Cool4Free Support guy...

Live forum:


27-03-2005 22:04:37

Hey has anyone been able to contact or is currently speaking to the Cool4FreeSupport guy on aim?

He was supposed to send me some instructions to help me get out of a situation with my Zens4Free account but he isn't responding even online.
I know he may be busy with other customers, but everyday he's been pushing back my support question and it's getting quite frustrating...



27-03-2005 22:05:59

He just responded to me like 20 minutes ago


27-03-2005 22:08:43

serious eh? damn...that pisses me off.
i mean, my account was put on hold because multiple referrals had the same ip...

i wouldn't really know about my referrals cause i put my link on ebay and all the referrals were random.

but the support guy told me he'd let me know how many referrals were dead and that i would have a chance to get new referrals.

he keeps delaying the information he's supposed to provide me with! x

not cool...

thanks for the reply Crynos!


27-03-2005 22:33:58

Np, and you get many greens using ebay? all i got was a deleted auction


27-03-2005 23:00:39

He rarely responds to me. It seems like whenever he is actually online he's really busy because his responses are very short when i actually get one. Usually pretty generic and basically unhelpful too.

As for the ebay thing, not only did i get a deleted auction, but i got a suspended account. I would not recommend it.


27-03-2005 23:11:54

[quotef6fa97c0e3="abrock124"]He rarely responds to me. It seems like whenever he is actually online he's really busy because his responses are very short when i actually get one. Usually pretty generic and basically unhelpful too.

As for the ebay thing, not only did i get a deleted auction, but i got a suspended account. I would not recommend it.[/quotef6fa97c0e3]
Did you try cool4freealeksey and cool4freerobert also? They seem to give more detailed responses/have more time


28-03-2005 00:10:46

this is really frustrating...
the guy told me to message him tonight to get an answer and guess answer.

wtf? now he's getting his partners to tell me some totally different story...

i duno man, this is guy is like scamming me...seriously.


28-03-2005 18:33:05

How is it possible that he is scamming you, if you did something you we're not supposed to do? and he is been kind enough of giving you a chance.

whoa.. retards.


28-03-2005 18:50:36

Did you try cool4freealeksey and cool4freerobert also? They seem to give more detailed responses/have more time[/quoteae306f08f5]

Thanks crynos, i tried robert and you were right, he was able to answer all my questions and was very pleasant about it. I guess they are going through alot of site construction right now and other issues, so they are kinda backed up and havent had time to give credit much lately.