[/quote250ee50822]
There have been several freebiers waiting on an overdue approval, and in the past 2 days got that exact same message 'processed' at the exact same time in their accounts, even on e-researchgroup. Myself included. It's very suspicious.[/quote250ee50822]
same here...wth is going on?!
12-05-2006 10:44:12
I'm guessing they just manually processed a batch of certs at once, and when they ran the database update on the list of approved names, it just assigned the current date/time to the account.
The good thing I see from this is that I-Deal is obviously working and doing SOMETHING. If you look at Freepay's track record on approvals and shipping lately, they aren't any better than I-Deal. I say let's be patient and give it at least 12 weeks before we give up and call scam.
12-05-2006 11:11:49
anyone remember if the people who received their gifts might have faxed their info intead of mailing it? cause the person who referred me got his check a long time ago and he had faxed his cert.
12-05-2006 11:17:48
i faxed my w9 back to them and molly processed it herself in about 5 minutes
12-05-2006 12:07:23
[quotecdfbce4897="chewy"]i faxed my w9 back to them and molly processed it herself in about 5 minutes[/quotecdfbce4897]
? I wish I had known faxing was an option, I totally would have done that.
12-05-2006 12:12:38
these people gettin approved, did they turn in extra information??
12-05-2006 12:13:08
i think i got lucky her telly me i could do that, i havent heard of anyone else doing that
12-05-2006 13:32:04
[quote081a111aa6="chewy"]i faxed my w9 back to them and molly processed it herself in about 5 minutes[/quote081a111aa6]
but you haven't gotten anything have you? when were you processed?
i was just thinking maybe those who faxed their stuff were processed and shipped out shortly after that.
and faxing isn't really an OPTION, but i know my referrer was able to fax cause of problems with mailing he had. it's not something everyone can just do.
12-05-2006 13:33:06
[quote7964c4f981="kdollar"]these people gettin approved, did they turn in extra information??[/quote7964c4f981]
Like what? I got the "flagged" e-mail from Trish, requesting CC statement and confirmation e-mail from one of the offers. After she got that, she sent me an e-mail confirming that everything was okay with my account, and (at the time) just waiting on my ref to complete. When he did, I got the e-mail at 4am the next day, printed the certs and W9, and mailed them Priority with DelConf. The same day they received those, they approved me for shipping, sending the final approval e-mail and updating my status page as shown
[quote7964c4f981] You have been approved by the sponsor(s). Your redemption certificate was processed on Apr 25 2006 417PM. Your free gift will be mailed out within 6 to 8 weeks of the processing date. [/quote7964c4f981]
For me, it's all been very smooth and problem-free so far.
12-05-2006 14:01:33
[quote202d7cabf4="dmorris68"][quote202d7cabf4="kdollar"]these people gettin approved, did they turn in extra information??[/quote202d7cabf4]
Like what? I got the "flagged" e-mail from Trish, requesting CC statement and confirmation e-mail from one of the offers. After she got that, she sent me an e-mail confirming that everything was okay with my account, and (at the time) just waiting on my ref to complete. When he did, I got the e-mail at 4am the next day, printed the certs and W9, and mailed them Priority with DelConf. The same day they received those, they approved me for shipping, sending the final approval e-mail and updating my status page as shown
[quote202d7cabf4] You have been approved by the sponsor(s). Your redemption certificate was processed on Apr 25 2006 417PM. Your free gift will be mailed out within 6 to 8 weeks of the processing date. [/quote202d7cabf4]
For me, it's all been very smooth and problem-free so far.[/quote202d7cabf4]
im wondering if the people who just got recently approved were flagged and had to send in cc statements and or utility bills?
12-05-2006 14:06:34
After repeated e-mails of my status being "blank", I received an e-mail yesterday that my certs were processed and approved! Well, at least they are sort of working...
You have been approved by the sponsor(s). Your redemption certificate was processed on May 11 2006 1107AM. Your free gift will be mailed out within 6 to 8 weeks of the processing date.
12-05-2006 14:21:40
[quote3167144aa5="kdollar"]im wondering if the people who just got recently approved were flagged and had to send in cc statements and or utility bills?[/quote3167144aa5]
I didn't get flagged or have to send anything but the cert and W-9.
12-05-2006 20:29:51
[quote252b326f94="gnznroses"]anyone remember if the people who received their gifts might have faxed their info intead of mailing it? cause the person who referred me got his check a long time ago and he had faxed his cert.[/quote252b326f94]
I mailed my certs and I received a tv.
12-05-2006 22:58:03
[quoteef9dffb879="double0civicsi"][quoteef9dffb879="gnznroses"]anyone remember if the people who received their gifts might have faxed their info intead of mailing it? cause the person who referred me got his check a long time ago and he had faxed his cert.[/quoteef9dffb879]
I mailed my certs and I received a tv.[/quoteef9dffb879]
timeline? picx?
12-05-2006 23:47:23
[quote77ac2a78fb="double0civicsi"][quote77ac2a78fb="gnznroses"]anyone remember if the people who received their gifts might have faxed their info intead of mailing it? cause the person who referred me got his check a long time ago and he had faxed his cert.[/quote77ac2a78fb]
I mailed my certs and I received a tv.[/quote77ac2a78fb]
Who did they use to ship it? If it was UPS, can you take a picture of the label please.
13-05-2006 06:03:09
[quoteb22b733d03="Supacold"][quoteb22b733d03="double0civicsi"][quoteb22b733d03="gnznroses"]anyone remember if the people who received their gifts might have faxed their info intead of mailing it? cause the person who referred me got his check a long time ago and he had faxed his cert.[/quoteb22b733d03]
I mailed my certs and I received a tv.[/quoteb22b733d03]
timeline? picx?[/quoteb22b733d03]
mailed certs 3/11
certs processed 3/20
letter from local shipping co. 4/7
picked up my tv 4/8
The tv was sent using a shiping company, not usps, ups, fedex or any of those other ones. I can probably post some pics but if you look back a few pages swbball posted some and he received the same tv.
13-05-2006 07:28:25
Yeah, large TV's are never shipped UPS/FedEx or the common carriers. They come via freight carrier to a local shipping company who puts them on a van and brings them out. Even the 27" Sony Wega I bought from Crutchfield several years ago was shipped by frieght.
[quote2dc57f0d6c="double0civicsi"][quote2dc57f0d6c="Supacold"][quote2dc57f0d6c="double0civicsi"][quote2dc57f0d6c="gnznroses"]anyone remember if the people who received their gifts might have faxed their info intead of mailing it? cause the person who referred me got his check a long time ago and he had faxed his cert.[/quote2dc57f0d6c]
I mailed my certs and I received a tv.[/quote2dc57f0d6c]
timeline? picx?[/quote2dc57f0d6c]
mailed certs 3/11
certs processed 3/20
letter from local shipping co. 4/7
picked up my tv 4/8
The tv was sent using a shiping company, not usps, ups, fedex or any of those other ones. I can probably post some pics but if you look back a few pages swbball posted some and he received the same tv.[/quote2dc57f0d6c]
haha we have the same exact details. Mine were processed on March 20th, but I didn't get a tv. twisted
13-05-2006 13:08:50
[quote955a31560e="consumersavingcenter"] You have been approved by the sponsor(s). Your redemption certificate was processed on May 11 2006 445PM. Your free gift will be mailed out within 6 to 8 weeks of the processing date.
-- Thank you.[/quote955a31560e]
im praying...any body got theirs recently?
13-05-2006 22:28:19
I have 6 days left.
Benjette is my ref and 9/10 credited. she did 15 offers. What do I do?
14-05-2006 08:17:05
[quote66ae93585a="YourGiftsFree"]I have 6 days left.
Benjette is my ref and 9/10 credited. she did 15 offers. What do I do?[/quote66ae93585a]
Only 9 of 15 offers credited? I'm suspecting a cookie problem or just not being careful to go Pending before completing the offers. I can see having to do 1-2 extra, but to do 5 extra and still not be done seems excessive.
I did 11 offers to get 8 greens but wound up with 9 greens because one took 19 days to credit. One I realized I screwed up on and the other turned out to be one that rarely greens. So I really only lost 1. My son-in-law was my ref and I think he got all of his greens without doing any extras.
Then when I did YourCoolFreeStuff I was very careful and got 6/6 on the first try, no extras required.
All I know to tell you, since you only have 6 days left, is convince her to try another offer quickly -- perhaps you could cover her expenses? I would have suggested throwing in the towel, but if you're complete and she's only one shy then you're so close, and I (being in the minority apparently) have not lost all hope on I-Deal yet.
14-05-2006 11:17:22
No, trust me, I've done everything right each time. It's just ridiculous. I clear my cookies before each offer, use IE, make sure I'm accepting all cookies, etc. and do wait until it shows up as pending before completing. I just completed my 16th offer this morning.
After I'm approved, I just need my second referral to get his last green and I can send in my voucher. )
14-05-2006 15:50:42
Do you guys think if she did bocajava today it will credit
14-05-2006 18:29:15
[quotef2e17a9833="YourGiftsFree"]Do you guys think if she did bocajava today it will credit[/quotef2e17a9833]
I did it on YourCoolFreeStuff and it credited.
14-05-2006 19:49:12
Ok im crossing my fingers.
17-05-2006 07:14:30
If a user is banned/DQ'd, on one I-Deal site, arn't they DQ'd From ALL Sites they are currently doing?
17-05-2006 07:26:18
[quote23ce162ccb="shaggz"]If a user is banned/DQ'd, on one I-Deal site, arn't they DQ'd From ALL Sites they are currently doing?[/quote23ce162ccb]
Not sure, but would say most likely. Most sites that make a determination of fraud, DQ across their entire network.
17-05-2006 07:31:14
yup phanthom was dqed for 1 site and had both dqed
17-05-2006 10:44:13
just so everyone knows some responses have been received and posted at A4F. basically just them saying it's on backorder and that bugging them about it won't get you your gift any faster.
so i suggest everyone just wait longer and be patient.
17-05-2006 11:02:54
[quote8821019ed7="gnznroses"]just so everyone knows some responses have been received and posted at A4F. basically just them saying it's on backorder and that bugging them about it won't get you your gift any faster.
so i suggest everyone just wait longer and be patient.[/quote8821019ed7]
Back order -- that's what I was thinking/hoping was the issue.
Can you give a link for the posts about the responses at A4F?
17-05-2006 11:06:21
dunno if crosslinking is allowed but he asked for it
17-05-2006 11:12:29
some response is better than no response
17-05-2006 11:21:49
dunno if crosslinking is allowed but he asked for it[/quote98a087f662]
Thanks for sharing that! I feel better now. And, I don't think there's any sense in hounding Bullseye about it.
Patience is a virtue.
17-05-2006 12:45:21
Atleast you can still get in touch with trish. Those of us who did yourchoicereward have NO way of getting in touch with them anymore since the site expired (
17-05-2006 12:53:18
yeah i got one of my refs dqed for freeluxurywatch and he did 13 offers this shit sucks but what can you do
17-05-2006 15:00:58
Looks like there's an i-Deal/BullseyeMedia rep on A4F.
17-05-2006 15:05:54
I don't think thats a real rep. Someone just being a fucktard...
17-05-2006 15:24:54
Its getting nasty on A4F.
17-05-2006 15:36:00
[quote99eb67f6d1="igneous"]Atleast you can still get in touch with trish. Those of us who did yourchoicereward have NO way of getting in touch with them anymore since the site expired ([/quote99eb67f6d1]
this post just clicked something in my head ....
I spoke with a person at a company associated with ideal/bulls today. They told me that the people that did a site that no longer existed needed to me patienjt that even though they can no lonfger access the information they will get their item.
at the time it did not make sense -- but now it does -- I think the info I found today -- contact info -- might of hit a nerve ...
It was my calls today that got the harsh responses ...
17-05-2006 15:39:52
I think that "rep" is just someone being a cock. Their is no reason for them to come and act the fool. Anyways its almost 7 east coast so you expect them to be staying late at work to talk shit...
17-05-2006 15:40:27
[quotec10c58181d="YourGiftsFree"]You found a direct phone # to ideal/bullseye?[/quotec10c58181d]
not really -- but I spoke with someone that somehow got trish to email me back for the first time in weeks after only a couple of seconds (I dont think it was even a minute after hanging up)
Dont ask me to share the info I got just yet ... Lets give them time to deal with the "backorder" issues ... I will share them if needed -- and free too ...
The information I found was not hard -- just a whois search and then googled some names ...
17-05-2006 15:40:47
What exactly did you ask them about when you called? Did you speak to the right people?
17-05-2006 15:45:20
Did it sound like a girl? If so it was probably trish.
17-05-2006 17:01:24
I just got past my 6 week mark on PocketPC4Free... and I highly doubt these things are backordered. They're most likely sending out checks anyways... but i'll keep you guys updated. According to them I should be receiving it within the next two weeks (6-8 weeks after the processing date).
17-05-2006 17:48:05
I just sent my CSC certs today! I had 3 days left.
