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16-03-2005 23:13:12

These are both supposedly instant credit, but I signed up like 4 days ago and got confirmation emails.. Is this instant credit for the rest of you, or did I get wrong info? Should I wait it out. I don't want to wait to long because after they green i got 2 trades coming my way. Thoughts?


16-03-2005 23:14:27

only traveler's advantage i thought...?


17-03-2005 07:24:10

Netmarket was instant credit for my finacee's sister.


17-03-2005 08:18:41

netmarket took me 8 days on, dont worry

thomas moore

17-03-2005 10:02:10

im pretty sure trav advantage is the only instant? wink


17-03-2005 13:20:32

one got credit today. both sent a welcoming letter stating stuff was in the mail. I am sure the other will go green tomorrow.


17-03-2005 15:50:49

netmarket has been taking a while for me too


17-03-2005 16:09:14

yah thats been happening a lot


17-03-2005 19:45:05

Ya, guess what. I just got an email from netmarket saying, if your a wisconsin resident than I am not legible. SO after 4-5 days they tell me, oh ya we canceled your account. Thx for waiting this long to tell me! my god. so i signed up threw travelers and that greeend instantly, weird.


17-03-2005 19:49:47

I signed up with great fun last weekend and got the initial welcome email but just today i got my membership details etc, so maybe credit will be coming soon i hope.


17-03-2005 21:02:49

I got credited for net market tonight, only took like 4 days