15-03-2005 22:00:48
[quote84b3436db7]VoltageNet Users,
A few advertisers have expressed concern that a number of users of the VoltageNet free gift websites have violated our terms and conditions by the use of fraud. The most common types of fraud that our advertisers have informed us about are
1) Signing up for a free trial with little or no intention of using the trial, and canceling shortly after receiving credit
2) Signing up for offers more than once
3) Using false information when completing offers
4) Using pre-paid credit cards to complete offers
Our advertisers have terminated our agreement and accounts with them. They have specifically complained about fraud with the eFax, New York Times, EarthLink, and eBay offers, and thus, we have been forced to remove credits for users who completed these offers. Since eFax and New York Times were our most popular offers, the VoltageNet free gift websites will no longer be able to function, and therefore are shutting down.
Even though our terms and conditions state that we may cancel an order for any reason, we have come up with a compromise for our users who had placed orders. If you've placed an order for your free gift and still qualify after revoked offer credits, you will receive your gift as originally planned. If you had placed an order, but no longer qualify because of revoked offer credits, you will instead receive $15 per valid referral, and if you completed an offer other than one of the offers listed above, you will receive an additional $15. All money will be sent by check or PayPal, no exceptions. All users with orders will be contacted by e-mail within the next two weeks with more information.
If you were one valid referral away from completing your requirements on either the or websites after revoked offer credits, your account will be verified, and if no fraud is found, you will receive $10 per valid referral, and if you completed an offer other than one of the offers listed above, you will receive an additional $10.
We are sorry that we have to shut down, and we wish luck to everyone in the future. Congratulations to those who received gifts from us in the past.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, we will be happy to address them if you e-mail us at
15-03-2005 22:02:42
That sucks.
Could be the beginning of a bad thing... I mean, at some point all the legitimate users will have created accounts, and all that will be left are people who have no intention of ever spending any money on any of the offers after the trial period. This free thing has to end sometime. (
15-03-2005 22:04:25
Wow! This is just the start.
15-03-2005 22:07:24
NO, I DON'T WANT IT TO END, I NEED MY IPOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND ALL THAT CRAP!!!
15-03-2005 22:08:57
wow. i need to hurry and finish these sites...
15-03-2005 22:11:05
!@#$%^&li() THIS!!!! li)&#)li#&$ THIS!!!!!!! IM PISSED!!!!
what the hell is voltage net?
15-03-2005 22:11:55
What do you think would happen if you tried to turn this site into a free-ebay and sell stuff?
15-03-2005 22:37:08
Double post for the 15th time today...
16-03-2005 05:13:17
Ouch, right in the mean bean machine. At least they're trying to make compensate for it.
16-03-2005 07:10:00
[quote76ee7deefd="FreeOffersNow"]Double post for the 15th time today...[/quote76ee7deefd]
16-03-2005 08:37:34
I wouldn't worry too much 'bout the biggies like Gratis & OC, their user base is so freaking huge and they're so focused I dont' think they'll have any problems for awhile.
16-03-2005 14:16:36
I think that sucks for the people that were trying to finish the sites. I've never done one so I don't know the ref requirements, but from what I read, you can only get a little bit of compansation if you've finished or were within 1 credit of finishing?
That sucks for people that were maybe 2 away or something, I don't think it's fair at all.
16-03-2005 15:06:55
God on every single post TheSiege has like 3 messages.
Someone has no life (referring to TheSiege).
If you don't really have a life i'm sorry lol wink
16-03-2005 15:10:09
He cant read this he has been bant for real
16-03-2005 15:36:59
Bummer about them, but what can you do about the fraud unless you have shitloads of capital like OC and Gratis do.
I applaud them for paying out the legit users, though. That's very professional of them.
16-03-2005 15:40:16
[quote93d7c6fd6e="chillywilly"]Bummer about them, but what can you do about the fraud unless you have shitloads of capital like OC and Gratis do.
I applaud them for paying out the legit users, though. That's very professional of them.[/quote93d7c6fd6e]
I agree it was nice of them to do that because they didnt have to since their shutting down D