Pending Charges

Live forum:


17-03-2005 16:49:16

I have 3 "Pending Transactions" listed on my WebCert (each $1.00). Are those the ones that are temporary that will be removed in a few days? Usually how long would it take to get rid of the "pending charge"?


17-03-2005 16:49:50

10 days I think?


17-03-2005 17:01:23

why would they be removed? i thought the $1/month was the price


17-03-2005 17:06:14

[quote6d07c6a650="Archon810"]why would they be removed? i thought the $1/month was the price[/quote6d07c6a650]

That's for travelers, shit like that. Pending charges are charges put on a credit card to make sure it is valid and what not and then are removed. Charges are usually no more than $1.00 and are taken off after like 10 days or so and you get that money back.


17-03-2005 17:06:30

One of them is a free trial with 2 $1.00 "pending transactions" and the other, Netmarket, charged $1.00 for a month and another $1.00 "pending."


17-03-2005 17:21:14

ah ic