Bill Gates' software crashing on him..

Live forum:


22-03-2005 18:17:46


watch the first video... and that is why windows sucks -P


22-03-2005 18:27:05

lol, the secound is funny too.

O'Brian goes "and now, 9 people are getting fired"


22-03-2005 18:29:33

[quote0b65c37891="hovigga"]lol, the secound is funny too.

O'Brian goes "and now, 9 people are getting fired"[/quote0b65c37891]

i couldn't see the second one cry (because of windows, haha)


22-03-2005 19:39:55

It looked like Bill was getting pissed off in the second clip. With quality like that, I can't figure out why I didn't go for the minimac. D'oh!


23-03-2005 04:01:00

i think it was from CES 2005


23-03-2005 08:51:53

haha. i just saw the second one, that ones hilarious..

"who's the owner of microsoft?" lmao! haha billgates got pissed -P


23-03-2005 08:52:50

yea billy got owned )


23-03-2005 10:04:23

Well i only get the blue screen of death either

1. i just made a bad hardware change
2. overclocking, dosen't work well with inadiquate cooling >.<

But yea i love those videos, owned by his own software

PS i sitll perfer windows, macs just has a feeling of ultra slowness, i cant even multitask on the schools computer


23-03-2005 10:15:55

[quotee8c16c9772="CoMpFrEaK"]Well i only get the blue screen of death either

1. i just made a bad hardware change
2. overclocking, dosen't work well with inadiquate cooling >.<

But yea i love those videos, owned by his own software

PS i sitll perfer windows, macs just has a feeling of ultra slowness, i cant even multitask on the schools computer[/quotee8c16c9772]

MM HMM. That is why I do not like macs. I think my school ruined it. They have the shittiest apples ever. Although, we just upgraded our whole school to Dells 8)


23-03-2005 10:16:05

Well, let's be clear here the problem isn't just software, but hardware as well. MS has to make an OS that can function with every conceivable hardware and 3rd party software configuration possible. That's not easy. Macs almost never have a problem with hardware/OS conflicts because they're made to work together and Apple tightly controls such things.

That's not to say Windows is perfect and without flaws. Actually, I'd like to see MS release the source code just to prove that working out the kinks isn't as easy as some seem to claim.


23-03-2005 10:27:48

[quoteb5bdc317f8="xs10shul"]Well, let's be clear here the problem isn't just software, but hardware as well. MS has to make an OS that can function with every conceivable hardware and 3rd party software configuration possible. That's not easy. Macs almost never have a problem with hardware/OS conflicts because they're made to work together and Apple tightly controls such things.

That's not to say Windows is perfect and without flaws. Actually, I'd like to see MS release the source code just to prove that working out the kinks isn't as easy as some seem to claim.[/quoteb5bdc317f8]

lol, i know affiliates up at Redmond, Washington, heard they play around at work a lot, like just messing around