18-05-2006 17:12:05
Just so you guys know, the bullseye representative is Trish on A4F and is being very helpful via pm's if your nice about it. D
18-05-2006 17:13:27
[quotec7d67b67fb="uncpanther"]Just so you guys know, the bullseye representative is Trish on A4F and is being very helpful via pm's if your nice about it. D[/quotec7d67b67fb]
Don't PM unless you have something worth saying. If you are 3 weeks wating, just be patient. Only people over 8 weeks should PM...
18-05-2006 17:25:07
Yeah, forgot to mention that! Don't want to run her away the first day.
18-05-2006 17:33:30
[quote48d681caa8="uncpanther"]Just so you guys know, the bullseye representative is Trish on A4F and is being very helpful via pm's if your nice about it. D[/quote48d681caa8]
She didn't help me much about yourchoicereward. All she said was that it was an I-deal site, but it doesn't help, since the site is expired..
18-05-2006 17:42:55
Any chance of Trish on FiPg?
18-05-2006 17:44:40
[quote503d25552c="YourGiftsFree"]Any chance of Trish on FiPg?[/quote503d25552c]
Me and TSJ both extended an invitation. No word yet if she will take up our offer...
18-05-2006 17:46:52
[quote04db6dda75="YourGiftsFree"]Any chance of Trish on FiPg?[/quote04db6dda75]
Believe me, we're working on it. I think she's had engraved invitations from at least 4 of us mods/admins. )
Watching 2 forums might be a little much for her to handle at the moment, since she's being bombarded enough on A4F as it is, so we're not going to push her. We just told her she was welcome here and anything she could provide would be appreciated. Maybe as things settle down over there, she'll be up to joining us here.
19-05-2006 08:28:43
Man I hope what she has been telling us is true... I guess we'll know in a few weeks.
19-05-2006 10:59:01
[quote4111a81c19="emoney"]Man I hope what she has been telling us is true... I guess we'll know in a few weeks.[/quote4111a81c19]
You get an answer also Eric?
19-05-2006 17:37:01
Would people like to share the information that they have recieved from trish or is it top secret or something
19-05-2006 17:43:04
[quotebfcb1fd28d="RolltheStampede"]Would people like to share the information that they have recieved from trish or is it top secret or something[/quotebfcb1fd28d]
I wouldn't say it's top secret, but we don't want her to get bombarded (any more than she already is) with "me too!" posts just yet. She's probably a hair away from abandoning A4F, given the "warm welcome" she's received over there. We don't want to scare her off now that she's communicating with us.
She's basically giving some people -- [bbfcb1fd28d]who are past their 8 week mark[/bbfcb1fd28d] -- estimates on when they should be receiving something.
19-05-2006 17:47:14
no i dont mean information about how to contact her i mean information about when people would or should be fullfilled.
You know information that if i knew i would not have to bombard her in the first place
19-05-2006 17:56:03
[quote1bcdd5e8a3="RolltheStampede"]no i dont mean information about how to contact her i mean information about when people would or should be fullfilled.
You know information that if i knew i would not have to bombard her in the first place[/quote1bcdd5e8a3]
Well, we're all contacting her via PM on A4F, or her Bullseye e-mail.
And I don't have [i1bcdd5e8a3]any[/i1bcdd5e8a3] information from her about [i1bcdd5e8a3]my[/i1bcdd5e8a3] account, because I haven't asked her. All of the conversations I'm having with her have had to do with validating her identity at first, and then about getting her to join us here at FiPG. I'm not asking about my account yet because I'm not yet at 8 weeks.
I just know that she's been telling some others when they should be expecting something.
If you're beyond 8 weeks, then by all means head over to A4F and PM her. Just be extremely polite and civil about it.
19-05-2006 19:53:21
Different topic
I am about a 1.5 months into my account and it looks like my referral isn't going to finish up, he stopped responding and apparently gave up after doing 5/6 offers...whatever.
Anyhow, I was wondering if anyone knew if I-deal is good about at least sending out the $50 giftcard consolation prizes...better than nothing i guess.
Anyone have a general timeline for when they send those out?
19-05-2006 20:13:34
couldnt you just do the 1 more offer for them, i mean it seems like it would help you both out. it not like you dont know there email its at the bottom of you status page
19-05-2006 20:17:10
[quotef4ef324fcc="RolltheStampede"]couldnt you just do the 1 more offer for them, i mean it seems like it would help you both out. it not like you dont know there email its at the bottom of you status page[/quotef4ef324fcc]
yeah but thats kinda...not allowed.
i know their email address, but i dont know their mailing address, full name, etc. And I-deal probably would want to check up on that stuff to watch for frauders...or maybe any case, that just seems wrong/fraudulent.
19-05-2006 23:41:40
[quote7f8abe798d="RolltheStampede"]no i dont mean information about how to contact her i mean information about when people would or should be fullfilled.
You know information that if i knew i would not have to bombard her in the first place[/quote7f8abe798d]
People on A4F who are past 8 weeks are being told 2-3 weeks. That's for people who want the tv and those who asked for the check. I'm not sure how much the check is for though. My 8 week mark is on Tuesday, so hopefully it'll still be 2-3 weeks by then.
20-05-2006 12:52:04
20-05-2006 18:11:27
Wow, that sucks.
Captain All That
23-05-2006 08:49:54
The poop is hitting the fan on A4F. Lots of people are getting $100 checks...
Trish stated that if you don't get a Check by this Friday... and you're approved already... You're getting your Tv.
23-05-2006 17:56:08
deleted! eeeek!
23-05-2006 17:59:05
Yeah 40 pages ago we knew all this.
23-05-2006 18:01:50
Eric you need to read the rules BEFORE you post. Did you even read the problems people here are having before you posted or decided to do the site?
1. Talking about canceling offers will get you DQ'd form the site and they DO READ and are active on the forums. REmove it before you get DQ'd.
2. Refferal links ARE NOT ALLOWED to be posted -- Id remove yours before you get banned.
3. You are borderline on walkingthru someone -- that also will get you DQ'd or Banned.
4. Why would someone help you and do this site with all the problems some people are having.
5. Your posting this on the wrong place anyway ...
and just my personal advise -- delete your post and cut your losses on CSC.
23-05-2006 18:48:56
Another example of why mods should delete posts.
23-05-2006 19:10:13
[quote955a37e6de="drummer_kew_03"][quote955a37e6de="RolltheStampede"]no i dont mean information about how to contact her i mean information about when people would or should be fullfilled.
You know information that if i knew i would not have to bombard her in the first place[/quote955a37e6de]
People on A4F who are past 8 weeks are being told 2-3 weeks. That's for people who want the tv and those who asked for the check. I'm not sure how much the check is for though. My 8 week mark is on Tuesday, so hopefully it'll still be 2-3 weeks by then.[/quote955a37e6de]
I still havent gotten a reply from her, and her pm box is full or disabled
23-05-2006 19:12:13
Disabled. She never actually helped anyone so its not a big deal...
23-05-2006 19:37:16
I sent her an email to the email she listed
time to start thinking about taking them to court yet?
if we organize this properly it might be worth our while
24-05-2006 08:48:13
[quote6fc6db446e="ericmiller1979"]hi i'm actually very new to all of this, but I signed up for 10 free offers to get the 42" TV and i have to get 5 referrals sign up for 10 offers each...[/quote6fc6db446e]
WOW! What a SUCKER! These are the golden customers I-deal is searching for. LOL. Seriously, someone actually thought they can 5 referrals to do 10+ offers. HAHAHA!
Captain All That
24-05-2006 12:20:42
Trish is spewing so many lies on that board it's going to get Ideal in trouble... Mark my words. If I were you guys I would download any page she's posted on and save it... Trust me on this.
Her stating that certain sites are not related will cause people to sign up for other sites and get DQ'd in the final hours. She's a liar and I hope you guys don't let her come here.
24-05-2006 12:27:39
[quoted21115f810="Captain All That"]Trish is spewing so many lies on that board it's going to get Ideal in trouble... Mark my words. If I were you guys I would download any page she's posted on and save it... Trust me on this.
Her stating that certain sites are not related will cause people to sign up for other sites and get DQ'd in the final hours. She's a liar and I hope you guys don't let her come here.[/quoted21115f810]
Don't worry, we're on it. wink
24-05-2006 12:31:19
[quotea3f824b79b="Captain All That"]Trish is spewing so many lies on that board it's going to get Ideal in trouble... Mark my words. If I were you guys I would download any page she's posted on and save it... Trust me on this.
Her stating that certain sites are not related will cause people to sign up for other sites and get DQ'd in the final hours. She's a liar and I hope you guys don't let her come here.[/quotea3f824b79b]
http// Click on "All Properties" and you can see all of i-deal's sites.
24-05-2006 13:35:26
Folks, just to clarify something nobody denies that I-Deal owns all of these sites. Trish however does not technically work for I-Deal, she works for Bullseye Media, one of I-Deal's DBA marketing companies. So it's entirely plausible that she can only help you with sites that Bullseye manages. There are at least 3-4 different companies running the current I-Deal sites, and besides CSC I think I've only seen one other site run by Bullseye (I'm sure there are more, but they're not widely known yet, at least not here).
Like Trish said scroll down to the bottom of the T&C and if it doesn't say Bullseye Media of Millersburg, PA, then Trish doesn't have anything to do with that site and cannot help you or give you any information about it.
I realize a lof peoples' frustrations at the company and the terseness of some of Trish's responses, and I'm on pins & needles waiting to see if I also get $100. But I just wanted to point out that calling her a liar because she says she's not I-Deal is incorrect. Her employer is Bullseye Marketing. Bullseye has a different mailing address and a different city in PA than the other common I-Deal sites. She's not saying I-Deal doesn't own those other sites, she's saying that she isn't managing them.
Take that for whatever it's worth...
24-05-2006 14:14:20
FWIW, Trish just reported on A4F that checks were mailed today, and TV's were ordered
[quotedb1f070fee="Bullseye Trish @ A4F"]Checks were mailed today.
TV's were ordered today - they are in processing (no I don't have tracking numbers or shipment dates)[/quotedb1f070fee]
She also followed that with
[quotedb1f070fee="Bullseye Trish @ A4F"]I [bdb1f070fee]think[/bdb1f070fee] people that chose Phillips are getting checks and people that chose Panasonic are getting tv's[/quotedb1f070fee]
24-05-2006 20:56:04
y'know people say "i didn't break the tos and my ref says he didn't either" but who would admit to screwing you out of two grand?... i think the majority of dq'd people deserve it probably.
24-05-2006 21:38:23
[quote3d8cfc30cb="gnznroses"]y'know people say "i didn't break the tos and my ref says he didn't either" but who would admit to screwing you out of two grand?... i think the majority of dq'd people deserve it probably.[/quote3d8cfc30cb]
Well actually when I spoke to my ref about whether or not he violated any of the rules he assured me he hadn't. When he told me the offers he had done and I told him he had done offers from the same company (nobody is still sure whether this is agains the TOS or not but this was before Trish had said anything about it and everyone assumed it was) he apologised if that was the reason why.
At that point I was the only person who had received a $100 cheque but the turn of the week obviously brought more and then more questions were answered so it became even more suspicious. What would my ref have to lose if he admitted he did violate the rules?
It's amazing how much arse-kissing has gone on since Trish said the cheques/TV's were shipped today. roll
24-05-2006 21:40:25
A4F, Asskissing4Free.
Captain All That
24-05-2006 22:14:54
[quote875da82219="dmorris68"]FWIW, Trish just reported on A4F that checks were mailed today, and TV's were ordered
[quote875da82219="Bullseye Trish @ A4F"]Checks were mailed today.
TV's were ordered today - they are in processing (no I don't have tracking numbers or shipment dates)[/quote875da82219]
She also followed that with
[quote875da82219="Bullseye Trish @ A4F"]I [b875da82219]think[/b875da82219] people that chose Phillips are getting checks and people that chose Panasonic are getting tv's[/quote875da82219][/quote875da82219]
yeah, I'll believe that when I see it. lililooks out the window to see if ups or mailman is cominglili
is there anyway to determine what kind of TV you ordered?
25-05-2006 00:56:25
hey can i sign up for this somehow? what's the deal, is it a scam or not? i basically want an HDTV as easily as I can get one... what should I do?
25-05-2006 02:20:28
Don't waste your time or money, even if they hadn't upped the requirements from 8 offers and 1 ref, to 10 offers and 5 refs.
25-05-2006 04:37:28
[quoteaaa568197c="Captain All That"]yeah, I'll believe that when I see it. lililooks out the window to see if ups or mailman is cominglili[/quoteaaa568197c]
I think we're all right there with you, but since I haven't received $100 yet, I remain optimistic.
[quoteaaa568197c="Captain All That"]is there anyway to determine what kind of TV you ordered?[/quoteaaa568197c]
You don't remember? You choose it when you signup, then you choose it again when you fill out the cert.
