19-03-2005 23:40:37
i was reading this on the freebieauthority forum.
20-03-2005 00:12:30
damn now im worried...I hope they dont charge me like that
20-03-2005 00:13:50
Me too. I've got an offer pending for them right now.
20-03-2005 00:18:18
I'm glad I avoided that one
20-03-2005 00:18:21
god damnit, if that chick charges me, i'm gonna rape her ass, cause she sent me the cancellation email to 2 different emails!
20-03-2005 00:19:19
That's going to help me sleep tonight. The fact that I charged it with my girlfriend's CC doesn't help either. Can't wait to cancel first thing on Monday...
20-03-2005 00:19:43
Wow, that's something to be aware of.
I prefer to do the offers for "real" companies. You never know what's gonna happen with those shady sellers. I'm happy I haven't completed that one!!
BTW always, before filling the offer, take notes of
1.- Trial period know when you can cancel the offer.
2.- Charges most of the time there's going to be some S&H or some other charges.
3.- Write down emails or telephone numbers you can call to cancel, and try calling them.
20-03-2005 00:23:32
yup, doing just that. i'm also planning to call my CC company and tell them to stop payments to those free companies, i think they can do that.
20-03-2005 00:25:07
I see that you can cancel online via an e-mail form. Should I trust that to work or should I also contact the CC company and call Appera at their 800 number? Thanks so much for the info.
20-03-2005 00:33:30
i called them up and talked to a customer rep
20-03-2005 00:38:36
Did you do that just now? Do you think I should trust that it will be canceled online or call as well? I'm totally paranoid now as I don't want my girlfriend pissed off. lol
20-03-2005 00:41:31
And a +1 karma for cdmanproductions. Thank-you SO much for posting this.
20-03-2005 00:49:04
thanks nicd.01
Ive signed up twice, luckily there both on a web cert. and i dint care about those.
20-03-2005 01:03:14
Although it's almost IMPOSSIBLE to find the phone number anywhere in that website, I finally got it.
Here's Appéra's Customer Service Phone#[/colorede80b93cd] (800) 825-8307[/colorede80b93cd][/sizeede80b93cd]
You know, just in case! wink
20-03-2005 01:05:32
nah, i called them about a week ago, i posted the number before. so far no charges...
20-03-2005 01:25:07
damn. i will be really careful when cancelling this one.
20-03-2005 09:36:59
I cancelled by phone and when I did, got a confirmation number from the guy and an e-mail saying
Dear Customer,
Thank you for your cancellation request. Your membership has been cancelled as of today. Thank you for trying APPERA!
Your confirmation # is ------
If there is anything I can do to keep you as a member please let me know! Also, if you wish to order APPERA in the future please call us toll-free at 800-825-8307.
Thank you again!
Sandra R.
APPERA | teeth whitening system
(800) 825-8307
20-03-2005 10:07:13
All of these scam stories come from people who wait to cancel after the trial is over (or really close to being over). They are trying to get a refund for not following the TOS. I don't think they are bad as long as you cancel well before your trial is over.
20-03-2005 10:31:52
glad i also used paypal D
20-03-2005 10:34:10
[quote084dd13caa="PsychoAU"]All of these scam stories come from people who wait to cancel after the trial is over (or really close to being over). They are trying to get a refund for not following the TOS. I don't think they are bad as long as you cancel well before your trial is over.
That's what I was thinking. All of their problems started because they didn't know they had to cancel the auto-ship nonsense. The customer services people are certainly rude and everything is a bit shady but it really isn't their fault that people didn't read the terms and conditions. I only panicked a bit because it was around 330 and I didn't want my girlfriend to be ripped off. I'd never hear the end of it...
20-03-2005 14:16:31
I cancelled by using the form on their website. I did this yesterday (Saturday). Today (Sunday), I got this e-mail.
[quotebdd5955234]Dear Customer,
Thank you for your cancellation request. Your membership has been
cancelled as of today. Thank you for trying APPERA!
