23-01-2006 00:42:11
would DIY be the best for these?
things like
marshall stack guitar amps
gibson guitars
fender guitars
acoustic guitars
bass guitars
or am i asking for too much in the freebie world ;p
23-01-2006 01:21:09
Yes, DIY would be great for these. Just not the way that you think.
You can do sites for gift cards or checks and buy whatever you like.
read the "NUI masterlist" thread for many 500 dollar gift cards that come pretty quickly, or do some of the 1K gift cards from MetaRewards like www.exclusiverewards.com and www.therewardsdepot.com or My new favorite www.rewardsvenue.com which offers a 2000 visa card for 9 offers (6 harder ones)
Party on.
23-01-2006 23:21:52
so there isn't any site in particular that ships the actual physical item that i'm looking for huh