25-05-2006 04:39:10
[quoted8e8e33ad5="theysayjump"]It's amazing how much arse-kissing has gone on since Trish said the cheques/TV's were shipped today. roll[/quoted8e8e33ad5]
Heh, I noticed that too. The tone turned from sour to sweet almost immediately after Trish's post. Even Trish herself seemed to be in a better mood. )
25-05-2006 04:42:42
[quote9bfc220158="theysayjump"]Don't waste your time or money, even if they hadn't upped the requirements from 8 offers and 1 ref, to 10 offers and 5 refs.[/quote9bfc220158]
Well, I would certainly agree that even if/when CSC is proven legit, it still isn't worth doing at 10+5. I would imagine it to be extremely difficult to get 5 refs to complete 10 offers (and often extra are required) with no DQ's in 60 days.
If you're going to bank on I-Deal in the future, it's best to wait for them to roll out new sites. When I-Deal releases a new site, it's typically 6+1 or 8+1. Then once a number of people have signed up, the requirements skyrocket to 10+5.
25-05-2006 05:46:01
[quote9a31145224="dmorris68"]If you're going to bank on I-Deal in the future, it's best to wait for them to roll out new sites. When I-Deal releases a new site, it's typically 6+1 or 8+1. Then once a number of people have signed up, the requirements skyrocket to 10+5.[/quote9a31145224]
I-deal has so many web properties that they don't really release new sites. Instead, they let the completion rate fall too low (because of the high ref and offer requirements) and are forced to lower the requirements. It's a relatively cyclical process.
When trish said people who chose philips are getting checks, and those who chose panasonics are getting their tv, does she mean the $100 check some people got, or the 2 grand check some others got awhile ago?
Also, did Trish say anything about those who had to mail in other information such as their bank statement to show they did an offer?
25-05-2006 06:15:52
[quote5ab72722e5="UAO"]When trish said people who chose philips are getting checks, and those who chose panasonics are getting their tv, does she mean the $100 check some people got, or the 2 grand check some others got awhile ago?[/quote5ab72722e5]
She didn't say the amount of the check, but it is implied that it's the "full" amount, whatever that is. Probably $2K based on the previous checks.
She said all the $100 checks were mailed out by last Friday, so if you ddin't get one of those by the end of this week then you shouldn't be getting one.
[quote5ab72722e5="UAO"]Also, did Trish say anything about those who had to mail in other information such as their bank statement to show they did an offer?[/quote5ab72722e5]
No, she never specifically addressed that, but lots of people were verified that haven't been DQ'd yet. She told me personally back during the verification process, after I send the requested info, that my account was validated and everything was fine. I think that was just a preliminary fraud check due to Bullseye taking over CSC at the time.
Second thanks to you dmorris.
26-05-2006 08:18:44
got a call today from a local trucking company saying they had a skid to deliver to me from PC Connect to be delivered on Tuesday. I have not ordered anything or done any other site lately so I am on high hopes that it is my TV. Maybe it was Trish and she was telling the truth???? Anyone else get any calls today????
26-05-2006 10:02:23
Yeah, scooter and I received my TV today. I was in shock.
26-05-2006 10:19:32
lucky bastards =P
26-05-2006 10:20:40
livetbd, did you get the same pani that theysayjump did? TH-42PWD8UK??
26-05-2006 11:06:39
I'd like to know how many others who did this site did I-Deal's e-ResearchGroup Plasma site also?
Well if others got their tv today, looks like I might be SOL. I live right next to PA.
26-05-2006 11:17:49
UAO they aeem to be coming from OH and I live in OH and just got the call today. So you might get it Tues or Wed....
26-05-2006 11:29:12
Yeah and I live in PA so I'd get it sooner also.
26-05-2006 13:03:13
so has everyone who just got the tv chosen the plasma? trish said she thought people asking for the lcd were getting checks.
26-05-2006 13:07:24
I could've sworn I chose the Philips LCD for this site and the Panasonic for the e-ResearchGroup. shrug
26-05-2006 13:14:08
[quote7a25f91870="theysayjump"]I could've sworn I chose the Philips LCD for this site and the Panasonic for the e-ResearchGroup. shrug[/quote7a25f91870]
I don't think the choice is entirely reliable anyway -- remember the first wave of CSC shipments a couple months ago? People who requested Phillips LCD's got refurbed Phillips [i7a25f91870]Plasmas[/i7a25f91870]. The choice is a just a "suggestion," apparently. )
26-05-2006 13:25:15
[quote5a4a14a26a="dmorris68"][quote5a4a14a26a="theysayjump"]I could've sworn I chose the Philips LCD for this site and the Panasonic for the e-ResearchGroup. shrug[/quote5a4a14a26a]
I don't think the choice is entirely reliable anyway -- remember the first wave of CSC shipments a couple months ago? People who requested Phillips LCD's got refurbed Phillips [i5a4a14a26a]Plasmas[/i5a4a14a26a]. The choice is a just a "suggestion," apparently. )[/quote5a4a14a26a]
If I ever managed to complete a DIY plasma/lcd site..i wouldn't care what i get as long as its big !! REAL BIG BABY YEAH!!
ps. sorry i'm so cheery..its friday!!
26-05-2006 14:17:51
I did the e-researchgroup plasma, and I was approved as of May 2nd. So I dunno.
[quote7ee6558f0f="skooter22c"]UAO they aeem to be coming from OH and I live in OH and just got the call today. So you might get it Tues or Wed....[/quote7ee6558f0f]
Damn, which tv did you choose? I chose the Philips LCD.....
I am in Sweden right now so I have to call and bug my parents.
26-05-2006 17:00:48
same tv, skooter
26-05-2006 19:03:44
Any idea what this is all about and does it say the same for anyone else? I just checked my account status on CSC and it says this at the bottom
[quotee3dddc4be9]You have been approved by the sponsor(s). Your redemption certificate was processed on Mar 3 2006 201PM. [be3dddc4be9]Your gift will be mailed out to you shortly.[/be3dddc4be9]
-- Thank you.[/quotee3dddc4be9]
But a few days ago it said this
[quotee3dddc4be9]You have been approved by the sponsor(s). Your redemption certificate was processed on Mar 3 2006 201PM. [be3dddc4be9]Your free gift will be mailed out within 6 to 8 weeks of the processing date.[/be3dddc4be9]
-- Thank you.[/quotee3dddc4be9]
26-05-2006 19:25:05
TSJ - the status changes on your account once they send a check/gift to you. You can figure out whether the TV you got was from ERG or CSC by checking your status on each site, I think.
26-05-2006 19:35:42
Hmm.....I was under the impression that they didn't change your account.
If they do, then the TV I got today was definitely from CSC because my E-RG account still says "......within 6 to 8 weeks".
Now it begs the question, did they fuck up and unintentionally send it to me, did they "let me off the hook" or did they realise their mistake in DQ'ing so many people was a bad move and didn't want to deal with all of the lawsuits that were going to be filed?
I guess we'll see if and when more DQ'ed people start receiving their TV's/cheques.
26-05-2006 21:25:37
No idea, but nothing here yet.
Captain All That
26-05-2006 22:56:09
[quote0c57ba3c53="theysayjump"]Hmm.....I was under the impression that they didn't change your account.
If they do, then the TV I got today was definitely from CSC because my E-RG account still says "......within 6 to 8 weeks".
Now it begs the question, did they fuck up and unintentionally send it to me, did they "let me off the hook" or did they realise their mistake in DQ'ing so many people was a bad move and didn't want to deal with all of the lawsuits that were going to be filed?
I guess we'll see if and when more DQ'ed people start receiving their TV's/cheques.[/quote0c57ba3c53]
Well... if it was a mistake... and since they also know you as TSJ on the forums... I'm sure Tricia will make sure you don't receive another TV.
Personally... if I had gotten it... I would have found at where it was from before I blabbed it everywhere. In their T&C's, they do say that if you violate any of their policies they can make you return the gift...
Personally, i hope you get a second TV because that would be the ultimate slap in the face to them.. but common sense tells me by sharing the info, you won't be getting anything else.
But what do I know... I'll have to wait another month before I hear anything.
26-05-2006 23:48:55
[quote381113ab88="Captain All That"][quote381113ab88="theysayjump"]Hmm.....I was under the impression that they didn't change your account.
If they do, then the TV I got today was definitely from CSC because my E-RG account still says "......within 6 to 8 weeks".
Now it begs the question, did they fuck up and unintentionally send it to me, did they "let me off the hook" or did they realise their mistake in DQ'ing so many people was a bad move and didn't want to deal with all of the lawsuits that were going to be filed?
I guess we'll see if and when more DQ'ed people start receiving their TV's/cheques.[/quote381113ab88]
Well... if it was a mistake... and since they also know you as TSJ on the forums... I'm sure Tricia will make sure you don't receive another TV.
Personally... if I had gotten it... I would have found at where it was from before I blabbed it everywhere. In their T&C's, they do say that if you violate any of their policies they can make you return the gift...
Personally, i hope you get a second TV because that would be the ultimate slap in the face to them.. but common sense tells me by sharing the info, you won't be getting anything else.
But what do I know... I'll have to wait another month before I hear anything.[/quote381113ab88]
So how exactly would you find out where it came from and even if you did find out, what difference would it make if you were going to "blab" it everywhere anyway?
27-05-2006 07:55:46
TSJ, my account status says the same as yours-your gift will be mailed out shortly. I believe this is regarding the $100 check. It makes it seem like they are mailing out your prize, but all they are doing is sending out a consolation (or in your case, the actual prize lol)
27-05-2006 10:51:09
Does anyone know if Molly has another email= address since her address since her is not working anymore?
27-05-2006 11:32:46
The checks are for the full 2000, at least so far
27-05-2006 11:52:36
[quotebfa0925a49="artvandelay"]TSJ, my account status says the same as yours-your gift will be mailed out shortly. I believe this is regarding the $100 check. It makes it seem like they are mailing out your prize, but all they are doing is sending out a consolation (or in your case, the actual prize lol)[/quotebfa0925a49]
Well that's what I thought at first but my status on Wednesday night 4 and a half days after I got my $100 cheque said My gift would be mailed out within 6-8 weeks. Now after I receive the TV it says I'll receive it shortly. shrug
Captain All That
27-05-2006 11:59:22
So how exactly would you find out where it came from and even if you did find out, what difference would it make if you were going to "blab" it everywhere anyway?[/quotea9cc98b41b]
Well... I would probably call up PC Connect with the order number or log into their store with the invoice info and find out who ordered it and maybe gleen that information from a few other people to see if it matches up. A couple of phone calls could go a long way.
As for what difference it makes...
they said they dq'd you from CSC and sent you $100. If they also sent you a TV from CSC then it was probably a mistake on their part and they have the right to request that you return the TV.
But lets say you also qualified for the E-Research TV also... then you would have gotten two TV's or a TV and a Check for 2K + the check for $100. So now they can say... "Well... we sent you the other TV by mistake but since you have that one, we'll just say it's fulfillment of your gift on E-Research."
In any event it's no biggie... you got a TV for right now... But just keep in mind that once you mention taking legal actions, whatever you say is no doubt being monitored and saved and can be used against you. I guess what I'm saying is just be careful what you post.
To each his own... no harm no foul.
27-05-2006 12:42:18
I actually looked through their TOS and nowhere does it say they can request the TV or gift back. Infact, they say that when they send out your gift, no returns whatsoever will be accepted, so even if I wantd to return it, I would be violating their TOS if I did so.
I rightfully qualified for a gift from both sites and if I don't get what I deserve then I am prepared to take further action. I know for a fact that I'm not the only one either.
So Im in germany right now and just got noticed from my dad that I got a 2k check. I picked the Philips tv fyi.
27-05-2006 14:03:14
[quoteae24ee5d4f="UAO"]So Im in germany right now and just got noticed from my dad that I got a 2k check. I picked the Philips tv fyi.[/quoteae24ee5d4f]
Dude, yesterday you were in Sweden. lol
Anyway, were you DQ'ed at all and what was your processing/approved date and what week were you at?
[quotedf4c20e827="theysayjump"][quotedf4c20e827="UAO"]So Im in germany right now and just got noticed from my dad that I got a 2k check. I picked the Philips tv fyi.[/quotedf4c20e827]
Dude, yesterday you were in Sweden. lol
Anyway, were you DQ'ed at all and what was your processing/approved date and what week were you at?[/quotedf4c20e827]
Im doing a euro trip with two friends lol From London to Sweden to Germany to the Netherlands.
Anyway, I was never DQd, just had to send in extra information with the select others. My orginal paperwork was processed on March 20th.
28-05-2006 06:53:10
[quoteaf5bab3ddc="Captain All That"][quoteaf5bab3ddc="theysayjump"]
So how exactly would you find out where it came from and even if you did find out, what difference would it make if you were going to "blab" it everywhere anyway?[/quoteaf5bab3ddc]
Well... I would probably call up PC Connect with the order number or log into their store with the invoice info and find out who ordered it and maybe gleen that information from a few other people to see if it matches up. A couple of phone calls could go a long way.
As for what difference it makes...
they said they dq'd you from CSC and sent you $100. If they also sent you a TV from CSC then it was probably a mistake on their part and they have the right to request that you return the TV.