Your confirmation # is lililililili
If there is anything I can do to keep you as a member please let me
know! Also, if you wish to order APPERA in the future please call us
toll-free at 800-825-8307.
Thank you again!
Sandra R.
APPERA | teeth whitening system
(800) 825-8307[/quotebdd5955234]
See? They even process cancellations on weekends. Seems easy enough. Now if only I could get UltraSlim to refund the money that they over charged me on shipping...
20-03-2005 15:08:38
Looks like they canceled ours at the same time. I was very happy to see that everything went slowly. Thanks for the update.
20-03-2005 16:30:09
yeah, these stories come from people who cancel on the 30th day of the free 30-day trial. No wonder they get charged the full amount for the product.
20-03-2005 17:54:58
thanks for the information!
21-03-2005 01:23:06
can you cancel before you receive the sample?
21-03-2005 05:26:38
appera kind of sucks.
Of all the offers I've completed this is the first time I've been charged like this.
My account balance is now overdrawn and I had no idea how much money they charged me until I checked ripoffreports and discovered [b14f8d5f06b]they will take $89.95 out of your account[/b14f8d5f06b] if you don't cancel by 1pm before the 14th day. Even if you do cancel they may charge you anyway and claim that you never canceled in the first place.
Keep in mind they start counting the 14 days once you order. I would say stay away from this one. It's not worth it at all. Notice they don't really inform you how much the autoship program is on their website. If I had known the price was 90 I would have cancelled asap. It didn't help that I received the product 3 days before my cancellation deadline during a week when I had 3 huge midterms to worry about. Usually I never blank out when It comes to cancellation dates but the circumstances were against me. You and I know the whole advertised 2 weeks trial (and failure to list the auto ship price) is a scam intended to trap people who happen may or may not cancel in time. It was the same with Nexiderm but at least they send you an order slip informing you off your deadline and customer service contact info. Appera really is out to get people. The sad thing about it is there are many listings for the 3 month supply on ebay. I suppose they are put up by people who were also unlucky. Needless to say, no one is really bidding on them.
In any case, I would simply avoid appera regardless. It isn't worth the risk of losing $100.
21-03-2005 06:47:45
Thank god I used my Virtual Credit Card number through my CitiBank cc. I can deactivate the cc number I generated for them so they can no longer use it.
21-03-2005 08:27:45
This is from their terms and conditions...
14 Day Free Trial
The 14 Day Free trials are only available to first time customers of the service and cannot be combined with any other offer. Only one 14 day free trial may be redeemed per household. Any duplicate orders will be subject to a $35 fee. You must have Internet access and a valid credit card, or debit card ("Payment Method") to redeem a 14 day free trial offer. [b7af1274308]The 14 Day Free Trial period begins on the date you register/order.[/b7af1274308] Upon registering for your 14 day free trial, you will receive a free of charge one (1) Bottle of Appera™ teeth whitening system plus shipping and handling of $6.95, however, no charges will be made against the Payment Method unless you do not cancel prior to the end of your free trial period.
We will begin billing your Payment Method for the trimester (3 months) subscription fees for the three (3) Bottles of Appera™ teeth whitening system program [b7af1274308](currently $89.97, applicable tax, shipping and handling are included)[/b7af1274308] at the end of your trial period unless you cancel prior to the end of your free trial. YOU MUST CANCEL PRIOR TO THE END OF YOUR FREE TRIAL OFFER TO AVOID CHARGES TO YOUR PAYMENT METHOD. We will continue to bill your Payment Method on a trimester basis for the three (3) Bottles of Appera™ teeth whitening system program until you cancel. The three (3) Bottles of Appera™ teeth whitening system program is a trimester-to-trimester subscription that allows subscribers to receive three (3) Bottles of Appera™ teeth whitening system. Such a subscription is cancelable at anytime. In the event the recurring charge fails on the 14th day from the date customer placed the order/registered, ApperaWhitening will rebill the tri-monthly recurring charge fourteen (14) additional days from the first re-bill (the 28th day). If the recurring charge fails again, for the second time, ApperaWhitening will cancel any and all future orders and shipments of the customer. For example, if a customer places the initial order/register on the 1st, the customer will automatically be rebilled on the 15th. If the recurring charge fails, then ApperaWhitening will attempt to rebill on the 29th. If the second rebill fails, ApperaWhitening will cancel and close the customer's membership.
