Did travelers advantage/greatfun get discontinued?

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=9636


24-03-2005 20:26:25

i was in the middle of an offer for travlers advantage and great fun...waiting to go green...but it was not listed in the offers anymore when i checked on the list to see if it was done...you know when they put those check marks on it to show u did them...does that mean gratis fuct me over and left me hangin?

thomas moore

24-03-2005 20:28:43

do you mean you completed it and it didnt show up with the checks or its just not there at all , if thats the case , its not there at all, then its most likely just on rotation, even if you completed it otherwise it wouldnt matter ive had offers credited for myself and done, but never show the red checks


24-03-2005 20:29:50

Nope. Gratis switched the offers every so often. Whatever offer you signed up for, you'll get credit for it (assuming the cookies and everything else worked).

I was bummed they took off those offers.

OfferCentric still has both. And their version of Great Fun gives you two $10 Circuit City gift cards.


24-03-2005 20:32:46

i love those cards


24-03-2005 20:33:34

ahh...didnt know gratis rotated offers...well it has been a week though and still nothing...thanks for the info...and if nothing happens ill email their support...