Best Site For A Ps2?

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16-03-2005 20:09:22

My friend is thinking about getting into this after how obsessed he sees I am. All he wants is a ps2. What's the best place to get one. I know freegamingsystem, but most people have done it and I know console.prizecube, but they haven't credited me for an offer I did 2 weeks ago, so I don't really trust them. I think I'll recommned gamingsystems though.

Any other suggestions?


16-03-2005 20:21:39 all the way buddy...


16-03-2005 20:22:21

I would say freegamingsystems, just beecause you can be sure its legit and if its his first site thats prolly a good thing. Also, prizecube is slow as hell


16-03-2005 21:54:20

yeah if you have several several months to wait do prizecube in other words do freegamingsystems