As noted above, you may cancel your subscription to at anytime. To cancel, click the "How may we assist you?" link and then click the "Membership issues" link; enter the required information as indicated on the page. Please be aware that you must provide the unique alpha-numeric approval code which appears on your invoice, without this approval code will not be able to process your cancellation. We do not provide refunds or credits for any partial trimester subscription periods. [b7af1274308]You must cancel your membership before 100 PM PST on the day before your automatic renewal.[/b7af1274308] For example if a membership is due to renew on the 15th and the member does not cancel on the 14th before 100 PM PST or cancels on/or after the 14th at 100 PM PST, the cancellation will take effect in the next renewal period. Cancellations are not retroactive and should be made in the appropriate periods. does not allow refunds of membership, supplies, nor does it refund shipping and handling on any product or merchandise. Cancellations will not be processed on a non-business day (i.e. weekends and holidays). Therefore, if the customer's membership is due for renewal on a non-business day, customer must cancel within business hours (900AM-400 PM PST ) on a working business day prior to the non-business day. Emails sent on non-business days will be processed on the next working business day, and will not apply as a cancellation for the day the email was sent. For example, if customer cancels the membership on a Friday at 600 PM PST, the cancellation request will take effect in the next renewal period.[/quote7af1274308]
What is so secretive here? Is it their fault that you didn't read the terms? Is is there fault that you waited to cancel?
There is no scam here. Once you get the shipment, just cancel it before the 14th day. very simple, folks.
Yet another person who says the company is a scam because they didn't bother to read the terms.
21-03-2005 08:35:22
Stay away from Appera period.
21-03-2005 08:44:16
Stay away from Appera period.[/quote2eee15bb8d]
I can't agree with u. I did appera and it was a great fast offer, posted within 5 minutes, a breeze to cancel, and had great customer service so far.
23-03-2005 13:44:18
I did appera last night and so far no green. Grr. Nice that the trial period(14d) is over before I can write to gratis for the credit(15d)...
23-03-2005 13:51:45
I did Appera and got an instant green. You just have to read the terms before you sign up for offers like these.
23-03-2005 13:59:56
I've been waiting 8 days for it to go green.
24-03-2005 17:35:15
i got instant credit.... Also, do you have to cancel it once the whitener comes or can you cancel it before?
24-03-2005 17:40:38
For those that got instant credit, did you sign up on a Gratis site or OC, because I signed up through FreeGamingSystems last Thursday and I'm still waiting and they never sent me a confirmation email. But I did get charged and have already recieved the product.
24-03-2005 17:50:48
24-03-2005 18:03:55
I did the offer on and I'm still waiting.
24-03-2005 18:53:26
Wow, found a $89.95 charge on my CC today. I had been keeping an intracite excel file detailing when I needed to cancel each offer by. Forgot this one. That was on expensive mistake. ( (
24-03-2005 19:06:44
[quote9324a623a4="Avsrock90"]Wow, found a $89.95 charge on my CC today. I had been keeping an intracite excel file detailing when I needed to cancel each offer by. Forgot this one. That was on expensive mistake. ( ([/quote9324a623a4]
I'm sure that's how they make lots of their money. Sorry about that.
24-03-2005 19:15:26
Yup. I assured myself I would never be one of those statistics, yet now I am. O
24-03-2005 19:15:42
24-03-2005 19:16:23
you should get a calendar reminder program (or use Outlook) to remind urself of the offer expirations.