But lets say you also qualified for the E-Research TV also... then you would have gotten two TV's or a TV and a Check for 2K + the check for $100. So now they can say... "Well... we sent you the other TV by mistake but since you have that one, we'll just say it's fulfillment of your gift on E-Research."
In any event it's no biggie... you got a TV for right now... But just keep in mind that once you mention taking legal actions, whatever you say is no doubt being monitored and saved and can be used against you. I guess what I'm saying is just be careful what you post.
To each his own... no harm no foul.[/quoteaf5bab3ddc]
actually according to the law. If a company sends you something you have the right to keep it.....
28-05-2006 09:09:10
actually according to the law. If a company sends you something you have the right to keep it.....[/quoteae41c4c842]
I'd love to see some citation or proof that this is true.
28-05-2006 11:48:35
i deal is kinda random. some people get $2000 checks, some get a refurbished philips plasma hdtv, some get panaonic EDTV, some get $100
i wonder how they pick the gifts. maybe they roll a dice or something. hopefully i get lucky and get the $2000 check.
28-05-2006 11:49:21
actually according to the law. If a company sends you something you have the right to keep it.....[/quote1844900394]
I'd love to see some citation or proof that this is true.[/quote1844900394]
It's not always true. Federal postal laws, which cover only USPS shipments, allow you to keep anything sent to you unsolicited or by mistake. To the best of my knowledge, those laws don't apply to common couriers like FedEx, UPS, freight companies, etc.
28-05-2006 21:08:43
[quote913b11dc11="UAO"]So Im in germany right now and just got noticed from my dad that I got a 2k check. I picked the Philips tv fyi.[/quote913b11dc11]
remember the days when you said...this?
I'm just suprised how many people are sitll doing these sites and thinking they will get something. I wish I could reach across their monitor and smack the shit out of them for being so thick headed.[/quote913b11dc11]
funny how things work out. My INITIAL method of action...wait and hope for the best. What you ended up doing after all the arguments...waited and hoped for the best. And you got it. Congrats. Now I suppose those ban threats on my idealistic pessimism aren't so appropriate anymore,
[quote913b11dc11="UAO"]Can we get a ban here? You contribute nothing to this thread ...[/quote913b11dc11]
Again..congrats and, oh yea, one last thing....
[b913b11dc11]I TOLD YOU SO!!!![/b913b11dc11]
29-05-2006 00:07:00
UAO, you did get owned, sorry man...
29-05-2006 18:54:19
Hey for the last few weeks I have been reading all of you guys posts about IDEAL CSC and plasma tvs. My question is some are for the LCD vs Plasma and another by same company is which is what I did and was approved by sponsors on May 2nd so was just curious if any of you did the same one where its between samsung ar panasonic. I chose Pannie. So any hekp apprecaited
30-05-2006 11:56:51
FYI - I received my Panasonic EDTV today, via "Yellow" Trucking Company, same plasma tv as the rest of you, brand new. Very nice, not even the slightest DENT in my shipping box ... Plugged in looks beautiful.......
This is my 10th week, pretty happy it finally came in.. Also I PM'd trish and told her I wanted the Check, unless the tv was shipping soon. She obviously put me on the TV list... which I'm happy for because i would have never bought a tv with the check.. )
30-05-2006 12:43:17
[quotece6b076a7f="shaggz"]FYI - I received my Panasonic EDTV today, via "Yellow" Trucking Company, same plasma tv as the rest of you. . . [/quotece6b076a7f]
Without speakers or a stand?
30-05-2006 13:24:58
shipping company just called trying to deliver mine to me, gotta drive home I guess..
30-05-2006 14:06:51
[quote929ed01c25="jbristowe"]Hey for the last few weeks I have been reading all of you guys posts about IDEAL CSC and plasma tvs. My question is some are for the LCD vs Plasma and another by same company is which is what I did and was approved by sponsors on May 2nd so was just curious if any of you did the same one where its between samsung ar panasonic. I chose Pannie. So any hekp apprecaited
I did the i-deal plasmatv4free also and was also approved may 2nd. I chose the panasonic one.
As far as I know plasmatv4free and CSC are owned by i-deal, but are run by different companies. CSC is bullseye media and plasmatv4free is different (marketlabs perhaps?). I may be wrong though. If I'm right however, it just means that because a couple i-deal sites sent out tvs and a couple sent out $2000 checks, doesnt mean that we will get either.
I'm hoping for the check, buying a crotch rocket hehe. Good luck, im sure if you get something I will too or the other way around.
30-05-2006 14:27:52
Woot! My wife just called after getting in from work to say I had a message from Yellow Freight, trying to get directions to deliver a TV. )
I called him back and set up delivery for tomorrow after 4pm. Woohoo!
CSC comes through after all. And I was only at 5 weeks from cert approval, too!
I also sent my YourCoolFreeStuff cert in today.
30-05-2006 15:27:24
congrats dmorris, i see ideal came through finally, looks like i better get on some offers wink
30-05-2006 16:01:47
I got my check for 2k!! I orded the LCD. Strange thing is.. my ref was DQed and I still got the check. Whoohoo!!
30-05-2006 16:08:26
[quotefddf00c869="iMizzle"]I got my check for 2k!! I orded the LCD. Strange thing is.. my ref was DQed and I still got the check. Whoohoo!![/quotefddf00c869]
I expect what happened is that your ref's ref was the one in violation, which prevented your ref from getting his freebie. Your ref's offers were probably good, which qualified you regardless of what his ref did.
30-05-2006 16:09:09
[quote92992753e1="kdollar"]congrats dmorris, i see ideal came through finally, looks like i better get on some offers wink[/quote92992753e1]
I'm sure jaws would appreciate it, but I don't know how much time he has left. ;)
30-05-2006 17:54:22
Holy F. Just got my $2k check. I think justinag06 got the plasma. Must be all the LCDs are getting checks and all the plasmas are getting the gift?
30-05-2006 17:58:22
[quote20a32c85de="mneipert"]Holy F. Just got my $2k check. I think justinag06 got the plasma. Must be all the LCDs are getting checks and all the plasmas are getting the gift?[/quote20a32c85de]
Yep, that's what Trish told us last week to expect. Although I wanted a TV, I wish now I had asked for the LCD, since the Plasma they're shipping is only worth about $1400 or so.
30-05-2006 21:09:40
Which has better image quality? The plamsa from CSC or the plasma from EFG?
30-05-2006 21:21:15
I'm still keeping up hope. I'm in Cali, and it looks like the checks / T.V. are slowly making it's way out west.
30-05-2006 21:22:22
I'm in Cali too so yeah hopefully its just the USPS slowness...
30-05-2006 21:29:47
cali too. can you guys please post what state you are in.
30-05-2006 22:28:49
got my check in oklahoma today. A few texans on a4f got checks today also.
30-05-2006 23:34:54
Im in Santa Rosa, Ca and already got my 2k check today... Bought a 32inch HDTV, an entertainment center, some DVDs, paid rent/bills... and bought drugs. So, yea... I'm happy.
Also, they told my ref he was disqualified for using 2 different addresses for his gift and the offers... Which is incorrect.
31-05-2006 06:19:53
[quote9f75a64a75="iMizzle"]Im in Santa Rosa, Ca and already got my 2k check today... Also, they told my ref he was disqualified for using 2 different addresses for his gift and the offers... Which is incorrect.[/quote9f75a64a75]
So you got a $2K check, despite your ref being DQ'd?
Captain All That
31-05-2006 07:01:37
Boy... if you look at the time frames for everything... it looks like things go out on the last Thursday of each month... maybe the last Friday... so if you haven't received anything this month, then things should go out around the same time next month. I think one more month will give us a better idea of how this all works...
31-05-2006 07:31:50
[quote3301c48387="Captain All That"]Boy... if you look at the time frames for everything... it looks like things go out on the last Thursday of each month... maybe the last Friday... so if you haven't received anything this month, then things should go out around the same time next month. I think one more month will give us a better idea of how this all works...[/quote3301c48387]
Yeah, I think most of us that have been doing/watching I-Deal for a few months figured that out in March. However they didn't ship anything the end of April. They went from shipping end of March to shipping again end of May. So either they're on a monthly cycle and got backed up one month, or they're actually on a 2-month cycle -- hence the 8 week quote for shipping. Depending on the timing of where you were approved in the process, you might go 5 weeks (like me) or you might go 12 weeks.
31-05-2006 15:22:36
[quote5de0dc6365="doylnea"][quote5de0dc6365="iMizzle"]Im in Santa Rosa, Ca and already got my 2k check today... Also, they told my ref he was disqualified for using 2 different addresses for his gift and the offers... Which is incorrect.[/quote5de0dc6365]
So you got a $2K check, despite your ref being DQ'd?[/quote5de0dc6365]
31-05-2006 18:17:40
[quote4b406ed3ed="iMizzle"][quote4b406ed3ed="doylnea"][quote4b406ed3ed="iMizzle"]Im in Santa Rosa, Ca and already got my 2k check today... Also, they told my ref he was disqualified for using 2 different addresses for his gift and the offers... Which is incorrect.[/quote4b406ed3ed]
So you got a $2K check, despite your ref being DQ'd?[/quote4b406ed3ed]
My DQ wasn't that bad. I was told it was because I used two different e-mails (more than one account) even though searching the status on the supposed second account there's no record of it existing. If it did exist, then it would either show the status or say it had expired.
31-05-2006 19:09:45
BTW, got my Plasma this evening. Pic of box posted in DIY Brag Bag...
31-05-2006 23:00:21
[quote99ec987ecd="dmorris68"]BTW, got my Plasma this evening. Pic of box posted in DIY Brag Bag...[/quote99ec987ecd]
01-06-2006 15:48:34
got my plasma today. anyone know of good speakers to buy for this?
01-06-2006 16:10:00
also whats a good stand?
01-06-2006 16:12:08
Did everyone that got the TV get a call or did it just show up?
01-06-2006 16:47:32
[quote8371f74867="Wolfeman"]Did everyone that got the TV get a call or did it just show up?[/quote8371f74867]
The freight company called for directions. I didn't get the message until too late in the day, so they brought it the next day. If they had known where I lived they would have probably just shown up.
01-06-2006 18:19:54
I'm still waiting.
01-06-2006 19:19:34
After being home for 3 hours my wife goes 'Oh, I forgot, they delivered your T.V. today'
The same Panasonic as everyone else.
01-06-2006 19:49:23
[quotea875a3a4cb="Brutus"]After being home for 3 hours my wife goes 'Oh, I forgot, they delivered your T.V. today'
The same Panasonic as everyone else.[/quotea875a3a4cb]
lol You didn't notice a new Plasma TV in your house?
01-06-2006 19:51:26
[quote691fd2421a="theysayjump"][quote691fd2421a="Brutus"]After being home for 3 hours my wife goes 'Oh, I forgot, they delivered your T.V. today'
The same Panasonic as everyone else.[/quote691fd2421a]
lol You didn't notice a new Plasma TV in your house?[/quote691fd2421a]
It was in the garage. P
01-06-2006 20:54:43
Anyone here get a plasma and a $100 DQ check? I'm just wondering...
01-06-2006 23:18:05
I really dont wanna read 42 pages of this thread, can someone tell me whats up with this site? Is it still possible to do or have they raised the amount of offers? If it is still possible and someone needs a referral send me a link.
01-06-2006 23:19:27
[quote2dda52c1df="FilosopherStoner"]I really dont wanna read 42 pages of this thread, can someone tell me whats up with this site? Is it still possible to do or have they raised the amount of offers? If it is still possible and someone needs a referral send me a link.[/quote2dda52c1df]
Its not worth it anymore...
01-06-2006 23:40:03
Yeah I got mine too tuesday, I wont go get it from home for a while though
02-06-2006 00:36:25
Its funny because my ref got it before me (
02-06-2006 01:38:02
[quoteda330af82f="Wolfeman"]Its funny because my ref got it before me D[/quoteda330af82f]
02-06-2006 01:59:44
[quote0aad35c99a="Wolfeman"]Its funny because my ref got it before me ([/quote0aad35c99a]
Did the person you signed up under receive their TV/cheque?
If so, and you get DQ'ed then you know for a fact that they're bullshitting.
02-06-2006 05:14:32
I don't think Wolfie got DQ'd though, because he would have received the $100 check by now (or at least a DQ notice). According to Trish, all DQ checks went out like 3 Friday's ago, and she said if you hadn't got the $100 check by the following week, you'd be getting the TV/$2K check. And I've not heard from anybody receiving the $100 check for about 2 weeks now.
The worst I think may have happened is that Wolfie fell through a crack somewhere. People were still getting TV's yesterday, so there's hope yet.
02-06-2006 05:53:43
What's the shortest period of approval for someone to have received a TV/Check? From what I've seen, DMorris was at approximately 5 weeks and is the earliest. Has anyone seen or read of an earlier TV / check shipment?
At this point, I'm kind of thankful I didn't get the Panasonic TV I ordered - I'd like to see if they'll order HDTV next time, instead of the EDTVs they ordered this time...
