Need help deciding on a first PSP game...
24-03-2005 21:41:42
I am not sure what game to go with. I like Twisted Metal usually, but i have heard good things about Wipeout and Lumines as well. Anyone have any suggestions?
24-03-2005 21:44:39
Well, since im sure somewhere around 96% of this website, dont have PSP's, you probably shouldnt ask us.
24-03-2005 21:45:20
I have already seen about 4 or 5 people (PodTopia, Phbs83) talking about it; I am sure I could get a few opinions.
24-03-2005 21:46:24
Yah, probably. But, im sure the majority of us, dont have. lol.
Do you like yours?
24-03-2005 21:46:42
i've ordered Ridge Racers becuase its gotten really good reviews
24-03-2005 21:54:14
meh, i'd get twisted metal
24-03-2005 21:57:26
i bought someones imported japanese ridgeracers too lol cuz its different
24-03-2005 22:07:54
hovigga, i love it, but i haven't seen its game playing ability yet. )
24-03-2005 22:27:13
WipeOut is definetely a good game. Thats the one I bought at launch.
Ridge Racers looks good as well. If you like arcade racing games, Ridge Racers will be right up your ally. If you need more of a simulation, then you will want Need For Speed Underground.
I have Ape Escape cuz I heard it was similar to Mario64, which I like. But watching the demo video, I'm not sure I'll like it, so its going back tomorrow. It could be good, I'm just not sure
Tony Hawk is a good choice if you want a skater game. I've contemplated this one because it'd be fun to just put the game in and bust tricks to pass the time.
The most common game that people buy are WipeOut, Ridge Racers, Need For Speed. The bestbuy near me ran out of Need for Speed and had only like 2 copies of Ridge Racers left. All other games were stacked like 10+ high.
24-03-2005 22:28:39
K thanks...
24-03-2005 23:26:31
Basing my decision strictly on nostalgia, I'd pick Metal Gear Acid. Not sure of the reviews or anything but I know I loved MGS when it came out for the original PS. I remember I got the soundtrack and a tshirt for free because I knew a guy who worked at Electronic Boutique. Anyone remember the sound it made when you broke a guard's neck from behind? Class.
24-03-2005 23:30:31
I have 3 games to choose from, thinking brotherhood of the blade, tony hawk and then i dont know what
25-03-2005 06:04:40
Go with Lumines and Ridge Racers. NFSU has gotten horrible reviews.
25-03-2005 06:07:08
i'm torn between THUG2 and wipeout. i would also consider lumines but i don't think for a first game.
25-03-2005 06:19:00
WIPOUT FOR SURE! BTW anyone knows the battery life on that thing?
25-03-2005 06:20:09
metal gear is not a TRUE metal gear game, it is a strategy card game lol, sorry for your loss
25-03-2005 07:03:11
3-4 hours playing games. Battery life
25-03-2005 08:13:39
eww 3-4 hours? nah, i'll wait for PSP 2, lol
25-03-2005 08:18:34
wtf dude? [i0747f23010]playing games[/i0747f23010], not listening to mp3s.....
25-03-2005 08:26:52
who said anything about mp3's? O_o
4 hours isnt good battery life, heck i think a gameboy has better battery life,
25-03-2005 08:34:40
25-03-2005 09:22:34
what i meant was, it's playing games, not listening to mp3s, so you can't expect that much battery life. gameboy sucks? lol