19-03-2005 18:07:10
Maybe this is out there already, but I would love a website that lists all the free sites and the offers they currently have available. I hate that you have to signup for a site to see there offer list.
19-03-2005 18:12:23
heh, there's one ratetheoffers.com
19-03-2005 18:38:06
http//www.freeoffersnow.net/offers.html - Still under construction, but a valuable resource nonetheless
19-03-2005 18:50:56
[quotee3692b252f="FreeOffersNow"]http//www.freeoffersnow.net/offers.html - Still under construction, but a valuable resource nonetheless[/quotee3692b252f]
Definitely a good resource... Anybody know who made it by chance??? wink
19-03-2005 19:23:17
[quote81f6158e9b="heatsp2"][quote81f6158e9b="FreeOffersNow"]http//www.freeoffersnow.net/offers.html - Still under construction, but a valuable resource nonetheless[/quote81f6158e9b]
Definitely a good resource... Anybody know who made it by chance??? wink[/quote81f6158e9b]
Hm.. Can't think of the name at the moment, started with an F I believe lol Good site I must say.
19-03-2005 19:31:55
freebieauthority.com does, but make sure not to signup for any of there stupid konga lines.
19-03-2005 20:15:30
I'm going to have one and it will surpass all these by functionality P just wait.
19-03-2005 20:52:10
[quote82778839f3="heatsp2"][quote82778839f3="FreeOffersNow"]http//www.freeoffersnow.net/offers.html - Still under construction, but a valuable resource nonetheless[/quote82778839f3]
Definitely a good resource... Anybody know who made it by chance??? wink[/quote82778839f3]
i hear the owner is a dirty hispanic midget that steals money from unsuspecting peoples' mattresses.
19-03-2005 21:22:33
both those sites are great. i use ratetheoffers all the time.
20-03-2005 06:10:37
I was looking for something that listed the current available offers for each site. For instance, I want to sign up for phreepsps as part of a trade, but I want to know what offers are available before I signup.
20-03-2005 11:35:38
I'll have that, hang on tight.
20-03-2005 14:05:04
The only thing that sucks about that is that it has the potential to be a management nightmare. Sometimes, the offer lists change based upon what the person above you signs up for... as well as the offers that are available based upon timeframe. You could list all of the offers seen at any point in time, but is that list still valuable? What happens if "the one" offer you joined to complete is not there when you signup? I've been in that situation a couple of times already.
I considered when trying to put together info for
my website[=http//www.myfreebiesnow.com/]my website, but I decided to hold off since I couldn't come up with a good automated solution. It's hard-enough trying to keep the
prizes aligned with the programs[=http//www.myfreebiesnow.com/getstarted.aspx]prizes aligned with the programs. I think the dynamic offers will be that much harder. If anyone has any ideas, let me know. I'll see what I can do.
My 2 cents on FreeOffersNow.net... Definitely an awesome resource! And FreeOffersNow/Admin has been too kind to n00bs like me trying to get into the game this late.
20-03-2005 19:44:09
[quote89aee8c4ba="no0ne2k"]My 2 cents on FreeOffersNow.net... Definitely an awesome resource! And FreeOffersNow/Admin has been too kind to n00bs like me trying to get into the game this late.
Thanks for the kind words!