02-06-2006 06:14:30
Actually, I was at 5 weeks on delivery (cert processed on 4/25, first attempted delivery on 5/30, exactly 5 weeks). They actually shipped the week before, so around 4 weeks from approval to shipment. Guess I just lucked into the shipping cycle. Or maybe it was the cheerleading I was doing for I-Deal. Or the bribe. Oops, did I say that out loud? ;)
I think somebody else on A4F mentioned something about 4 weeks as well. I'd be very surprised if any were quicker than that.
Yeah, I was a bit pissed at the EDTV thing too. Not surprised that it could happen though -- the purchasing agent probably had no clue there was a difference in 42" Plasma's and bought the cheapest Panasonic they could find. I brought it to Trish's attention as have others, so hopefully in the future they'll do better. Then again, maybe not, since they got away with it this time. Truth be told, for a bedroom TV (where I put mine), EDTV is fine and looks quite good -- and since I didn't actually PAY for the TV, I was willing to settle for it. 720p HDTV content is downconverted to 480p and gets a little "soft" around the edges, but still looks good. If I weren't already spoiled by the SXRD downstairs, I'd think there wasn't much difference.
02-06-2006 06:48:46
[quotef27489eb35="doylnea"]What's the shortest period of approval for someone to have received a TV/Check? From what I've seen, DMorris was at approximately 5 weeks and is the earliest. Has anyone seen or read of an earlier TV / check shipment?
At this point, I'm kind of thankful I didn't get the Panasonic TV I ordered - I'd like to see if they'll order HDTV next time, instead of the EDTVs they ordered this time...[/quotef27489eb35]
Someone at Referral Swapper got their Plasma at 4 weeks..
02-06-2006 07:39:13
[quote5c6a89fd83="shaggz"][quote5c6a89fd83="doylnea"]What's the shortest period of approval for someone to have received a TV/Check? From what I've seen, DMorris was at approximately 5 weeks and is the earliest. Has anyone seen or read of an earlier TV / check shipment?
At this point, I'm kind of thankful I didn't get the Panasonic TV I ordered - I'd like to see if they'll order HDTV next time, instead of the EDTVs they ordered this time...[/quote5c6a89fd83]
Someone at Referral Swapper got their Plasma at 4 weeks..[/quote5c6a89fd83]
Thanks D and Shaggz...
Grr, I was approved on early in May, but haven't gotten anything DQ check, $2K or Plasma...hopefully I'll be in the next batch...
02-06-2006 08:21:44
[quotef099559a2a="doylnea"][quotef099559a2a="shaggz"][quotef099559a2a="doylnea"]What's the shortest period of approval for someone to have received a TV/Check? From what I've seen, DMorris was at approximately 5 weeks and is the earliest. Has anyone seen or read of an earlier TV / check shipment?
At this point, I'm kind of thankful I didn't get the Panasonic TV I ordered - I'd like to see if they'll order HDTV next time, instead of the EDTVs they ordered this time...[/quotef099559a2a]
Someone at Referral Swapper got their Plasma at 4 weeks..[/quotef099559a2a]
Thanks D and Shaggz...
Grr, I was approved on early in May, but haven't gotten anything DQ check, $2K or Plasma...hopefully I'll be in the next batch...[/quotef099559a2a]
Yeah, I wasn't approved until May 11th, even though I sent my certs back in March...
I hope I get a 2k check, I really don't want a TV, HDTV or not, I'd rather get a 20" Sharp Aquos )
02-06-2006 08:46:54
im in the same boat as yall, hopin 2 k check....i dont want an edtv (
02-06-2006 09:30:42
Whether you get a check or not depends on which TV you ordered. Panasonic gets you the EDTV, Phillips gets you the check.
02-06-2006 11:23:55
I actually asked for the plasma, but when i had to send in an approval form, for some reason it had the lcd on it and it wouldn't let me change it. I wasl like wtf? but then I got a check for 2 grand and i shut up, haha D
02-06-2006 11:48:40
[quote72cf114555="dmorris68"]Whether you get a check or not depends on which TV you ordered. Panasonic gets you the EDTV, Phillips gets you the check.[/quote72cf114555]
but they delayed on my approval, they got my shit on early april and didnt get approved until may 23rd, so im hopin ill be in a different batch......maybe that will get me something different.
02-06-2006 14:22:26
gay, you sent in your shit the same week as neipert too, he was approved withen days
02-06-2006 14:41:37
My TV is getting delivered Monday ) I kinda wanted the check but OH WELL!!!
02-06-2006 14:50:23
I think everyone kinda wanted the check ;)
02-06-2006 15:01:20
Anyone want to link me to the Panny TV? I don't want to search for it )
02-06-2006 15:10:54
02-06-2006 15:13:00
I wish I was getting my tv cry My legitimate referral (Brutus) just got his, but my illegitimate referral supposedly got my DQ'd. I mailed back the $100 check back to Trish, but after numerous emails, I have not heard anything. cry
02-06-2006 19:26:13
My status says, I am disqualified due to 'invalid referral'. Any one is in the same boat? what would be the reason for invalid referral?
02-06-2006 19:29:44
[quote22f7d2ffe5="sdjunkk"]My status says, I am disqualified due to 'invalid referral'. Any one is in the same boat? what would be the reason for invalid referral?
That's what your account status says online?
I was DQ'ed also but they sent a letter to my house with a $100 cheque saying it was either myself or my referrl who was in violation of the TOS, but my account status says that I was approved on March 3rd and my gift will be mailed out to me shortly. shrug
02-06-2006 22:09:36
happy got the tv. only thing that would piss me off would be if ideal declares the tv on the tax form to be $2000. i would not pay tax on that. the max tax i would pay on the amount $1500
03-06-2006 07:36:59
[quoteebd111fe1d="zainali"]happy got the tv. only thing that would piss me off would be if ideal declares the tv on the tax form to be $2000. i would not pay tax on that. the max tax i would pay on the amount $1500[/quoteebd111fe1d]
IIRC there is a way you can depreciate the asset that you're being taxed on. I forget exactly what you have to do, and if it could be applied here, but there is something that might be possible.
03-06-2006 07:39:08
[quotebbebac0bac="theysayjump"][quotebbebac0bac="sdjunkk"]My status says, I am disqualified due to 'invalid referral'. Any one is in the same boat? what would be the reason for invalid referral?
That's what your account status says online?
I was DQ'ed also but they sent a letter to my house with a $100 cheque saying it was either myself or my referrl who was in violation of the TOS, but my account status says that I was approved on March 3rd and my gift will be mailed out to me shortly. shrug[/quotebbebac0bac]
Yes! that's what my status says. cry
03-06-2006 13:50:00
[quoteba1ddc6ff1="sdjunkk"][quoteba1ddc6ff1="theysayjump"][quoteba1ddc6ff1="sdjunkk"]My status says, I am disqualified due to 'invalid referral'. Any one is in the same boat? what would be the reason for invalid referral?
That's what your account status says online?
I was DQ'ed also but they sent a letter to my house with a $100 cheque saying it was either myself or my referrl who was in violation of the TOS, but my account status says that I was approved on March 3rd and my gift will be mailed out to me shortly. shrug[/quoteba1ddc6ff1]
Yes! that's what my status says. cry[/quoteba1ddc6ff1]
Hmm so maybe I still have hope...
03-06-2006 15:29:43
[quoted51509f450="zainali"]happy got the tv. only thing that would piss me off would be if ideal declares the tv on the tax form to be $2000. i would not pay tax on that. the max tax i would pay on the amount $1500[/quoted51509f450]
You can absolutely, positively challenge the value assigned by I-deal, regardless of what it is. You can "adjust" the 1099 you get to whatever the market value of the tv is -- I believe you could even use the market value at the time you file your taxes, because I do not believe there is any indication given to the IRS when you received the tv.
I would recommend printing up a few web pages from sites selling the tv as backup if the IRS requests it.
I won a vacation on a game show a few years back that was "valued" at $3000. I found a comparable package on travelocity for $1200, so when I received the tax forms I adjusted down the reported value. This was done with the help of an accountant, so I recommend either using an accountant or doing some research on exactly how to do it.
05-06-2006 10:43:29
05-06-2006 12:25:54
Effin seXy!
05-06-2006 12:48:36
Congrats Wolfeman! )
Also just to update, I got my check last week from them.
09-06-2006 14:47:35
I got my Panasonic like 1 1/2 weeks ago too but I'm moving so it's sitting in the corner still in the box.
20-06-2006 12:28:53
Got my plasma!!
21-06-2006 03:52:05
[quote57efb5431a="WEBDIZZY"]Got my plasma!!
Have you figured out if this is from CSC or GMFPTV? I ask because I'm at 7 weeks for CSC and my cycncism notes suggests that I'm going to end up with another $100 check if I haven't gotten anything by now.
23-06-2006 12:23:22
okay has anyone been approved by CSC and not been dq'd but HASNT received anything yet???
23-06-2006 12:34:52
[quote8ee7ae7c26="kdollar"]okay has anyone been approved by CSC and not been dq'd but HASNT received anything yet???[/quote8ee7ae7c26]
23-06-2006 12:56:20
[quotef59978632e="doylnea"][quotef59978632e="WEBDIZZY"]Got my plasma!!
Have you figured out if this is from CSC or GMFPTV? I ask because I'm at 7 weeks for CSC and my cycncism notes suggests that I'm going to end up with another $100 check if I haven't gotten anything by now.[/quotef59978632e]
30-06-2006 05:12:38
I was just checking my status and it said this
You have been approved by the sponsor(s). Your redemption certificate was processed on May 11 2006 1107AM. [bab81df756c]Your gift will be mailed out to you shortly. [/bab81df756c]
Does anyone else have this? I was wondering because most of the people who received their tv still had the "6-8 weeks" message.
I'm scared I might be getting DQ'd. (
30-06-2006 05:56:16
[quote6e4ca4c0e7="kt006"]I was just checking my status and it said this
You have been approved by the sponsor(s). Your redemption certificate was processed on May 11 2006 1107AM. [b6e4ca4c0e7]Your gift will be mailed out to you shortly. [/b6e4ca4c0e7]
Does anyone else have this? I was wondering because most of the people who received their tv still had the "6-8 weeks" message.
I'm scared I might be getting DQ'd. ([/quote6e4ca4c0e7]
I got a TV earlier this week and my status still says "Your gift will be mailed to you in 6-8 weeks."
30-06-2006 08:54:43
Anyone else looking for a ref? I'm seriously thinking of starting this offer. I was also wanting to know if any others are interested. I'll need another who will be interested to be my ref...
30-06-2006 10:08:15
its 5 refs now and 10 offers, uncompleteable
25-07-2006 13:20:44
[quote197829a9b0="doylnea"][quote197829a9b0="WEBDIZZY"]Got my plasma!!
Have you figured out if this is from CSC or GMFPTV? I ask because I'm at 7 weeks for CSC and my cycncism notes suggests that I'm going to end up with another $100 check if I haven't gotten anything by now.[/quote197829a9b0]
I finally found out that the TV I received is from, not I did both sites, both were processed within one day of each other, and I only got one TV so far -- at 5 1/2 weeks after processing. It's been almost 11 weeks now and I haven't received the second one. Has anyone else done both sites and received 2 TVs?
25-07-2006 13:25:39
july 23rd was 8 weeks for me, and trish hasnt responded to one single email, i have no idea why, in the other forum she said she would only respond if you were in the 6 to 8 week period. im tired of gettin the run around, does anyone remember what time of the month they usually ship?
31-07-2006 09:17:26
I need some advise on an iDeal issue involving this freebie site. Please see my post at the end of the following thread, dated Mon Jul 31, 2006 1114 am
31-07-2006 09:41:35
well what i dont get is why trish doesnt answer her email, im at 9 weeks and cant get a tv or a response from csc.
31-07-2006 09:43:52
My first email was replied to within an hour -- that's the one where she accused me of trying to commit fraud. I haven't been able to get a response from her since.
31-07-2006 10:37:47
Trish is known for cutting off communications with people who irritate her, or who take a "legal" stance with her (threaten to sue or report them to AG or whatever). She defers you then to their legal department.
Good luck, but I'm not optimistic for you.
I'm thinking your mistake was doing them so close together. Your accounts probably wound up being merged at the I-Deal level (above the DBA level where BullsEye operates), whether intentionally or accidentally, and now they think you're trying to score twice illegitimately.
People have gotten 2 plasmas from I-Deal just a couple months apart so I know it's possible, I'm just thinking you doing 2 at the same time is what sunk you.
31-07-2006 10:43:17
[quote70d8d5aede="dmorris68"]Trish is known for cutting off communications with people who irritate her, or who take a "legal" stance with her (threaten to sue or report them to AG or whatever). She defers you then to their legal department.[/quote70d8d5aede]
I didn't do/say anything that would have been irritating nor did I threaten any legal action. It was a polite inquiry.
31-07-2006 10:52:02
I am in the same boat, I just got my ycfs check, and I have redtopsavings processing since the same day. Both accounts were processed on the 27th of June. We'll see what happens...
31-07-2006 10:55:04
[quote7155fa55fe="WEBDIZZY"][quote7155fa55fe="dmorris68"]Trish is known for cutting off communications with people who irritate her, or who take a "legal" stance with her (threaten to sue or report them to AG or whatever). She defers you then to their legal department.[/quote7155fa55fe]
I didn't do/say anything that would have been irritating nor did I threaten any legal action. It was a polite inquiry.[/quote7155fa55fe]
I understand, but perhaps if she thought you [i7155fa55fe]were[/i7155fa55fe] trying to fraud them, she writes you off as a problem case and ignores you from then on.
Don't know, just a thought. Keep trying though, maybe you'll get through. I would follow Trish's advice to others and send a written letter via certified mail to the attention of their legal department.
31-07-2006 11:02:12
See my update to this in the iDeal thread.
I just received a check from them for $1784!!!!!!!!!!
31-07-2006 11:05:06
wow wish i was that lucky, so im not even in a legal issue and i dont receive a single response or gift. congrats webdizzy. what tv did you choose?
31-07-2006 11:10:51
It was the Panasonic. That's what I selected on both sites. I sold the first one for less that this check on eBay!
31-07-2006 11:13:34
Congrats! Case closed, then. )
31-07-2006 11:25:08
Yeah, congrats man. )
ALthough $1784 is a weird amount to be paid. Definitely better than having to sell another tv though!
31-07-2006 11:29:33
[quote03ecd6a780="ajrock2000"]Yeah, congrats man. )
ALthough $1784 is a weird amount to be paid. Definitely better than having to sell another tv though![/quote03ecd6a780]
Yeah, it is a VERY weird amount! It's dated one day after my email to support, so I'm thinking that's probably why I got it. If you don't get your gift from redtopsavings, contact support.
31-07-2006 11:40:36
[quotec1600265af="WEBDIZZY"][quotec1600265af="ajrock2000"]Yeah, congrats man. )
ALthough $1784 is a weird amount to be paid. Definitely better than having to sell another tv though![/quotec1600265af]
Yeah, it is a VERY weird amount! It's dated one day after my email to support, so I'm thinking that's probably why I got it. If you don't get your gift from redtopsavings, contact support.[/quotec1600265af]
It's similar to the amount on my invoice from for the CSC Plasma I received.
Plasma SubTotal $1600.00
Shipping & Handling $115.00
Tax $80.00
Order Total $1,795.00
31-07-2006 11:44:19
well case isnt closed.......i have no legal problems, and i get no responses, just a waiting game, at 9 weeks, whats the max someone has waited?
31-07-2006 11:49:02
[quote60cf884ccc="kdollar"]well case isnt closed.......i have no legal problems, and i get no responses, just a waiting game, at 9 weeks, whats the max someone has waited?[/quote60cf884ccc]
Well over 12 weeks for some.
31-07-2006 11:49:39
It's similar to the amount on my invoice from for the CSC Plasma I received.
Plasma SubTotal $1600.00
Shipping & Handling $115.00
Tax $80.00
Order Total $1,795.00[/quote479b9e3cdb]
You got an invoice??? Hmm. All I got is a copy of the shipping receipt that I had to sign when it was delivered. But, that amount makes sense then.
30-06-2007 22:48:14
Bump this up as it is still out there as a 10 + 1....I'm looking for a ref...someone pm me if interested.
25-07-2007 14:41:38
Just went 9/10 on my offers today..did 1 replacement offer..
My ref should be complete in 7 days or so..Im soo excited!!
25-07-2007 14:48:10
Congrats, I just got my tv from this site.
25-07-2007 14:55:29
nice, what model did you get?
25-07-2007 14:57:12
[quotedb6068ebac="igneous"]nice, what model did you get?[/quotedb6068ebac]
Go the brag bag and check it ;)
28-07-2007 06:50:42
Now 10/10 green, only waiting on my referral..when his offers go green, i heard it will not show on my I immediately email them for my certs? or do i wait a few days. Or can I just go into the redemption module and fill it out manually?
01-08-2007 13:54:27
My ref is complete on this do I get my certs at this point..can i just print out my papers from the redemption module?
01-08-2007 17:25:17
Wait until the day following your ref's being approved. At 4am the next day, you should receive an e-mail indicating approval, but often the e-mails don't make it. So just check your account status for approval. If status doesn't change a couple days after your ref goes green, then you might just send in the certs. But I wouldn't jump the gun and start sending certs prematurely. It might appear that you were trying to circumvent the process or something, and give them a reason to put you on hold. You have to be patient, grasshopper. ;)
03-08-2007 08:32:16
Just mailed my certs..Yay!
I chose the Philips, but hope they send the check..
Thanks for all your help to this point!
03-08-2007 08:36:05
[quote593fd71305="jasonatsmtc"]Just mailed my certs..Yay!
I chose the Philips, but hope they send the check..
Thanks for all your help to this point![/quote593fd71305]
99% sure you'll get the philips tv, but it's an amazing tv!
15-08-2007 07:46:37
ok, anyone want to do this site? still 10 + 1 ref! I have a link to get you started! First one to PM me with a serious request gets it!
15-08-2007 07:50:00
[quotef69afb61f1="jasonatsmtc"]ok, anyone want to do this site? still 10 + 1 ref! I have a link to get you started! First one to PM me with a serious request gets it![/quotef69afb61f1]
I thought you had the forms already mailed out?
15-08-2007 07:57:57
[quoted9377fba22="ILoveToys"][quoted9377fba22="jasonatsmtc"]ok, anyone want to do this site? still 10 + 1 ref! I have a link to get you started! First one to PM me with a serious request gets it![/quoted9377fba22]
I thought you had the forms already mailed out?[/quoted9377fba22]
I am all set, this link is from somebody I know that needs the ref
25-08-2007 07:07:46
A group of friends and I are starting a conga for this site. It is currently 12 offers, 1 ref. If your interested in getting in on this conga, PM me. We are paying $100-150 to the last person in our conga line when they go green.
25-08-2007 09:16:11
[quote417df9e864="beerman1976"]A group of friends and I are starting a conga for this site. It is currently 12 offers, 1 ref. If your interested in getting in on this conga, PM me. We are paying $100-150 to the last person in our conga line when they go green.[/quote417df9e864]
not too bad of a deal
25-08-2007 21:29:50
[quote85a0100baa="chewy"][quote85a0100baa="beerman1976"]A group of friends and I are starting a conga for this site. It is currently 12 offers, 1 ref. If your interested in getting in on this conga, PM me. We are paying $100-150 to the last person in our conga line when they go green.[/quote85a0100baa]
not too bad of a deal[/quote85a0100baa]
I agree )
We really want our friend who is last to get a plamsa too, so we'll pay someone to do all the offers, if you continue the conga and get a refferal, then you'll get a plamsa and $100-$150, so basically all your offers will be free.
29-08-2007 10:05:03
8/12 approved on day 4! was expecting at least 20.
29-08-2007 10:10:10
[quote9063724c43="scully2382"]8/12 approved on day 4! was expecting at least 20.[/quote9063724c43]
Day 4?! How weird but nice ;)
29-08-2007 10:17:33
maybe they dropped the crediting cycle when they upped the requirements
29-08-2007 10:20:48
[quoteb374b337ef="RolltheStampede"]maybe they dropped the crediting cycle when they upped the requirements[/quoteb374b337ef]
I believe it's still 10+1 right?
29-08-2007 10:31:10
no its 12+1 now as they said they were 8/12
29-08-2007 10:31:57
[quotebcfc6615ae="RolltheStampede"]no its 12+1 now as they said they were 8/12[/quotebcfc6615ae]
ouch you're right. Sadly to say though I would rather do an extra offer or two and have crediting faster.
29-08-2007 10:33:01
eh im not too sutre, when you are barely able to find enough offers to do i d rather wait an extra 2 weeks
for a newbie it would be great, id recomend it to my friends
29-08-2007 11:42:47
[quote03bbe79694="RolltheStampede"]eh im not too sutre, when you are barely able to find enough offers to do i d rather wait an extra 2 weeks
for a newbie it would be great, id recomend it to my friends[/quote03bbe79694]
A group of friends started a conga for this. I signed up and completed all my offers on 8/25/07 and went 12/12 just referral went 8/12 today and should have the next 4 credit tomorrow.....we were both completely shocked today........If you want to jump in line PM me.
29-08-2007 21:26:22
I'm now 12/12 - on day 5, and still shocked!
beerman, you are closer to yet another plasma.
anyone have any experience with referral issues on the status page?
I'm hoping to hear back from customer service and will wait patiently (especially having been approved so quickly)
30-08-2007 09:24:21
I need a referral
30-08-2007 10:31:44
your not the only one buddy, how far into the site are you
30-08-2007 16:34:32
just waiting for a referral first, so i dont get screwed later
30-08-2007 16:50:35
i was approved and processed 10 weeks ago and no tv yet or update on my account from expired to processed. and no response from customer service when i ask them about it.
30-08-2007 23:52:43
[quote1a8c6c773b="junkie06"]just waiting for a referral first, so i dont get screwed later[/quote1a8c6c773b]
PM me your referral link, I may know someone who wants to do this site...
01-09-2007 08:31:51
[quote26b613b7b7="mrwzk"]i was approved and processed 10 weeks ago and no tv yet or update on my account from expired to processed. and no response from customer service when i ask them about it.[/quote26b613b7b7]
Just when I thought maybe I wanted to do this site. I'll most likely go with a newer one.
01-09-2007 09:26:30
The newer ones don't offer the LCD though )
03-09-2007 19:12:52
I am going to do this site and am in need of a Refferal link.
04-09-2007 07:24:59
[quotee315b4e1e1="maxerpooh1"]I am going to do this site and am in need of a Refferal link.
To stop you from asking questions and getting razzled later... don't start this site until you have a referral.
04-09-2007 08:05:33
[quotef28c361079="maxerpooh1"]I am going to do this site and am in need of a Refferal link.
No worries Max, I'll send one to you. Unfortunaltely the referral link for everyone is currently not working. Once customer service finishes fixing it I'll send you my referral link.
04-09-2007 13:39:31
beerman and I are both approved as of today!!
printing and mailing today/tomorrow.
04-09-2007 13:57:24
Is this offer(site) still worth doing??
If so, I am looking for an upline and a referral. It would be nice if someone could help me with both.
Edit to clarify I am talking about whether or not the actual website for the plasma is worth doing.
04-09-2007 14:27:49
i would agree that the offers are still worth doing... I can be your upline
04-09-2007 14:52:19
worth it...
I signed up last weekend and all my offers were approved within 5 days - the referral links didnt work right but after some messages to cs they must have helped out - referral still not showing but account is approved.
VERY fast timeline, mailing stuff tomorrow.
04-09-2007 17:35:15
i hope my offers go approved in 5 days
04-09-2007 19:08:25
Is everyone seeing this 5 day credit cycle?
04-09-2007 20:07:37
I know 6 or 7 who have seen this 5 day cycle.
05-09-2007 04:24:02
[quote0b33d87eb1="scully2382"]I know 6 or 7 who have seen this 5 day cycle.[/quote0b33d87eb1]
I believe the requirements went up but the credit wait time went way down..
05-09-2007 07:59:36
the peoplke with 10 offers are on a 20 day cycle while the people with 12 offers are on a 4-5 day cycle, but i think the referral links are kinda screwy now.
05-09-2007 18:40:07
I did 12 offers 1 referral on 8/25, was approved on 8/29 (went 12/12...awesome), scully was my referral, same, 4 day cycle she went 12/12, printed and mailed my cert this morning....amazing how quick this was.....
now we're just waiting on the 6 other people in our conga to finish up 1-2 make-up offers and all of us will have sent our certs in.....
If you want to tag on to the end of this conga just PM me.
07-09-2007 05:09:15
How are you guys finding referrals.. i need to get one =/
07-09-2007 06:21:35
[quote65bcef8dc8="Swat1"]How are you guys finding referrals.. i need to get one =/[/quote65bcef8dc8]
All the ones in our chain were our friends who wanted a plasma. Hit up some friends to be referrals, also be sure your referral link is working before sending it out. It should have something after "mid=". If it doesn't CS is maunually processing referrals, so just email them when you and your referral are 12/12.
17-09-2007 16:37:27
6/10 on day 7
18-09-2007 07:02:09
6/10 or 6/12
18-09-2007 09:28:23
6/10 as stated above
18-09-2007 22:29:28
Still looking to pass a referral link to someone, if someone is looking for one PM me.
4 day crediting
easy offers
why wouldn't you want to do it )
20-09-2007 07:12:25
Offers Completed 8/26/07
Approved 9/4/07
Certs sent 9/5/07
Certs received 9/12/07
[edit] Processed 9/19/07
20-09-2007 07:14:13
[quoted7334b2a46="scully2382"]Offers Completed 8/26/07
Approved 9/4/07
Certs sent 9/5/07
Certs received 9/12/07
Confirmed to ship 9/19/07[/quoted7334b2a46]
You mean processed on the 19th??
7 days to process your account is pretty decent.
20-09-2007 07:31:05
[quoteb7d5141046="manOFice"][quoteb7d5141046="scully2382"]Offers Completed 8/26/07
Approved 9/4/07
Certs sent 9/5/07
Certs received 9/12/07
Confirmed to ship 9/19/07[/quoteb7d5141046]
You mean processed on the 19th??
7 days to process your account is pretty decent.[/quoteb7d5141046]
yep she meant processed. Scully and I sent in our certs together, so my schedule is the exact same.....this was crazy fast for the wait....last time I got spoiled with a 26 day process to delivery, hopefully that will happen again! )
21-09-2007 06:11:29
[quote8d8ceab664="beerman1976"][quote8d8ceab664="manOFice"][quote8d8ceab664="scully2382"]Offers Completed 8/26/07
Approved 9/4/07
Certs sent 9/5/07
Certs received 9/12/07
Confirmed to ship 9/19/07[/quote8d8ceab664]
You mean processed on the 19th??
7 days to process your account is pretty decent.[/quote8d8ceab664]
yep she meant processed. Scully and I sent in our certs together, so my schedule is the exact same.....this was crazy fast for the wait....last time I got spoiled with a 26 day process to delivery, hopefully that will happen again! )[/quote8d8ceab664]
Hopefully we get checks!!!
21-09-2007 06:25:41
[quote87b68f6eb8="scully2382"][quote87b68f6eb8="beerman1976"][quote87b68f6eb8="manOFice"][quote87b68f6eb8="scully2382"]Offers Completed 8/26/07
Approved 9/4/07
Certs sent 9/5/07
Certs received 9/12/07
Confirmed to ship 9/19/07[/quote87b68f6eb8]
You mean processed on the 19th??
7 days to process your account is pretty decent.[/quote87b68f6eb8]
yep she meant processed. Scully and I sent in our certs together, so my schedule is the exact same.....this was crazy fast for the wait....last time I got spoiled with a 26 day process to delivery, hopefully that will happen again! )[/quote87b68f6eb8]
Hopefully we get checks!!![/quote87b68f6eb8]
I can say probably 99% sure you'll get a TV.
Out of EVERYONE that did plasma sites in the last 6 months... I know of 1 person who got a check... the rest got tv's
21-09-2007 06:41:18
how much was the check for by chance
21-09-2007 06:45:37
[quotef58a9020ee="RolltheStampede"]how much was the check for by chance[/quotef58a9020ee]
Deep down... I didn't want to believe him but he had no reason to lie, lol
21-09-2007 07:12:06
that would be pretty sweet..
21-09-2007 07:17:18
[quote1ca172d795="jasonatsmtc"]that would be pretty sweet..[/quote1ca172d795]
It won't happen, their getting the TV's for like 1400, cutting a 2k check makes no sense, thats why I was baffled when the one guy got the check.
21-09-2007 07:43:54
[quote24814dcf6a="manOFice"][quote24814dcf6a="jasonatsmtc"]that would be pretty sweet..[/quote24814dcf6a]
It won't happen, their getting the TV's for like 1400, cutting a 2k check makes no sense, thats why I was baffled when the one guy got the check.[/quote24814dcf6a]
whats the timeline on fulfillment for this site? probably all over the place..
oh well, im happy if i get it this (was processed 7/27)
21-09-2007 07:45:48
[quotef3dee3151c="jasonatsmtc"][quotef3dee3151c="manOFice"][quotef3dee3151c="jasonatsmtc"]that would be pretty sweet..[/quotef3dee3151c]
It won't happen, their getting the TV's for like 1400, cutting a 2k check makes no sense, thats why I was baffled when the one guy got the check.[/quotef3dee3151c]
whats the timeline on fulfillment for this site? probably all over the place..
oh well, im happy if i get it this (was processed 7/27)[/quotef3dee3151c]
We'll just round you up to Aug 1st...
You should have already gotten it....
21-09-2007 07:48:00
I have not heard anything from any shipping companies...
21-09-2007 07:51:03
I have not heard anything from any shipping companies...[/quote69f00f93eb]
Well you're at the end of the 6-8 week wait...
The tv could be on backorder? I say week a few more I guess
21-09-2007 07:53:09
I was expecting it next week if the end of the month thing is consistent with ideal
21-09-2007 07:58:30
well maybe you get a check or you get a tv so they really wont have anymore and i get a check p. a check for 1400 would even be nice would save the hassle of selling it, but i thought the 1080p lcds were going for more. oh well should make a nice christmas present.
21-09-2007 09:04:58
[quote1d7e303d6b="RolltheStampede"]well maybe you get a check or you get a tv so they really wont have anymore and i get a check p. a check for 1400 would even be nice would save the hassle of selling it, but i thought the 1080p lcds were going for more. oh well should make a nice christmas present.[/quote1d7e303d6b]
yeah, pcconnection willbe flat out of lcd's
21-09-2007 09:21:47
by the way, i just checked my status, and i was actually processed 8/13, not 7/27...oops
21-09-2007 09:33:49
they are still in stock. come on drain em for me i needs my money
21-09-2007 09:39:22
wow, maybe i will keep this one...
21-09-2007 09:40:09
wow, maybe i will keep this one...[/quotedea28968b2]
I use it as my main tv, it is truly amazing
21-09-2007 09:43:44
yeah, it looks sick of playing my nintendo wii on the 20" tv...
21-09-2007 14:59:15
Is there an offer list for this or anyone making an offer for a reference to complete it?
21-09-2007 15:01:27
[quote3d5d15c6f5="fbskiracer"]Is there an offer list for this or anyone making an offer for a reference to complete it?[/quote3d5d15c6f5]
disable pop-up blockers, go to the site, exit out of it and the offers will pop-up.
21-09-2007 15:06:24
Cant wait to get my philips
22-09-2007 19:44:58
[quote2328086d55="fbskiracer"]Is there an offer list for this or anyone making an offer for a reference to complete it?[/quote2328086d55]
we still need an end to our conga, we are paying well. I PM-ed you the amount we'll pay you to be the last one in our conga.
26-09-2007 14:53:59
dang..they are not sending out the tv that manofice got anymore, my ref got his phillips tv and it is not 1080, does not have ambilight and only cost $1200 or so
26-09-2007 15:02:02
[quoteb70f843d58="jasonatsmtc"]dang..they are not sending out the tv that manofice got anymore, my ref got his phillips tv and it is not 1080, does not have ambilight and only cost $1200 or so[/quoteb70f843d58]
Dang that sucks
26-09-2007 16:40:23
[quote8ab1e140ea="jasonatsmtc"]dang..they are not sending out the tv that manofice got anymore, my ref got his phillips tv and it is not 1080, does not have ambilight and only cost $1200 or so[/quote8ab1e140ea]
was that the plasma or LCD? Do you know when he was confirmed?
26-09-2007 16:59:34
It's the LCD and that's a bummer (
27-09-2007 06:18:06
[quote4aa7d2d2f9="ILoveToys"]It's the LCD and that's a bummer ([/quote4aa7d2d2f9]
anyone know the model number?
27-09-2007 07:01:43
27-09-2007 07:12:07
That's my guess too, just wanted to see if it was true....
27-09-2007 07:16:17
It's still a nice tv
27-09-2007 07:23:03
[quote1bc7255cfe="manOFice"]It's still a nice tv[/quote1bc7255cfe]
I agree, but I know many of us signed up thinking we'd get a [i1bc7255cfe]nicer [/i1bc7255cfe]TV )
27-09-2007 07:48:52
im pissed that its not 1080
27-09-2007 08:17:00
Yeah, I'm pissed that the TV was free too.
27-09-2007 08:23:50
it was not free..anybody that has really done these knows that. The offers cost me $50 plus the time to track down a referral and the time to keep up with the offers and to stay organized. It is like a second job! You might not put much money into it, but time is money too!
27-09-2007 08:46:30
well the decision to keep or not became a lot easier, i already have an lcd if its not 1080P i dont need it.
27-09-2007 09:10:11
Questions for the pros
The website says "with ambilight", if it doesn't have it do we have any leverage there to get the one with ambilight?
Do you think an email to CS explaining what we want is appropriate?
27-09-2007 09:45:31
[quoted0ee359d2c="jasonatsmtc"]it was not free..anybody that has really done these knows that. The offers cost me $50 plus the time to track down a referral and the time to keep up with the offers and to stay organized. It is like a second job! You might not put much money into it, but time is money too![/quoted0ee359d2c]
But still, $200 in money/time for a $1000+ TV... I just don't see a reason to be complaining/angry.
Of course the profit isn't going to be as great, but it is still some good profit for hardly any work. I put in probably 2 hours for the plasma site.
27-09-2007 09:52:45
[quote3b9de3c877="beerman1976"]Questions for the pros
The website says "with ambilight", if it doesn't have it do we have any leverage there to get the one with ambilight?
Do you think an email to CS explaining what we want is appropriate?[/quote3b9de3c877]
We really walked in blind when doing the site as to what tv we would get, when we got the tv that we got we were kinda shocked. But the description does say "with ambilight" so I would want a tv with ambilight which I got ..
Are you guys sure you aren't confused? I saw another ideal site out there offering a philips lcd/plasma that was different from the one I got and the one pictured is what the one guy got.
27-09-2007 10:00:19
[quote07d9cdacd5="manOFice"][quote07d9cdacd5="beerman1976"]Questions for the pros
The website says "with ambilight", if it doesn't have it do we have any leverage there to get the one with ambilight?
Do you think an email to CS explaining what we want is appropriate?[/quote07d9cdacd5]
We really walked in blind when doing the site as to what tv we would get, when we got the tv that we got we were kinda shocked. But the description does say "with ambilight" so I would want a tv with ambilight which I got ..
Are you guys sure you aren't confused? I saw another ideal site out there offering a philips lcd/plasma that was different from the one I got and the one pictured is what the one guy got.[/quote07d9cdacd5]
I was [i07d9cdacd5]confused [/i07d9cdacd5]by your post, but I think I figured it out. You're talking about the LCD you got a while ago, not this go-around....
No, I'm not confused. The site to this day still says with ambilight. I pdf-ed it incase they decide to change the site....
[b07d9cdacd5]jasonatsmtc[/b07d9cdacd5], can you verify your friend did this site and not some other site?
27-09-2007 10:56:36
It was this site, he was my referral..
I will know for sure soon when mine is delivered.
Also, when I signed up, the one I selected did say that it had Ambilight..
27-09-2007 12:33:53
The site does still say w/ ambilight, and pcc's site does have the ambilight in stock, but not the other one. (looks like ideal is going to downgrade us ()
27-09-2007 12:36:13
with that in mind, do I have any recourse at all with ideal given the fact that they sent the wrong tv?
27-09-2007 12:38:03
I'm sure it says in their terms somewhere they can change your prize for any reason and you have to deal with it.
27-09-2007 12:43:24
geez, i wish these guys had a phone number like brandarama, niutech, and yfd...yeah like every other big freebie company...
27-09-2007 12:43:54
They have a phone number....just noone ever answers it.
27-09-2007 12:48:40
[quote45a682422e="ILoveToys"]They have a phone number....just noone ever answers it.[/quote45a682422e]
Theres no point in even mentioning it as it's just voice mail...
27-09-2007 12:58:09
[quoteeb54262cd8="jasonatsmtc"]with that in mind, do I have any recourse at all with ideal given the fact that they sent the wrong tv?[/quoteeb54262cd8]
I'll back you up on this . I have 8 friends who did this site and we all want the ambilight.....So if we need to we can go to them as a group and fight we all will.....
Just read the TOC.....and this will be thier defense....
awesome....we're scr#wed......
27-09-2007 12:58:36
[quoteb3db67076f="manOFice"][quoteb3db67076f="ILoveToys"]They have a phone number....just noone ever answers it.[/quoteb3db67076f]
Theres no point in even mentioning it as it's just voice mail...[/quoteb3db67076f]
Is this the number of which you speak?
Found it buried in some whois records on google..
27-09-2007 13:03:31
Yeah I figured....
27-09-2007 13:06:00
its a difference of like 300 bucks, let is slide you are still making money
27-09-2007 13:07:45
[quote0c6c969180="RolltheStampede"]its a difference of like 300 bucks, let is slide you are still making money[/quote0c6c969180]
Thats all we can really do...
Oh well..
27-09-2007 13:13:03's still a lot better than getting no TV at all like a whole conga did on plasma tv4free a while back.
27-09-2007 13:14:38
yeah i was in that conga
27-09-2007 22:14:22
[quotec032ac5765="beerman1976"][quotec032ac5765="Swat1"]How are you guys finding referrals.. i need to get one =/[/quotec032ac5765]
All the ones in our chain were our friends who wanted a plasma. Hit up some friends to be referrals, also be sure your referral link is working before sending it out. It should have something after "mid=". If it doesn't CS is maunually processing referrals, so just email them when you and your referral are 12/12.[/quotec032ac5765]
No friends to refer lol. they won't sign up bc they know they have to find a referral as well. heh
01-10-2007 11:46:55
My referral backed out, PM me if your interested.
03-10-2007 14:46:42
This is run by bullseye-media correct? I just wan to make sure that I am not going to be disqualified since I did another i-deal site recently...plasmatv4free. I believe that one was marketlabs. I just remembered that we can only receive one $1000 prize per company. These are considered 2 different companies correct, so I can do them both?
03-10-2007 15:01:55
[quotecb604f7311=""]This is probably stated early in the thread, but I'm having a heck of a time finding this considered an i-deal site...knowing that we can only do one every 6 months.[/quotecb604f7311]
Yes, it is I-Deal. And you can do as many I-Deal sites at a time as you want. The 6-month limit is $1000 per DBA.
03-10-2007 15:26:25
[quote5477bd5307="dmorris68"][quote5477bd5307=""]This is probably stated early in the thread, but I'm having a heck of a time finding this considered an i-deal site...knowing that we can only do one every 6 months.[/quote5477bd5307]
Yes, it is I-Deal. And you can do as many I-Deal sites at a time as you want. The 6-month limit is $1000 per DBA.[/quote5477bd5307]
I swear I've read the same words from you before dmorris ;)
03-10-2007 15:32:51
thanks guys, I was trying to edit it my post just as you guys were replying!
03-10-2007 15:35:49
[quote327d7fa5ec="beerman1976"]My referral backed out, I'm paying $130 for a referral. PM me if your interested.[/quote327d7fa5ec]
You should know that you're not allowed to pay for refs on i-deal if you really did all of those sites.
03-10-2007 15:46:43
Could someone pm me the correct link for this site? Thanks!
03-10-2007 17:52:57
You should know that you're not allowed to pay for refs on i-deal if you really did all of those sites.[/quotebdc765b6fd]
I don't really understand why, but I edited all my posts....
03-10-2007 17:55:43
You should know that you're not allowed to pay for refs on i-deal if you really did all of those sites.[/quote7a9b479048]
I don't really understand why, but I edited all my posts....[/quote7a9b479048]
Its a rule of the boards like ref links in sigs...
03-10-2007 17:57:50
ahhh, gotcha, sorry ?
03-10-2007 18:22:22
[quotefd8012e59f="beerman1976"]ahhh, gotcha, sorry ?[/quotefd8012e59f]
You can go to A4F and try and get a ref over there. Im pretty sure its allowed to pay for one...maybe FLR as well?
But of course they best place of all is FIPG, so make sure you comeback. wink
03-10-2007 21:09:13
[quote4e1717a8ac="kidd2108"][quote4e1717a8ac="beerman1976"]ahhh, gotcha, sorry ?[/quote4e1717a8ac]
You can go to A4F and try and get a ref over there. Im pretty sure its allowed to pay for one...maybe FLR as well?
But of course they best place of all is FIPG, so make sure you comeback. wink[/quote4e1717a8ac]
10-10-2007 02:56:14
[quote765962775d="jasonatsmtc"]dang..they are not sending out the tv that manofice got anymore, my ref got his phillips tv and it is not 1080, does not have ambilight and only cost $1200 or so[/quote765962775d]
Craptastic, i hope this is a temporary thing... I have the original Philips that they sent out, wth ambilight, and it was 1695 at the time, and it's not NEARLY as good as the 1200 dollah Panasonic they sent my brother. Far more pixelated on non-HD channels...
I'm now waiting on this other philips, i guess, and I can just imagine what this 1300 version will be... crap! it's a damn shame when you're bummed about a freebie, but I am...
10-10-2007 06:15:52
join the club, just flebay it.
10-10-2007 09:57:09
Thanks to jmommy for being an awesome ref!
16-10-2007 10:12:24
Anyone getting calls about delivery of their TVs? Someone on plasmatv4free got a call today.....
19-10-2007 14:22:49
[quotefa5e3fed59="beerman1976"]Anyone getting calls about delivery of their TVs? Someone on plasmatv4free got a call today.....[/quotefa5e3fed59]
yeah, they shipped them out on the 16th.. I did in fact get the crappy 720p NON-ambilght Philips worth a mere 1200...
I'm tired of plasmas, and I'm even more tired of selling them.. Why do I keep getting them?
19-10-2007 15:00:09
When were you confirmed?
Why is CSC so slow, pleople on plasmatv4free who were confirmed the same time I did got their tv....why? They are both i-deal....
19-10-2007 16:01:46
The only thing consistent about I-Deal shipping times is that they're wildly inconsistent. ;)
Don't try to make sense of it, they've always been that way, but honestly they're a lot better now than they used to be. When I first did CSC almost 2 years ago, I got my plasma 3-4 weeks after being processed. Some people had been waiting 12 weeks and still hadn't got theirs yet. Shortly afterwards, I found the Dell 24" site and posted it here. A conga was started -- being the first one in the list, I was the first to finish and be processed. However several others got theirs before I did.
19-10-2007 20:00:32
Thanks man, time and time again I try and logically guess what i-deal does, and yet again I am wrong....
I'll sit and wait...that's all we can do....
19-10-2007 21:31:55
[quote8a92ab393f="dmorris68"]The only thing consistent about I-Deal shipping times is that they're wildly inconsistent. ;)
Don't try to make sense of it, they've always been that way, but honestly they're a lot better now than they used to be. When I first did CSC almost 2 years ago, I got my plasma 3-4 weeks after being processed. Some people had been waiting 12 weeks and still hadn't got theirs yet. Shortly afterwards, I found the Dell 24" site and posted it here. A conga was started -- being the first one in the list, I was the first to finish and be processed. However several others got theirs before I did.[/quote8a92ab393f]
I got mine before dmorris )
31-10-2007 14:09:03
My TV is being delivered on Friday!
completed offers Saturday, August 25, 2007
12/12 approved Wednesday, August 29, 2007
"delivery confirmed September 12, 2007
confirmed Monday, September 17, 2007
to be delivered 11/2/07
01-11-2007 07:52:55
3 of the 9 in our conga are getting our TVs tomorrow, 1 person is backordered for a week or so....still waiting on status for the rest.....
And they are sending out the higher end Phillips....with Ambilight....
Thank you i-deal!
01-11-2007 09:35:55
That's great beerman, congrats on the tv! And thanks for the update! I can't wait to get mine!!
01-11-2007 11:54:02
found out 2 more people are backordered. The last three people's tv (confirmed after 10/10) will be in the next shipment.
We all are getting the Phillips 42PFL7432D37....
01-11-2007 13:46:22
i hate you guys i got a gimpy
01-11-2007 13:52:36
I was pretty shocked to see the nicer one, maybe they were getting some complaints.
01-11-2007 14:02:49
You all that are keeping the tv will LOVE the ambientlight!
01-11-2007 15:55:27
[quote58cbb79711="beerman1976"]found out 2 more people are backordered. The last three people's tv (confirmed after 10/10) will be in the next shipment.
We all are getting the Phillips 42PFL7432D37....[/quote58cbb79711]
they shipped us the Panasonic... even tho its just sitting in the box since no one will buy it, heh
01-11-2007 15:59:26
That sucks ass....I got the gimpy phillips....who the hell wants a shitty 720p lcd?
01-11-2007 17:03:52
I sent in my cert last week with delivery confirmation and when i checked the status today, it says that it was forwarded to a different address. I guess the post office says this happens when some changes their address. Has anyone noticed this before? Should it affect my tv? I'm just hoping it gets to them ok since they told me to send it to a different address. Any help would be great!
01-11-2007 17:09:27
Its normal, check it tomorrow or saturday, it will show it was delivered.
01-11-2007 17:22:53
thanks...yay you're getting such a nice tv!!
02-11-2007 17:31:13
Got my TV today, but its broke, LCD is cracked..... UPS is picking up the carcus up on tuesday.....anyone deal with a broken TV before?
And before you ask, no I did not check it out before the UPS guy left, I have a real job and can't be home from 9am to 7pm like they request.....UPS should really work 2nd shift....i digress...
So anyone return one before? Any way PCConnection will just cut me a check?
02-11-2007 17:32:47
[quote7800670f31="beerman1976"]Got my TV today, but its broke, LCD is cracked..... UPS is picking up the carcus up on tuesday.....anyone deal with a broken TV before?
And before you ask, no I did not check it out before the UPS guy left, I have a real job and can't be home from 9am to 7pm like they request.....UPS should really work 2nd shift....i digress...
So anyone return one before? Any way PCConnection will just cut me a check?[/quote7800670f31]
UPS ARE SHIT@! They have broken numerous tv's for us. I believe wolf had a tv get broken by ups
02-11-2007 22:16:48
[quotee2f9d879f4="jasonatsmtc"]yeah, it looks sick of playing my nintendo wii on the 20" tv...[/quotee2f9d879f4]
LOL me too.. I should probably get in on one of these 42" plasma sites sometime.
First post!! (referred by a4f friend....) D
03-11-2007 19:51:01
I hate UPS.....
03-11-2007 20:07:27
03-11-2007 20:11:42
Actually I just boxed it up, its going back on tuesday....I gotta call pcconnections on Monday morning to arrange a new one....I'm going to see if they'll just cut me a a couple bucks on shipping...I'll let people know how that goes monday morning...
06-11-2007 09:58:54
PC Connection has been great. UPS picked up the broken TV today and PC Connection has issued me a new order number....unfortunately I'm now part of the many (of my friends) who are backordered, but overall the experience was not as worse as I thought it would be.
06-11-2007 11:11:06
[quotea9fa52a9be="beerman1976"]PC Connection has been great. UPS picked up the broken TV today and PC Connection has issued me a new order number....unfortunately I'm now part of the many (of my friends) who are backordered, but overall the experience was not as worse as I thought it would be.[/quotea9fa52a9be]
Backorder doesn't take to long, mine was on backorder but only for a week or two.
06-11-2007 11:17:27
Yeah, they told me they are getting a shipment in this week, so it should be a quick turnaround. There are 5 of us on backorder. That ambilight is nice though, going to be tough selling this one....
06-11-2007 11:18:45
[quote523155fadd="beerman1976"]Yeah, they told me they are getting a shipment in this week, so it should be a quick turnaround. There are 5 of us on backorder. That ambilight is nice though, going to be tough selling this one....[/quote523155fadd]
Ouch man, keep it! The ambilight rocks!
06-11-2007 11:20:22
I need cash more than another TV )
08-11-2007 10:51:50
Ahhh! I recently sent in my certs and I checked my status to see it they were confirmed and now it is showing in the Gold section that I still need to complete 2 gold offers! Why could this be? Has anyone else had this problem with any other I-deal sites? Seems so strange I did receive credit for the two gold offers and now they show pending.
08-11-2007 11:16:34
[quote6ac0567ce0=""]Ahhh! I recently sent in my certs and I checked my status to see it they were confirmed and now it is showing in the Gold section that I still need to complete 2 gold offers! Why could this be? Has anyone else had this problem with any other I-deal sites? Seems so strange I did receive credit for the two gold offers and now they show pending.[/quote6ac0567ce0]
As long as you're approved/processed you should be fine.
08-11-2007 11:19:03
I sent the cert in a couple of weeks ago and it doesn't show processed hopefully it will all be ok! Thanks
10-11-2007 08:56:48
Hmmm...Should I do this site or PlasmaTV4Free?
Can someone pm me a link to this site?
14-11-2007 09:40:43
4 more people got their $1,551.96 TVs today, so 7 out of the 9 of us got them (mine being broken and sent back), last 2 people were confirmed later, so they should be in the next shipment...
15-11-2007 15:43:19
I signed up for this site and there are some easy offers. If anyone wants to be my referral pm me.
16-11-2007 15:29:27
I was processed on 10/10 for plasmatv4free and still havent received my tv. what are other peoples timelines looking like?
20-11-2007 11:17:08
I would like to sign up using your link but I am very skeptical with referrals. I have done DIY before but all were offer points but no referrals.
I would like a TV but it is just hard getting referrals cuz when they sign up they don't stick with it. cry
27-11-2007 13:36:37
[quotebc7c1e07e8="bgabb1"]I was processed on 10/10 for plasmatv4free and still havent received my tv. what are other peoples timelines looking like?[/quotebc7c1e07e8]
My friend was also processed on the 10th and she has no word of her TV, there is not even an order placed yet, so naturally she is concerned too....
27-11-2007 13:38:58
[quote1737a122c1="beerman1976"]PC Connection has been great. UPS picked up the broken TV today and PC Connection has issued me a new order number....unfortunately I'm now part of the many (of my friends) who are backordered, but overall the experience was not as worse as I thought it would be.[/quote1737a122c1]
Got my replacement TV today. Got my original one broke on 11/3. 24 day turnaround for me.
27-11-2007 16:12:53
[quoted355c25d06="beerman1976"][quoted355c25d06="bgabb1"]I was processed on 10/10 for plasmatv4free and still havent received my tv. what are other peoples timelines looking like?[/quoted355c25d06]
My friend was also processed on the 10th and she has no word of her TV, there is not even an order placed yet, so naturally she is concerned too....[/quoted355c25d06]
How do you know there is not even an order placed yet?